LCD Soundsystem - Best Kept Secret 2018
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Channel: Roll It! Take It!
Views: 129,305
Rating: 4.9359999 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 53sec (6953 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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I was just looking for LCD videos on youtube and saw this was never posted here (unless the reddit search is wrong), and it's a great show in great quality. If you're bored like me, enjoy!
They played here on my moms birthday, so I could not go... So I went to Lisbon for their last two shows of the tour. Best choice I have ever made, God I love this band so much.
It was previously posted by u/jammybastard, the director of the video. He's done a lot of excellent video work for LCD (amongst others).
Nice find.. Cheers
Call The Police was kinda ruined by that delay tail thrown on Murphy’s voice. Loved everything else!
This is probably the best post-reunion show I've seen... literally relentless for almost two hours!
I was there :) really enjoyed the festival, would love to go again
Ooh! What a nice surprise to hear How Do You Sleep? in there. Didn't know there was a good recording of the few live performances.