How to set up multiple websites on a VPS (Hostinger + Cloudpanel)

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in this video we're going to do a walkr of how you can set up a VPS and host multiple websites on that same server for the VPS we're going to use hostinger for the server management side of things we're going to use cloud panel and this gives us a control panel in which we can add websites to the server cloud panel is free to use and it has some nice things out of the box like SSL certificates firewalls it is also configured to load pages quickly using fast page module for PHP and it does red is caching so lots of things here that we can use to our benefit when we set up our websites on our server so going back to hosting or now if you want to get the hosting service via hostinger there are some great benefits built into this plan you can get automatic weekly backups uh realtime snapshots AI assistant to help you with configuring your server or answering any questions you may have about the service uh if you want to get the plan for the purpose of this video we'll be looking at the KVM 2 VPS at the moment that's around $8 a month but that will probably vary depending on your region um so it has some nice things built into it here like full rout access for SSH dedicated IP address it has 8 GB of RAM 100 gigabytes of disk space 2 terabytes of bandwidth so lots of good stuff in this package and more than enough to run a medium to large size website um so I'm going to show you how to check out on the hostinger website so we'll just take the 12-month plan here for example and once you click on this then we can enter the details underneath so on the left we can choose a payment method that we want to use input our details and you can see the total price here um already this is discounted but we have an additional discount code called David B and you can use that to get 10% off your hosting plan um so that works whether you want to take a shorter plan or longer plan but if you take the longer plan you'll get a bigger discount um because it is 10% off off the full amount going over to the dashboard now my VPS plan is here at the bottom and you can see that is a manage button if it's your first time setting this up it will just say setup now I have this set up in a previous video but I'm going to show you how to change this um you can change your location in here once every 30 days on your VPS so if you decide you want to move the location you can do that I will also include a link to the previous video where I Set This Server up for the first time but the benefit of doing it this way in this video is I can show you how how to change the operating system on your server um so if you've set the server up and then you want to change it later you can do that still as you can see here I'm running WordPress on Ubuntu to change that we can use the operating system link on the left navigation and we've got these options here to choose the operating system previously we used the applications and selected WordPress from the drop- down menu but this time we want to use a control panel and we're going to do that under the operating system with control pan panel option so you have a number of different options in here um you've got things like uh virtual admin PL C panel some of the very common ones but for this video I'm going to be using Cloud panel mainly because it's a free option and it's very simple to use um so that's the reason I'm going to be using it for this video and it's important to note here that if you are going to change your server in this way all of the data on that server will be wiped and you will start with a fresh install so make sure to backup any sites before you do this once the server has finished installing you will get these details at the top so now we can see that we have got Cloud panel installed successfully um it gives a little bit information about what it is and how you can use it uh for hosting multiple websites underneath this we have the login details for cloud panel and if you click on that link so the first thing we'll notice here is that we cannot access the site because it says a connection is not private um I think this is mostly because the settings in my Chrome if you have not got SSL installed in the server then you will see a message like this um so this is normal when you first set up Cloud panel and once you click the proceed button then you can get to the control panel login by default our username is admin and the password is the same password that we entered when we were creating This Cloud panel installation so now we're taken to this page within Cloud panel and we can add our first website we've got a number of different options of sites that we can create we can create a WordPress site a static PHP site nodejs HTML python um so there's a number of things that we can do here but for the purpose of this video we're going to create a WordPress site so let's enter the domain name I have a domain name already on hostinger which I will use so I'm going to copy this domain name and we'll paste that into the previous page We'll add a site title this is for our WordPress site name and I'm going to keep the default passwords and username details here that has been autoc completed for us this is just a dummy website I'm creating so I don't mind showing the password here because I'll probably delete this before the video goes out at the bottom we also have the option here of creating a multi site so that's a WordPress multisite but in this case we're going to leave that at no it's going to be a single website and it's probably worth mentioning that you should back up these details if you're planning to keep this website I'm just using this as a demo but uh make sure to back up these passwords in your password manager so now that this has installed we've got these details about our site our database and WordPress so we probably want to copy these and save them somewhere I'm just going to copy this to my code editor for now um but make sure to save these details somewhere safe again again if you're going to set this up properly now that the website has been added I'm going to have a look around the control panel one thing we can do here is use dark mode if you prefer to browse in that way within the settings we have things like our username uh all of the normal things in here uh we can set the time zone too uh let's have a look around the dashboard so we've got our operating system all of the information about uh our VPS plan matches what we picked in the beginning got two cores 8 gigb memory um it's nice that we have this monitoring section we can see the CPU usage uh memory usage disk space Etc um this will be more useful when you have multiple sites on This Server um but we can go in here and add a second website if we want to at this point you can add as many websites as you want to your server so that's one of the the good things about this control panel within the admin section then we can add additional users we can look at at different events uh that have happened so what our history of the things we've done since we've signed in um we can look all the different instances we have things like MySQL in here fast page module for PHP uh reddis server the cache for uh varnish cache things like that we can also look at the server configuration for our time zone uh we can back make backups remotely on our servers for all of our sites using things like Amazon S3 or Dropbox Google Drive Etc so that's kind of cool that we can do that automatically and back up remotely we can log down our server based on the firewall at the minute we've got this configured with all defaults but you can remove some of these things if you don't need them so lots of cool things here you can do on your server that mean you don't need to fire up your own uh SSH and and modify the server yourself you can just do all this from the user interface which is really nice we've already added our domain name to This Cloud panel but we still need to point the domain name to This Server so let's look at how we can do that in order to do that we need to use the IP address of the server and we'll set up an a record in the DNS section so on the left navigation of this domain you can see that we've got this DNS name servers area so let's open this up since I've used this domain name before on a different video I'm going to have to change the record of this entry so if you scroll down to the bottom we'll see that I have an a record for the domain for the naked root domain um so let's edit this and change the IP address I'm going to input the server IP address for this uh Cloud panel so let's copy that you can also get it from the dashboard if you need to do that dashboard of the VPS so I'll paste that in and we'll hit the update button and within a few seconds to a few minutes that will normally be updated if it's a completely new domain you can add the a record yourself here but uh for the purpose of this video I'm just editing the existing one so now we're going to try and visit this website and see what happens and you'll see that we have the same issue here as before the connection is not private and the reason for this is that we still have to set up our SSL within Cloud panel for this domain name so let's do that now so going back to our control panel if you click on the name of our website we've got a list of different configurations in here that we can change we have have some things like SSL we also have a file manager in here which is nice if you want to just go into your site and upload anything or change anything um so you can do that easily from the UI you can also configure the virtual host in here if you want to but for the purpose of this everything's configured for us so we don't really need to do much here um under the settings we can change the PHP version memory limit things like that uh Max upload size for images change your time zone there's a whole bunch of things in here that you can do just quite easily um so this is all very nice but for the purpose of this uh getting our site online we want to go to the SSL section and in here we've got a self-signed certificate but what we want to have is this let's encrypt certificate so let's add this you'll see there's a warning here that the domain name needs to point to the server we have already done that part when we changed the a record so that's fine let click this create button so this will only take a few minutes and once it's complete it will tell us at the top of the page that the certificate has been installed you will see this will expire in January 2024 but I think this does Auto renew um if not you can come in here and and probably do it via the UI so going back to the website now and reloading the page you can see that the domain is now connected to our server so everything's working as expected um using the details from before we can sign into the site now as an admin user so I just need to take this password I had backed up from earlier and you can see we've got the link here at the bottom if you want to visit this WP admin login page so once we input the details we are now taken to the dashboard of Wordpress so that completes our install of this website on this server and you can do this as many times as you want to install as many websites on your server of course you do need to have a larger sized server if you want to run a lot of websites on here but this gives you an idea of how to set this up and how easy it is to add multiple websites to your VPS if you want to create your own BPS on hostinger then make sure to use the coupon code David B at the checkout as it will give you an additional 10% off your web hosting I hope you've enjoyed this video if you have make sure to give it a like And subscribe to the channel and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: David Battersby
Views: 19,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vps hosting, vps, virtual private server, hostinger, hostinger vps, web hosting, dedicated web hosting, dedicated web server, cloud panel, install vps, website control panel, cpanel alternative, plesk alternative, best hosting, best website hosting, wordpress hosting, wordpress on vps, install wordpress on vps, install wordpress on cloudpanel, best vps, hostinger tutorial
Id: W8pwHr14jD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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