Interpol @ TRNSMT (BBC 2018)
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Channel: undefined
Views: 545,667
Rating: 4.9380078 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 24sec (3204 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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Yes! Thanks!
Finally! Thank you so much
Some thoughts:
First half of the show was a bit shaky, but things really pick up during Length of Love. Even Paul’s vocals start to sound so much better during that song.
Their guitars are sounding fucking massive, I love it. Did they change some gear?
Also, Success sounds amazing compared to the anemic way they played it in the S/T tour.
Great set in the sun, I don't know how he managed to pull off them glasses
I notice they edited out The Heinrich Maneuver! Still, an absolutely amazing show; you can sense they're totally re-energised after some time away!
Also, there's an interview with Daniel just before they played on this episode, about 15 minutes from the end: