Last to Survive the Merry Go Round Wins!!

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hello and welcome to Team edge and the larger-than-life series we're gonna be doing continually from now on every couple weeks so make sure you stay tuned for that today's installment of larger-than-life is survive the carousel Oh Kevin is gonna be giving us challenges and punishments to do I'm ready for that all right this is how the game works we're gonna throw these guys on the carousel whoever survives the longest on it wins all right before we get started we're gonna make these guys spin 10 times and then get on the carousel ready spin the engine I'm getting deal 10 Oh get on there get on there why am I so we're moving all right right now it's a slow speed to start we will turn it up to 100 miles per hour later all right kids don't do this at home don't put a carousel in your living room your parents will just get upset besides you don't want to get dizzy alone that's except all right guys are you guys ready for the challenges yes I sure I don't know you ready for the challenges I don't know if it's gonna be oh see that coming did you see that coming bro I saw that go baby Joey high-five Oh the first challenge I'm gonna ask Brian to sing the Pledge of Allegiance loud and proud Brian how you sing to pledge allegiance it's not really a song I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands in one nation under God for under Liberty and under death how are you an American right now for under Liberty hey Brian Brian but that's a punishment your punishment is telling a gallon of water a gal gal and you can't even do that regions to the flag I'm gonna ask you three separate math questions the one to get it wrong gets a punishment you have five seconds to answer it Joey what is five times 30 for a 140 can someone confirm or deny that it's not even close Joey 170 all right Joey your punishment is to death down this bubbly hey shotgun are you math question for you Brian what is 100 divided by 3/5 for 33.3 that is correct no it goes three three three three three three three three three right for your math question No what is 11 times 111 1121 what's that is Easter Egg Bobby no I think you're incorrect I have tried it back Jack comment ah your punishment you have to eat this burrito what's a calzone I'm Bobby faster faster Bobby oh all right Bobby finishes burrito he's back in play he is back into it my stomach is not doing well that Panda is not all right guys for this challenge you're gonna get off the carousel we're getting off ooh I can't do it does the handstand the longest wins this challenge the losers losers plural get a punishment Oh all the same time on three one two three Oh Bobby for your punishment Johnny this bubbly Joey while you're on the carousel you have to stare at this optical illusion yo this is actually busy there Eddie my stomach is Bobby hasn't said one word Vidya for the next challenge I need you guys to get off come over here okay this one's called walk the line you're gonna spend ten times with this stick whoever walk this line the best wins the other two will get punishment okay okay five more to you spin what am i okay walk the line Joe oh that's faint I just why you guys all walking solo like that because you're going this tiptoe hi Bobby your turn you have a burrito some bubbly hi Bobby feels so circuit Bobby's just so slow Oh slow they can do fit off me pull the watch six bar we go straight line straight line Bobby go oh you lost it already look you lost it already you're out Bobby are you crossing your legs like that who walks like this that's too awesome I'm Bobby you officially did the worst I made it wafer that I spun way better - yeah you know what Brian had a better spin all right Joey you lost that challenge started Bobby so you both get a punishment and the punishment is carousel slams Josh I get to slap you ten times in the face take your faces out Bobby this over here Wow that's only two Wow those the last one why did would this have to do with making me dizzy this ride sucks can we do that punishment again yeah alright rapid-fire math questions are you ready there we go Bobby what is 2 times 13 quick drew tongue 13 June 2020 long as somebody's before you finish Bryan what is 3 times 15 45 Joey what is 7 times 21 7 times 21 hold on okay false alarm all right Joey gets a bum marry and Bobby gets the optical illusion Oh Joey Joey your challenge is to sing the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all let's go all right Joey challenges to you come down here if you just spend five times you got your bow and arrow you have to hit the center of that tube easy bro one shot and one shot all right Legolas Legolas Legolas Legolas heyyo he missed that means punishment time alright Joey you give five slaps to the Bobby your turn come down get this pin five times after you hit spin try to hit that target with the bone marrow right the world slowly line there you go take your shot take your shot you missed punish the time Bobby your choice is to eat half of this plate or take five good slaps for me this or five slaps student I'll do five good slow we're gonna make these some wet slap buddy alright Bobby here we go Bobby he didn't like the wet slap that means we're down to Brian and Joey alright so we're gonna give these guys 20 seconds to put on as many floaty tubes on them alright the one with the most floaty tubes wins are we ready yeah time starts now you have one two three four floor DS Joey has one two three four five six Joey with that challenge all right Brian all right Brian you lost that challenge that means it's punishment time you have the choice of a burrito no actually you know what I want you to eat the burrito he's got it okay I think these orgies are getting tired Brian you might want to give up for them I think I get all I'll see Brian can eat this whole thing hey Brian you said you give up no now he has his hand on the railing oh I don't think Brian stepping out challenge I want to make sure you guys check out another video from this series where we made a giant slippery slope and put a pool at the bottom of it and tried to stay on the slope and not fall into the treacherous pool also go check out this video that YouTube recommends for you to watch cuz they know you're gonna enjoy it they know more about you than you do subscribe to this channel go back you
Channel: Team Edge
Views: 1,512,823
Rating: 4.9317999 out of 5
Keywords: team edge, team edge challenge, teamedge, challenges, competition, giant games, battle, Last to Survive the Merry Go Round!!, carousel, dizzy, dizzy games, family friendly, kids games, endurance game, trivia
Id: 0MFCltOXgjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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