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yo guys what is going on and welcome to super seducer I thought this would be a perfect game because you know I am such a super seducer myself ha this game is you know what I don't even want to explain this game I just want to show you what it is okay let's play what did I just do how I minimize this friendly neighborhood seduction guru here and welcome to super seducer I'm so excited to be getting it into your hands what what's advance play in it but it's also going to be really interesting I hope and psychologically challenge him because they struggle with that one principles in coming up with the game so go ahead jump in there and finally thank you so much for buying it and I hope you I paid money for this game all I'm saying is right he said I'm so excited to be putting it in your hands and this is called super seducer I don't want to know what's in my hands a sitting like the way he started like your friendly neighborhood super seducer like that that just sounds creepy here we go story mode alright girl on the street two girls in bar that's a little advanced to me you know it's locked it that's why club dance floor girl see in coffee shop hot Jesus okay well I guess we have multiple videos damn right I'm getting my money's worth girl on street let's go explored you're walking and a girl catches your eye can you stop her get her to talk to you and make her want to see you again goal instant date okay let's try it let's let's try and super sir look at me oh what a stud she got some dusty kneecaps oh ah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I'm not creepy okay approach directly in front approach slightly in front and to the side pretend to be blah that walk next to her wolf-whistle yo what up girl walking with her yeah I I have to see this very funny but you know in most cases she's just gonna brush you off what okay I would honestly do that one I'd approach slightly in front and to the side so you're not like walking at her cuz that's like that's like kind of threatening walk next to her is just like what up girl a wolf was mad it will go there we'll get to the front we'll do serious excuse me just want to ask you something really pretty oh [ __ ] okay yeah brushed off that fails because you gave you made it too easy for her to just walk past you and brush you off too close to the side it means that she will likely do that as a reflex like 90% of the time where is this guy got his stats from okay let's see yo what up girl let's say that yeah come back here well no I don't want to be rape it does that no don't do that not right you want to stop her and talk to her when she's station I know I mean I know a good quiver it's kind of weird and then you can never tell if she wants to talk to you or not so either stop her and talk to her if she keeps walking let her go I mean I I know what the right choice is it has to be this that's how the music's played I look at him what a cool guy Oh sup girl sup be correct when you stop a go on the street you need to be directly in front of her and also leave enough space so that she can slow down and comfortably stop who are these two girls just sat there and just saw you wants to let you know you look very elegant I've been so odd hey do you have a minute that sounds like I'm doing a survey I don't don't I know you from one of my yoga classes hey I think you're really beautiful I'd love to go down on you right now did so I just saw you and I'd really love to go down on you what do you say that she would be open her which is never gonna be in the first few seconds especially in the day time when she's probably just going to buy a coffee or on our lunch break just to let you know by the way none of these are options I would choose I wouldn't even do this I never Brown approaching a girl on the street is like my worst nightmare i'ma go with the I just I'm gonna go with a nice option hey hey excuse me can I tell you something really quickly sure I just saw you and wanted to let you know that you look really elegant the skirts really summery thank you oh okay this is good because you've given her a nice compliment it's direct this made her smile and it's made her feel like speaking to you so it's a nice confident trust our industry so do these reduce these together so today I'm actually going to the park yes with my friend what it's girls yeah oh my god yeah what do you feed them like hot dogs almonds yeah that's their favorite is it it seems to me that's not so they're really cute on there they are very cute you know come on I do yes that's funny I never thought of that buy some almonds go keep the screws you should try it sometime okay what are you doing today all I'm saying is there is no choice so this guy gets Percy I'm just I hate using the word Percy but here there is no chance in hell that squeals do you you like them do you like squirrels yeah they're cute aren't they there's no no chance absolutely no chance ask her questions to get her to do most of the talking you're just so beautiful would you mind if I kissed you right now what we've learned not to do the sexual option so far until we know that she wants it you do most of the talking if this ain't right then I don't yeah that's nice and you spent a lot of time in this area I hate it there's a nice coffee shop just this you have but I'm going to meet a friend actually so I need to go okay what's her name is it a he or she actually that's creepy okay I was wrong in the beginning the go actually shouldn't do most of the talking so you don't want to ask a bunch of questions you want to make statements everything I've learned is wrong everything I have learned is wrong you do most of the talking go bang yeah I was just walking there's a nice park down there and then I'm gonna meet some friends but I've got like 40 minutes and that's why when I saw you and I thought you looked friendly so that's why I came over and said hi okay he turned South African stages of an interaction you actually do want to make most of the conversation so that she has a chance to relax get comfortable talking to you as snap out of the mindset that she was in thinking about what she's doing and where she's going so that's the right one we might hire some bikes and go riding around the park there's like a nice spot where they rent out bikes and it's on the lake yeah but your own breaks in that well I'm English no we don't do that we don't do that we don't we don't just clear up we don't do that and no one in England wears that that's that's some other thing I don't know what that is so the bit where she the bit where he was like oh yeah you do most of the talking is that when the models on little models on the bed is that why they haven't taught these literally just met them and he was like all right you sir days do that imma do the talking so so today that's nice that's not our use checking out her earrings as an excuse to touch her no start touching yourself to get turned on have to see it I this is what I cheese because this is so creepy I like squirrels yeah yeah and I like nuts I like cashews oh my god what what oh oh sure you do it in the privacy oh my god or on YouTube because no I'm it not YouTube take off your you might be able to help me with this head I was thinking of getting a tattoo let me show you I like somewhere don't grab her girls just honest sexual ways guys so getting your shirt off in the daytime sure unless you know that she's into it and she gives some hints that she likes you already he definitely said Schaaf anyway okay now those are just two options I was I I just I had to see it asked what hair gel hair gel hair style would be good to us what she does for living because she looks artistic he's checking out hiring I'm asked what she does because I've talked a lot so you know now I can ask her tell me what you do because you look a bit artistic hoping she heard that right yeah oh that making profit so this joking I work in IT but okay well that's cool so you're not so focused on money you like doing good things yeah that's cool I'm focused on you money no that's very cuz I can be creative too so sure leah is watch you think he's there caring about Jeremy does this that kind of usual question that we always ask but in this case you want to make a guess make an assumption it makes it a little bit more interesting and if you choose something to do with fashion or art it's always a compliment for a woman because it kind of says that she has style yeah okay are you single introduce yourself ask your name and then say it's your name to look up guys again I don't what I don't want to choose this but everyone wants to see the outcome oh you've got something on your foot though let me just get it true gentlemen [ __ ] that all right introduce yourself go for it my name is Richard by the way hey nice to meet you what's your name and your name Alexa good [ __ ] mother her name you can always introduce yourself it's a little bit different to what most guys do nothing Alexa positive difference Alexa what kind of things you like to do in your jewelry times I don't know I actually don't what what happened a lot so when I'm not working I like to be outside yeah yeah I try to be outdoors as much as possible actually bike where you mentioned yeah I just saw one of these active people that's always doing people not couch potato Oh every now and then but in general no more active than down I'm kind of semi active why is this a semi like I did some active stuff back and I bought it when you know someone else plans everything and they like come to this and always say yes okay given the choice often just chill at home I like chilling guys guys so weird this guy is so weird can I have your phone number a bit forward listen I need to meet some friends but I'd like to see you again what's your number cell oh one on one of your hobbies I love how casual you look I hate girls always track that's just me that's just that's just rude I'm gonna go with this one boom okay listen like I said I'm meeting those friends but why don't you give me your number and we can keep in touch maybe Oh fake number 100% have fun you too see ya fake number hundreds then ya knew it knew it and I knew it I got a seller on one of my hobbies that's what it is bull don't attract climbing you know like on this wall I've heard of it um I've always wanted heard of it very cool we've got some place that we go to I've only been like four times it's really fun very good exercise and just really cool so should definitely try it yeah we'd like to I'm sorry if this speaking to girls it's good to be passionate about something and a good choice is something you love to do a hobby now why don't you see if you can go out and sell someone in it make it so that they're smiling like yeah I'd like to do that that sounds great so it's the right option in this case there is no choice this conversation ever happening yeah any other like outdoor activities yeah those are stuff from racket sports like tennis yeah tennis and also squash you know what squash and outdoorsy mice were invented in England obviously but I think they play everywhere it's it's like when you're you usually inside is that outside a wall like in front to the sides and in the back and you can't hit the ball like anywhere and it I think it's the best exercise you're constantly running and yeah like that big so even if it hits you not too bad ok you can smash each other with the records but what happens that's abuse you should try it I might sometime you said you work in IT yeah say you're an ass model then try to touch her ass what why they even like allowed the option to just be a complete creep look yeah work in IT but I'm also an ass model look what do you think it's I'd rather not and really it's ok look I can touch you ok oh my god no you can't no you can't I could get your job this guy the fellas even offered these options ok until you tried to touch her you know go is not ready at that time for that kind of sexuality and you can't really get anywhere by rushing that fast you know what I need to just stop with that I need to stop with these unless those not ridiculous what I mean that is pretty ridiculous programmer and it's really boring you and you don't like it much say you're a model I'll sit out no programmer but such talking about life philosophy programmer and passionate sure about my I love my job I think that you know people think IT is boring but at the moment is like the most exciting feels right it's a working there's so many cool companies I really love my job so happy to to go to work every day and yes fascinating she loves the passion she loves it if you have a job look at her look at her on the right she's so passionate about something passion for something you do like your job even if you think other people are not interested speak passionate I mean the other one is dead behind the eyes to buy in feel at least the emotion even if they don't understand it that well so you know look at her look at one hour left she's dead behind the eyes about it and hope that your emotion will be contagious so do I stop crossing the street no never never no no no no no no no only if they look like they're dying to be [ __ ] imagine so to do this often only when I go with a rags in no that's just wrong why not too often but when I like to look at someone and I'm single why not no of course not never I'll stop girls no no probably when was the last time maybe I've never even done it that's too obvious I just saw you and it just came to me it's not something I do at all hmmm yeah now she feels special this is the usual refroze that but I don't do it I don't do it often oh no you know listen I have a few minutes why don't grow fee oh listen I need to meet some friends don't want to do that we need an instant date you know I live near here and have the apartment all to myself bad thing why don't you go grab a coffee listen I've got a few minutes right now so do you want to just grab a coffee is the day boom bada bing I'm an ass model touch my ass the very best result in the daytime is to go for the instant date so that's correct well done boom if you just leave and get the number you know that's okay but it's much better if you can say listen I've got time now why don't we do something quickly notice that it's just a quick thing so it's quite easy to say yes to so basically you have to be free yeah if you're gonna approach a girl you have to be free throughout that correct choice go on the street you need to directly in front of her and also live okay they so that she can scroll this is good because okay wait what was the one I hear this one this is the usual reflex response but it's actually wrong because it's just this yes what were the other ones main menu okay you know what we're gonna do one more 44% are you mad wait how do I get 44 was that way give me a second okay I've done all that I've done all the right answers and I've got back to this point I click no of course not never and that gave me like the half one so I'm gonna go for this one cuz that's the only other option I can think my mouth and at all but I think when I'm single when I like the look of someone I figure why not start a conversation because you never know okay okay come friends could date or just have a nice interaction why not right definitely okay right choice its disarmingly honest so it's going to take her back I'll take her back can also show that you're no cyber no creepy that she can trust you and show that you're confident enough to say that instead of making up some rubbish so it's the right choice well done okay so now I've got what I've got one left why don't grab a coffee okay so that's the last choice few minutes I can skip that very best yeah okay so now weapons if I go out to main men great so it's literally just exploring that amount so 46% to get a hundred percent you have to explore everything [ __ ] that two girls in a bar let's go alright two beautiful girls are sipping wine you'll need a lot of game to get anywhere with them are you ready the challenge phone number okay let's go Oh beautiful jazzy lounge music okay oh look at this pie [Music] it's just about the dance how are you break the ice go over to them and smash some ice okay ask them if they're talking about you if they say no then ask why not confident I like it say you recognize her from your school I'm a bit old stealthily creep up on them behind this author they know where you're liking what you liking to go the answer drink your dick do you know what I really really like in a girl it's ready now to work on stuff are big check it up wait that no no no I work it can we no no no no please [ __ ] anyway I was just gonna use a line I'm just gonna use a line exactly what you should not please don't ever do anything like that um don't send dick pics don't talk about your dick though nothing to do with your dick until you're in your house or her house after she's agreed to come back with you she likes you you've kissed a bit you know what I mean where weh-weh he had to work that's so carefully going yes the word this so carefully I can't believe that that's even like I thought it was just gonna be the line I didn't think he was just gonna pull out I didn't want to see big Richards stealthily creep up are like that man light Richard Jesus oh stop being so creepy hey girls how's the can cows no weird guy choice in the game I mean I had creepy in it okay AUSA's I told Matt you say you recognize her from school I'll send up she's a present for you vent that one hey excuse me can you help me with something really quickly my dick bangers okay good what is this some Tamar's my best friend's birthday and she's a girl and she looks kind of similar to you you know kind of stylish and stuff and I want it she lost fashion so I want to get her something you know like something to do that jewelry or clothes stuff you ain't nobody here yeah yeah I want to present she's just a friend yeah only guys I'm really cool she's a good friend what do you think maybe you can give her coupon like a gift cards only this worked what didn't work this is the kind of PUA opinion opener that's what it will often get you into a conversation so it's a good choice here it's pretty much guaranteed to work so if you have something like this for real how did that work no use the one in this clip then it will actually work in the bars good choice no that wouldn't work thank them for the advice and ask their names girly a little deeper into subject I want to talk more about my friend listen what's your names oh that's great advice thank you very much no problem I think sure yeah so my name's Richard by the way nice to meet you that's a nice thing yeah I'm Richard okay I feel like I'm yours out of it old English name oh yeah Kings and stuff yeah and yours our VIP oh she is she's just there like that's correct because you know I've trained guys all just honest I'd see them getting into these kind of present openers opinion openers and staying on that subject for five minutes until it dies out and then they have to get out out of there so it's very important to transition quickly and a nice way Jer is just to introduce yourself and get their names damn right Richard Sena from school oh no that long and it's creepy it's creepy in the same class or something you know he's started different classes okay let me guess so I think that you studied fashion and I think it's for the drama is that exactly right oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they got brains they know what you doing nothing to do with drama no really I mean you literally just like you just chose the subject so just kind of you can't judge them I'm not saying there's a bad subject don't get me wrong but they are that's me related to the business between our legs come and hair on choosing tough subjects go into details talking to the girl you like asking her about our favorite modules okay say that it's cute and easier than a real major like maths accuses them of a materialistic suggest the world would be better without money transitions to singing sorry I'm going to compliment her on she's in tough subjects I like that you know yours a lot of people they do like I don't know some simple easy subject but doing businesses is really nice I like it yeah but it's kind of common thing to doing here yeah I think so are saving a lot of girls in this bod study business now Instagram oh [ __ ] oh wait did you do what what University got good grades I'm being like a creepy teacher can we not be a creepy teacher please in the interactions we want to balance validation you know saying well done making the girl feel good with things that art easy or challenging and in this case is something that they've worked hard on it's an achievement so why not say well done you know you're done validation I've done that's really nice well how long have you guys known each other thank you relief and you know what I would guess that she's like the crazy one yeah and I think you're the sensible ones that she's getting drunk well I'm alone at the [ __ ] what a sometimes I get crazy just saying she's the crazy one if she ain't talking eyes and he's Daniel Squire he gives good advice out of you too who's the one has problems and then who's the one that gives advice oh we're girls we always have problems oh that's sexist this is such a blip the girls would be so bored by now they'd leaves you be like why is this creepy old English teacher here do the best friend test on them ask them which is the leader don't do that let's splits them asked her friend to leave you two alone for a little while mad thing look at the girl you interested in teller she is the most beautiful wise this is big this could be really peak on [ __ ] it I'm going for it you know I noticed you from over there yeah yeah but when I got closer I just noticed yeah the most amazing eyes that's so sweet I've never heard that before really great actually I've heard oh [ __ ] okay boy it must be true well maybe I don't know that is a paw that was part she gave her a compliment if she's heard a billion times before try and think of something original I don't say it too early okay okay then played a mean bro okay do the best friends test have you ever done the best friends list alright let's do it right now you ready oh yeah they're ready go on what shampoo do you use you don't even need to tell me you've already passed the best friends that's because best friends they communicate unconsciously so when you ask very good you just did it again people were really good friends they always kind of look and then you know give the I'm you're saying there lies a shame my best friend seriously this is this is weird now it's weird this will work every time I get them every time you get the blue love heart there's just these two girls that haven't used they haven't blinked I've seen it I want to save something world and so you can do it it's just a routine so it's a bit you know it's a bit lame something prepared how does a gown if you was having conversations with those Blakeslee the other one skills up and get comfortable talking some beautiful women because one of the left does obligatory engaged I wasn't there's a slight link what are you doing but she is alive nice way to go okay it sounds fast food yeah like grow trees and fries oh [ __ ] okay tell them what you did baby play and play for what how it's a little incongruent tell them about how you are a vegan and try and convert them [ __ ] that there's an instant like how now say that yeah you don't want you don't try to watch your figure either say that it's bad in one way but good that she'll put anything in them hell no I did find that a little incongruent you know you girls and your nice dresses looking all fancy and then your dislike Oh in Vegas okay once in a while though yeah yeah yeah last peak this is something that is very safe to tease about I mean you know I don't know thing in life is something that they know they shouldn't do so it's a nice thing to tease a girl about how was this workup focused on the girl you like ignore friend give both the equal attention just slightly more attention to the one you like slightly more perfect because it's a tough balance right because you like I didn't even see a reaction the other one to get bored so let's see certainly what you want to do you want to give more attention to okay now give me a number stood in but make sure that the other one is happy and likes you but you know so knows that alright that's the one and your bus off give me Anastasia's number two doing a spare time how are you you're a delightful Don said that about yourself oh my god what did you say all my god I go to the gym a lot alright cool and how about you oh oh my god what you movies I'm crazy about TV shows I'm like a freak I don't know I'd be a bit I've got one of dunks oh my god why am i okay I asked if she means doing very appropriate things with her dog say you like dog fighting said it was sweet and that people with pets are generally more caring say you have a fish say it's sweet that's sweet because I was reading this thing like what was the in general psychology or something and I said that I'm he's trying to seem smart especially dogs and is it a boy or a girl a boy Oh perfect you said that what do you mean perfect it just making [ __ ] up now Richard you did it means they're really caring people in general in life it's very interesting is the kind of idea that you know you meet someone and then if you find out they really like animals they have a pair it means they're you know you can trust them and they're a good person that's interesting okay yeah and is it true about her yeah there is no way that this has worked whether you love animals or not it doesn't matter oh my god she does right so it's something that you shouldn't turn into a joke be rude about or you know contradict why not say something positive about it and there's an example that you can use all the time because lot of girls love dogs or cats there's no way no way to just stop talking so much she's just talking all the time is she always like that that was very creepy I'm not gonna touch them mi Lai good cheekbones it's like an boring interview question and like a job interview right yeah they normally ask that okay I've got a much better question limit where do you see yourself in seven years do you guys play sometime talk about this like the future okay I accept okay Matt um typical interview question Bo's you see in an interaction with pretty girls doesn't go the you girls are in pretty good shape so I think you must do more than jogging you do some sports mud okay yeah I do Timmy's I used to play basketball when I was in college yeah you ain't got hops as well yeah I used to you sport oh boy she won that LeBron dick okay Strawberry Fields rooty show what sure that sure girls do you like psychology tests no again I don't know it's interesting yes yeah have you done this fun called strawberry field psychology test no I can't try try this right now with me both of you okay okay make it close your eyes that will help so close okay and you imagine you're walking in some beautiful place and then up ahead you see a field of strawberries don't tell me there's a fence around it how high is the fence just show me with your hands Ohio's okay all okay nice fun all right that's enough and then you can put your hand on and then the next thing so you go in there and you want to eat some strawberries how many strawberries do you eat whatever on Ted Oh as many as I can [ __ ] fat [ __ ] how about you loads of strawberries strawberries but then you've eaten order strawberries you're leavin and then the farmer comes and he's like you lay all my strawberries and then what do you say back to him I would just say I'm sorry what would you say okay all right you can open your eyes okay how is the tests are you gonna tell you what it means right now it's very interesting so the first one how high defenses that's your barrier to sex oh [ __ ] okay like how open you are because strawberries represent passion and stuff for a while oh yeah oh yes like medium dose was really high well I was wrong i offense so it means you know you're quiet difficult well I am the number strawberry is your sexual appetite so someday he'll I'm I said ten and then it's just like a girl that doesn't like sex and then go have a few strawberries but you what did you say you ate every strawberry in the line okay so they freezing the final thing is what you say after sex so in the farmer catches you I'm sorry I'm sorry imagine imagine now if you can be bothered to learn this it actually is another thing that works again it's prepared so it's not ideal oh you can't do that learn a bunch of stuff and go out and repeat it but if you do find yourself in a boring situation you know a date I don't believe they're talking to a go and you think she's not that into you why not have it ready you know it's quite interesting and you can always just say it's a psychology test that you saw online right so what do you guys do how do I get that number I have a fashion store oh yeah selling clothes okay nice I don't work with unemployed yeah okay for the one that's I'm for the one that's unemployed huh it's great that she doesn't work in you're jealous hook up with a friend hook her up with your friend Kareem who can be here sugar daddy so that's a higher friend to work making clothes I mean sure we'll go for this why I'm sometimes unemployed Facebook by choice so for you like you're looking for something or you just yes I'm looking for something suitable for me but what's your dream job I want to open a flower shop oh that's nice because when you said I don't do anything I just thought you were at home painting mouse nails now and you buy your own genes that's all right you're still independent yeah trying to this is a nice just wife answer good one this guy Josh a nice but do you have any bad habits no drug abuse no no cigarettes now what alcohol gonna be seeing again you got any bad habits drug abuse you can't just drop that that would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever walk ever ask the girl you like ask if the girl you like is a good girl I'll switch of the girls is [ __ ] Isis your [ __ ] after a few drinks I can't ask if she's just wondering you know because like you're more blondes but then you've got the short dress so which one of you is [ __ ] did you [ __ ] more men or she has like she's done anal but you do everything else what well let's say I just wanted to have sex with the girl immediately like that's not the case another one no I know you know get a really drunk and take a home like which one of you would be more non you right no no means yes no you know no one go yeah okay so basically your [ __ ] me know what I've got it lesbian why did he turn into a legit lesbians you get are you to compare girls ask about different qualities but not really when it comes down to sluttiness especially with girls that you've just met they're actually very sweet I mean I didn't want to ask any of them I don't like this ask it to the girl you like it's a good girl if this I swear if this works why buy trust you seem very honest so tell me is she good to go nice girl and very intending a good girl good girl why am i I am actually a teacher what's going on instead of directly saying you know I like you a nice way to do it is to bring the friend in and ask questions about the girl you like I've seen this work all over the world and it's the right choice he's about it he is a virgin 100 has a boyfriend has a boy oh [ __ ] that's a test as a test I'll see if he is she's going to marry him say she must be bored with him and even have sex with her twice two times a week say that girl can have too many things I was going why she was talking to you then I asked if she's going to marry him you got a boy friends how long you been together for like a year you have to pretend to be interested she's like I don't think so I don't know no that's really bad so why what's what's wrong with him I don't know we just have something yeah problems yeah unresolvable okay I'm sure you still have some nice things in your relationship Jesus is so backhanded because this allows you in a smooth way to find out how serious a homewreck if they're very very serious you want to back off they're not so serious why not keep in touch with the girl keep her around yeah her phone number one day when she second single why would you not really record that I'll see else if he would mind you two talking leave because she's what else he's easy to beat him up Ozzy beard mind well look I don't want to disrespect your your dude you know what do you mind us talking oh no dude it would be okay yeah yeah it's a selfie any sort be okay yeah I think so oh that's cool yeah he's kind of chilled yeah yeah nice that's good right not too jealous I'd move out Dania psychologically because you're taking away her independence you're saying well would you would he allow you to talk to me like here allowed to do that so she should say of course I'm allowed I do what I like and you know our relationships fine we don't you know oh [ __ ] and she's not gonna want us actually I'm not allowed I'm all up in her brain do it because he controls me and tells me exactly what to do so it's the right option mad find out the plans for later and whether they live together else has ever been kissed kissed each other and try you know did you make any plans for light so you're gonna go no no this one is dragon bro how about you yeah number and [ __ ] off you do okay cool I I don't really need to do anything so I can stay out yeah you can we need to get some beauty sleep mm-hmm I don't either those exactly I don't need I don't need beauty sleep because I'm jeggings shot on Richards easy it is gonna be later in the evening to take one or both of the girls and do something with them bra try to get both the numbers tell the girl you'd really like to take her out and involve a friend so just hanging out all together and take the number boom let's go and I'm to be honest I think you're really great girls yeah you seem like really good girls and you nice to talk to and stuff so we should definitely do something sometime we can play squash all together yeah we get to go to a fashion show or something cuz you know that would be fun why don't you you give me your number and then we can arrange something like to meet all together but is it real oh [ __ ] she's just in the movies did I do it now if there are a couple of girls why not take their number and suggest just meeting up again why'd you have to be so fast and choose which one you want or you know try to get that one on a date they're together right there maybe you suggest that you could you guys can all go hang out again maybe you're gonna bring your friends boys little bit slower bring these girls into your social circle yeah I can't in the end probably would work out better in a lot of cases okay let's go speaking Cheyenne I'll leave you guys to see ya I've absolutely nice guy yeah maybe you should go out yeah one day hey why try to stop here without you boom I did it I did in 93 oh I got one rotation I got one [ __ ] rise here I got this one I could have got bear and typical interview question that was to touch their Jeep you know what no no that's it that's it I am a super seducer I did them when I want I did them there's how many levels I'm hoping the last one you get the bang but anyways I am the super seducer that is how I that's not how I got a girlfriend that's this I'm sorry I was good I was gonna make a joke but I can't do it that's super sturdy so if you want me to do the next two chapters let me know in the comments down below or leave a like thank you guys watching and push
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 1,158,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, sidemen, random, super, seducer
Id: ZAz5kfSQncc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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