Last To Leave Tree Wins $10,000

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this is a tree I have four contestants here last to leave this tree wins $10,000 are you ready all right you guys know what to do you getting the tree all right thanks oh hey we found a letter Jacob are you scared of heights in the branch back removed the ladder right now I promise y'all I'm gonna win let's cut to every single time Chandler promised that's a good boy done can do tricks Oh think of what you could buy with 20 grand Travis a mountain where I am to Tyler's right now undefeated that one a no with mr. B's challenges and Zach what's your record you're a zero no it's I lost it's Chandler oh wait I play baseball [Music] each of them will get one toss and whoever throws that the farthest wins yeah I'm gonna Oh Brian I'll see you get $30 to spend Jacob you get $40 survival kit Oh Zack you get $10 Zack how you feeling amazing amazing but taking that real quick you haven't used anything you've given everything away it's the mystery sway right right I'll be going dude honestly I don't know how to wrap this room two moments later [Applause] I love a picture so Gingka did 10 bench presses so now he gets his phone for 10 minute [Music] everyone literally left this help it's just the people in the trees everyone's gone it's about the storm it's like guilt fear look at the wind picking up bro yeah I don't know why to panic in man challenge video in the rain you really don't how long have I been trying to pee and I had my bottle here to fill up but I just can't seem to pee if I can't all right guys southern Georgia well seconds later [Applause] [Music] [Music] so the time right now is 4:11 Sylar you look like you're smiling having a good time that yeah hairstyle be looking nice on camera it looks good it looks like why are you sitting out here talking Jacob has fallen asleep so looks like Jacob got all garden how's that nap that live here is the secret how'd you fall asleep if you get so uncomfortable you'll get comfortable and you can fall asleep Jacob if you get out right now I'll buy you whatever you want to eat - all right Jake you acted for nine hours and nine minutes the two that are not winning are the biggest losers because they're wasting their time Paul you the first Jacob here all right you race to get all garden Oh Jacob you're the first-ever contestant out of any of my last to leave challenges how does it feel but we get Oliver aren't you did get all garden I'm in the tree I offered him 300 to get out earlier he did it he got out through zero I'm sitting here with my boy or il Ross son of El how do you feel about Jacob leaving the only thing I feel about Jacob leaving is I really wanted his bro cuz I'm trying to make a can of meat smells like yeah dude I'll give it to you once I leave and he never did so who's the next person out it's either one of us - I'm definitely the next one out I don't have any pillows or anything it's my mating call don't worry my camera wow this is a wide open space is perfect what's my brother offering you that's it any other vanilla honestly we're not going to have three dad you may go up there give us an encouraging or discouraging hasty day do you mind if I hijack the video for a minute yeah it's perfectly fine I mean you're paying for it's okay it's true it if any of you get down within the next minute I'll give you $1,500 if they cost like a penny a pot there you go well you could get 1500 oh yeah you shoulda waited I came right hey if it's like this you might as well go on your trip they'll probably still be here as well all right you guys have fun CJ I just want to talk to you over there about where you're getting this sin grin from so are you gonna pay me back this ten grand no I don't have any money and I do like the loan repayment like a year from now though I'm going to go cry I rejected Jimmy's offer it was a great offer I respect it but it's no 10k so I'm gonna stay up here as long as it takes to I kind of rejected the offer cuz I'm like money money is green and green is mucus mucus is Rio I turned down mr. visas $1500 totally fine with me it's not ten K awesome offer so it's 9:00 p.m. now three they were still in the tree they're all just chillin Seiler IL and Zack have to stand the whole time hopefully that means they can't go to sleep you should make a set of heel it is 924 we have dodged an owl owl has flown over our heads multiple times we can't sit anymore I know what you do I am securing myself with this mr. roat 3000 I'm team Zack I'm gonna win just Mel for no reason selfie motor hey hey guys I'm freaking lucky got a bald spot we gotta stand now I am really struggling feet wise i freakin love this dude who's seen this vlog skills head look at Zacks hair it's beautiful i mattr win I have stuff to do so I'm getting out of this tree I'm at a win on one condition I'm gonna tell CJ to call back Jimmy and see if he'll still give me 1.5 k I don't want to get out of the street but I have some things to do mm-hmm I want to open up that preposition from Jimmy I was wondering can we call it brown Jimmy's a busy man hey Jimmy so Zack sitting here in the tree exact if you'd like to plead your case your plea I will get out so I want to see if the proposition for the 1500 is still on the table look if you don't do it I'm staying in but that's just kind of where a minute Jimmy what if we just did 500 do you get zero da that is not bad at all seven Tyler promise me you'll be Ryan try you're a worthy competitor I know it must be difficult with Tyler and rile up there but life is longer than Jacob okay so silent my illness is the middle since they're the final two they're right there front and center for everyone to see tossing in the trash bag now to put on their body you each are getting like 9 it is 10 49 I'm wearing this beautiful trash bag I would say it got one degree hotter so you didn't need to make this a little bit more difficult I was talking I asked if the horses were in the back on one side they're in the front that made me want to quit the most I'm in my early days I say Monday Monday yeah cool alright guys comment down below if your team Raya step on the foot again getting pretty tired but they're both going through really strong siege I want to go take a nap so I'm out here making sure that they are okay wave to the camera tell them you're okay okay alright guys is currently 110 in the morning we have been in a tree for 16 hours a little bit more in my underwear shame I got cramp saddling nothing but wood right now at this point I think I'm kind of satisfied with saying that I was the last man standing with Tyler most of all I'm grateful for the opportunity hey Aubrey you call CJ I've been hearing rumbles that something's been a brewing through here I like cauliflower these are the final step is scarce out of Wow setting clear out of the tree so you have to finish it okay one more step got me on it yeah I got to go that said why does I want to write other way you just won Tyler just won $10,000 yes yeah oh that's cool it's worth we just won 10 grand Tyler you won $10,000 okay right we're at the dealership what car do you want do not really load that car all right let's give this man a car I thank you so much hey I remember when Jimmy tell me that feelings over joyous I remember when I didn't have a car and now I have a car yeah what do we do now you drive it oh my gosh whoa kind of um it kind of took $10,000 from Jimmy so yeah Thank You Jimmy again this is the first car bought for anyone hopefully it goes well I'm super glad to get my first car ever and this is really also super thick so yeah this is the first car I've ever given away and hopefully in the future I can do more like this this is really awesome thank you so much for watching and be sure to subscribe to mr. Grove [Music]
Channel: MrBro
Views: 3,323,790
Rating: 4.8956008 out of 5
Id: Yoqb2X24fTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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