IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! Winning in Solos! (Fortnite Battle Royale)

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if your daily YouTube livestreams and more and today is my freakin birthday for my birthday I just want you to wash your freakin hands all right okay we're gonna replace it for night today doing some souls trying to get some dubs really if you want to do you wanna do anything for my birthday go to the item shop go to support a creator and type in my code write your typical gamer just like that hit accept and you will now be supporting me but you can also it's a like button subscribe if you are new cuz we are at 9 million subs now on the road to 10 million subs might happen this year we don't know and then second channel link the description below you can see that we're rockin T and Tina level 225 she's getting a little bit cold she's getting a little bit gold she's like half gold she's got the half gold two-faced look you know pretty good pretty good so we're gonna be rockin her than it rockin some solos and see if we can get some dubs I'm excited and I hope you guys are too I see all the birthday messages pouring in thank you guys thank you thank you thank you I've never seen chat scroll this fast thank you it really means a lot to me I mean you know I gotta be inside from my birthday nothing really changed but I can't go out and like birthday party or anything but I'm happy that I could spend it with all you this is this is more than any party could ever be so thank you from the bottom of heart for joining me here and I hope that we all have a frickin great day and I hope that I only get dubs isomeric got me an awesome gift I wish I could show you make sure you guys I can't really show you guys it's a it's a headphone stand we died like nice like pure wood and like it's got a wireless charger base bro it is so frickin cool I think somebody's gonna put the nerve blog eventually but it is so cool it is so so cool and I think I'm gonna decorate the office kind of like that it's got good vibes it's got good vibes to it oh my gosh so many people say happy birthday thank you guys thank you thank you thank you this is crazy I did not expect everybody everybody to be in here ah just just type in happy birthday it means so much to me thank you guys this is like this is like having a birthday party with thousands of people it's crazy and we're all inside alright let's go Holly this is my first game on today well I did play some team rumble earlier to level up a bit but it's my first uh some what's edited game my first solo game let's do that first solo game of the day so we'll see how this goes I got my car out yeah got my DeLorean [Music] I thought I'd take this car out bro nobody uses it I felt bad for it you don't land you're quick of course I get a pistol where's my birthday chasse bro that should be a birthday chest I don't think anyone landed here so I think we're gonna be easy looting should be at least should be easy loops which means that we can get lots of chess lots of ammo crates you know got folks oh lovely up with my birthday man gotta focus on levelling up on my birthday I actually want to have like a birthday party in like GTA 5 would you guys watch that and then everybody like I can invite everybody from the crew or everybody watching to come play that'd be sweet I'd really enjoy that I really would I really enjoy some shield to that because any shield would be really really here I would really appreciate her you know still nothing this fantastic fantastically fantastical especially here I gotta memorize where oh there we go finally me let me swap that real book let's come on through here everybody's saying yeah the GT a party okay fair enough fair enough fair enough I usually do like a Q&A on my birthday okay I did last year I think don't do it last year I did it like two years ago Q&A I don't know what I did last year for my birthday I don't think we did anything now I'm totally cool with that I was just talking to my brother I'm like the quarantine or the sorry the lockdown really hasn't affected me much real as sad as that based out of some of you I like it it's peaceful in like my place I hate that everything else that's going on but you know I think it's necessary so nobody else gets sick I want everyone to be healthy man everybody would be healthy how nice would that be all right we gotta get can I get a purple CAC sorry a purple pump please let's give me my goal I might have to upgrade for it they really don't want me getting a a big pot though I feel it they want me to get pistols dog gotten like 80 pistols over it's nice you guys I'm reading I'm trying to read all your comments it is so freaking hard but I appreciate all of you so much for real thank you you remember my brother Billy I remember too that's crazy how many pistols it's like it's like the day of pistols is upon us how many pistols can teach you get that's the real question let's uh what I'm gonna do is go through or get these chests these two chests and then I'm gonna go before upgrade I'm gonna go to like that that placed over there not a single big pot that's insane that's insane bro what the heck what are the odds custom for night lobby that would be pretty good too I'm not gonna lie oh and I got party hips finally I'm so excited aye aye that's the only emote that I wanted that I didn't have you know there's a super stoked that I finally got it is in the item shop I think is in the item shop now go buy party apps with my code go it's a must-have what's up what's up y'all what's up y'all I got ain't bob bro call me Jarvis how was target locked I don't frickin know I finally found a big bot let's go let's get some big pot - chat please while someone's trying to end my life okay hey just relax [Music] how are you sure you do I absolutely railed him with that shotgun blast holy smokes what's that noise it's got this pop a few minis alright the honest is a big fight then lastly long have big pot didn't last too long for you before night you can give me another big pot if you like the big pot was like two seconds or lessons we go up there and check I really want a purple pump I mean the blue pump does slap I think you just gotta like shift your mentality to accept that the blue pump can indeed slap opponents but of course the purple pump is better there's another big pot let's go I knew that wasn't last time I'd see you big boy I knew it was the last time I might see you big boy I maybe we could fish a little bit I'm thinking we grab like I don't know I want a fish but then again I don't really need to and then someone's gonna shoot me in the back while I do it we're just gotta be aware stay alert stay safe I feel like in solos and duo's and stuff you see a double the XP that you do in my team Rumble why don't just pull that come on now three floppers or a heavy sniper you know what actually gonna take the flowers that was kind of a rhetorical question but I changed my mind where y'all at I don't think anyone landed over here I mean I think one person probably did someone trying to do challenges I'm excited for the challenges this week so T and Tina's she gets full gold at level 260 I believe so we still got quite a bit to go we got 35 levels full of love before we get to gold sky gold skies volumes in my favor one level up I mean besides pili cuz Pele is just funny everyone's gotta love pili right but you can't not love pili why is the upgrade machine Ashok honestly on my map oh shoot check out for it why do you dish the helicopter leave oh that's very rude don't do it like this big boy okay big boy come on before you won't fight 1v1 and we go fight 1v1 let's go baby let's go it's my birthday the day of my birth hit it once boy oh here's a grappler that's nice get seven help I hit him so hard when he jumped in my box bro are you kidding me kid seven oh he should not be alive right now oh come on dude he had to exploit to get into my box two sad times I freaking hit him so hard - oh man alright well that was a warm-up that was just a warm-up that's it if I got to hit the second pump on him it would have been game over there if I got the Air Arm once if I got to melee him as he came into the box bro he would have been done ski you guys hear that look I put the birthday music on BJ beats BJ beats okay I'm gonna put back this one this one's way too hype to not put on now there was no doubt as the more talented gamer there without a doubt not a doubt in my mind this I think ray bomber here I don't know if it's which I don't think it did GG's only man this spy games update I'll check that after this shadow ttv Rickman and savage a warrior both who became members welcome Lee enjoy those Asian that and to enjoy those emotes you go under as well the link in description below I said Asians cuz the guy donated Tate Asian with the 5 and the 5 I love your vids and keep up the good work happy birthday Congrats on 9 mil Thank You Man II said I love you and watch your bids all the time thank you for both of those Tate agent appreciate that and thank you for the 10 and then we have Cody Westfall happy birth you my favourite stream you make me smile every time I watch you thank you well thank you Cody that makes me smile reading that big shout-out to you I'll be two Jet's in between the next game as well let's go ahead and get just started not the back of T and Tina it's pretty gold right now I cannot lie it is pretty gold bro I'm hitting them with a controller playa aim the glider is pretty cool wait what glad are you talking about you talking about we're talking about the bombs away what are you talking about the car that's a real question I nailed that landing hole this much oh dear I have five minutes the first time here that's fantastic okay Elena's gonna come in here but it's in case y'all watch out you know you hadn't gonna make sure you did somebody is coming [Music] how do they even get here bro then you make newest diapers by the way that's pretty funny though like oh my gosh these are so funny right there I threw down those things like I didn't expect anyone to come through and then two people come besides in here I mean what the heck okay this game mixes up my inventory sometimes let's go leave these out for spectators what's going on with that it's T and Tina ooh team Tina what Dex I stole that chest that's messed up why did you do that dude imagine I have like 99 spectators in this game she's like raped we're gonna go land on some these fluoride without look out there let's go all right so there's probably people quite not a camp caught but definitely be lovely oh there's a guy underneath me I swear I just saw someone jumping around a family-owned crazy huh did you guys see that I might be going nuts awesome dudes Lily shooting in the military [Music] oh that hurt that really did hurt I was like a 50/50 right there whoa you really have that many mass those needs crack them though you're wandering into something somebody's like if they're in a house like this and just wandering and it's such a bad idea ninety-nine percent of the time I was feeling braids though we had four specters you know where I thought I saw something completing like a build completing over there see a few more maths I'll go back in the helicopter oh my gosh well of course what the heck he once threw it a little off what is he doing who tagged someone for that much and then goes into the most passive mode wonder why you didn't chase me I think that guys like almost definitely a stream cipher but TG skin in the works I don't know I thought I know let's get a few more mats I would have fought that guy bad mats but I didn't tell T and Tina's one of your favorite skins I I actually think it's a pretty underrated skin mostly right everyone forgot about the helicopters like a week after they release week nobody nobody rushes them at spawn anymore and it makes me sad they are really fun I will say that be nice to have a man these are some that be a nice bonus I might fish here and grab all these fishing spots I don't have met so any meds well how do you get your skin gold you have to be level 220 to start getting T and Tina gold so you have to rank the heck up essentially I don't know if anyone landed here but I do have to be careful someone definitely line here I mean there's stuff missing I'm looking for swordfish mostly but there we go two more fishing stocks let me have these two fishing spots and then we're gonna move we'll take the helicopter actually banging I like to slur fish I'm set on heels at least one engagement you know all right I got one I gotta go over there to get it I see builds over here too oh I see someone down there in the helicopter they hear a graph they're going off Oh he sees me too my guys crash later I cracked them so frickin hard along said it how do you find to long-press that's the real question dude what I like I literally can't he has how many launchpads dude are you kidding me bro watch the heck was that these are so weird I don't mess he kept trying to go for the controller aim when I hit launch pads that's actually like a leave your on controller definitely do that strat someone follows you on a launch pad just like the beam boom PACA I do that on PC and it's less effective thank you everybody for the happy birthday message in chat but I know I noticed it a couple times it's insane thank you guys I know I left the boom but I didn't want it boom bow sucks alright no change in my mind boom bow sucks the boom bow sucks it really sucks it's not good at all seven people up is where it starts to turn into a scrim in my MMR matchmaking your ranking yeah I turned 28 to that twenty freaking a dog y'all would not guessed I was 28 though I bet I look like a young spring chicken yeah I don't know there might be a new item shop item - I'm excited man they should put something dope out for my birthday imagine they just put a skin of the knee that'd be nuts it just like looks like me it does it's not even for me it just looks like me the tropical gamer skin where is everybody I don't see anybody that full health and shield which is nice I haven't been able to get a purple pump though we can go for that drop it might not be worth it though okay I should have enough resources now I think I whipped so quick around to build that wall can we just respect that there's a lot of things going on right now oh boy the guy up on that hill is the biggest issue I think I'm so happy that didn't hit me that should've hit me what it's my birthday so I didn't why did you try to launch of me he feels so dumb now I bet the Emperor pump what he did yeah he definitely doesn't feel he has a high IQ right now I'm telling you oh yeah why doesn't anything build bro what's that she built a nice little castle for me you really did all right how are we doing this chief okay we have verified that he's in there he's been cracked he's I repeat chat and he's not in good shape right now he's not living life large at the moment sham with a creative special dude I hit him so hard I tried it in with 360 too what the heck dark how why did you do that [Music] I don't know my birthday let's hit it with the party ups subscribe waiting in solos there we go shout out to sapphire back slim and set day to keep members well complete Jordans emotes if you enjoyed as well link in the description below cool ninja with the two love your vids for watching forever my first donations but one say happy birthday happy you got do all that first tree [ __ ] in love thank you my favorite room Thank You Tate Asian appreciate that bro that's weird it might be your country that you're in I'm not sure they're in the u.s. totally be like but like there's like some hundred countries that can't come nerves for summarizing hook jab you missed the fifty birthday to you and no the amount is anonymous take miss caps coat you did not have to do that if you know that already but I appreciate you your son and I just appreciate you guys so much so thank you so much and that's very very generous of you let's get some hearts and chat for all these generous trans people that's you miss Gaskill we have crazy rich agent one man happy birthday Andre besides top 20 teams each week 120 other any west teams based off home with 50 points 12 5 4 F NCS stage to the in range of divine if you keep doing what you're doing best of luck thank you crazy rich asian yeah that's where we're hoping to qualify the normal way but if we don't in the next four weeks then we'll will definitely try to clarify through overall point so shad do you we have drug Malhotra with the ten hey Andre it's almost 4:00 a.m. here in India but I just want to wish you happy birthday hope you have an awesome day and I know you're gonna have an awesome year ahead of you hashtag Road 10mil hashtag teach you leave for life and I'm very excited for my two-month badge drew big shots you man thank you're a real one staying up as a big shad to you and everybody from India appreciate that Gaddy guys and thank you them that means the world thank you so much I mean let me get into some of these super chats here so I've been reading the stream labs ones I usually read those ones first if you want to donate through that link will be in the description below you totally do not have to but if you want to there is the OP damn there we have so many messages here a lot of them say happy birthday I'm gonna read the name and just I'm gonna let you guys know but thank you thank you thank you okay so that counts uh cougar min-soo gaming face god ninja LG n v aj anderson manual ma so a free junior with the five blade gecko Mohammed us how Anna we have the equalizer he said I wish you nothing but happiness luck for many years to come thank you equalizer that means the world to me man PJ the goat's head I love your videos light them up said to hope your birthday is great yo baby with the toussis happy birthday Rob Bob with the to happy birthday for everybody saying happy birthday thank you guys so much all those people who just donated their said happy birthday so thank you guys I'm gonna read the rest of the bed there's so many of you donate you really don't have to tell you all I want you guys to do is wash your damn hands all right that's all you got to do make me happy it's all you got to do so everything else is extra extra extra oh I'm gonna get this chest you know what you'd be immune to this chance bro oh shoot where is Luke oh no bro man gene runs in Viera [Music] this is a bit risky business what I'm doing here so oh shoot ward bro what the what the wait what that was he doing a little he's a sunflower I know you love would be too much all right let's keep it going males keep going do you have it checked out yeah it's the same as my youtube typical gamer I haven't used it in a little bit though that's all I definitely got to make some tic TOCs again the world needs my tic TOCs maybe we can go up here probably safer there's so many animal crates here you guys don't even know I don't think anyone landed in the back out here which is interesting because this is one of the better HAP's aligned that I mean you got so many mats back here like with the wood especially for solos like this this is a God spot we're gonna rotate out of here soon the sometimes there's up to three ammo crazy and just broken him okay Adam I just I got the exact same just a second ago didn't I it's kind of nuts let's get all these real quick look at all these secret casts bro see I can't get that chest without breaking that ooh now I can't that one breaks and then I can get this one the Chester with more than ammo crate stuff well we got dip-dip huh we got a go go - go go Miku dude dude dude dude dude you're breathtaking TG hey what oh what oh what oh what oh what oh I I don't think it'll do that building nobody loose happily it's like a trash building dilute okay so I'm gonna lose this building nobody probably lived in that building one of the chests is not hard to find but I knew it they did loot if they only lose the other chest they need only the other chest there's a big pot over there over here easy they think of this chest either I have to go to zone people the people that looted here suck I really wish I had time to upgrade my stuff but I'd have to take the boat out happy birthday to a legend though you think so highly of alright zone is poppin in a second still got a green pump but like I can deal with the green poem I should be able to get its own pretty fast this is literally the best fruit that I found to get there this is where we rotate for scripts and stuff now [Music] I've learned I've adapted that's gonna hit me Oh course it hit me oh shoot I have to give it a second check rip right through let's go a lava no my birthday is a it's a birthday mama I'm gonna call him George George the birthday llama I love you George you're the best birthday alum I ever did see I'm telling you love you George there's a good George [Music] let's call that could have sucked dude I can't I kind of put the work on I'm not gonna lie don't wanna flex or anything but handing out working on I see you buddy go through a little snidey Snipes from across the frickin Matthew brave warrior when they you gonna meet me face to face ankle be so pretty corny little house time on your little house your little life [Music] wait how did you make it out oh my guy is trippin what are you about oh there we go we got what we needed we got we got the most weird setup of all time but we got what we need there's a ragtag setup if I've ever seen one it's like the most rare items put together okay that's to be paint right that doesn't spawn there usually there's not just a big pot in the middle of the tree here is they won't by golly I'm gonna eat it cuz it's my birthday all right let's go let's go watch out watch out watch out zone is pretty far but it's not incredibly far we gonna be alright shoot the butterfly I mean those butterflies are a sign of riffs to come look at that right there it's gonna be a rift it's why the grass looks all weird conspiracy theory alright somebody pop out special agent T G's on duty right now right now right now right now right now right now I don't see nobody I see somebody you kidding me bro are you kidding me how did I mess it up with a herd okay this is dumb a third party really I swear to you I saw his for a second young mula baby it's my trouble-free philosophy hakuna matata dududududu guru it's that miku free philosophy let's go back into the zone we missed you zone missing you and missing dududududu i miss the zone doo doo doo doo doo let's pop a med kit that's a medical kit that's a health kit your birthday - happy birthday everybody's birthday that's today we have the best birthday ever bro don't tell everybody else our birthday is the best grace of all times go to five good five ICU right but if this is actually isn't a person I'm gonna be quite upset e spaghetti not gonna lie I got my mini gonna I got I'm collecting all mythic items right now as a parent what's going on actually don't know if I was awesome and I think I did I'm pretty sure Oh dah fiend I did see somebody chat not a nice person either is everybody's birthday look at that I mean like in a roomful of 365 people it's bound to be I think it's higher than like one two three sixty five hours just because of the way it is like the chance of everybody having unique birthday in a room of 365 people is not common so I forgot what the status but dodge is somebody else having your birthday is like pretty high honestly oh yeah who's coming in on that's so Bologna that's so bogus how does that hit me it's a side of my rant bro really that's interrupted me everybody has a happy sniper right now bro it's a symphony of heavy sighs it's my battles than money yes in my battle symphony yeah that's my bed it's my battle symbaloo yeah [Music] shouldn't me stop it you need Jesus oh oh it's last guy it's my battle Mika George [Applause] it with a great fall and what a body let's go chance to dubs alright let's go just kidding but maybe though feet go crazy Zico Fugazi hit him with a baby hit him with a baby hit him with a baby hit him with her what why would you do that baby what baby drum gun two doubles in a row man let's go let's go like you already know dubs in a row TG with the flower its birthday so you already know dump song crazy dumps Fugazi alright shoutout to Kiwi alchemy style with that said happy birthday first donation ever been watched since 2015 all not goodness Kiwi Thank You Kiwi Thank You Kiwi watch this 2015 you've seen a lot dude you've been watched for over five years how do you feel about that I'm feeling pretty good how do you feel Thank You Kiwi bond with one happy birthday wish you the best things for amazing being amazing person amazing you too bro thank you bond for being you brother thank you mr. co-op thank you for the one shout out to you Miss capsicum with the 25 she drops 75 bucks today EJ would like you to know first happy birthday and to naming a dodo bird on arc after you miss capsule I'm so sorry I got him an arc it's it's it's just it's gonna be all I'm hoping he's playing not on the normal servers because the rates on there it's gonna take forever to tame something like 20 hours but you know what I'm sure he's loving it and I'm sure you got you got more of a breakdown soon so big Chad do you think this is 25 and shout out to you boy ej j move with the 5 happy birthday TG thank you for entertaining the world through youtube keep up the great work and i hope you have an awesome day i will J mu thank you for the very kind words and I will do my freakin best as you already know love Olivia African thank you for becoming a member shout out to you d7 keep on golden Mouse's I'm gonna keep on gold T and Tina but gold me ounces is pretty cool I will admit we got him full gold so he is looking pretty fresh as you could see a poem out for you huh I'll do that for you gold meows is looking pretty flexi and he looks pretty good old gold huh you ain't got no facial expressions anymore but the rest the recipe kind of lit will lead with the 28 bucks oh my god I just realized why he dropped 20 bucks hey Andre a big thank you to your parents and family for bringing you up right you're a good guy I hope the future gives you everything you want including being surrounded by all your corgis stay happy and awesome team tici tici elite Canadian Lee bro can we get some hearts in chat for all these amazing domes but also for Walid here who just he is the best person ever I mean I said about a couple of people but he really is and he knows that my to live in a perfect world just be me being carried by like a million Kourtney's fluffiness well he knows that thank you for the 20 year Walid day for reminding me how old I am Chad do your brother and then we have awesome Katy with the 20 happy birthday Andre I love watching your streams enjoy the rest of your day and catch them dubs Urena austin two are in a row already I just need that one warm up game that's all I need Thank You Austin I will enjoy the rest of this we'll probably on that note Austin this will probably be the only stream for today I think I'm just gonna chill relax I mean I have a great time stay on my stream again I don't know but maybe I'll just do the one stream today and they'll be back to two streams tomorrow but thank you appreciate that guys it's so hard to keep up with all the donations so if I'm a little bit behind and I haven't read yours yet I'm sorry I'll read it soon okay promise promise my god play the game - Creed pass cactuses do you have a discord I don't have an official discord yes it is in the works and it's gonna be an absolute banger when it comes out trust me my slow mode on a slow mode wasn't on there'd be a billion people chatting at once and it's only like five seconds so I wish that winds gave you more XP Oh get getting more xp for a wind like a solar wind should gave you the most XP doin a little bit less and then what is that there boy that's a pump oh-oh-oh I don't have Matt's row don't don't I get mats from the chest what that's so disappointing oh my gosh did I not pick a match for that Jeff I did too I spend them all didn't I I think I spend them all shut brother this proximity mines were going off on that would have been fun cuz I wasn't gonna pop off game will do it will do will do more hot drops Queen a vegan pace you becoming a member will complete enjoy the water as well link in the description below Michael Jennings chef happy birthday Nova Thank You Man and his is tomorrow will happy early birthday Michael March babies all day every day for this month a kid Brooks thanks for the - George Tucker with the ten happy birthday tgd I haven't been able to place since I broke my thumb but you give me four night fix keep grinding big dog will do George and that's draw that would be me break my finger would be bad actually you know what for a mouse is less bad because I usually don't do it actually I hit these two buttons over here with this so I'd have to switch those savage warrior thank you happy happy birthday old to you I am 28 years young now savage shout out to you MS MWC thank you for the 10 he says happy birthday prayed in Higgins with a 5 happy birthday Andrei been watching forever love you keep the amazing work multiframe thing for that man Eric Lopez er with the 20 happy birthday did you thank you Eric very kind of you Donny wall mal mood thank you for the to brother Easton Dylan shout out to you as well to to you on this day I give you my finest dog give me your finest $2 they said the east milk or milk a happy birthday thank you mel k out cash had a few night typical fanti for the ten half of prison throwing my birthday is on thirty it's its small world right it really is chad do man you're gonna have the best birthday act himself youtube boss of the two chatted to you sorry about yesterday i forgot about george he toner yesterday's like say hi to people and summer for me I'm like what about George says sorry I forgot about George fuzzy plays thing for that Mel cash attitude with the swanee and I'll read the rest in just a bit I'll try to David nice thank you for becoming a member as well enjoy those emotes Roger on this one link in description below guys can every day be my birthday I like when it's my birthday it's fun 28 is young guys is 28 young or old let me know Jay the sneaky strap al [Music] eventually it will pay off in diffidence greater than you will ever do everybody's saying young all right sweet I'm still young chat I'm still young don't worry not old yet helicopters taking off young until you pass fifty okay fair enough whoa that didn't break my fake accident even swing oh I got the quick flick of the wrist you look like a stinky person hi Billy I really hit him with that flick bro that's kind of dirty dirty dirty dirty but he kind of had everything you needed truth be told someone comes around and get that loot that's been looted Chuck's mother truck you look like a duck wait a second did you see a tree on there isn't there noise clutches noise clutches noise noise noise do you guys right bro are you kidding me how do you give me for that much damage [Music] oh I wish I had a blue palm bro alright have been nice doesn't nice and her on the way out but I should have my cone should have went through twice on him and when it did I had him for like no damage if I had a blue pump you would have been another almost guarantee eels would have been nice to heels with have been very nice years would have been very nice Dave night being young for becoming a Marisa Vanna Hughes with the 20 happy birthday TGIF will need to watch it for a few months but I wanted thank you for all the entertainment elsewhere I said hi and that we love her spanner that's a very nice message from you big shout out to you and we'll definitely let her know that thank you for the very generous donation it really means a lot Mason play with the - I know it's not much but I want shield my support but watching since GTA 5 was released your news and update videos meant more to my 11 year old self than you can imagine happy birthday you deserve all the success you have and much more dude that is awesome Mason big shout out to you brother appreciate that and I never really thought about that life like that so thank you man it's crazy that from 2013 everybody's 7 years older so you're 20 that's crazy well I hope I gave you some fond memories from that because that was a really fun time in my life too and hopefully we can recreate that one GTA 6 comes out you know I'm saying Thank You Man alright can you go down here how's lockdown going pretty good pretty good I feel like I you have to be more I got to do more I exercise though feel like oh yeah that's what I got to do that's the only keeping fun I'm me eating well I'm doing my job but I'm not I'm not that much I got it I gotta go I go for walks but I need to do more than walk you know Christopher Walken I don't know why I line this house by the way it's like the most trash house ever so much senseless violence [Music] I'm a kitty cat kitty oh I'm a cat you best with me you may get scratched mm-hmm oh where are the blue XP points from I don't get it are they just timed [Music] too much eat dog and you get out of there [Music] where's the money Lebowski [Music] but where do they all go there's no metal here although take twenty milligrams happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday to me how old are you now this is right now I got lots of fish do do do do la Sol fish to do to do Gloucester fish to do to do to do lots of fish so my truck to do to do to do I hate how this thing pops on your radar from now on it's like from now on I decree you the man was fish the fish over here and you will no longer be anything but you absolute bellend alright listen when we get back there and show me who's boss I don't think we can the zones question this way let's get some more math so we can let them know who's boss see how much land we've decimated does that make sense it sucks that team rumble is such a better way to level up cuz like I'd rather play solos all the time it like be cracked right but if I want to level up and like keep leveling up and gonna show you guys the gold skins earlier than everyone else I gotta play team Rumble all the time bro don't eat Phillip the fish hmm I'm gonna eat them and it's gonna be scrumptious it's quite quite tasty I like his gills bro what what are you talking about me there we go now now we got some mats bro now we got something big boy mask and we play with the big boys big boy all right if you ready come and get it if you radical get it OH [Music] I don't see you singing soul I don't know what to do anymore I don't see a single soul it's kind of good to go now look after and search for the llamas make sure you get to the llama Oh Bobby Bobby I'm so sorry for what I've done must forgive me Dwight locked down in the moment damn bro honestly you got slapped I don't know what else to put it I hit you with that controller player in Braille didn't even know so you know what was up or down at that point he's new he's getting the work put on him item shop updates in 50 minutes 50 minutes until the I'm shocked Oh was this sir little newt got the work put on them dude Thank You Luke oh my gosh actually I'm actually really enjoying people beaming people with uh with an AR right now my should I got like high this minion give me a second we gotta hide this minion nobody shall know where it is Mallik afternoon are you doing are you doing all right which one's better health all bro he's definitely on this one as you can see Channel five news here we've got outlook uppers busted all across the map and four night lots of people trying to escape the treacherous ramp what they will do we don't know - back in the Channel 5 News with typical gamer at five o'clock this evening yes Bob it is a tragic evening for those of you on ground here as you can see one camera known as typical gamers absolutely crushing the competition from the skies not really seen before is helicopter sir quite the vulnerable target but he's actually putting on and to use his words don't work on his opponent yes Oh Oh leave the fighting down there Channel 5 News here we have one of the suspects fleeing on foot right now you can see he's trying to get away quite gingerly as a thief used to be shooting at the helicopter this report has been in the game long enough to know when it's time to leave he believes that you can actually knock down this entire structure here if he just hits it one time in a fatal blow not enough it's definitely not enough he caught himself from a horrible incident there Oh God so how did I miss all my shots bro I missed every single shot when I was in there gosh well you can't miss those Bob you really can't your 24-hour news channel here and unfortunately our helicopter pilot Bob has suffered from poor blame yeah it did not go well for him Marjorie the third we're paying out the dragon bro dragon on my birthday Shay calm save her becoming a member welcome Lee enjoy those emotes if you wanna join as well a link in description below we got Phoenix 8 shout out to you YouTube bosses is bursting out of 31st will happen early birthday my friend Axl Pacheco with the five happy birthday I'm doing a wild opieop a greater well thank you Axl seen you and Chad's more than enough brother ttv Rickman think that Julian a virus with the $50 sticker no no Holy Smoke infinite plays with the seven happy birthday man but everything was like four days ago so we have plus birthday honestly all March babies we knit together dope in it together bro I don't know what that was sapphire with five happy birthday TG lots of love something from the UK hope you had amazing day you're doing great keep grinding you absolute legend that's how I assume you said sapphire big shad do you think for the five and think you could love all the way from across the pond the UK if you and yours are doing well sapphire Danielle mahmu thank you for the one Freddie plays mobile with the two thing for the love cool ninja thank you to renegade with the five thank you for the kind of words dude i captain cornell we have Tara bet trill --ax little Raider Matt favorite person to watch thank you little Raider Meg over here the oven I'm new super happy first a crack humanity for all these happy birthday messages they mean so much Jordan gone with the - thank you glad enjoy the videos man it's always good see here to be mister Raptor thank you sorry it's Emmett dude sorry it's it wha no don't even say sorry thank you both ninja go with the - oh happy birthday enjoy you think you can intramural things for me l'm an awesome moderator thank you uh let me lay in a very real quick I read the rest in a bit well there is so many don't what's wrong I don't know what to do so many dolls like you already know your own and there was there's a mother troubling me low enough pickle Musa the one happy birthday think pickle loose I'll look at the dragon what do you guys think that's an epic dragon oh my god no bro I didn't know there was a floor spawn there oh that's so annoying I didn't know there was a floor spawn there oh my god can we get a rip we're almost at 10,000 likes what the heck make sure it that like many of you guys are enjoying the stream subscribe if you are new we're on the road to 10 million subscribers so let's see you join the club the fam hey you know where is my rare pickaxe for my rare pickaxe where my rare pickaxe toggle favorite put that thing on let's go with the solo woody yellow but what day you already know - oh oh my gosh my phone give me on this day March 23rd 1842 I'm just kidding Kevin Xavier with the 28 bucks happy birthday Andre I hope you have a great one I don't know if you were married but if you do you make the best videos really love your work and keep doing what you do best man hard work pays off Kevin you are the man I do remember you bro how could I forget you like I just think of ex me every time I hear you're new I know you've heard that a million times in your life but it's so easier marrying a big shad you Kevin appreciate the love we got bra Nadeau thank you for that you're a goat and a half he called me brough wolf thank you bro Rando Daniel Mahmud thank you for the - he said happy birthday happy birthday happy happy happy happy first birthday oh um Wow been a lot of donations since you guys are gonna have to give me some time to work through these holy smokes official bellick didn't with the two happy brother you'll be upgraded Thank You official did that gelatin jhana or keg eights with the five been watching you for years and hopefully there's a lot more to come greets from Belgium birthday Thank You Jonah Jonah I really like your name I don't know why it's Jo and hey I like it big shad you bro all the way from beautiful Belgium I would love to visit one there that's the lucrative I've happy b-day TJ love you so much love the tournaments keep doing good love watching you do please do customs play with you one day keep going thank you will do and I know you've been looking forward to customs for a while we got to do it soon alright dad to you does destiny Joseph extent happy birthday have to watch this 2017 much respect to love you and what do you bill you're not only a great gamer but a great human did you leave forever and always love from GA us bro I'm gonna send up where does GA is that where does GA in the US I don't even know bro I'm from Canada but Joseph your message was so beautiful man thank you so much for the kind words and thanks so much for that that's really inspiration to me so thank you means the world to me thank you [Music] yes like this pickaxe I like it comes high honestly probably like it more because it's rare but much hat is like is Georgia I thought it was Georgia but like I think it was a you guys got a weird code for Jordan I feel George Georgetown I like this town of all George dontrey room take Georgie home to the place he belongs with Andre and Samara take Georgie home I love Georgie oh god George is so cute other another he's really cute dude I am 28 years old now those you guys asking birth the birth birth birth day birth the birth birth a birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday do you guys get excited for your birthday so yes or no I want to know Anjana see with team rumble I get like 15k XP around and they're like 15 minutes so about the same amount of time is a lot but but but here's the big but I don't get 7 k XP in this but for one to grind XP I would not be playing this by four I find that's way more entertaining for me to play and definitely for you guys to watch though it's not all about the XP is it died how does one celebrate during the lockdown you're watching in my man's with all you beautiful people okay no real-life party [Music] everybody seems to be excited on their perfect day birthday birthday everybody likes their birthday birthday there's a way that there we go I got it sunny one fishing spot big guys there is somebody here he's gonna got into backtracking but you can't find me it's kind of funny I just randomly shoot me back at somebody you don't leave any of this I'm so confused may your stream suffer why would I not like my birthday true well I guess as you get older I wouldn't like it as much how are you supposed to search this can someone tell me you literally can't [Music] savage doesn't even know that stir stuff keep telling these and amateurs as well why would you leave 300 XP on the ground like that well I hit that before I even came around the corner that's pretty nuts got special abilities I love going here you have unlimited everything at a certain buoyant come full-circle we can get the chest we missed the start [Music] this is weird I don't know this guy just dip appreciate you want no smoke you know fish my fish mom see like cuz that's not my Ram I think though I'm just confused where he went when I lived a lot of chests though not the big deal he probably went over there or someone I don't know let him live his life how he did live this but I'm not glad Oh do the zip line Bree mo for sure look my jam will have place that looks pretty beat up in looking on whoops [Music] what I need ten would mrs. get ten would what is wooden here this is what all right I know I need a bit more than that [Applause] I have not seen a single person [Music] kind of wild oh we got checkout spy games can you guys remind me that after this game whatever that is five sucker you literally can't see a single thing with this oh my gosh I was gonna shoot him before you are you bro how do I mess it up how does he shoot me with that I'll have any mess [Music] girl are you kidding me that was the dumbest game I have ever played that might be out there with the dumbest game I've ever played for night uh uh oh that's so frustrating uh Evan thank you for the wine happy birthday I love your stream schemes good work teach you will do Evan think it's the one miss cap circle with the 25 what the heck she said last one for today happy birthday all my respect and gratitude today is usually a bad day my sister died about seven years ago but your students always bring me up and make me laugh from the bottom my heart thank you and have fantastic 20th birthday miss coughs Co shadow to you I'm so sorry to hear that but thank you thank you so much for the kind words that means that means a lot to me and um I'm glad I could bring you up in any way I'm glad I could make you laugh and uh oh oh gosh this parental controls oh they did update spy cams can hold oh I'm glad I could make you laugh in anyway and at least you know lift up your spirits a little bit and in what would otherwise be a sad day so thank you so much you really didn't have to definitely all that but I do appreciate you so big shot do you miss Gaskill Devo loved thank you for the three appreciate the love ro thank you for watching for so long Diego Garcia with the one the stage banana with the five he says happy birthday my friend hope everything is going well I gotta go but I will watch the stream later just want to tell you happy birthday from your friend this stage burn I think you stage now it's good to see you and thank you for the birthday wishes really means a lot okay we got brand new things and launchers so we got the deagle decoy plus gray to look like of yourself as shields plus corridor weapons with increased rarity game shield by damaging shielded opponents Oh rapid-fire SMG crease Oh air raid deal increase damage while airborne for longer than one second what the heck that seems like a horrible Klinger Oh klinger's so you can SMG krugman carve our today you're in can withstand more damage instantly you regain health after an elimination oh my god leave at approximately mind where you're eliminated Oh create a barrier that blocks bullets row should I try this what should I go with I'm going to a shadow first cuz I want to get the deagle I want to get the deagle deagle typical pop off that's what it is it is what it is cuz shout out to we have diamond ring thank you for that ecstatic to you we have Noah Brown to eight happy brethren watch this is five million you always put a smile on my face keep it okay well dunno I think for the five we're started think for the eight Ozzie bucks bro shout out to you an obeah Aussie land we have delayed gecko thing for the to appreciate the love epic tuna glad you enjoy the videos Max Keiser thank you for the birthday wishes we have Owen Sanderson with the - happy birthday thank you for the great content well thank you for the virtual cake emoji appreciate that Owen Casper is here thank you we have Fowler is with the 100 thank you message got to leave so if think is probably fake but if it's not found just let me know so there's passion with the 20 happy birthday Andrei you were the best youtube streamer ever I've been watching for a while now I love the man keep with the awesome streams bro you were the goat god bless you bro thank you so Larry's with ye let's get some hearts again in chat for all these Incredibles don't you guys don't have to do anything if you want to do anything you schmuck code typicalgamer no spaces in the item shop that's all you got to do don't even don't even do anything else that is more than enough subscribing is more than enough watching the videos are more than know so come on May we nananananananananananana Dom what about ball Tommy Cooper it hurts it hurts to be alone first aluminum a CH get a extra shmoney get that big bug in that dough you already know did you going in with a killer freaking block oh wow I sponsor far away that sucks why does it tell me to click on eyebrow I really got my I really got my bag sometimes you just gotta be quick with it my quick minute I mean literally little build a new Intel case has sold are you actually not until cases spoon bloody wanker right eight thousand likes thank you guys for all the lights make sure that the like button if you haven't already but more importantly make sure you subscribe daily streams baby I know you guys be bored if you want to be left or do you got watching the daily streams III on it I shouldn't have been able to come all the way up through there but I did and I will always love and I will always love meet you a new Intel case is available choose your tag no I just need one hit marker [Music] give me that scar bro give me that scar you mean a scar yeah I got a purple scar ready to go ready to blow hit him with a Oh hit him with the yo-yo what Hey just editor some of the upgrades look really cool now gonna let what do you guys say do you guys prefer it shy track plays till I get some of the new upgrades or what do you guys want to see some down to play this but something you guys mean something means that's up to you oh my gosh that hurt my feelings everybody a shield now everybody's shield oh man everybody's gosh you I don't think I've ever seen someone like we might have just set a world record for how many times somebody's gonna wish the happy birthday I think I've been wishing a happy birthday about a billion value until case has been claimed doc there's no chest why are you going over there I might have a bottle okay I love the deal dogs not gonna lie well I forgot to go fast with the pickaxe me you me me me me me me me the new Intel case has spawned I got involved I've got Fame bought they call me javis javis with Fame but come speed up Gonzalez in streets his name is I'm sure bad Wow our team's losing our team so bad they're gonna wash down the wires in Lisbon a new Intel case is available somewhere in the arse [Applause] free bro are you kidding me your did increase here and until face powder they keep getting it massage stop laying in the jetted I already just I make your selection you are sit down even in shock like my cursor was on that guy's perfectly for like eight hours and he would not die my team has not captured a single Intel that's why we're gonna lose I'm out here grinding my booty off getting 28 Oh limbs my team is not putting in the work a new Intel case has spoiled but I'm sorry I was shooting that right guy who then got a hit marker after completing on the head wouldn't I die wife wasn't 125 before or wasn't 150 always what do you guys do you guys remember my team together no ental I might have had the most dissapointing team they've all done I can't wait to get the deal the deal is gonna be a one-shot a job my combat XP was through the roof I like this mode cuz it's all action you know [Music] it was 150 before if they make it like 250 it might be the funnest game out of all time [Music] [Music] ah why stick salon you find a match huge with the one I hope you're doing well and safe out there happy birthday hope you have an awesome day you're sincerely huge huge thank you I'm probably pronouncing your name horribly wrong but thank you for the visit Donna typical turnip with the $50 don't know through stream labs if you guys want to donate through stream loves the better way link in description below happy birthday TG thank you always for being there to brighten my days with your streams I hope your life always finds you happy and healthy me too man big shadow you typical Turner turn up and I straight back at you brother straight but I hope your life is just roses all day alright from me to you thank you so much for that very generous don't know you already none you know already Yolo don't know hallo Yolo okay item shop remember guys it I the item shop updates in 12 minutes and you guys remind me let's roll damn this sucks I guess I'm going creeping cardboard ugh I got ribbon collar for Maghreb and GABA yeah touch do my touch too much ribbon cup or creeping cardboard why you pulling him but how did you get help no way I just did that to you dog I might be the best pistol player in the end no a new Intel case has spooner you should consider playing for annex a of the world I have I used to play it a lot actually funny enough I stopped playing Oh yellow part about a year ago [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] yeah we can all get it oh oh oh my god oh my god a new Intel case is available Intel case well what is happening right now you take available how my life in your selection I just want a are there yeah Wow well we leave danger don't shoot you shot me in the butt what the frickin truck that kind of hurt my feelings when you shot me not gonna lie rub my squeeze what what the heck what the heck that's good as that look back after there Nandan brother go honestly the explosion on kill is a pretty freaking gnarly oh oh oh a new Intel case has spoiled choose your tech so long as nobody gets it election well what sniper is this Chad my crazy what sniper is his daughter right now what sniper you this okay oh that was just they took these out of the game I don't know this guy is impervious to bullets this guy might be Iron Man a new Intel case is available I my boys don't do anything on an Intel case has been claimed I guess you how do they for HP sucks I look I'm not even joking that guy avoid every single one of my bullets even though they're purple it's so hard to hit somebody that's double jumping huh look at this guy there we go can you avoid that Hachi I don't think double jumping is gonna help you there cat boy sucks is here just like gliding and then BAM an Intel case has been captured I have one HP I always I wanted every one HP jet I have 1 hp I'm sorry what [Applause] come on why are you walking like a slow jump again why did you randomly stop walking dog [Applause] like Sam and my granny hi I've hit a lot of snapshots by mr. quite a few I'm not gonna lie Oh make your selection we're crossing them oh there's a million people any of this Cham farming them until case has been planed I'm literally farming them 32 limbs let's get it how do you not get that row like I know what I'm doing [Music] damn you already know item shop going up in two minutes so let's go let's go let's go there we go did we unlock the deagle come on give me the deagle deagle baby let's go [Music] so we got the deagle and then what's the next one we got three more if they spawn with shield that actually might be useful not immune life let's go see how much xp I got I got like ten thousand XP my bad it's not bad it's not bad alright item shop time you know with it being my birthday first and foremost hit the like button real quick I and second of all make sure you guys use code typicalgamer just like that and then type frog in chat if you are using my code or are going to use my code next time you log in the four night which is whenever you do so you just go typicalgamer right right right there right there you see that use that code cuz I'll wake up a phase up in a used cone typicalgamer right there alright just like that okay I'm shops gonna update in 35 seconds z-man guys with the $100 dunno but watch it for years and your streams always make my days better thanks Andre dude thank you what the heck bro can we get some hearts and chat only shooty mangas thank you brother hundred dollar dodo Jesus big shout-out to you dude appreciate the love holy smokes I like those I know are real if they're through stream life's like in the description below so big shad you man that's thank you Jesus alright so this is the item shop there's a kite emo that's the only thing new is ready for it bro what is up with her face are you guys seeing that we can't be serious bro mage is the gold hold up hold up me it's a gold bro her face she looks like a caveman bro bro I can't I can't I can't we have to go into creative just real quick please like her face looks normal if it's not gold I'm just going to I can't show you guys thumbnail Island that's my secret island for thumbnails let me show you guys let me show you guys nickel ID thank you from the 15 you said happy birthday pic you can it cool I appreciate you can we show you guys real quick what a weird email let's get creative or let's go to replay I can't if this looks as weird as I think it is I'm excited to look at it I just joined stream happy birthday under thank you 10 thank you everybody singing happy birthday so many people saying thank you guys [Music] well it looks so weird with the gold what the heck we're done if it's a weird emo dog that's a weird emote ok let's get back to it we're world with biomes so we unlock the deagle let's continue on here king golden with the 2149 dono through stream labs a happy birthday did you much love brother king golden holy smokes bro thank you for the love bro big shout out to you and appreciate that what is up with the fat doe knows to stream last today thank you guys you know those are like though I know those are real for sure so big shout out to everyone donate link in the description below holy smokes today's been crazy you guys have collectively been giving me gifts since insane solaris passion that you again for that creepy past gotcha shadow to you discord will be coming soon dried off thank you flash these game with a five happy birthday my dude did a little song for you on twitter i hope you have a little I will have to check it out these thank you for that and I and I will have a little day thank you Hunter Sorel thank you you get all gold Midas at level 140 ex Wildcat thank you for 3 and the birthday wishes feature wolf thank you for that cryptic ghost with the - is your birthday episode yes sir well happy blade birthday my friend Bru 2016 for the 20 but watch extreme for almost two years I believe think for everything you do to entertain of us I never in chat but I enjoy watching you play and say hi and me to Samara Miku and George much love man Bru Thank You Man I was gonna say I haven't really seen your name and chat but you explained that big shout out to you and it means so much to me that some me so much that we donate that even though you hardly talking Chad that I still have an impact on people I don't see in Jack you know what I mean big shout to you that really doesn't mean a lot so thank you well that was a quick at it why is an echo you can see it deagle time baby let's go hand cannon we need some hand can I hide hankins one shot to the head right it's like 152 that [Music] it's been a minute since I used the channel it's been a minute since I use the deagle the deal is kind of it's it's raw not gonna lie you gotta be real clean to people you got to be real clean with the deagle handcannon ordeal is the same thing the new Intel case is available ouch you shot me in the back why did you do that afraid take that time ouch you shot me in the back why did you do that I spawned in the store that's not very nice I spawned in the store armed that's not very nice you know oh my god that oh my gosh dead oh my call I pop up with that deagol headshot deagle that's all I do is right up with the deagle I'm a beagle bark bark bark aardvark I'm an aardvark with an aardvark with an odd part okay I sparred with 11m oh I'm so bloody exhorted take that your pendant [Applause] I just hit him $4.99 that dude my deagles insane I'm insane so I'm a mistake oh my god on the best that there ever was on the best deagle man an Intel case has been picked up you take available oh you want to hit that so bad I pre fired animus pre fired and I missed I'm still I'm still Jenny full of black a new Intel case has spawned an Intel case has been captured [Music] mmm my team's losing somehow I don't know they're so freakin back why do I have the worst spy game teammates how I got shot in the not sack please leave me alone please leave me alone stop shooting me I don't really appreciate you when you shoot me in the nuts that's really me they're gonna capture that there's no point maybe I'm going there and until case has been claimed I love the deagle but you're gonna have to get on a our first bro I'm gonna go back to solos every until case is available what do something about it he did something about psych psych where e23 of limbs just with the deal I just absolutely dunked on everybody the deagle is so funny that's the thing well that's pretty cool action shot an Intel case has been picked up but no one named well I'm satisfied with my three coins [Music] rake up decoy grenade unlocked it's great to look like of yourself as shields and then you can get an upgrade shocking I know new I mean I I guess yet from pump you wiping people but doctor HD with the 23 with the 10 happy birthday play my pecs but a fan since 500k so I was like dude big shed you and I definitely got a play for some more apex in I've been missing me some apex I was watching some game played the other day shad you dr. Travis been watching since played GTA big shanty Travis appreciate that but watch it for a minute serious minute I back to super chats here we got Archie Hadley thank you for that what the - he says you're old Thank You Archie probably young dad ah che Gomez with the 20 happy birthday my girls and I have enjoyed watching you the past two years theme for the entertainment much love to use Samara Miku and George keep grinding man we loved the stream shake big shout out to you and the and the daughters many girls appreciate you guys pig shad to all the whole fam thank you appreciate that you and God do that Joseph Hartman thinking for the - glad you enjoyed the videos sky rose and the Toro perfect thank you for the two as well shut up to you toxic teabag with the 10 haven't read the brother hope you have a good birthday and I hope you and Smyrna doing well in this crazy world love you bro and watch you every day since 2013 love your content toxic tea Rev that is dedication man appreciate that I glad you enjoy the videos that much to come back day after day it's 2013 feature end NFL MVP thank you I've been Steve TG your inspirational thank you feature in the film appreciate that and I hope you are a future NFL MVP have your awesome Emerson closet they even the vibe appreciate the birthday wishes and then we got Alex and I'll read the rest in just a bit I always think I caught up to them and then when i refresh the page is like a billion more thank you yes I can land Slurpee here but I'm not sure I don't really like Slurpee that's the thing like everything there's no materials no nothing really I got a big old dragons butt in my face this dude's lower than me screw it which I wonder if you wanted for it I'm dead if I go I can't get through this bowl the part I do like is that there is shields the mat part is I don't like get like no mats out of this let's make a way out of here then I absolutely pooped on them oh my gosh bro I pooped on them so bad I don't match but you only live once it's a mother truck in yellow you end up master [Music] [Music] how my life oh you got freakin rat dude never ever chase me again oh that's goodness gracious what if I GG though like I had the biggest hard-on for me holy smokes we gotta get a D we had to go up all the way through the river area all right talk about it you stay in there gnome I know s you come out that's your home now swimming there's a ramp it really I hope you enjoy the dog [Music] seems that I've parked my boat [Music] dude can this boat move do this boat won't move how's everybody you want to believe look look how dumb you are so we're that like the vehicles helmet doesn't deteriorate I think I'm the second helicopter to keep a close eye on about do you ever in a helicopter with a boat you should be able to lock on to the helicopter with the boat I'm so tired I feel steam potshots at me do not how does nothing built I don't understand I really don't have and how nothing built I was just getting red was it because I was above the van it could have been I don't know that's the dumbest way I've ever died though cuz nothing built but it shouldn't matter how hot like if you're two stories above it should build that's so weird I took so much damage because the sad times Jack's sad times I'm what covered more in gold when I leveled up when'd I level up nine point eight likes thank you nine point eight K look Oh the rest of the back of my head's gold we just need a little hair to be gold level to 26 let's go shout out tree we have Emerson Plaza thank you for the birthday wishes Alex M Thank You spine killer with five remember me just wanted to wish you and Samara all the best specially the situation the world all love man me and my girlfriend love appreciate that's fine appreciate that back add to the Union girl hope you and yours all the best t TV Rickman my birthday was on 21st March babies go let's go Rickman George cooked thank you for the tube been watching for years now happy birthday thank you George Zack Clark with five head birthday hope you'll marry me it's been a while since don't keep on inspiring the young and generation love you and what you do bro think you've Zack I do remember you of course and I will do my best man David wrote chat up to appreciate that I'm Edna okay well Josh M thank you for the - happy birthday Thank You Hayden Cole thank you vision shadow to you we got Luka Bella for with the three happy happy birthday bro love you man cute amazing work will do man appreciate the love so much love going around so much love going around them so much love on her around crashing crashing crash I'm good I'm good Oh what am i hearing [Music] [Music] none of them have anything in them what's gonna work like I had it why haven't I found a shopkin after killing two people and open your chest look one person should have a shotgun this guy's shield everything honestly Nash is porn I read there I can't even complain that's just the way for tonight is like it's literally the game Roy Calhoun they even a 5 and watching since GTA Ninja Turtles 2015 I'm watching every night happy birthday Thank You Rory appreciate that and I remember that clear is Damon trill extinct you for that Oh salve FN thank you for the 20 love this sticker you drop Jamaica badness so you for the - Ally Harris thank you for the three in the happy birthday Burton Florence thank you for the 20 and the five and the two shadow to you table FM thinking for the done' we have a knit sia sharma with the three happy birthday TG first dildo watching you since 2015 how do you been watch this 2015 shadow to you Nydia shade that Brianna with the five in bed sicker than a duct we make me feel better even though it hurts laughs I'll tweet you the gift that media have that happy bit have the best birthday ever TG look we're out look where I hope you feel better really really soon I'm sorry to hear that and I'm sure you'll be fine in no time I'm glad I could make you up feel at least at least a little bit happy while being stick being sick is not fun man everybody right now if you're not sick just breathe it in and appreciate how nice it is to not be sick it's actually an amazing feeling it's amazing feeling to appreciate things while you about like while nothing's going wrong it's always good to appreciate things Frost in Fiji for the to shadow to you do random dues all the time and we're trying up a note the bold one think to that Burton Florence Thank You Lopez thank you Luke Gardner Thank You mam either that's just been brought messed up there's no way a survivalist I thought I could catch him in an edit I just I just didn't super race with five glad you never get to play together in the certainty tomorrow but to have three put of the flamingo's vicar Noah would have been an Opie happy birthday thank you super racer yeah wondering what he's talking about and I'm doing it with Avery and seventy to a hundred so it's gonna be fun yeah it's not the whole Flamingo squad but um I'm sure will try to make them to work at the Flamingo sometime soon so yell look at that super thank you for the two and then Brian and commissioning with the ten on a scale of one to ten can't even wish you a big enough best date of births DG g Brian I love the way you wrote that I said if you would No thank you I appreciate the 11 out of 10 birthday and then job Coffman with Ben happy birthday to G fun facts and subscribe to try three years ago on your birthday and this is my first chat ever get dumped you for your birthday will do John I've got two already but I'm gonna go further Chad you and I glad you could tune in that I'm your first appreciate the love whoo I'm out of breath it's a lot of chats all right we need to get a dub here Jeff I don't know what's going on we haven't got a dub in a few days hymns so we need to work it work it work where where where where where where where good what is your favorite skin I don't really have a favorite I like teen teen oh right now cuz she's like all gold almost like her top half I think I'm level 220 230 she'll definitely be the top app will be fully gold it's gonna be a grind though [Music] did I get a double 12 minutes ago I don't remember no I didn't get a dub I died pretty sure I don't know i scaled my drop pretty bad let's see where this guy goes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why does it always the first skin doesn't go through don't try to fake me with the decoys bro I don't they try to fake me out with the decoys you guys see that he's got to keep your eye on the prize [Music] so I cannot find a big pot or met [ __ ] say my life oh I can't builder [Music] what oh Jesus Christ bro how many people are down here dog where's hustler at who this for heads up some [ __ ] row begin the Box in the darn box bro oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy let's go [Music] calling it the floor I've been saying a long time goon [Music] we're gonna get another W it's gonna happen we're gonna get another duck yeah use all the way over at the edge which sucked we had 10,000 likes through this stream let's go lads thank you guys don't forget to subscribe for new oh well it would also mean the world to me if you guys went to my second channel TG plays link in the description below subscribed over there we haven't uploaded a few days but we're gonna start again like tomorrow so stay tuned that channels a big learning experience too for me so well bear with me as I work through some kinks you know do you guys know about this yes or no tell me be serious be serious this is secret area secret area I'm gonna land in retail row for the memories do you guys miss the old map yes or no I play on any West a plan now Wes [Music] [Music] dude how much get one HP how are you doing today Wanda I can't even though nothing I can't do nothing oh I change the channel art and picture on TG plays I mean don't you guys think I've fallen fallen fallen is fallen is fallen is fallen is fallen on YouTube knock knock who's there muah muah zine with a for first time don't only happen brethren watch you friend since before the release of GTA 5 when you talked about leaks with Olly 43 thanks for making my days better that's awesome bro I'm glad you remember that big shout out to you those were the days today these are the days Natsu there's so many days that we're just all days the days days and I just want to say I appreciate your support man we're from top to bottom essential thank you appreciate it ok ok let's get let's go you already hit it with that Pat request thing for the to end the birthday wishes my friend Burton Florence thingy for that Tigs are with the 25 happy birthday from me and my son Jerry will you and Jerry are the MVPs always great to see you guys in chat thank you for that that's very Connie you don't have to do it I keep saying it but y'all keep doing that you don't have to donate but I appreciate it thank you do the vibes best be of gosh bro I your name is altogether I can't read it all - with the to happen birds you've been watching for 5 years oops Thank You Man longtime viewer reciate you and then we got Brendan Rowe Antrim while scanning them okay I'm gonna try that big gray Braille Jack I need to make sure you guys are still alive and watching the stream could everyone type in chat bus just the word bus Evan King thank you for becoming a member welcome enjoy those emotes ago under as well the link will be in the description below I subscribe thank you John Andrews we got a swarm of people here who that goes dirty dot it's a real question I got that guy hurt what do you use here odd looting pattern for my guy here that a lot of people here at the docks like I can finally take a fight or two away Oh ro what the heck no it looks suspicious Loki put the work on them them Loki Pat the work on them not gonna lie let me draw out a boat you'd ride a bus I knew somebody would be there dude why are people come people are coming out of nowhere bro coming out of nowhere and just beefing with me bus stands on the end of us there you guys are so funny man bye what uh what died I mean like it's coming situations where I thought I was gonna die but like my ability to play the game was just so significantly better than my opponents like I was able to survive and thrive get the truck there's a duck in my car his name is Phil oh my god yo me and Ranger never thought of this can someone remind me to tell Ranger this we can just drive that boat to the grotto and take the under why didn't we ever do this bro legit I'm baffled [Music] [Music] it's not gonna go through I don't understand why I have been in here [Music] I really need to change this glider I can't see a thing well yeah I actually cannot thank you slime go to fine little petunia needs to know I love this ritualistic frickin bangers but I wonder when they're gonna kick up the end of season events and stuff yeah we got got a crazy the back half of season one through ten chapter one like I wonder if they're gonna do that too I mean there was no event last season right I don't think there was to like wrap it up now there wasn't but they have ocean and stuff like they can do a lot of cool stuff scene feel memeing it already but like the Kraken event would be pretty sweet if it actually existed check out calling when I hear the heaviest night maybe game where do you go you know like snipe me in the forehead I just bought something from the item shop and use your code that means a lot to me man thank you I know there's no way for me to verify it but I believe you and I appreciate it I honestly don't see anyone there [Applause] [Applause] [Music] like I had a shot [Music] 36 damage 36 damage I did what a hack I appreciate it senseless violence 11 damaged baby nice 21 damaged baby holy shoo bro how many times I got put the work on you I'm made of my little female dog the blue pomp hits for nothing sometimes like I swear I'm right on them when I'm a hit in there - it feels like I'm hitting him for frickin apricots like I'm throwing an apricot out [Applause] so I'm annoying I I actually I actually can't believe that you want to guarantee this guy's on controller I will guarantee it or your money back I mean the fact that he doesn't push me is awfully suspect but oh okay just hold on my games like stuttering to no end Oh what are you doing check out on my face immediately I see I'm gonna hit the fastest trickshot my life I'll hurt oh come on bro I went for a trickshot and screwed me over ah why do I do that he had zero kills he's met my man's first kill why do I give people kills like that goodness gracious actually you know what the grappler play probably killed me more than anything she hit him with the dragon bro I haven't seen the dragon in a minute well she looked different I'm gonna traumatize you guys look get rekt i did get rekt greg Koloff an avid King thank you both for becoming members welcome Lea enjoyed those emotes if you enjoyed as well link in description below um mwah send me your YouTube channel link on Twitter and all on Bennett shadow do you man appreciate that oh don't put the dub at the end of the end ago with a dog Athena the saddest take the 5 appreciate that bro much love to you to a mod hill with the - shout out to you I'll have to look it up bertin Florence Thank You rege a shout out to you and then we have you Nova you talks with the 5 just one say happy birthday been watching since the first episode of GPA GTA 5 zombie apocalypse Thank You Man it's been a minute since then a lot of change but I'm glad you still enjoy the content my friend make sure if you guys are watching just do hit the like button subscribe for new don't forget don't forget to use my Creator code typicalgamer no spaces then you again for over 9 million subscribers you guys have killed it [Music] nevels so big that's how I live level so big I would have to grind so much that level up more than I am [Applause] that's not fun all migrate there that's not fun on my birthday that's mean on my birthday [Music] yeah yeah thank you for scaring me on my birthday I was scared are you what thank you no it's fine I was good don't scare me again hold these for [Music] goodness gracious oh boy it's my birth before Furber birthday it's my birthday every birthday can you believe it's my birthday it's my birthday it's my birthday I love you one more W like come on me whatever Oh what are you do what the what where's the patch tomorrow is there a patch small I can't stop man Brian rice with 225 say happy birthday thank you rhyme preciate that it's very kind of you rhyme with the BRR BRR BRR BRR BRR BRR burps birthday ona birthday oh oh we got a mod help that's you know I'm working on a mix tape for you Andre for your birthday okay I'm on I'm gonna check it out bro shadow do you hurtin Florence and common gum or anything over all those Montgomery I like that last name bro Montgomery Montgomery everybody get away from me get away from me raaah don't they have set a word in like a minute chat did I not say anything I went full psychopath mode on I'm not in real life okay I kind of lean nuts on them chat high quality gameplay that's what it was dude I popped the guy at the bottom I thought that was his bills oh my god I was pretty sure it was I mixed them up though when did that guy get Burton Florence thank you for becoming a member well complete enjoy those emotes if you wanna join as well a link will be in the description below and then we also got docked up what times where you live when do you think you'd be able to drop the apex video um I'm not sure when I'll do the apex video stay tuned for that but I'll definitely be in the near future if I do it and it is 611 here for me I see all your birthday wishes thank you guys appreciate that don't forget to use code typical gamer in the item shop by the way by the way I tried to say ah babe I'm waiting phone standing in line to see them we had a couple more doughnuts here I want to read holy smokes we got alejandro san román with the 15 you know the deal happy birthday bearded brother hope it's good one much love did you shadow to you ill aha it was great to see you man and from one beard brother to another thank you Greg cool off thing for the - thank you for the bday present man Brian rice thank you again appreciate that oh my gosh it's 25 G's I'm on hill with the - in the - shout out to you hydroxy city shout out to you appreciate that a happy day of birth GG until Antonio Gonzalez with the fire a leash compliance from I honestly I probably know the word if you said it but I can't read own Tevan know what I'm reading did you have a great day wish you many more the best leader Thank You Antonio appreciate your brother and then we have Mon he'll shout out to you as well alright at least Nevada Pamela Smith thanks for becoming a member welcome we enjoy those emotes Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Prospero ano Y felicidad [Music] I found your birth date when you know who has the exact same birthday and yours me Kyrie Irving when I when I met up with him to play a Call of Duty I was like bro we got the same birthday on the same year you're the same age as me bro he's like word I'm like okay like we get a Kyrie all right you babe are you kidding me [Applause] controller player and my whole armies until a player and my whole army dude how are you not dead I shot it like 50 times with the tank or I might have shot him at least 10 times in the tag oh my bro I am dying in the most unfortunate of ways how does that guy even lived through that I don't understand that's wild fetus Miku looks like a Miku [Music] take off this trail bro hey okay hey hey with the be hitting with the flow oh you already know Oh titi get it Oh get it get it get it Oh getta getta getta getta getta getta get it Oh laughing Kay likes what no what no I hate what Don he boom but I win I win I win I'm gonna win I win I win I'll bet I win I win I win I'm gonna eat pizza tonight I'm very excited which side are you shadow her ghost I don't know it probably shoot a shadow but there's so many people shout OH kind of won't choose girls I don't know it's got a shadow hey okay hey hey hey [Music] take my kite and fly away to a place far from here [Music] just curious how much money you spend on this game on a number of thousands at least do your ferrets much you know it's my job [Music] definitely lower than that oh my gosh there's a lot more out she's just I don't think this heals you in real life guys [Music] it's the most wonderful time of the year don't what is going on what is happening dog because I'm back y'all break out of here bro are you actually was this a scrim what just happened oh my gosh my kind of running out of mass now but how llama did me good Ralph alright get on that hear me calling the pin sign finally have a purple bum happy by an achievement for frickin getting fish off that dock or whatever it wasn't a gold scar those gold dog I'm pretty sure there's one guard left I'm thinking somebody already took over this be a safe assumption I think my hypothesis was correct I kind of eyeballed in there [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You regrets flying the plane under me [Music] how mad would you be [Music] holy smokes right dad from fall damage Hamza oh shoot you know god oh my god [Music] oh the amount of people that are just third partying me in this game is insane holy smokes all right I'm still alive I'm still alive we good should we go up here for the third time [Music] okay not hit him man fry event is shooting me why did that why'd I do that like rattler would really help sir campfires there might be a campfire on the way out oh never mind I can't fires out of the zone gotta figure out where one is I need a campfire can't think of one oh right there could be a slurp truck now there's not that's unfortunate um there's a skier on there wait what deck is that oh I think that somebody holds none of those bro he did not even know what happened oh my gosh I feel bad for him he still thinks I was up there there's an XP point up there I climbed a mountain for this XP boy whoa control up there oh my gosh is he coming up already is Oh teaching me by the way give me that XP coin the fight for the XP coin 1v1 chat 1v1 guys I see him I see him oh right I got a did you um quick there let's go party damn okay let's go that was uh that was a crazy win not gonna lie that was a crazy win not gonna lie Chad to everyone that came through to the street if you watch and enjoy this dude likes over nine million subscribers make sure to subscribe to new appreciate all the love as it said before allege Oh whitey thank you for becoming a member what complete enjoy those emotes if you wanna join as well link in the description below we have Papa way Imperial with the five happy birthday dude you've been watched since 2013 have a great day that is awesome dude thank you for love especially since 2013 that's crazy guys if you wanna use my code typicalgamer just like that no spaces appreciate everyone who uses it what else did we got here we got a couple of super chests I want to read out loud while I'm doing that second channel TG plays link in description below cheers to the channel art so make sure you go check it out Burton Florence think for that Myles Morris have to donate on your birthday Congrats man secret moderate shout do you Mazda Morris well you secretly spider-man so there's that a little pan to think for the two if you win I'll give you $100,000 okay well bat where's my mutton oh I'm just gonna animate Oreo thank you for the to a theme for the birthday wishes Paul Miller thank you so much what kind of beats are you getting I'm getting like flow chicken bro buffalo chicken Paul Chad to you a shiny with the five I have pinkeye in both eyes help your baby days awesome are you planning on doing anything for it so I'm gonna mention GTA invite-only party stream I might do that not today but definitely this week most probably definitely this week and bro I hope you feel better soon that sounds rough stay safe man yo me bear Athena's five happy birthday bro I've been watching streets for years hope you have an awesome birthday I will thank you so much for the support again I just want to thank everyone for the incredible support today on my birthday I really appreciate it and and the thing that means the world to me is that you all showed up so thank you for coming to my birthday party I hope you guys have an awesome day and don't forget to wash your hands okay let's just wash your hands Logan thanks for the one watch go freakin hands I don't want any of you to get sick I will back tomorrow some food some more epic streams but until then I'll see you guys later thanks for watching hope it's awesome day and peace now Oh real quick before I leave we got two more donuts that just popped up hold on I don't want to miss anybody in one sec we got vision a thing for five happy birthday bring back zombie apocalypse okay all right listen thanks but sorrow are with the to happy birthday but how old are you I'm 28 Chad do Star Wars all right that's gonna be for this one thanks for watching hope you fit us today and peace at [Music]
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 1,791,131
Rating: 4.8937502 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 50sec (13490 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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