Late 18th Century Oak Settle - Salvage Hunters 1706

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Drew is hitting the road I think there's a lot of stuff to learn and if there's anybody who's going to teach me he's standing right there so I think I'd be that's the waste the opportunity praise indeed it's odd as I said you know from me starting the business up when I was 23 I didn't have a clue um it's great to impart now all of my knowledge I've learned over those 30 years to to Tom very very quickly he'll be streets ahead of where I was seat belts on yeah right so so you're with me for the week working there's nothing you haven't done before we're going to go to a few places actually going to a fair we're going to a museum and we're going to see some dealers and see what we can pick up uh and then get in the back of the van and get it flopped I mean it's really easy and it's just and repeat for his initial Father and Son training session Drew is taking Tom to one of his favorite buying destinations an Antiques Market the perfect place for Tom and other new dealers to learn a few tricks of the trade they're traveling nearly 250 miles south to Somerset to one of Drew's Best Loved horns right Tom we are off to Shepton Mallet flea market or the Shepton flea as it's known um happens a few times a year one of my favorite fares what makes it one of your favorite I don't know because I think because you get lucky I think if you get lucky somewhere and buy things you will always go back there you'll always do that and that's what Shepton Mallet is to me and we're early it's early very early yeah but they let trade in at 7 30. that's where you want to be you have to be that early you have to yeah deep in a beautiful Rolling Hills and Rich Farmland of Somerset the Giants Shepton flea market has been held at the bath and worst children since 2004. with over 250 stalls both inside and out selling everything from antique and vintage furniture to clothing jewelry and books it's the perfect place for a novice to practice holding their eye in the hunt for profitable items true to form Drew has set out early to arrive first thing right then let's get cracking let's go I surely start yeah [Music] come on come on you've got to look really really quickly because if you don't spot it somebody else two feet behind you will and you've lost that bit of profit you've lost that piece of stock You've Lost That point for being here so you look at that desk it's actually quite stylish I mean they are 10 a penny but that looks really fresh but like you say 10 a penny you've really got to know exactly what you're looking for yes within four seconds I've been doing this yeah without a change for 29 years yeah and I still get a buzz off it so I bet you've seen everything before no no there's always something new so it's just a case of finding that new thing you just never know when it's going to jump out and hit you how do you decide what you're going to buy you just know hello mate how are you nice boot scraper and that copper bar if you've seen this one yeah the boot scrape is nice yeah can we pull it out and have a look at it we haven't been wandering around long it's like 10 minutes in and then see some old friends and he says oh have a look at this in the back of the van and he's got this cracking boot scraper what I like about it two things yes number one it's in the stone and then the second thing scale it's a nice big one and people like these if you're building a house it's a great thing to put outside nothing is more useful after a long muddy Country Walk than a good sturdy boot scraper at 37 centimeters wide this one is hand cast in Iron with its original lead mounting intact into a hefty slab of York Stone its Gothic Revival in style which dates it to around 1870. it could be worth around 500 pounds [Music] how much was that one again free 340. I'll take that all right please I like him to you drove strike free that's it finished 300 quid yeah what do you think I'm not sold on him next thing you can't ignore it is this wonderful composition Stone Bulldog it's not very old 50s 60s maybe maybe even later it doesn't matter it's got that great funny funky look we'll make more profit on the bulldog and it'll sell quicker the little dog at 300 I'll take him as well please all right we'll be back later see you later cheers today's bit of learning how to really quickly spot what's good and spot what's not good you know how to where to spend your time following dad around seeing how he does it really I think we should go inside so much people have spent a little bit more money to be in here they generally have slightly better things we just got to keep going around and round and round and round these quite a good yeah I was just looking at you see the two there the male and female there literally on a piece of cardboard they're on a piece of cardboard are they good yeah they are I was literally just look at them until you're having a chat before how much are these Paul for the two uh 220 on cardboard I know amazing find that one incredible she's the one yeah it's just that one it's just that one really Paul 80th grid that's it can you sell it what can you get for it it's my son so I'm teaching him it's my son Tom Paul Tom nice to meet you um what can you get for that you don't have to make a fortune just gotta make a profit can you make a profit yes or no uh can you get 120 for him yeah probably yeah so thank you very much thank you thank you Paul it's just got something about it it's painted on a piece of cardboard off a cardboard box that's got a real charm to it we're gonna do nothing we won't frame it we're going to clean it we won't put anything on it just sell it as it is we'll be back in fact later on yeah thank you mate that's great if would you go back in then would you buy it again and 80 pounds you make 40 quid it's fine yeah just do it 10 times good spot excellent yeah yeah that was the right thing you're looking at the right thing yeah the settle's great that's unusual to have that on there this is a nice one it's battered to hell but it looks the part it looks nice yeah I know these I know these guys as well so yeah hello this is great yeah tell us about this bought it from a private yeah down in um Sunset it's all solid all the bad solid the back tells you all the stories yeah yeah so it's had a hard life but it's great I've seen these repair these on here yeah their repairs but it doesn't matter it all adds to it that's great this settle catches mine the corner and it's all that's good and then start looking at it and going that's really good and then he starts saying it's come fresh it's come private it's just on the market he's a proper dealer he's not going to tell me load of porkies originating in Europe in the 10th Century Saddles were originally large storage chests with elements added on to make it adaptable as a seat a bed or a table by the 15th century the saddle became common in Inns and pubs the design trapping the heat from the fire to keep patrons snug some were even designed to dry food like bacon in a cupboard in the back rest this one dates to the late 18th century and can seat up to four on its gently curving boxes hand carved in Oak and Elm and with some unusual details in its design it could be worth around 2 200 pounds [Music] 12.50 yeah [Music] Drew is in Somerset teaching his son Tom a budding dealer himself the basics of the trade and how to make the most of an Antiques fair come on come on inside he spotted an untouched West country settled seat 12.50 yeah yeah yeah we'll have it thanks yeah absolutely as honest as the day is long that piece just what you want to find we're buying a West country settle in the west country and for 1250 quid we'll probably spend about 200 pound on it and there's profit good profit on that one moving I've never met senior moves so fast this today I mean this is just a joy this is just fun this is like a day out for me today you know I'm you know I know Dad's working and I'm working as well but this is like a day out I guess you never get bored of trying to find the next thing that you're going to purchase in the next thing you're going to sell and the next bit of profit that you're going to make and with that profit what you're going to buy it's quite pretty yeah what is it arts and crafts yeah it's a bit chipped and a bit broken but it's very nice yeah you know it's authentic next thing you see we're wandering back outside now so there's a lot more stalls set up and there's just this little lamp completely untouched filthy dirty and to have the original etched glass cylinder on it it's still quite nice that's good sorry hi sorry do you mind how much is that sold thank you with a little bit of work and a little bit of cleaning that's about 120 140 for that we'll drop a wire through it with a bulb holder clean the glass properly you know get it to us as good as it can be salable honest as the day as long as again [Music] I think Shepton police come really well we did okay for me the most interesting thing was the little portrait of the lady on his cardboard as soon as I saw it I just thought you know beautiful really fantastic if I bought it I probably wouldn't want to get rid of it to be honest that's for me personally by the day maybe not financially speaking but in terms of financially speaking what's the Best Buy The Settle Bob Edge profit yeah the Bulldog well I wasn't going to say in front of him I think it's a bit ugly I think it's good you know I like cookies ugly is good you see he's you know I'm not gonna say anymore [Music] checked and flea what do you think good what are they doing I love that so you're 23 yeah so the first time I went to an antique fair and sold I was 23 years old the green as you like didn't know what I was doing I had absolutely no experience at doing fast at all go well yeah brilliant life changing changed my life completely the Antiques business is a great life but it's hard work it's tens of thousands of miles a year it's sifting through a million bits of junk to find that one gem and then you do it the next day and the next day and the next day and you're gambling every single day with your own money but when you get it right [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign to a hefty slab of yorkstone it's Gothic Revival in style which dates it to around 1870. it could be worth around 500 pounds so how much was that one again free 340. I'll take that all right please I like him so you drew strike free that's it finished 300 quid yeah what do you think I'm not a sold on him next thing you can't ignore it is this wonderful composition Stone Bulldog it's not very old 50s 60s maybe maybe even later it doesn't matter it's got that great funny funky look or make more profit on the bulldog and it'll sell quicker the little dog at 300 I'll take him as well please all right we'll be back later see you later cheers today's bit of learning how to really quickly spot what's good and spot what's not good you know how to where to spend your time following dad around seeing how he does it really I think we should go inside so much people have spent a little bit more money to be in here they generally have slightly better things we just got to keep going around and round and round around these quite a good yeah I was just looking at it you see the two there the male and female there literally on piece of cardboard on a piece of cardboard are they good yeah they are I was literally just looking at them until you're having a chat before how much are these pull the two uh 220 on cardboard I know amazing and that one incredible she's the one yeah it's just that one it's just that one really Paul 80th grid that's it can you sell it what can you get for it it's my son so I'm teaching him it's my son Tom Paul Tom nice to meet you what can you get for that you don't have to make a fortune just gotta make a profit can you make a profit yes or no uh can you get 120 for him yeah probably yeah so thank you very much thank you thank you Paul it's just got something about it it's painted on
Channel: Antiques Shop
Views: 19,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antique, vintage, retro, Antiques Hunter, Antique Store, Drew Pritchard
Id: woEhEpHePHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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