Last of the Badmen | rare WESTERN Movie | Full Length | George Hilton | English | Full Movie

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I want my friend nice and clear. That's the way Bothering my wife she was bothered. All right. Oh, yeah, come on. Let's take them to the office Excuse me Either friend of yours isn't the rupiah I Don't think you've learned your lesson yet. You're pretty slow, aren't you? All right boys get back to work you can leave us alone Your job is to take care of the cows the cows But none of those with four legs right lateral Can't behave yourself. Can you now it's your Foreman's wife? You're ambitious Well, how many is it worth this time wide right You apologize you might want to hear what the whole truth is before answer that because To be honest, his wife is worth maybe one or two more You sure are athletic aren't you thank you hang a look That's a good boy Your hand is trembling Kitaj Ketta hand me the soap, please You filthy swine you I asked you to hand it to me now would you do it right? You're crazy she Tasha help and here He broke it on me Hello the rail El Toro is branded a now just don't forget the name of your boss Quito Don't you worry? How don't keep It's madly to run from him God Jaime is good, but if you provoke him like this behind you and kill you You got my brand burned India hide now you remember that key Tosh and don't ever try to get away from here again Or I give you my word you'll dance the flamenco at the end of a rope All right, come on That muchachos a tough one, but I think this time he's got my message Stop killing. All right, drop the ring You are regards to Don hi Minnie's lady We got him Inside you inside quick John Gobbles I gotta have a horse ain't got anything. What do you mean? You haven't got? Don I am he took them all they in a horse in the whole damn village Howdy key tush I Need a horse sheriff Well boy, I don't like the look of you then Jaime's man makin to hang me Now hold on just What is it that makes you think I don't you think I know? Don him is a citizen here just like you are and has to respect the law just like you do He makes his own laws in this town, I won't stand for that sort of thing and you well know it he Tosh They're being downright silly now hand over your guns before you get into trouble Come on your guns All right gimme Attempted robbery He's a violent man. He threatened me with a gun and he tried to steal my horse You saw what happened plumber? Sure. I arrived just in time sheriff hands up kadosh. He's dangerous Plummer I'm in a Cell. Come on you Go on Inside Service is complete. Alright It's black Traci yes, siree. That's who nonsense. Traci was hanging two days ago in Salem. I Bet you never saw Tracy Why sure That's Tracy. All right, you know that a $10,000 bounty for him get them in. Hey sheriff I'm the one who turned him in Better write down my name for the reward go on No, sure We need every man we can get so we'd better cut him in that Tracy is no greenhorn, you know Okay, $1,000 a head for you. And the rest is mine and you keep your trap shut, okay? Search him Okay, we emptied the Arsenal inside come on hello with care man his bathroom Meaning I'm not looking for you stranger. It's just him I want All right, but you'll have to pay a good price for him for you one I Think I'll take your horse Have a good Sorry, but a necktie parties out hold it there. Why don't y'all go home? Hold it. I just don't give me any reason to pull this trigger other be dead men rom. Oh Now you believe me come on get now All your houses Now, right You got yourself a horse my friend Find your way I travel allo Well, I kind of think we got it travel together up and we're friends. I think it'll damage your brain Hey yourself You move the rodent in here Of course, I did why didn't you tell me? You never asked Howdy I want to cross the border do you know of any other trail it's quiet and direct Jared ooh way I've always gone Maybe you'd be willing to show Me which road you usually take. I Might if you promise not to do too much thinking You might damage what little brain you got left Hey, maybe I ought to ditch the wagon we can make faster time without it who says I'm in a hurry Can you sleep I'll take the first watch Hey that ain't racy Like you knew they were after you yeah Tracy you used me as a decoy But you should have told me I could have got killed Well, you didn't ask white you boneheaded a bother Besides you Anna played your part as well if I hand Now if you want to keep yourself warm try digging the grave tonight Everything has its use. How about you want to try or maybe they're too small I Here I'll help you hold your arm steady like this a pistols like a woman if you hold it too tight It'll rebellin if you're not firm with it. It'll fly away If you master it, it'll never betray like this Hey teach but didn't I make a passing grade school is closed The dust This is your ranch My mother used to say Joshua my son. I was born on this land. I Want to be buried here? Instead she was buried in Abilene where she was waiting for They wouldn't even let me see her before she died I was locked up in the penitentiary Waiting to be hanged and I owe all this to traps Traps, who's this Trent? She was my woman. I picked her out of the gutter it covered her with Go dressed her in silks from Paris and all the time. She played me for a sucker My best friend Big John Big John My only friend Big John and one day they decided to turn me in Forget my bounty $10,000 in gold. I woke up the next morning to the smell of 20 federal agents Now you know who traps is Hey What are you planning to do about it? I'm glad to do a whole lot about it But first I gotta find it you coming. Yes, sir Tequila Who is that bigjon No stranger Tell him we're closed. What's the time? Just turned ten o'clock boss Hmm is the light on slim. Yeah boss Anything else? No, no Hey, you feed it or closed I said tequila boy no, and I told you we're closed Got no sense of humor Liam What do you think what's happened Jim Are you there are you going One two three four Is that you slim Answer me. Please answer me Why don't you answer me Tramps so what she was crazy about me Working she loved me more than anything, right? You always did have bad eyes traps Not the light please it's blind I'll stop when you tell me where I can find John He left me month ago, I don't know where he's gone to please I don't know You lyin to me again traps we shouldn't do that he left me crazy Why he gotta tell me where he is or do I ever leave it out of ya Okay kid you find out for me yeah Too much light Is that better You have a kind voice what are you doing with Tracy? He's my amigo That dog doesn't have any friends He's got one on me Joshua Tracy is a monster He's a fiend out of hell He's just a rabid dog Look at this My whole body is like this because I had the misfortune to love him You betray him What else could you expect me to do he was torturing me? This is the truth. Oh my god. There's no place on this earth from being I'm glad Tracy Well now you two becoming friends She played on your sympathies Kitaj She's very shrewd What kind of line she been feeding you Kill me now Joshua. You have to tell me where Big John is. Did you forget and if I do? Why I'd be most grateful so much though that I believe you'd be in peace You don't believe me well then you can ask Ki Tosh Catchy can I trust you? Perhaps you have my word on it Then I'll tell you Vulture pass. I Wouldn't go if I were you he's with a band of Mexicans. They are ruthless Well-armed, and there's over a hundred now. Thank you. We're really most grateful to you Now you rest your eyes I'm going now and Traps Good luck Jackasses Oh Joshua Tracy I thought I was rid of him for good You hit What's the matter with you? Why didn't you go after him you had him right in your hands and you let him get away We won't catch me arguing with Tracy's rifle besides. He wasn't part of our bargain with you. We'll be getting out of here Sorry Big John and you think you'll get far with a gut full of lead two years. I've been planning this robbery Very no one's gonna get in a way, especially not Tracy It's a boat. She told him where we are. He wouldn't dare come here tomorrow we're gonna be loaded with gold and you can spit and Joshua Tracy's I Well, I gotta go see Camaro You men wait here and I better find you here How's your wife amigo Fine she told me to say hello to you and I ferment are they fine too? I have a date. I'm Whatever I told You lied to me a vehicle Of course they bother with my men because I trusted you Wait, listen to me listen to me Camaro. You've got to trust me tomorrow The goal will be on its way from the mind of the bank 12 armed men will be guarding an armored wagon full of virgin Golden ingots, but my plan is foolproof. I've been working on it for two years. You've got to trust me tomorrow. They're gonna be ours It better be Because I tell you now me go I would hate to have come so far only to feed you to the Coyotes Here's the Wagner Villa get ready easy my boy. Remember the guests of honor are always late Oh All right, you ready see your wagon just don't think too much get going Like this in your plant This is a tree I'd skin you alive You know they were ready for us Real sorry That's gonna go Gentleman dangers over But deeply grateful my firm will be I Don't believe a witnesses, I've got me a score to settle grab the gold Very easy now Remember Big John I swore I'd screw you to the door my house Look behind you Big John you See I kept my word with you I've waited a long time for this I thought about it a lot Passing I won't do you much good You know John I'll enjoy this you're going real slow I'm gonna make you suffer the way I did I hope you enjoyed spending the reward, uh You and traps You see traps She painted that to me He didn't think you'd see me again Did you? Big John well now your plan wasn't so bad being the gallows and you enjoying the reward Wow, we'll see how you enjoy this Therein same Concern so don't interfere. Hey Otto, why don't you kill him and be done with it? I Swore I'd screw him to the door You killed him John He's dead he's dead John You're mad Tracy I'm sorry You know where you can find me He sure suffered a lot more Smells like also dogs I Am most passing I know a quiet spot for just the tools Afraid you wouldn't be able to finally Where's the cold right here I've been waiting for you so we could divide it up. Alright, get dressed. Let's go Ain't going with you you and I are finished Besides I'm sure I'm gonna like it around here You're a beauty horse Are you leaving Sonia just put her away I'll be back Come and dance with me. No, I don't know how to dance. Come on Senor I teach you Where's the goat it's with my horse. Why just what is lost We've gotta get some oysters somehow and they put their horses by the wall I'll kill you I'm not gonna get the chance You cannot smart me I get down in your knees to me and beg for mercy Another chance Tracy, I would give you that satisfaction I'll shoot you in the stomach. That way you'll die real slow and no one's gonna be able to stop your Epilepsy is a terrible thing Tracy Make sure rotten inside You'd be better off dead I Gotta get going my leaves Tracy Heat ice Katashi Say Miguel make an infusion and you give it to him once every evening gracias Gracias brother is versatile espiritu's Domenico's go with God It was Miguel His boy has a bit of fever, but he will get well Rodrick. Have you seen don't worry, Don? Jaime won't find out that you're here And your friend, how is he? He's sleeping. He's an evil man this friend of yours. He Tosh. No, he's just sick He has a sickness that comes not from nature, but from hell Your friend is possessed by the devil Superstition Padre Tracey has epilepsy nothing more Don't be fooled. You hadn't witnessed what I hear. He's your heart pure. When was the last time you were at confession? Well father I haven't had the time Hide yourself the session will be here soon How do you feel feel fine I'm going to California it's like a penitentiary here Kitaj Are you serious? Yeah, sure AM what Oh, As soon as I settle a score Don imus hand Every ascension day they leave her Abilene with just about three thousand head of cattle when they return to make a pilgrimage to st Joseph's Church to thank him for the success for the driver 3,000 head hmm Yeah, $30 a head but it makes about $90,000 well that's a lot of money Don't you think so To me. Yeah sure. It's a lot you can't do it alone Together my boy. It'll be as easy as picking daisies - are you alone? Yes. Okay, push key Tosh Keith - my love. I knew you would come back to us forgiveness from behind me You can see he's a good man. He'll give you a job back and we'll be able to marry I'm going to take you away. I'll be back for you in a minute. Wait for me Where are you going? Tell me what you're going to do. I'll come back for you To sign up to well you want your cash. So now you're a thief PETA's He sees you Where's all the money you got for the cattle Talk No late Sonny Boy we painted yesterday Sonny Boy Tracy how many lashes do you think? Irish out on the main house. They heard all the yelling come on. And so now you're a murder I Had to kill you You'll pay for this I promise you you're the one who will pay if you want to see her alive again Ninety thousand and I'll let you know when and where I want it Please don't Calm down boss lady the pottery be back with a ninety thousand soon and you can go on home And what if he doesn't return Was you that got me into this mess wasn't it? Yes. I know it was my fault because because I wanted you And you wanted me if only you'd been more gentle They won't send it I know my husband and he'll never give in he will let's go Away Why not what have we got to lose I Want you so Pig my husband will hang you and I'll be sitting in the first row watching the show. Well, no, that's more like it Hey Josh, the Padre Did anyone follow you no Did you bring the money Padre yes, is it all in cash? Yes, it's cash understand I do this only to protect this poor woman Now my son let her go with me and I will give the money to you Listen you give me that tape your hands off him Tracy Go Senora What kind of a man are you It's not Amy's men Looks like he's got the whole town in Halton He won't do anything. We still got her the Padre probably thought it was real. Maybe he knew it wasn't Anyhow, I never like to leave witnesses around Untie me, I'll attack it done No, trap done homie will surrender But when we're expecting reinforcements early tomorrow, you expect me to wait then get ready for the attack on your horses Oliver Wait till morning. Then my wife's in the hands were mad. Killer. I tell you I can't wait any longer Funny but it's become almost too quiet Well looks like the lulz over they wake up They come get ready Well now how'd you do I do good they got away with the horses You'll never make it You have a way out It's not you he wants Tracy It's key Tosh You listenin to me I'm listening Suppose we forget about key Tosh I'm leavin waitin. If I do where do we go the ranch? I know where my husband keeps all of his money You with me Tracy You surprised me I didn't think you had so much talent Going somewhere didn't you forget about me get him up. I Told you tonight he's not very nice company Bri wusses I'm gonna give you just one more chance Ketose you win as you see I'm unarmed I hope you won't take advantage the money Keep talking, I'm listening Here's ninety thousand For my wife who find horses and provisions outside the church where I'll also find your men No, I've sent them away we're alone now I Don't quite believe you you have my word of honor Trust me ki Tov Yes, I do And then live happily ever after I'll take that it's your turn now ki Tosh You'll find that I'm not such a trusting title your wife goes with me as far as you're concerned You know that I never leave a witness aren't you forgetting something I know your secret tracing I'll take you first guitar Yeah, I know you will That's because you can't stand the idea that I know what your secret is Great Tracy's a poor epileptic You're nothing but a human derelict vicious trembling bag of nerves Pretty pale looking boy. You can't see straight. You can't shoot straight What'd I tell you Tracy rest your hand shaking You forgot about this didn't you Tracy your own little trick I should have taken care of you the first time we crossed I'll trade you money for a horse Don't hi me give me a hand with you Adios
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
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Keywords: best western movies, western movies full length free, free movies, free movies to watch, free western movies, free westerns, george hilton, western, western movies, free films, western feature films, watch movies, full length movies, full movies, cowboys, wild west, full length, western movie, entire movies, full movie, watch films online, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, best westerns, free film, last of the bamen, hd
Id: LVmkTKzPed8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 20sec (5720 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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