Latest Fashion Trends Fall 2021 Winter 2022

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hello everybody and welcome to mm design my name is maria and today we're going to be talking about the fashion trends for fall winter 2021 2022 let's get into it just so you guys know i have a bunch of videos dedicated specifically to accessories shoes and bags uh color trends pattern trends that are going to be listed in the description box below but today today we're talking about the actual trends it's going to be a crazy long video you guys crazy long so prepare yourself maybe go get yourself a drink or maybe a little pee break during the time wouldn't hurt okay most anticipated most yes yes let's just yeah let's just dive in and talk about these trends that i've seen on the runways let's just start with outerwear probably i don't know it's fall winter we might as well find out what we need and the first one is uh ponchos or capes or yes okay so this trend was trying like it's it's trying to claw its way in into the fashion it's not as popular i've been trying to promote it i love capes they're so fun to wear and they're so easy you just kind of like put it on top and you're done and it can be a statement too so we see lots of like rain capes too and just just like just caves in general i really like capes i think they're really cool and yes i know that previously there was a lot of like cape dresses and cape that and this but this is actually like outerwear capes that you put on top of your wardrobe amazing ones from amiw from valentino from burberry yes very elegant very classy so the next one is of course the puffer coat like what can we do puffers really nice really warm um we see them in a variety of lengths there's like some super crazy long ones from like from rick owens there is some really voluminous uh like from roberto cavalli they just like yeah and there is some very like on dolce gabbana had some really puffy ones and some that didn't really like they had an interesting outlay that more looked more like a sleeping bag rather than a puffer but it's uh i guess it's still warm lots of oversized puffers in a louis vuitton and so many more shows so yes puffers are a big thing surprise surprise and these puffers can be either just like one color black or maybe a statement color dolce gabbana had really kind of reflective materials also and like even like spray painted things uh so yes let's move on to leather so once again we see leather it's not going away anytime soon in my opinion i think leather will be known as like the 2020 trend like it's it's a very developed trend and it's gonna stay for how long i don't know but what that means is that in like 20 years people will be looking back at 2020 and we're like oh my gosh they were leather or fake leather i don't know they'll have something to talk about about our generation and how horrible we dress just like we think back to some other decades um anyways so leather leather and dresses leather and coats and pants in anything we have some matte leather and some patent leather some even like leather patchwork situations happening in chloe and in some other shows we see leather in different colors and yes pretty much anything is a go right now for leather so you can wear it head to toe you can wear it just as an accent maybe just a coat or maybe just a skirt anything anything all right so the next trend is the strong shoulder it's not going out anytime soon once again this is gonna be one of those statement statement things that people will think back to the 2020s and they'll have the strong shoulders just like we're thinking back to the 80s and their like strong shoulders whether it's an oversized suit or maybe is just a blouse with puffy sleeves that are generally more volume at the shoulders maybe they're more pointy shoulders like coming from a collar or maybe they're just pointy this is amazing trend for thrifters you guys i love thrifting and i actually started all of this because i was doing the research to go out and thrift for items that are going to be popular like next year and start wearing them really early just because like where i live the trends are like almost two years late and you can't find them in stores which is great because i would rather buy something more of quality in a thrift store especially when you like do all the research ahead of time so you kind of beat the curve and nobody else bought that item yet and i love it so this trend is amazing for i would say anybody just because if for instance if you are a inverted triangle and um you're wearing this oversized blazer nobody's thinking that you have really broad shoulders everybody's thing assumes that you know it's a really wide fit blazer on you and yeah which is actually the next trend oversized blazer let's just talk about that so it's great because your slender on the inside right you can have some high-waisted wider pants on the on the bottom so it can get your hips wider right and then the shoulders are just there basically yeah create volume using pants even though you have the shoulders any other type of body also though nice with the oversized blazer trend okay so the next one i already mentioned puffy shoulders puffy sleeves this we see this trend again and again and again this is maybe third third or fourth even season that we see it coming back this is i in my opinion is becoming more of a classic trend so if you are thinking of investing something like into a much more expensive piece this one is a safe bet uh to do because like it's it's just so elegant it might be more like a feminine kind of look so maybe not for everybody it depends how you style it for inverted triangles if you style it with very very like kind of loose or very voluminous bottom it will still have give you that an hourglass look but if you're thinking of styling with really slim bottoms then it will exaggerate that maybe you are actually thinking about doing that and instead of fighting against your shape working with it and creating some really like striking contrast but for every other body type this is great especially for the pair because now you need to create the you know the volume at the top especially those cropped jackets maybe i'm gonna talk about them later okay so the next trend is rounded silhouette especially in the coats so we see like the volume in the sleeves becomes and makes you more rounded so the shoulders aren't as strong but sometimes they are but the volume kind of like is located in the what are these elbow area so it creates the circular effect we see some of this effect in the dresses uh okay the louis vuitton has some major vibes of that circle julia johnson has lots of dresses with very puffy sleeves that resemble a circle tom ford dolce gabbana with those puffer jackets they do look like a circle and i've seen this a lot i'm not sure if this is my favorite trend i don't know especially for the jackets i don't think it's a very nice kind of appearance we also see the circular thing going towards the bottom in some of the dresses i'm thinking of like a body shape that this would work on well if okay yes depending i guess so if it is very fitted here and it's just the sleeves then hourglass is perfect if it has enough enough volume and the shoulders it'll be very good for the pear-shaped body for inverted triangle i guess if you could create volume at the bottom that it quite worked we see a bomber lots of bomber jackets having that shape just because of like they're they usually already look like that like a little circle because the sleeves are a little wider yes lots of lots of bomber jackets boss etc max mara prada prada's prada's jackets are very very oversized and we have some um dior also so the next trend is the furry trend and it i guess it depends what region you live in if it's a drier region i think this is a great one it can be a dry region when it's really cold too right so like as long as there's no rain as long as there's like no wetness i think this trend is amazing maybe if the fur is is well i guess it might be faux fur right and if it's like smaller not as thick not as long then it's okay for a wetter climate too so yes we have lots of texture on the runways it's great for adding that it's really warm too so if you do live in a very cold climate it's very very great we see it on runways and if you're interested in all like the accessories we see lots of furry accessories too lots of furry bags or furry shoes so that's again depending how what is your climate because can you imagine getting in or like a rainstorm in that furriness where it just like soaks everything in and you look kind of look like a wet dog not a greatest look but i guess you could make it a statement so of course we see this in givenchy in fendi in dolce gabbana in in so many so many shows and it's either like a classic kind of colors or maybe some outrageous uh over the top colors of you know fake furs lots of shearling happening also so yes very textured outerwear prada had some interesting like little i don't know what are those like little shawls with one side being like a knit and on the other side being a fur uh lots of like lots of that oh chanel i don't know this reminds me like of a dog like those jackets i don't know okay and here you go dolce gabbana really bright color blocking of furs very statement coats like i believe they're not for real just because they don't look not real and here we go dior also having more of like a smaller look like that shearling so as i mentioned the furnace we can also have little accent of that fur on our jackets maybe a little color maybe on the inside of the jacket we have that those stitches going on with little fur peeking through a little fur moments on the cap so basically yes for i don't even know why i made a separate little section for shearling just because there's i guess a lot of it there i really like the julia johnson this little vest thing it is so cute like oh my gosh it's just giving me these vibes of you know ethnic vibes oh so good so good okay okay so another uh kind of trend that i've seen a lot of is a clear plastic kind of outerwear so we see this in dior lots of like raincoats like that with their logo print thing we even see it in salvatore fergamo having those like a skirt a clear plastic skirt or clear plastic pants i'm not sure the wearability of that may be on top of something else dolce gabbana had a lot of those clear plastic moments um i think this is really cool addition to your outfit for like the rainy weather um bulma also had lots of those plasticky feels there's lots of paddle leather that resemble the plastic also but yes back to my point very great for the rainy weather just as an outer coat maybe like on underneath you have a really cool outfit that you want to show off why not have that clear plastic on top just to protect it from the outside world where you can just take it off where you know you went to where would you go in it i don't know grocery store but yes we see a lot of that on the runways pattern leather i always say pleated leather like i guess it it is a thing but a panel leather very shiny kind of a very plasticky feel i sometimes like the leggings like that i find them so sexy i have a pair and i i kind of wearing them too like bits right now at the moment so uh going on from that plasticy field we have lots of metallics metallics like on shoes metallica's on coats pants skirts you name it valma who else did it pretty sure dolce gabbana julia johnson valentino tom ford so very very very reflective and metallics kind of things they're fun make sure if you are kind of worried about your body type to put it's not in your problem zone so if you're trying to minimize your shoulders get a metallic paint or a metallic skirt if you are worried about your hips get a metallic top to kind of balance that out so the eye goes towards something that you want highlighted or if you like her but put it on your butt basically what i'm saying we also have some of those accessories and a metallic screen it's it's fun i think and it's it's durable anyways let's move on to yes the y2k moments right now i'm feeling like a little person standing on a beach and i know that there's a tsunami coming and i'm just looking at it and it's just it's going it's going and i'm not i'm not running away from it i'm just standing there and watching it come to me and it's really scary so that trend is coming you guys the low rise the like awful makeup awful hair like even when i was in that stage like back in 2000 i didn't like the trends at all like i was like oh my gosh what are they wearing like oh my gosh maybe it's like a kind of a young thing can like more grown-up mature people get away with it depends i guess on your character and what how you want the world to pursue you you do you basically you do you but i'm very terrified of this trend and this is the main the main goal is don't follow trends blindly think about the trends that will work with you with your uh character with your body shape with your style and just stick with them like i have a friend julia hello yula if you're watching this and she is looking for that perfect mom jean although she's more of an apple shape and this this is not the most flattering pan for her that's why she can't find the one right because for her skinny jeans are the best friend and right now people are going away from the skinny jeans and now she's stressing out that oh no i want to be trendy i want to do this and that just go find the trend that works for you wear it with those skinny jeans and you're going to be trendy don't worry guys don't worry you know don't don't follow those blindly anyways i'm off on attention right now i need to get back to the video okay so we see a lot of those lower rise pants with like a little belt on the wayside if you have a very nice stomach yes you can get away with it um if you have very very strong self-esteem you can get away with it i'm not that comfortable right now with my stomach or ever was i maybe before kids i was but right now no although my stretch marks are going away anyways that's another topic okay we see lots of like cutouts in you know the stomach area basically if you're thinking back to like what britney spears would wear like that's yes that's perfect or a paris hilton you know that's the vibe you are going for if you're enjoying this content so far please consider to like this video and maybe potentially subscribe to this channel as this will help my channel grow so much you have no idea thanks okie doke next chopped jackets here we go yeah i yes i knew they were coming okay so so cropped jackets i love this i love this like for anybody who wants to get the you know that waistline effect even though if you don't have a waistline just having like maybe a skirt that goes from your waistline down maybe like an a-line skirt and a blazer that's cropped is just kind of gives you this waist just because everything is a little bigger right so it kind of just makes your waistline a little smaller i really like it with the crop tops amazing i actually had that jacket oh and i threw it away oh my gosh not that particular but very very similar from the 2000s you guys oh my goodness yes yes yes yes we're living it especially for anything with high rise right here chanel is having high rise pants and a little belt on there just to highlight that area it is very elegant and very beautiful i love it and you can thrift it and remake it you guys this is yes okay so we see a few of like resizable things not crazy amount um khloe a had these really long coats that you can just unzip the bottom of it and it would be like a medium size coat dolce gabbana had a lot of those like for the zippers where you can make a blazer like shorter sleeves or just create some kind of holes like cutouts and the coats also had detachable aspects the sleeves and the bottom section of a coat i'm pretty sure you can find that at a thrift store like 100 um bell bottoms so so so so so so bell bottoms very tight at the top and having very wide bottoms but not not super wide it's still kind of a skinny bell bottom let's just call it that sport max had this trend you can see it um salvatore fergamo so once again having like maybe a little slit on that bottom section so it kind of flares out more especially when you walk you can also have just a wider pant with that slit that creates that volume effect at the bottom of your pant stella mccartney had some crazy dramatic ones like that it looks more like a mermaid effect like really dramatic difference from the top to the bottom and a kiki also very dramatic um blue marine with those two ik moments with very very wide bell bottoms at the bottom bell bottoms at the bottom okay versace also had like tighter at the top and wider at the bottom this trend i think the only the only one like body type that this might not work for would be the inverted triangle just because the hips are so like tight but yeah the other ones are pretty good unless you do have a wider fit pant and then you just have dramatic bell bottom effect at the bottom maybe a inverted triangle that way oh good wide leg paint yes yes i like i like i like wildlife pens some people are afraid of wearing them just because they might make your leg appear smaller the only way it is possible is by its cut so the longer it is the longer it will make you seem if it cuts at an awkward height that might you know make you look a little bit boxier and shorter but i really like this trend for any body type maybe apple body shape not so much just because legs are like the best part of their bodies and arms so by hiding them you might look bigger so maybe just not the apple shapes so we have really really wide legs and so many shows are so breathtaking and i love it because it's not a skirt it is much comfier people with chafing problems such as myself will understand that this is the best alternative to a skirt just because it's flowy it's awesome and the thighs don't rub together next trend is the fringe we see this coming back and at this time it's not as dramatic like in the previous i think it was prada who had this beautiful long fringe and i was just imagining it getting stuck in everything so we do have some long versions of it an etro show for these like cowboy moments like are amazing i like in love with it uh we also see more like a smaller fringe on like little bags or maybe on like the sleeves i i have a french shirt and whenever i wear it while i'm driving i'm i'm a distracted driver because all like the whole drive i was i'm going like this and look anyways we see this little fringe detail on dresses we see them on like yeah lots of that salvatore ferragamo has some more of a messy fringe going on we see little fringes of feathers we see little like beads we see like a skirt full of fringe and i i i really like fringe if that's not obvious so i'm a big fan as long as your thing back to your lifestyle and how long your fringe can be i guess will determine that i'm afraid of getting caught in things so i might go for the shorter fringe fendi had their first of course fendi first this is kind of their staple that's how they came up and i know there's lots of going to be people against it like i can't i can't say them not to do it right and it's part of their history it doesn't really give them the right to use it and i can't really say that i would never buy a fur thing because i probably would if i had enough money just because like i'm russian and it's still it's part of the history right i don't feel that it is necessary so anyways i don't want to get into this it's too long of a topic to get into this video particularly because i'm pretty sure it's going to be like an hour-long video moving on so they had this fur fringe at the bottom of there like coats of their i don't know is that like a scarf first scarf so beautiful yes and i don't think they're the only ones i saw it somewhere else too but oh my goodness very very beautiful some beaded work from chanel okay next one i think we're uh going into second skin or skin tight or yes so very very tight um maybe like an under layer or maybe just the whole dress is skin tight like lots of really tight turtlenecks or dresses yeah so tom ford had like a full thing it looks like a stocking outfit we see like ties underneath of things or leggings and we see like them being with cut outs dolce gabbana had some nice ones like that so for me how i would wear it as an under layer which is great you know for layering but if you are kind of scared because you don't think that your body shape is the best for it layering it it would be great a way of introducing that into your style maybe just under a dress of some sort that you would already wear or maybe like just underneath a blazer yeah okay so moving on to the next one next one is a turtleneck so not only in those skin tight items so we see the turtleneck turtlenecks are super super duper popular at the moment we see them in sweaters we see them in dresses we see them sometimes even in coats but yes turtlenecks it's like a scarf and a thing in one which is amazing we love a nice turtle neck turtlenecks can be great for any ball any body shape if you do have a kind of a smaller or thicker neck maybe not go for that just because it will make you look boxier if you do have that kind of if you're worried about it get something with a cleavage thing just because it will make this section look longer we have reached cutouts so we've seen some of these cutouts before and they're continuing on for this season also and we see them in sweaters we see them in dresses we see them in codes christian serrano had those cut outs in a coat on the side i don't know if that's the way i would wear it lots of 2yk moments had those cutouts like either on a hip of a skirt or maybe like somewhere else there are some more subtle cutouts like just little slits valentino had a lot of like that slit work that would make a pattern and i i quite like it and it is something that you actually can try out yourself from maybe re-purpose your old things maybe not from sweaters just because you know they kind of pull out and they will be destroyed but you can i guess you could try something we have some amazing dresses from rice vanessa oh my goodness those are sexy we we have a lot of cutouts in like this area which actually depending how wide it is it might help you like with the hour glass you know effect um if you are more of a rectangle shape then it kind of visually gives you that waistline and yeah it's pretty good for for most body shapes if you are shorter think about having these cutouts to be asymmetric or maybe like going on a diagonal or just as long as they're not like cutting you off anywhere it's yeah it should be good okay so continuing from a previous season or two vests are still on the runways um i am okay with the vests it just depends i guess on your body shape where you want that attention so for instance if you have very broad shoulders i don't know whether you should have a vest you know like anyways okay i don't really have lots to say about the vest so i'm just gonna move on getting knit of course it's there we see some crochet knits dresses we see some more like thicker like sets of knits more of a thicker knit me we had crochet like everything happening there some potential for diys some beautiful dresses from julia johnson like oh my goodness that that work is breathtaking those knits are amazing tro and some other have more like a geometric kind of more of a sweater love it of course it's fall winter what else can we ask for yes we need it we have some more funky um dresses like more more like a clear see-through ones and once again these dresses can have cutouts just as i previously mentioned and yeah these are very fun layered differently pot pants what are those you might ask super super duper short shorts like just like almost underwear kind of thing so knitted ones even outro hello um tom ford had just like um okay dolce gabbana okay high rise version of them maybe just like that not enough coverage honestly not enough coverage i think this can open a door of like teenagers wearing underwear out maybe with like tights underneath or layered with something maybe i'm just thinking of this like from being high fashion to becoming like a horrible mistake next trans sparkle we have lots of sparkle we talked about the metallic sheens and yeah we have lots of rhinestones so basically two ik moments rhinestones very shiny materials a whole outfit out of them or maybe it's just a few crystals here and there or rhinestones i have lots of examples but not a lot to talk about it it's here it's it's back every season it's i don't know is it special i don't know so basically if you have um like a an item of clothing that is the cut is in right now and it's covered in shiny stuff you can wear it mosquito balm dolce gabbana dior oh yeah a lot of it risa vanessa very sparkly sequins here go sequence covered anything no prada still has some oh yeah prada had interesting ones um like the cape with like fur lining or just a full outer wear covered in that but you know prada loves being creative with those sparkly items chanel also had um a few sparkly moments dolce gabbana went all out with like swarovski crystals okay so the next trend i think everybody is aware of her are now corsets we see corsets everywhere especially on social media like corsets i really like this um trend i would love to have a corset they're quite expensive if you're looking for like a well-made one uh if you're looking for not so well-made one it's not gonna last you a very long time and it might actually not be as pleasant looking as you might imagine it to be but not always we're talking about the top we even have corset skirts having that lace-up effect on the skirt or the dress having that lace or like those little hooks there too dolce gabbana even had some on their pants i am very much loving this trend okay very sexy very sexy courses um a great a great way of getting a nicely built corset maybe is to go to a thrift store get one of those dresses like a prom dress with a built-in corset just cut off the skirt you've got yourself maybe a corset maybe maybe not oh i have a wedding dress should i do that with that that's an idea oh my god i'm scared now what i'm gonna do with my dress all right you guys and the next one is sheer just like we had like you know the plastic clearness thing we see a lot of sheer items on the runways skirts dresses pants you name it yes it's beautiful yes it's see-through it's a statement it can be great for layering but where are you gonna wear it too now i i like it just as a fashion thing as a practical item i don't know oh actually love this elizabeth frenchy outfit of like this nice white button-up shirt with see-through long skirts to the ground i think it's very nice very like classy but edgy at the same time valentino had some amazing see-through dresses christian siriano had once again some beautiful gowns oh louis vuitton had a few skirts simon rocha had some um like more of an outer wear or like skirts that are of that kind of a mesh material versace had some beautiful black gowns with puffy sleeves and just like very flowing very beautiful so 70s trends i see them more on not the runways but actually like in real not not in real life influencers i see a lot of influencers going for that 70s style especially like thrifting influencers uh we have a huge movement of people kind of concerned about environment thrifting items making wardrobe capsules and actually reselling them so if you're interested in that let me know i might show you who i follow who does this this is really fun era with a very colorful items and yeah it's pretty cool so you guys this completes the video i hope you guys are still with me and i hope it lets you know what to look out for when you're thrift shopping or when you're just shopping i'm excited uh hopefully we'll be able to wear this out and not just in our house please consider to like this video and subscribe to this channel as i do these videos kind of every every year i do two capsules of this so for spring summer and for fall winter and i break all the trends up into so many little pieces so basically i kind of watched all the videos and give you a report on what i saw i hope you guys have an amazing day have an amazing fall winter and yeah stay classy bye it's
Channel: MM Design
Views: 87,399
Rating: 4.8998861 out of 5
Keywords: Latest fashion trends, Latest fashion for women, clothes trends, fashion and style, New fashion, fall winter, what to wear, fashion shows, what to wear fall winter, New trends, as seen on runways, top fashion trends, fall fashion trends 2020, winter fashion trends 2021, favourite trends, top 10 fashion trends, hot fashion, fashion to style, NY fashion week, Paris fashion week, Milan fashion week, fall winter fashion week, fashion content, fashion show, fashion addiction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 9sec (2229 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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