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what's up guys welcome to the vlog welcome back to my channel if you guys aren't here I'm Carter share and today we're gonna be doing the last to leave the backyard wins $10,000 and competing in today's challenge is who should we start with let's go over here baby let's go you already know I'm gonna have this every day let's go ready oh I'm actually gonna do it my saying like that and of course guys I want to be competing in today's challenge because it's going to be a lot of fun we are at the new team our house it's two acres it is massive but we're not gonna be going in the house today we're gonna be stuck in the backyard for last to leave the backyard but hey the rules are simple you just can't go inside the house and you can't leave the property I can't wear the shade it's too high there's lots of shades but wait it gets even better guys before we get started I'm gonna give you guys all one hour 60 minutes to do whatever you want to go wherever you want to collect all the supplies that you need for the shunt at the end of that we have to all be in the backyard that's when the challenge will begin you guys ready to go grab some supplies all right the 60-minute timer for us to go wherever you want no rules collect all the supplies starts in three two one go everyone else is like going over there but no one's going up there so I'm gonna go up to the top of the roof your water wins per minute oh yeah guys and by the way I told her on that if he wins today's video not only does he get $10,000 cash but he also gets a spot back on team rawr so wish him luck food water shelter and then anything else that will make me comfortable the fact that they're even letting me back in this challenge is a really big deal I think it is a step in the right direction because because I'm the only one not in the group stove is still in the running to get back on the team get back on team rawr that's pretty big deal I need to win this one what's your idea cuz I can't drive about that ok what's what's your idea Oh what is what is this there's all this oh whoa oh I actually have a mobile home back in my house the plan is to sneak it on to the backyard because technically you were in the backyard and we can just live out of there so I'm gonna go run to my house real quick look you don't know how much I thought if I helped you can actually stay in there for it with you oh nice okay yeah definitely help everyone's off as if they have a game plan I'm trying to figure out what I'm I wanted to do I'm trying to figure out where everyone's going we got the basketball court okay that might be a good play squad up in that area if it's gonna be hot I could jump in the pool on the way to get the arm looks like fish eggs okay this will take how long do you think it's gonna take to get this RV car hopefully because I do hopefully I we do have enough time for me to run in grab some water and food because not been all right everybody so far I think I have everything that I could ever need and I did bring out that thing in balloon because why not I have all the snacks I could ever need right here I have a bow and three arrows just to take out my competition and I have a dirt bike so actually before we go any further this extremely sketchy this is what I'm talking about it's just like summer you know it's gonna kick back relax and watch everyone else lose so I got an idea what I'm gonna set up in the backyard in order to win this thing so I can take home the $10,000 cash prize but I'm gonna need some help yo Bailey you want to come down here and I'll be with my setup on the video yeah okay it's a favor for a favor you trade me a favor now I'll give you something later if you need it all right everybody there's a lot of time left and I just found this this is a bad sign this means that somebody filled up a ton of water balloons I'm gonna see if I can find my own because if it comes down to a water balloon fight I'm very underprepared I gotta look around but we just got to let this place to grab the this big boy oh my goodness I don't know if I can take it out oh my gosh Liz okay I feel like you're driving a bus oh my gosh everything is just wiggling wiggling lengthers okay so I have the balloon here which one really came in handy because right behind it secret stash isn't gonna be sick you guys remember this treestand from last leave the tree she's coming back [Music] how you're supposed to do this all right well we only have a few minutes left before the timer starts so hope you guys are all set up make sure it's sturdy it's feeling pretty good all right guys well we are up here in the tree back at it again guys this thing is scared by there's only a couple minutes left so I'm wondering where stove and Liz's to vent up back and I actually have a pretty good view of the road right there so I can see them if they're coming back they're out there going it's all the way around behind you 30 seconds left on the clock I think I saw someone five four three I feel good about this I'm excited and we got to close the gates guys that's the end of our 60 minute timer they've literally just barely made it they were gone for a long time we've made it what the heck is this thing what the heck is a journey bahama relaxed edition come on in oh my gosh place is lit this is the Grand Tour so come on it you know these you know we've got a sink what [Applause] some cups alright this looks awesome I'm just room for all of us in here I'll go grab my stuff but I'll be right back what do you mean help with bringing this armor hey that's not fair I closed the gate by joke all right well they might have something fancy but they don't have any food and snack look at this it would be all right now like I do not want to be out here I'm actually coming inside closes I want to leave then only be one winner haters will stay on me and my followers will stay in this I got a water balloon and I don't know if you can tell but Bailey is up on the VIP deck up there all right it is war are you kidding me oh they're done hold on I'm tired of this oh yeah guys one last rule if you guys get hit by a water balloon and you get soaked and it pops on you then you will be eliminated whoa yeah Ryan what are you doing with that Bela narrow the pool you're not good at those things aren't you I'm very good I'm the best you didn't take it a class on him did you tall one I got a great idea yeah so you go inside you lose this is inside but I can reach in boy sounds and that counts I got the balloon Ryan I got a hundred dog [Music] you walked in you're out no he went inside I got inside boy he went inside he left he's all discombobulated I'll actually had no idea actually true there's omen said any door about this I have an idea buying I have a buy-in for so all right if you let this balloon go I get one shot if I pop that balloon so gets back in where sometimes on this channel we will do buy ins or second tries just because we we love each other so much and it takes so sad to see people go especially when it's sewed like so simple like that so we're gonna give stove a second chance he's gonna be the one buy-in for the video all right so so on the count of three you're gonna let this thing float away Ryan's got to wait for it to be at least 10 feet off the ground and give you enough time to run away he's got three arrows found one more this one's broken right two arrows two arrows if you can pop that or hit it before it goes too high and it's gone then that was back in all right Ryan you ready stove you ready all right three two one drop alright wait for 10 feet all right first shot Oh Oh Rajee better go it's going on come on come on you got this a mic we got a runaway minion up there guys all right so well you are the first elimination even after the buy-in you're out okay that doesn't mean that you can't team up with someone and maybe they can split the money with you you can do that if you want but at the end of the day you personally can't win I am out so that means I have to actually walk inside officially eliminate myself still deal what come up here okay I got an idea okay alright since I'm already out I guess Bailey wants me to go so guys this is me officially walking out now walking in now I have to I still can't believe I just walked out I don't I'm just I'm speechless right now okay so the only downside of this is that it actually is really pretty hot outside I'm just gonna air it out with the windows and it's gonna be nice so I'm just gonna be relaxing and hanging out in here for a while and nobody's gonna do anything about it alright guys as you can tell you can see behind me the Sun is really starting to go down we're in sunset right now stoves already gone I think Carter's feeling tired Liz's - I got to stick this out because it's really really important right then I make it back on team rawr and this Carter said that this video if I win this challenge it's a chance for me to get back on the team so I'm all-in [Music] that was actually good one I don't know why they're always kind of teaming up Ruth the roof people versus the ground people because the thing is Bailey stuck on if you can't get down he has to go in the house take it out or he's stuck on that roof the VIP deck up there he had he's it's not a good play yeah I agree so guys actually another reason I brought you out there so I probably shot Gonzaga I left so oh you're running low yeah we're gonna have to say these in case Ryan keeps attacking us that's true but um yeah you're going to hold the fort down my are you going Oh eventually I'm gonna have to make my way over there I've been explored this region yet I gotta figure out how to get down there since I can't go inside yet that's true all right we'll just hit up your brain zone for a little bit and then I'm gonna have to make my way that way Collin Liz I'm also gonna see oh hey Liz oh my gosh I see you down there what are you doing man I wanted to come hang out there disc jockey all right so guys this is the part that I've been very scared about trying here to there I'm really gonna have to get into my parkour mindset if I'm gonna be able to accomplish what I want to do and get over here so I'm gonna grab stove real quick and see if he can help me find a path and calculate my way to get around to the back so I get on that roof all right guys it is gang dark outside and I had to close up cuz Carter spotted me and I had to lock the doors before he came in here and raided my living space no one seems to be a threat right now I don't even know if anyone's even still in the competition you see that white meat I can walk across get to that wall oh just an inch up to the roof easy oh he's easy okay guys Bailey is he's a brave man guys he's on the whoo so I'm getting pretty bored of being up there in the upper yard everyone's throwing water balloons around I kind of went through most my water balloons trying to hit Bailey and stove to get them out but can work so I grabbed a snack from my bin we're gonna go up there oh oh this is really nice look at this quite the view about the road behind me I can see stove on the roof way way way over there yes nope I got something for you stove I got this it's a peace offering Kouga do you see this you know you got a hit Ryan with this yeah and it'll eliminate him [Music] three two all right well that didn't work I'm about to find another way to get this is my last balloon we gotta find another way to get it up there that was the most scary thing I've done is to move and if you can't tell again I'm dripping sweat I'm so hard right now I don't know how much longer I can do this I actually had a great idea I'm gonna jump in the pool yo Bailey what's up yeah I got I got a peace offering what do you need a peace offering all right this is a peace offering if I give this to you we get Ryan out with this if you get hit by a balloon you're out this is the biggest blue end of the day I'll put my camera so what I think is I throw this to you you bring it over there you throw it to stove and then still gets it there and then we get run okay I got something to do but yeah here I got you perfect let's go I think we're good all right okay guys it is really dark in here it's just getting late and I'm so tired I'm just gonna head towards the back and sleep I tried seven lights back on and they don't work but it is nighttime so I'm probably just gonna call it a night and go to bed hi Carter gave me this as a peace offering yeah oh yeah you're gonna have to be careful it's easy easy if it pops on Bailey's out took two tries but we got the peace offering up to the roof now it's just time to go find a Ryan and let's just see if we can get him out [Music] delicious who can't believe I'm actually doing this right now what are you doing you jumping in the pool yeah man you know it's late right now bro it's late so you're gonna get cold bro so after you're doing all that root climbing always pretty warm and now freezing I don't know if you brought a towel guys so Bailey and I were just talking we got the perfect plan to lure we're gonna spin this around and we're gonna give Ryan one shot never gonna say Ryan if you can make this shot first try what's the prize he wins automatically okay so I think you know what let's do it for real cuz if we tell him that he makes it he does went automatically and he's on humor yeah that's fun but also he's gonna hit that water before he shoots it's nice out here I really like kind of watching the sunset go by but I ran out of my snack now wait I think the only person out is still stove yeah right we got a another buy-in well I guess it's just a buy-in for you if you can make a trick shot then you win the whole challenge basketball basketball we're talking one shot basketball so it's like a winner-takes-all it's kind of like a lawyer take a look it's getting late all right look right so you just got to stand here if you can't move feet can make that shot that's not that far no it's not that's why we're yeah you make that shot you win when you gotta count it Bailey you're gonna count it down all right yeah ready I'm gonna go for a granny shot yeah whatever you say Ryan ready no you're good you're good just looking for the line two three so yeah why would you do that I tried to get you back in my legs or wet my shirts wet the back of my legs or walk yes good you got him no he can't get me I'm he's not playing he's out I know but if you get hit by a water bladder player that here's another player he's out he's just eliminated he's an eliminated plays it's so Ricky told me I could win the home I know but you missed the set but also if you low-key if you made that shot I woulda let you win even if you got here cuz you would have made the shot before you got in hit before you got his Nidal well I feel no remorse sure Ryan he was bombing you a water balloon I don't know guys I kind of feel good yeah right right yo yeah you good yeah oh hey hey man guys I feel really bad I feel like we all kind of teamed up on him a little too much he was actually working really hard yeah he was throwing balloons and stuff at every one earlier and I don't know I kind of feel bad about it what do you guys think you know everyone has all this sympathy for Ryan but do they forget you as bombing me earlier when I asked him not to politely so for me I think he deserved it still in the game I kicked stove ah and he knows how to operate this by I don't know got out first Grisi he literally walked inside in front of everybody by mistake it was so funny stove no you left the doors open what do you mean you closed it actually yeah they're wide open why because Liz told me that a story what story did she send it to you know just any idea what she was telling me on the way here about the particles all there's a chair in the Attic I saw I don't I'm scare ya guys I haven't even gotten into it but we found a lot of research up that half it up of that why the doors open did you actually close them you locked it a lock maiden yeah I did well it's completely UCI no one's up there okay so guys I rushed down and I thought I had I thought I closed the attic doors and honestly guys I'm scared that thing is like kind of creepy up there so I have to go back up I don't know I need someone else to come up and baby baby are you okay good you look like you're shivering and now Ryan Ryan's out to more people yeah I don't know guys I have even seen Liz since I left the RV I she's still down there but I don't think liz is gonna win this they don't have a good chance Bob whoa I mean the moment oh dude okay Bailey you're officially a [Music] mouse Bailey has made fun of me on my mouth so I am leaving my little lair they got me out I feel like you should try to scare them out I'm so tired holy potatoes I'm like really tired very tired all right guys I'm gonna try to get Carter out cuz I'm sick and tired I'm getting eaten alive by mosquitoes it's hot in there and I'm just tired honestly here yeah I'm gonna get the door i I made the mistake and Eve I didn't cut this hole I've been making a lot of mistakes it's in this video this doors oh yeah murder what are you working on just killing the time all right where have you been you've been on a little camper the whole time uh yeah I fell asleep I said tired actually but then we got eaten alive by mosquitoes and then Ryan came down and say hi absolute war zone down here know it husband jumping off of roofs water balloons oh and arrows crazy stuff yeah I shot a bow and arrow oh my goood why would I be friends with you after that oh man what do you mean we're besties you say you can't hug you know like he literally just a hug it was Bailey's idea now that I feel bad that's hard I go bad that's slop right yeah okay stop [Music] well Liz it's just back to me and you again it's interesting how the tables always turn I feel like the universe is trying to tie us together cause we're always like the last on these last to leave forever well the only can be one of us that wins all right guys I am an absolute savage in today's video I feel kind of bad about it but honestly a win is a win the way I'm gonna get Liz out and win this thing is uh well she's just so tired so watch this I think she's like falling asleep up here do you want to like be cold well I got an idea that makes me feel better what if I carry you inside put you on the couch tuck you in just a little bit more cozy I hear the bugs look the beanbag is right here come on no he got this I'll just hop in the beanbag and then we're gone all right you got him good she fell asleep she wants to cuddle okay well guys I told you this planet at work she's sleeping she doesn't even know that she lost that was kind of a savage outro I didn't think it was I mean I thought it could work well I'm just happy that it did she's gonna wake up in the morning and realize that she didn't win to this video because I when she comment down below if you think I was an absolute savage in today's video I feel a little bit bad about it because I don't love playing tricks on people but honestly for a w like that I think it's all worth it I'll see you guys on the next vlog peace [Music]
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 7,754,590
Rating: 4.7279687 out of 5
Keywords: Carter Sharer, Team RAR, carter, carter share, carter sharer last to leave, team rar house, last to leave backyard, $10000 challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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