Lathe VFD 2: How to Program a VFD for a lathe (Teco-Westinghouse L510)

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[Music] okay I drag out the manual and the manual for this thing is substantial and I've gone through and figured out all the parameters that I think I'm gonna want to change of course I haven't done any of this yet now one of the very first things that I wanted to do is configure this thing to use an external run stop command with a switch and a an external voltage input to control the speed with a potentiometer and you know the manual is very very clear that the defaults on these are zero so it should be running with the keypad on the front panel of the VFD and same thing here zero is the default for the main frequency source which is keypad and so I really have no idea but I got to playing around and looking at the settings on the on the VFD and it looks like yeah that's not the case the manual is just flat wrong that's not what the defaults are and in fact it appears to already be configured for exactly the kind of configuration that I wanted so I may not have to actually do anything so I ultimately let's let's talk a little bit about what these terminals do so there are there's a whole row of terminals on the front of this thing first to or RA and RB that's a relay output and you can configure in the VFD exactly how that's handled I'm going to use that to run the Supplemental cooling fan for the motor then the next six terminals here are four switch inputs you have s1 through s4 there's six switches plus a common and so you connect switches between these switch terminals in the common to provide input to the VFD and I want to use those to connect this isn't the final one this is just for testing directions switch that I compress in one direction to go forward Center off the other direction to go backwards and the reason I'm doing it that way is because that's the kind of switch that's already built into the front of the LEI then I want to wire up and use that switches can do other things like emergency stop preset speed toggle speed up and down all kinds of stuff like that I'm not gonna use any of that so then the rest of the terminals on here are the analog terminals so there's analog ground a GND and 10 volts DC now you can't use this to power anything externally it's just for these analog inputs and then there are 2 analog inputs analog voltage input and analog current input I'm gonna use the voltage input to control the speed there's also an analog output where this can be programmed to send out a voltage that describes what's going on with the VFD whether it's you know what speed it's add there's a bunch of things you can configure on this so I want to connect a potentiometer and this is just a 2 2 kilo ohm pot that just you know grabbed off eBay commonly available if RadioShack still existed you could pick those up here I'm sure you have a local source and I've just got the 3 wires and so the two ends of the potentiometer I'm going to connect to the 10 volt and the ground and then the wiper in the middle I'm going to connect to the avi the analog voltage input okay and then the switch I have exactly the same thing here I have the center wires black which is going to hook to the common and then when this switch switches this direction it connects the common to the orange wire when I flip it the other direction it connects the common to the red wire so this is forward that'll be orange so I'll connect the black wire to the common and then the red and orange or the orange and red to s1 and s2 now it's planning on doing this in a series of steps to kind of show how this worked but as it turns out nothing was working on the control panel and when I dug in and Kyle looked at some of the settings on the thing I have not changed anything this is exactly how it came out of the box and it was already wired to use these inputs so they power it up now I have the potentiometer turned all the way to the left so it's displaying the frequency of 0 and if I turn this the frequency increases I turn this all the way around by default it goes all the way up to 60 Hertz now I'm gonna start slow start around 5 Hertz 6 Hertz that's the minimum for the motor and then let me just switch this into forward and we'll see if the motor turns in which direction it turns switch it forward and there the motor goes now that's rolling towards me with the motor in this orientation and that is actually the same orientation the motor is going to be in when it's on the lathe and that's actually correct that's the normal cutting direction switch it off the motor stops you can hear the DC injection braking at the end and then flip it the other way and it goes backwards and that's exactly what I wanted so I have to reverse anything you don't have to set up any of the controls it works just the way I wanted it to work so let's try some different speeds as I increase this the motor starts spinning up as we get to the mid-range you can see the motors kind of shaken and make a noise we'll get through that that smooths right out and that's 60 Hertz which is the designed rpm for this motor now that shaking in the mid-range is irritating but I don't really think that's a problem with the motor at this point I think that probably has more to do with the commutation oh I didn't turn it off I just turned it down to zero so me to actually turn it off okay Cory the manual here the very first setting is the control method whether it's voltage frequency mode or SLV mode and I wanted an SL V that sensorless vector mode so let's see if we can do that mode to go to the settings and that is setting zero zero zero which is already selected long press on the enter and there we are we're on zero let's put that up to one long press on the enter and now we should be set let's make sure yep it's now set to one so I just switched it to sensorless vector drive so now let's try that and see if that sounds any different or behaves any different we'll start slow [Music] and sure enough all that shaking that was in the mid-range it's gone okay the other thing you can hear here that's going on you can just hear this thing whistling and that's because the commutation frequency is set to probably five Hertz from the factory again that's what the manual said let's see what actually is going on here okay Emanuel says carrier frequency is setting 1101 so to set a parameter in this case it's 11 - oh one and I need to set that somewhere between 1 and 16 kilohertz and I'm going to set it as high as possible so that I can't hear it he pressed the mode switch once to get into the setting mode now you're looking at the setting number 1100 and I actually want to set 1101 so I'm going to cursor up and it's changing this last number so a 1 enter takes you to the next number and ER takes you to the next number and so you can just cursor through these dialing these add in rid these things up and down I just changed it so I'm sure sir back through this and so that's there now I'm set to 1101 I long press the Enter key and now it shows me the value is set to 5 kilohertz which is what the manual says it was by default I'm gonna bump that all the way up to 16 kilohertz so it'll run more smoothly now long press on the enter it says end so it took the parameter now we go mode to go back to running mode and now when I switch that on we shouldn't hear that whistling sound I can hear it but it's very high at 16 kilohertz now now there's another setting on this that's supposed to choose how this thing runs you've got three modes for carrier mode you've got three phase pull through with pulse width modulation got two phase modulation and you have two phase soft modulation now I think by default the manual says it should be set to two phase we're going to set it to three phase and what it's going to do is set it so that all of the motor coils are energized simultaneously creating a rotating magnetic field in the motor and it should run smoother so let's see that would be setting 1102 long press and it says it's set to 1 which is two-phase pulse width modulation I want to change it to three-phase which is setting 0 now long press on the inter I'm going to press again make sure it's still there yep it's still set to 0 long press and now when we run it it should run with the three-phase let me turn this back down turn this back to the frequency and in fact I don't hear that high-frequency whistle at all anymore Wow that's just gorgeous okay let's set the frequency limits so we talked about this motor being ten to one which means it should be able to go all the way down to six Hertz now what about the top-end well if we run it at 60 Hertz that's running at its rated speed of 17 1800 rpm I would like to be able to run it faster than that now because this motor is sold in both a 1800 rpm version and a 3600 rpm version I'm willing to bet that the bearings are not different between them which means this motor the bearings which are the primary limit on the top end are going to be just fine running at double speed so I'm going to set the top-end limit to 120 Hertz and the bottom end to 6 Hertz just based on what it said in the manual so the frequency upper limit is 0 0 12 so let's go to 2 0 0 apparently what happens is when I try to change the bottom number to something that's not supported by the current setting set that the top number is set to so it was set to 11 there is no 11 12 so when I dialed 12 in it changed everything so I guess you have to set the top ones first so 0 0 12 long-press is 60 Hertz now I want to make this I want to run the whoops let's run this all the way up to 120 and I'm doing exactly the same thing here I'm just using ENTER to advance through the digits so that's 120 Hertz press long press on Enter that stops it now 0 0 13 is the frequency lower limit long press here and we're gonna set those and press ENTER to get into the mode where I can go through the digits and I'm gonna set this to 6 Hertz I don't know if we'll really want to said said it run it at that speed that sort of just depends on how it operates on the lay it will give that a try though long press ok so now when I get back out to the frequency my dial goes from 6 Hertz to 120 and let's just see what that sounds like you can hear a little bit of low frequency boo and what that is is thief it's the tape on the motor okay now let's run that back down now you'll also notice this is taking a long time to ramp up and down and that's because the default ramp time is set to ten seconds so let's go ahead and change those acceleration times that's zero zero 14 and 0 0 15 0 14 so 210 seconds let's make that maybe 3 seconds again we'll have to tune this when it's actually on the lathe and then the deceleration time is 0 0 15 also 10 seconds let's change that to 3 seconds yep now to reverse it should take six seconds total one two three okay that looks good now I'm curious if that's for the whole range or for that's for the zero to 60 range I'll set it to 120 and we'll see how long this takes [Music] okay so it's scaling it based on the frequency so the the acceleration time that I have set to three seconds is just the time to get to the normal sixty Hertz and if you go twice that high it's gonna take twice that long so what that means is if we're down at like six Hertz it should get there almost immediately it does so there's one more thing I'd like to do and that is I would like to set up a cooling fan on this that's controlled by the VFD let me go get the stuff and I'll come back and we'll wire that up and see if we can get that working okay this is the cooling fan that I want to use it looks relatively small but this is a high speed fan out of a out of a computer server and so it actually moves a lot of air and I should be able to zip-tie that pretty easily to the grill on the back of this and we'll worry about that when we actually install this on the lathe for now I just want to get this so that the VFD is controlling it so what I've got is a 12-volt fan and I've separated the leads here so I've got the red and black leads which are the the power terminals for the fan and then I've got this cable coming in which is 12 volts from a little wall wart power supply so I've got the black wires connected together with this test clip and now the red wires if I touch them together the fan spins up so now what I want to do is I want to connect those red wires to the relay and relay B contacts on the VFD and then program the VFD to control those I specifically want it to turn the fan on when the motor is running at low speed so let's get that hooked up okay so we want to set up the the relay and so we have to first set the output relay mode and that's parameter 311 and you can set it so that the relay comes on when the VFD is running you can set it so that the it comes on when frequencies are reached or when there's a fault there's there's all kinds of things you can set this to and we're gonna set it to run with output frequency Direction output frequency detection less than a certain frequency so when the speed is below us for a certain frequency we want this fan to come on so that is three of setting 311 so let me pop over and set the three first three eleven long-press and that is set to one which is right now that la closes when there's a fault I'm going to set it so that two five which means we want it to come on when the output frequency is below a certain value okay and the value is set by three thirteen so three thirteen it's currently set to zero which the manual says is the default let's set that to I'm just gonna pick a number forty Hertz because I know the fans gonna cool itself fine at 60 Hertz if we go below 40 I want that external fan to come on okay now of course I'm dialing it down below that but the but it's not actually running below that so let's put up around 60 start this ok the fan came on briefly while it was below that but now that we're up around 59 Hertz the fan is stopping you can see it stopped and as I dial this down 55 50 when we hit 42 fans should come on 43 42 41 40 and there we are we're running at 37 and this cooling fan is running and putting out a lot of hair so we run this all the way down to you know eight Hertz that fan is producing a lot of air that'll be gonna be on the back here cooling the motor and when we get up to the point where they wear the fan the the fan in the motor is actually generating enough air to cool it I'm just feeling the air coming around then the fan shuts off it's exactly what we want well I think that's it for the wiring and configuration it ended up being a lot easier than I thought it was going to be because I thought I was gonna have to go through and adjust all of these settings and it turns out it was already wired up for the switch right from the factory so the next thing to do is to stuff this thing in the lathe and we will work on that next time if you're joining these videos please feel free to subscribe to the channel give me a thumbs up and leave me a comment I'd like to know what you think thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Clough42
Views: 117,294
Rating: 4.9665809 out of 5
Keywords: Lathe, VFD Upgrade, Variable-Speed, VFD Programming, Teco VFD, Teco-Westinghouse VFD, L510, Rough Motor, VFD Noise, VFD Quiet, PWM, PWM Frequency, 3-Phase
Id: RQKPtf7stiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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