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I have 5 000 pounds of slime behind us and the last person to leave the Slime pool wins a gold Bugatti no way yo it's so tight literally a gold Bugatti this is what the Slime is made out of Oobleck right yeah so if you move it fast it's like a solid right yeah and then you let go it's a liquid what the yeah we got the two slime pros of all time here thank you let's hop in the pool first step right here oh my God wait dude your foot gets stuck yeah look look guys cringe mode activated wait what oh this is really hard to move in yo look at this color right now it's like multi-colored yeah I'm just gonna take a bite of this it looks like ice cream wait what the heck it's Holly yeah is that sick that looks beautiful oh you gotta keep moving around or you get wow look at that Anthony's literally just stuck I literally cannot get out of this okay bro pick him up oh no [ __ ] keep walking I'm Never Gonna Leave This you know I enjoy this right like this is fun they're gonna hook a backflip all right let's see a backflip there's no wind oh my God what that was sick I just don't understand the science behind this like when you move it around it's solid and then when you stop it becomes a link it's called a non-Newtonian fluid so basically I love that pretty much when you add Force to it it's a solid but the moment you stop it's a liquid dude that's actually crazy it's the most bizarre substance on planet Earth pop out it's hard to get oh imagine that was my bones I'm like wow wow I literally can't jump yeah you can you jump like a weenie we have to introduce the host of this video [Applause] don't drop the slime dude oh do you see that oh sure are you guys ready for our first challenge yeah our first challenge first one to make the basket win all the losers have to stay in push-up position for 30 seconds all right we're gonna get stuck I'm already stuck easy oh my God guys guys ready all right Oh I thought he just made that that was a nice shot hey rebuttal rebuttal make this and you get to join me and watching the pain I like that okay [Applause] okay timer starts when you guys ready set go oh man oh you can't lift your hands dude you guys are gonna be stuck oh my hands oh my God I gotta get stuck stop it good job team did you get out all right good job have fun getting out good job foreign okay so for this challenge it's however many hops you get the most wins a pizza and a g fuel today go for it no one's beating nine bro what the heck be confident one two three [Applause] yep all right one you saw him go ahead one two three one four five six seven eight nine ten eleven oh my God we have our winner let me go get the pizza and the GQ dude I can't pogo stick so here's your G fuel oh that's a St Patrick's flavor look at that green g fuel guys they just came out with the new St Patrick's flavors and there's a buy one get one free this entire weekend the link is in the description go cop the new flavor or sour blue chug rug oh wait that's actually really good oh my God prank bro are you serious bro that's a lot why'd you do that all right chill oh no no come on man I'm asking you you don't want to do this you don't want to do this oh my God are we done we're done we're done I think you forgot about the pizza you know what you want to fight honestly yeah you didn't you can just take it for ourselves what do you guys doing to my pizza you forgot about it no you didn't hand it to me I just actually can't get over this part ready I'm so sick you I'm gonna have some for mine like I'm stuck back here stop trying to compete with me bro oh I already have his heart oh my God so they're a little bit distracted right now but loser the ping pong you have to spin the wheel over there you're not gonna be happy about that I'm gonna need you guys to places in your slime stuck oh I got you ah help me oh I got you she's good bro I called Ryan my step bro cause like we grew up as brothers and stuff hey call me Johnny thanks so we got a ping pong bracket they should be brothers versus cousins Corey and Capron go First Step Brothers they'll play against each other first me and Anthony will play the winners play each other at the end all right let's do it first to three wins rock paper scissors yes [Applause] yes one one oh two one oh two two oh okay so came from beat Corey and Capron plays the winner between me and Anthony Rock Paper Scissors Shoot doesn't matter to me all right oh 2-1 baby all we need is one I lost it I lost it's Sherman versus Capron on the finals okay rock paper easy no wait surfing's harder serving's worse one zero oh two zero got out three oh baby and I suck at this game looks like we gotta all spin the wheel good luck y'all that was the first loser I'm the first spinner is that fine yeah okay cool what did I get rollerblades wait what how does that work you have to keep these on for the entire next challenge There You Go sir jokes I do I like rollerblades ow man let's go let's go let's go hand stand for 10 seconds ah yo this is perfect nope I got you I got you hold on hold it hold it hold on one five six seven wait my roll bites are on the side wait don't let go ten there you go ah you splashed me there you go that was the worst punishment here we go is there anything good on here oh no thank you for letting me know of course Finn and chair for 10 seconds let him go [Music] I'm rollerblading guys so before we started this challenge we had something in this pool of slime what like good or bad oh good and bad basically you guys need to find it wait I feel something under me right here and let's see where it goes from there I think I got so quick like where exactly is it gonna be you just have to search guys wait what I have something what is it oh shoot we got another one what is this I got something too there's two more left wait give me that why did you get the money sir baby feet are literally gonna stop for you while you're in this oh this is why I came to help here you go here you go take it from me like we could split it whoa I'm just kidding hold on that's the only Corner that hasn't been searched how much money is this thousand bucks you know in the way that these challenges work I'll trade you or you for your uh paper because I think it might be good you want money I'll take the money if you don't want it you don't want it you don't know what could be in this does it mean that you're free from the next challenge could it be good or bad yeah you're tripping that could mean it could be good or bad man dude I got rollerblades I mean I'm doubling down on it I'm sorry let me see it you can feel it out take the wrist all right are we opening these let's open them up yeah we're still homies if you're scared right the homies okay I know I'm not screwed uh oh shoot take a five minute break what wait wait wait what is a five minute break mean like out of the Oobleck you can get out of the Woodland for five minutes oh my God so that was good that must mean how do you know they're not all good let's see what this is all about man no way stop show the camera please put your face in slime let's see let's see it so I gotta put my face into slime do it come on do it do it so if I don't do it what happens you could leave he really gave up a thousand dollars for a note I think he just deserves to leave after that man wait you're out you're actually right now aren't you no GG's brother hey it's down to us three now or what that was the most uncomfortable thing in my whole life and I hope I never have to go back in there but uh you're saying you're gonna have fun no okay I actually did have fun all right guys are you ready for your next challenge no I'll be ready we're gonna put the chair back in you have to spin 10 times and then walk along this if you fall out you're out it's an elimination round wait because if I fall in the Slime I'm good I believe so yeah I'll bought it in my brother go one two three four five six seven eight nine nine ten all right [Applause] that's hard okay no oh I'm so I'm dude I'm so out of it right now I mean you fell into the pool I almost just walked out with it dude yeah there you go there you go last one perfect you're good that's it go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten what okay he's cocky there's no way that's what you get for doing the extra spin okay so our last challenge is jump rope May the best man win so we're just gonna jump whoever doesn't make it doesn't make it no hard this is to jump in here guys like blue Bugatti boy I'm jumping through anything [Applause] no dude the slime's going on does that mean I get a gold Bugatti you got it bro you won okay good game my God I'm so sad bro hey it's okay I lost let's go check out the Bugatti bro I got the Bugatti it's pulling up right now thank you so much thank you thank you all season for me look at that thing oh my God there's only one person with a gold Bugatti and that is King almond core that thing is a beast by the way guys it's actually for a week I get to keep it for a week you didn't want to like let me keep it forever obviously okay what's up dude what's up bro you're all slimed out today yeah man I mean is it cool if I still like drive it holy cow of course bro okay we're gonna do a part where we like fill the car up with slime why not if you don't remember King is the best car accident lawyer of all time he works so hard for this I just love saying this fact what age did he go to college 11. I don't think I went to school at 11. I think I started Elementary like 16. hey King so I actually ended up winning the challenge so um it's in my possession for one week good you can have it man congrats thank you so much honestly I have to say something Corey you're a huge car guy yeah I love cars I know you came really close to winning this Challenge and I genuinely want to give this to you for a week really what yeah I want you to have it for a week is that cool with you King it's fine with me dude look at the interior of this Bugatti man this is absolutely insane wow to see one of these in your lifetime it's just insane but to sit in one and then start it okay yo that sounds like velvet I'm sorry but look at the back of this thing this is absolutely insane I would hit this from behind hey Corey enjoy it man thank you leave me with a Bugatti red DTS don't get on hold on hey guys thank you so much for watching the video shout out to King for Lending the Bugatti for a week shout out to Corey I mean I guess shout out to Anthony too we're out peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 4,298,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: x8mvXyIeEvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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