Late WW2 Tanks in Action | TANKFEST Online | The Tank Museum

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[Applause] right so here we are looking at some of our other vehicles that we've got going around and this is our Churchill mark 4 we've actually got the Churchill mark 3 sorry mark 3 driving around here we are very lucky we have a series of Churchill tanks and one loan to us from the Churchill trust hopefully at the end of this they'll be coming a gift in the Tank Museum and there's a number of spares that penguin Munro may even see Bob driving with that tiller system on the Churchill the church Ian is actually the fourth type of infantry tank that dating back to world saying earlier here Ellis in 1933 saying we need infantry tanks frontal armor on the turret kill ended up being thicker than that on a tiger one you've got really good defense there and on the turret here we ended up going through a series of guns from the two pounder to the six pounders with a British 75 millimeter gun and this again was a tankless started life with a needful lot of teething problems but when time to be a very reliable vehicle and because of its rate of climb was considered a real classic you can actually get to places other tanks couldn't get to and was the course converted as well into things like a freeze this is a British comment this is another type of tank British made this is a cruiser so this is a follow on from that Crusader and what you're looking at later in the war we've got available now the meteor tank engine basically the Merlin early in the war it was being reserved the Merlin obviously for aeroplanes to defend Britain and then bombers but when they do rate it and make the media that then becomes available meaning that we've got a much more powerful tank engine that can then start going in the Cromwell and the comet tank and the comet that step frontage we've got thick armor again the whole point of that step front is to house the PISA machine gun this is the last tank they put that on and the first Centurions that are coming after the comic they decide no let's get for a smooth glass a plate instead of that step frontage where you've got the drivers viewport but more important than what it was done in sterling 90-degree angle for the beads in machine gun you can see there 77 millimeter gun the firepower is basically they took the cartridge from a three inch anti-aircraft gun and it puts enough force behind an armor-piercing ballistic a crown to go through this paint the Panther bat gun we had actual better firepower and penetration without firing armor-piercing ballistic short so with a little shadow on there with tungsten core that was better at penetration than the 75 millimeter on the panther now this was the panther that came across from the museum did blond this is the one that again was being used by the french army after the Second World War and it was captured from the Germans actually used during the war as well but Panthers equipped some of the first reformed French tank regiments and the panther really is an answer to when the Germans go into roughly maybe the t-34 the Tigers already been designed to going into service later that year in 1941 when they meet the t-34 it is genuinely a surprise for most of the German forces there is a moment where they debate shall we copy it directly Bing Germans they have to go wrong better and they come up with a panther we for many people is considered probably the best medium tank of the war and it's got superb sloped Armour it's got that very powerful 75 millimeter gun you've been looking at their wide tracks because again it's gonna be used on the Eastern Front the Maybach HL 230 P engine in the back to give it that power initially at places like the Battle of Kursk it has a lot of problems teething problems but when they get a lot of these ironed out and this is a very very effective tank but we often mention I've said it already down to the crews again a lot of the time the Germans amazingly they are using equipment as the war progresses albert speer you know who's doing this fantastic reorganization of the Germans arms industry he gets production going very very well but it's the men they're running out all from skilled crews now we've been very lucky at tank first to be able to put together you know whole groups of German tanks a classic American in four German of the Second World War named by the way all the British name the American tanks after Civil War generals so hence we got the Sherman we've got the Lee the grant etc now the Sherman comes in a absolutely for all formats and so if you're real rivet counter look that one's got a longer body it must be x y&z all of this because what they're doing they cannot make enough Sherman tanks with one type of engine and they're building new factories new companies are taking this on so we have some with cars tanks m4a ones with car sales we've got welded hulls we've got four different engine types which means sometimes a body has to be lengthened and later of course we've got improvements different suspension systems or here on our Fury tank more powerful guns being added so there is a great range of all German vehicles and we were lucky to get some classics altogether driving around our arena this tank of cause the tank we loan to the making of the Brad Pitt war movie fury tank we've left all the kit on it you can see the difference there between the sharper hull welded tanks and that smoother hold carved hold tanks of the Germans and this one as well of course has a 76 millimeter gun on most earlier Sherman's have the 75 millimeter gun the longer 76 millimeter is a higher velocity gun so it's not just that millimeter wider barrel it's the amount of propellant in the case the forces are round out with all kinetic energy that's a bigger difference there now here's a German stone gerschwitz and the stone bishops were originally the idea of mana stein german general in the mid 1930s he's arguing infantry should have mobile artillery attacking with them hence the design of this vehicle later in the war we'll see one in a moment they end up instead of just putting that short barreled howitzer to support the infantry on the tank they put an anti-tank gun on it and what you end up having isn't very effective there it is with a 75 millimeter gun are very effective tank with a low silhouette that all salt gun if you want to call it that way or tank killer because you could hide that vehicle easily in a hedge knock out enemy tanks and you can build three of these for the price of two turreted panzer 3 tanks so what we're looking at there is a very very successful German design for example in Normandy we always look like talking about the bigger tanks the Tigers the King Tigers etc actually it's a sturmgeschĆ¼tz that knocks out more allied tanks in any other type and it's a very popular vehicle now here we are with two t-34 85 early in the war what we're looking at with the t-34 76 beautifully built tanks just before the war they're starting to come into service with the Red Army a lot of them get knocked out obviously in those early days of the Barbarossa campaign in the summer of 41 the Russians have to move the factories behind the Ural Mountains and in the process realizes a lot of things that are going on a tank that aren't really necessary in combat so they simplify the design the tank is cheaper to build as it all goes on and in 1944 they come out with this the t-34 85 bigger turret three-man turret ease opposed to the earlier very crammed two-man turret and a bigger gun instead of the earlier we saw weekly t-34 76 a 76 millimeter gun that later one has the 85 millimeter gun and they use the t-34 hull to make assault guns as well starting off again with the su-85 that same gun that goes on the t-34 later in the second model of t-34 not worth having if we've got the same gunner so let's put a bigger gun so here we go with the su-100 a hundred millimeter gun and this particular model so underneath is basically the chassis of the t-34 this particular one was actually given to the Egyptians and was captured by british paratroopers at Suez in 1956 and it was brought back and we've actually got records in the museum row he's given to the museum collection and then taken away again for some firing cars of the army to doing so there you can see that diesel engine in the back nice wide tracks and also very distinctive noise you're here with Russian tanks is a distinctive clap clap clap noise as it goes long that's because of the pins being pushed back in by wedges they drive around the loose track piece now the one for the games players here this is tortoise and this was designed with the idea of that word again assault tank after d-day we thought we may have had to smash our way through things like German defenses like a siegfried line so a huge great cast frontage to it and a 32 pounder gun now that gun is actually the next up from the 17 pounder as an anti-tank gun actually five one of these of a panther and the round went either way through the front of the Prancer and exited the rear so very accurate very impressive vehicle and we actually got this running with its liter engine in the back we've actually appeared as one of our team fests driving around the place we're heading over now to have a look at a vehicle in Belgium and Canada the war heritage Institute is Belgium's National Institute for war history heritage and remembrance we are proud to have one of the biggest collections of military objects in the world the participant in this virtual tankfest for today is part of the collection of the war heritage Institute at our location in the bostonia barracks this is where we keep our collection of World War two vehicles and it's also the spot where we have the vehicle restoration Center where we restore vehicles the Sherman jumbo that is participating in this video has been restored over the period of about two years the restoration was finished in December 2019 just in time for our nuts event in December the tank also participated in our big liberation column south which was a remembrance project for the liberation of the Ardennes after the Ardennes offensive we try to keep as close as possible to the original tank that broke the encirclement of bostonia in december 1944 and we also hope to present this vehicle to you in person in the next edition of the life tank fest in the meantime keep safe keep healthy and when you're in Belgium make sure to visit one of our sites thank you [Music] so here iyslah's Elgin in for a three in two and they're starting off that old v8 gasoline engine is Oh two petrol engine in the back of this model the Sherman and this particular one they marked it up with Cobra Kim talked about in the moment but so what is the Jumbo German the Americans just like the British with the tortoise thought we may have to assault some very well defended and prepared positions and therefore you're gonna need tanks and have that much extra protection on because they're going to be that much more as a target and what they did with the m4a3 e2 on this particular model the jumbo model they add more armor protection so another inch plates added on you end up with four inches on that front plate and it's got the newer type turret on it and that means this tank becomes slow it slows it down by about six miles an hour because of that extra armor there and it's about overall about six tons heavier than the standard German same gun as a standard German with a 75 millimeter it's just those protection levels go up for the use they envisioned it they make about two hundred and fifty four of them 250th sent off to Europe and they arrive in about September of 44 and as mentioned this particular model this one ended up as a memorial tank by the side of the road after the Second World War some years later when it was going to be recovered when they approached the Americans the Americans actually wanted it back they said look we have this back and the America the Belgium war heritage Institute ended up saying look can we keep it will restore it and we'll keep it running and that's exactly what they've done here and they've done it up as Cobra King which is the first tank that got into Bastogne by Pat is relieving force so it's they've done it quite rightly you know because they're based at Bastogne and they've been going through these memorial commemorations over the last year or so now this again amazingly Cobra King that ruled that was the first one in Tabasco it was kind of lost for a while and then identified it was a range wreck and that's now back at Fort Benning in America and received Fort Benning in his a wild time so another one of those variations of a Sherman's that send it up this one I think the owning running jumbo Sherman now in the world so quite a piece and this went through a two-year restoration out in those workshops that was seeing they're out at Bastogne it's the big army base that they've now opened up and it's the site of one of their museums there's also some of the tanks and some of the vehicles are actually on display in Brussels that's where you used to go to see the tank collection you should really go to Bastogne these days to see the collection there so bit of a rarity driving along they're mentioned before there's that star on the side not just an American symbol all the Allies after d-day we've got stars that indicates an allied vehicle so here's the m4a3 e ii version of the Sherman coming towards us they're coming to the end of this little piece that the Belgium's have put together for us you located in Ottawa Canada the nation's capital the Canadian War Museum is Canada's National Museum of military history the museum promotes a deeper public understanding of the human experience of war since its opening in 2005 the museum has welcomed approximately 500,000 visitors annually there's a research centre a theatre and a memorial hall with the headstone of Canada's Unknown Soldier while our focus is on Canadians and times of world peace we have a rich collection of military artifacts rare vehicles unique medals and works of art comprising in total more than 3 million objects the military technology collection is housed in lebreton gallery one of the museum's most popular destinations workshop is located next to the gallery for the restoration and maintenance of vehicles in this open exhibition space we have 200 large artifacts including tanks aircraft and armoured vehicles this is the finest collection of military vehicles in Canada we hope you'll enjoy our footage of the Canadian made RAM kangaroo you will see in action in a moment and we hope that you will someday have a chance to visit us at the Canadian War Museum you can see here a ram tank is basically many people think of it almost like a barrage of the Sherman that was built in Canada he's got parts and components were used on the m3 gran tank they don't see combat action only summer used in Europe they're mainly used in Europe is training tanks but what happens is general Simmons is in charge of the second Canadian Corps in Normandy he actually gets m7 priests with their hundred five millimeter guns they're being replaced by sexton's with twenty five pounders so he thinks these will be useful vehicles if he plates over where the gun used to go on the m7 and they called on a kangaroo they put a section of infantry in them and they use about about 50 of them for operation totalized in the attacking normandy it's a great idea seems to work so they go back to Canada where a number of ram tanks at the Montreal locomotive works are quickly converted turrets off and they're made into a useful armoured personnel carrier and that's what we're seeing that the Canadian War Museum restores here in front of us that's what we're looking at now ten infantryman in the back you could have a commander a driver and sometimes someone operating that little turret that's on the side there with browning machine gun in in the back of it it's got that all 975 radial engine you know the aeroplane engine that was on used on a lot of the Sherman variants and gives it so it can keep up with the tanks it's got the same traction the same sort of sense of mobility and then used by the 79th armored division and they form specially the first Canadian armoured personnel company regimen back in September of 44 and you can see on the vehicle so marrying to the name on the side given by the troops there's that recognition star we talked about earlier and as the vehicle goes around you'll see the unit insignia one57 that's this Canadian armoured personnel carrier unit and you can also see the little triangle with a bull said in that's 79th Armored Division we talked about earlier now these vehicles brutalize Canadians they are used throughout the rest of the war very successful designer to adaptation led by the Canadians there and the idea kangaroo you don't have to think about it it's a name of vehicle with the power of one anymore sorry with a pouch marsupial so from that side of things kangaroo is a name stuck for whatever Varian they're using going along there and there you can see that radial engine having started up fires out a feral bit of smoke there at the rear but a fantastic vehicle put together and restore to life by the Canadians we hope you enjoyed our restored Ram kangaroo to learn more about the Canadian War Museum and how you can support us please follow us on social media or a visit our web site [Music] well two other collections they're quite stunning ones I've not been to the Canadian one we've met Jim who's in charge of Canadian Museum and his engineers have been over here as well but that's an amazing restoration and what a vehicle collation they've got and of course the Belgium's which is another one of those countries which is because it's been the basically the Gateway for different armies crossing Europe for centuries yes so you know if you go to their Waterloo exhibits if you go to their second one what they've got amazing bits and pieces so again two collections if you do have the opportunity definitely worth visiting and we've put links to their sites and these supporting museums who have given us if you go to tankfest dot org and again you'll be able to follow through some of the links and we've been saying earlier things to the short things of how you can support us on patreon how you can buy things how you can join some of our schemes you know it's become a member of the Tank Museum etc so do have a look at tankfest all
Channel: The Tank Museum
Views: 66,621
Rating: 4.9603505 out of 5
Keywords: the tank museum, tank museum, bovington tank museum, david fletcher, david willey, military tank, david fletcher tank chats, tank chat, tank chats, tank chats david fletcher, tank museum bovington, the tank museum tank chats, WW2, second world war, Panzers, German, german ww2, fury, sherman, Panther, World of Tanks, War Gaming, TANKFEST, TANKFEST 2020, TANKFEST Online, TANKFEST Live
Id: hE-siCeyIb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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