Laugh Along with Hey Duggee and The Squirrels! | CBeebies

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You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. A-woof. So, Squirrels, what do we know about these ducklings? Uh... They’re yellow? A-woof. That's right, Norrie. They're usually covered in soft yellow feathers. Anything else? [Duck Quacks] They're small. Correct. Around ten centimeters. How big is ten centimeters? Erm... About the size of a baby duck. Oh. But according to our research, Woof. an adult duck can grow up to 40 centimeters. How big is 40 centimeters? Erm... About the same height as Enid! [Duck Quacks] Meow. Sitting up. Oh! A-woof, woof woof. So with this information, we believe that mother might look like... This. Ah! Now we know what she looks like does anyone have any idea where we could find her? Erm... No. Hmm... Well, what do ducklings like? [Ducks Quack] Toys? A-woof. Stationary! Woof. [Ducks Quack] Fish? No, uh... I mean water? A-woof, woof. So what might ducks like living near to? Water! And any idea where we could find water? Woof... Er... Hmm... [Squirrels Gasp] The lake! Their mummy might be at the lake! A-woof woof! You’ve quacked this case wide open. Let's get these ducklings back to their real mommy! Yes! Come on kids! Stop dragging your flippers. Woof woof. This way ducklings! Huh. Move it! That’s it, Bashy. Well done, Mr Quackles. Good work, Philip. ...98, 99, 100! That's all of them! We’re here. But I can't see their... Mama! Quack! Mama! [Ducks Quack] Quack, quack, quack... You can look every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. A-woof! She says her name’s Juanita. Moo, moo moo Tag. Moo moo Squirrells. Moo! [Cow Gasps] Moo! What did you say? Moo? And that time your chaps shrunk in the wash... [Both Laugh] Duggee! We upset the cows! And they’ve all run off! Darn it. I've never had such a herd of oversensitive cattle. Don't worry, partners. We’ll get them back. But how? Well, Duggee could help. He has his... A-woof! Round up badge. I knew he’d get back in the saddle some day! Alright, squirrels, if you're going cow wrangling, you'll need... A-woof. A wrangler’s hat. A-woof. Boots. Woof. A good shirt. A-woof. And, of course, a horse. Well, howdy doody. We got ourselves some real cowhands here! A-woof! And Duggee’s got the supplies. Time to roll out partners. Yee-haw! Yee-haw! Woof-woof! Now, the first thing a cowhand's got to do is look. You see? Hoof prints! They been this way. Next thing is - a cowhand’s gotta listen. Wait. Can you hear them? Yeah? That way. I'm thirsty. [Norrie Sighs] Ahh. Cactus water! Had me some cows. But them cows are gone. Cows are gone. Followed them cows. To a land so far. Land so far. Lost me them cows. Oh, boo hoo hoo. Boo hoo- [Cows Moo] Huh? That sounds like my bovine! There they are! [Cows Moo] Yeah! We found the cows! La la la la. Huh? Ahhh! Ahhh! [Both Scream] [Norrie Pants] You don't want your pajamas now? You want a glass of milk? Alright. La la la la la la la. La la la la la la la la. Huh? Ahhh! Ahhh! [Both Scream] [Norrie Pants] You don't want glass of milk? You want a story? Good idea. La la la la la la la. La la la la la la la la. Huh? Ahhh! Ahhh! [Both Scream] Spider! Spider! Me and Za-Za saw a big spider! Where? Everywhere. [All Gasp] Is it as big as an apple? Bigger! Big as a teddy? Bigger! As big as a bed? Bigger! As big as a house? Hello! [Screams] Bigger! [All Gasp] Duggee! Duggee! Duggee! Norrie saw a spider that was as big as an apple. Teddy! Bed! House! A-woof woof woof. I think what the squirrels are trying to say is that there is a spider in the clubhouse. A big spider! Do something, Duggee! A-woof. Don’t worry, Squirrels. Duggee has his spider badge. We'll just find the spider and put it outside. Phew. Are you ready to find the spider, Duggee? A-woof. Are the Squirrels ready? A-woof. You're not scared of spiders, are you? I didn't think so. Come on then, Squirrels! Let the search commence. That means time to find Spider.v Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit. We can't find the spider anywhere. But it's got to be in here somewhere. The spiders in here? Yes, Roly. And we're in here. You are, Roly. I want to play outside. You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. A-woof. Cheep-cheep! One chick! Cheep-cheep! Two chicks! Three chicks. I think this one's having a little trouble getting out. Huh? A leg! [Egg Gasps] Look! Another leg! Look! Chickens! [Egg Gasps] Look! A mouse! An octopus! A hippo! A crocodile! Erm... A rhino. A rhino! Look! Look! A big brown dog! A-woof. [Egg Gasps] Look! A field! A nest! A cow! A pebble! A fence! A stick! A cloud! Bacawk! Don't worry, Chicken. We'll get your egg back. Yay! [Squirrels Laugh] Come back Egg! Egg! Cheep-cheep. Look! A bush! Come back, Egg! [Roly Laughs] Look! A tree! Be careful, Egg! Look! A bird! Look! Egg! A sheep! A Ladybird! A ball! A mushroom! A rabbit! A monkey! The log! Look! A flower! A leaf! A worm! A rock! A frog! A hat! Woo-hoo! Look! A massive bird! I wonder why that little egg is out all on his own. I'll just check the little nipper’s okay. Crikey, I've got legs! I found Egg! Wow! Egg has grown. Come on, Egg. Let's get you back to your mummy. Righto, lead the way! You can't just go wandering off by yourself. You've got to stay in your nest like my egg. What egg? Hey, where is my egg? Duggee! I found... something. Huh? What is it? [Duggee Gasps] Woof! Why, yes! It's a Scrufflelump! A fascinating creature. I want to touch it. A-woof. Well, we need to make sure it's friendly first. Aw. Hello, Scrufflelump. Are you friendly? Oh. It is friendly! Look, it's sniffing Norrie. [Scrufflelump Sniffs] [They Laugh] So cute! Let’s call him- Potato! Yeah! He can be our pet! A-woof woof. Yes, pets are a big responsibility. You see, Duggee has his pet badge and knows they can be a lot of work. A-woof. They need... Feeding! Meow. Huh? Cleaning! Woof. [Cow Toots] Exercising! A-woof-woof-woof-woof-woof-woof! Brushing! Mmm-hmm! Baa! And... Training! Oh. Pets are a lot of work. Well, yes, but pets are wonderful too. They help us relax. Play with us. A-woof woof. Make us laugh. Baa, baa. Woof woof. Baa. [Duggee Laughs] Make us happy. Moo, moo, moo... Woof! And they give us... lots of love. Aww. So pets are lovely! Deos that mean we can keep Potato? A-woof. Why not? Scrufflelumps live in the woods Not in a clubhouse, I'm afraid. Aw. A-woof woof. Bye, Potato. [Squirrels Sigh] I miss Potato. Yeah. Potato! Duggee! Potato’s here! Huh? Look! Oh, where's he gone? Meow. You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. [Happy Gasps] Puddles! Um, I’ve seen better looking puddles, Happy. What's it like out there, Mitch? Beautiful as always, Madge. Water! Beep beep beep beep. What's up boy? Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep- Huh? Water. Water. Water. And Mrs. Mitch said... Huh? Yeah! Water! Oh! Come on! What- is- that? Back to our top story. Unbelievable scenes here in Midgetropolis today. Hey, Mo, turn that up, will you? Sure thing, Ace. An enormous green alien. Ooh. Wait! That puddle looks a bit... Green... And smelly. Maybe you shouldn't step in it, Happy. But it’s only water. [Screaming] The monster! It’s coming! Excuse me, ma'am, you need to see this. This better be important, soldier. Water! Ah. Urgh. Let's get Duggee! Run for your lives! [Screaming] I'll settle it tomorrow, Mo. Yeah okay, Ace. Hey! There's not going to be a tomorrow. General, it’s getting closer. Find me that eccentric scientist I usually have no time for. Ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Stay still! Duggee’s coming. The general wants your help, Professor. Tell her I retired years ago. More breaking news on the green alien. What can you see, Matteo? It’s big, It's green, and it looks pretty mean, Melissa. Back to the studio. Now, get me out of here! Duggee! Duggee! Happy’s playing in a puddle. And it’s really smelly! Huh? Mr President, do I have your permission to go to Midge Con One? Do whatever it takes. Launch missiles! [Happy Giggles] This water tickles. The monster's not retreating, ma'am. Then start looking for a miracle. What's that? Oh you want more Hey Duggee? Well, ask your grown up to download the free BBC iPlayer app where you can find loads more episodes! A-woof!
Channel: CBeebies
Views: 268,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBeebies, CBeebies shows, CBeebies UK, CBeebies iPlayer, CBeebies Full Episodes, For children, For kids, For babies, Preschool, Early years, Early learning, Nursery Rhymes, Songs, For toddlers, Hey Duggee, Hey Duggee and friends, The Squirrels and Hey Duggee, Animals Month CBeebies
Id: Yu4ehdbmEm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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