Last Epoch in 2023 | Asmongold Reacts

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a lot of people have asked me about last Epoch so we'll take a look at it here we go last Epoch is an arpg with a newly added multiplayer mode that initially came to steam Early Access back in 2019 this game has five base classes in the form of Sentinel Mage Rogue primalist and acolyte Sentinel Mage okay so Sentinel is the the warrior acolyte is like a priest maybe I don't know let's find out Each of which have three additional Mastery classes that you can spec into as you prefer three additional classes that each class The Base Class can be okay maybe they're like so like they'll Ascend into that class so that's a good idea I like that smart more games should do that press in terms of theme last Epoch combines High fantasy with time travel and throughout the main story you'll travel to various different ages taking on bosses creating your own unique build with hundreds of skill tree choices as well as hunting for legendary gear I previously covered last year by the way I'm not a big fan of time travel things because like if you time travel and it's like hey I went to um uh desert storm and I have a M4 and then I'm going to go back in time to the Revolutionary War like I feel like the power scaling in that is like kind of game breaking you know yeah I I just and like the power scaling of it it always it works in the game yeah but like there's a like it's hard for me to get immersed because I just realized that it's so it's so fake it's more fake to me than like a fireball because like a fireball is like a theory like I've never seen a fireball right besides the Sun like I've never seen a fireball or like a [ __ ] magic Missile so it's like it's it's all theoretical and conceptual but I know what a [ __ ] M4 is I know what a musk it is there's no way these two things are gonna even have a chance against each other so it's like because I don't [ __ ] know anything about it it makes me feel differently I don't know like this it's just a [ __ ] side opinion not a fan of time travel type stuff [ __ ] April 2021 but once again getting closer to its 1.0 release and me recently playing Diablo IV I decided to check in on the game for its little noise update get to level 50 and see if the game can hook me in but first sponsor everyone needs a VPN so what better choice than the number one rated VPN I should have used this yesterday you know I played blue protocol yesterday and I played it with a VPN can and who helped me uh get the account he gave me the account for it the accounts banned that's it [ __ ] done software out there expressvpn expressvpn will basically give you the keys to fully unlock the potential of your internet browsing take Netflix to only view content available in your region but there's hundreds of shows movies and series available in other locations that are hidden from you this is like going to McDonald's but only being able to order from The Breakfast menu thankfully though so it's like going to McDonald's you know at any hour after like [ __ ] 9 P.M oh sorry sir we can't serve hamburgers anymore it's uh 5 30 P.M yeah we're out of hamburgers we can only serve breakfast and uh water instantly with just a few clicks so you're able to actually get the most out of your Netflix subscription here for example I'm using expressvpn to change my location from the USA to the UK so I can watch 2012. in the past I've also used expressvpn to change my location to Korea China and Japan to participate in beta tests for Eastern MMORPGs and on a daily basis I'm connected to expressvpn on public Wi-Fi networks to avoid having my personal details such as credit card numbers and passwords stolen by sketchy coffee shop hackers yes they do exist click yeah they have like uh I don't know if they have skimming in that same way I I the last time I knew anything about it was like 10 years ago but I'm sure it's a lot better now to my link in the description below will go to the lazypeon three months of expressvpn for free now last Epoch time travel arpg the last time I played this game was about two years ago and I remember really enjoying it and the games just to watch Quinn play it whenever it came out it's a massive update like yesterday which has added multiplayer to the game so let's check it out 7619 people oh thank you I wasn't expecting that let's check out the steam charts there's only eighteen thousand people trying to play Lads open up some more servers what are you doing here let's see how many there are right now uh let's see new window let me pull it up let's see how many people are watching it or uh playing it that's really [ __ ] impressive that's great wow it's actually going up good for them [ __ ] yeah wow all right great hey thinking I'm gonna have a nice chill First Impressions recording session tonight if the devs not anticipate that their game would be popular I can see it now fires in the server room people at the dev Studio running around panicking check out the recent reviews you can't give a game a negative review because of the cues upon a big update launch I I feel like if you're not able to play a game I feel like that's a bad review I I think that you can like it's a service issue I think that it's contextualized like I I wouldn't say the game is bad because of that but I think if somebody gives it a bad review yeah I think that's fair it's a bit harsh it seems like you've got separate offline characters and online characters so I'll be returning to this game in a few days when it's less crazy so it's a few days later after my initial attempts to play the game online let's see if there's no cues now hopefully everyone's gone to play the Diablo 4 beta which I've just finished playing five different classes you've got the Sentinel the Rogue the Mage the primalist and the alkaline each of these have their own different subclasses so the Sentinel has void night Forge guard or Paladin the Rogue has blade dancer maximum or Falcon air the Mage has sorceress spellblade or Rune Master the primalist has Beastmaster Charmin or Druids and the acolyte has Necromancer Lich or warlock I think I might just do Necromancer I'm not sure yet I I'm gonna have to look at a couple of different builds previously when I played last Epoch I was a Mage and I really enjoyed it but perhaps for the sake of this video I should try out some Nelly [ __ ] you guys for being a mage again big damage let's go two different game modes standard or hardcore if your character dies on Hardcore it's no longer hardcore I'm probably gonna die at some point so we'll just go with standard it's not disappoint ourselves I want to go for a chain lightning build similar to what I've recently gone with in Diablo 4. okay so sometimes you attack the bear and your attacks just go through it look at that fireball anyway it's a bit that's not very good level up our lightning ability a mage with a shield okay it's a bit different I don't see that too often zap zap zap freeze AOE yeah Mage still feels the way this plays reminds me a lot of how Poe played in 2013. this gives me very very strong Poe 2013 vibes pretty good in this game big upgrade with the stuff take the shards and go through the time Rift level five another new ability it helps zipping down pretty quickly chugging those Health thoughts almost dead good morning I feel so squishy [ __ ] can I one monster the first build that I tried to make on my own I feel bad for lazy peon because the first build that I tried to make on my own was exactly this build in Poe and I got to like act like three or four and it stopped working tax me no I'm getting the static Nova think level seven and now our inventory is full oh no I remember one of the things that annoyed me about the game last time inventory two minutes since yeah I am not a fan of this kind of stuff I just think it's [ __ ] annoying anytime that I have to deal with an inventory thing I'm going to be mad it's the game and we're already doing this well this game has one thing that Diablo 4 doesn't have a map overlay where you can look at the map and to move at the same time why I love that ice attack I forgot about that one oh my God this twice right W yeah there's no cooldown I don't know why it just costs a lot of money so if I go for like heavy Mana efficiency I can just Spam my abilities so they don't seem have much of a cool down in this game big damage level eight combat very quickly gets better in this game once you start to unlock some cool abilities it doesn't take long I've got all the shards gems it seems like the shards are gems here is affixes and the game hasn't really taught me how to put it on items they're crafting okay I guess it's gonna teach you this mechanic later on it's a little bit odd but yeah it's not teaching me now oh legendary amulet 100 chance if you have not dealt a crit recently 50 less crit chance if you have Delta crit recently the item's called gamblers fallacy it's obviously an upgrade was quite a funny legendary I like that the 12 12 health is a lot I mean like he's only got [ __ ] 200 health so 12 is a really good I've got a loot filter shall we loot filter yes we do no [ __ ] Adderall add condition this is uh oh wow so you can make your own magic items holy [ __ ] easy big damage yeah now we're starting to zap zap it really doesn't take long at all for the combat in this game to just become really fun it doesn't insult your intelligence and have you using like two or three abilities for two hours it very quickly levels you up and allows you to dive into the talent trees and start to create your own build I do appreciate that about this game I feel like the only way for you to really know if lazy peon really likes a game is if in two years he makes a life update about how he's working out and living in another country based off of after he played this game he realized he needed to reorient his life because like this has happened twice now it happened with Lost Ark and then before that it happened with BDO yeah so like we gotta wait two years or so after a game comes out to like really know if he liked it that much 12. and big boss pops out and it's dead Okay crafting ah okay so this is where the game's finally teaching me about crafting oh I only have two things we can actually upgrade the affix too did a little bit of upgrading let's continue oh some legendary boots that's cool boots so anything's an upgrade yeah another legendary and just dropping legendaries on me is this one any good increased movement speed if you've hit an enemy in the last five seconds maybe I can craft some stats for it which makes it useful I'll show you that freezing yes I like that you can freeze bosses in this game it seems like it's easier than Poe idle shock chance to shock on hit lightning damage yeah that's good what do I do with this here my lightning abilities designed to get very strong it's about to get even stronger I don't like the Spells where it says this spell can do X Y and Z and then there's a butt there has to be a butt and then it like the butt is always the bad thing yeah I'm just choosing the abilities that don't have the butt I only want Pros I don't want cons oh I feel good to be an arpg player right now you've got so many good games to choose from Path of Exile Path of Exile 2 coming out of Diablo Falls not far away from full release last epoch's just opened it's multiplayer beta yeah I mean Lost Ark is still pretty fun yeah so many good top down games as an MMORPG player I kind of Envy arpg players because their genres in a pretty decent State at the moment it seems I uh MMOs I feel like I'm kind of happy there's nothing that's like as good as Poe for MMOs I would say at least in my mind but I'm happy with wow I mean sure I mean every game is pretty decent that's about it maybe it could be so strong I think mobs diager are you in this one remember correctly I think they just chase you throughout the whole Zone which is pretty fun 90 spell crit chance that's mad the modifiers on some of these I actually do think they should add in Mob leashing because if they don't add in mob leashing what the meta for a lot of builds is going to be is build something that can AOE and then run through the entire instance and AOE everything down at the end that will be the meta mobs do have leash that's good weapons is crazy oh my God it's almost dying the mobs here are significantly stronger for some reason but just do better damage build something a little bit more just buy something well I've yet to die so far which is surprising with how the difficulty of these mobs is increasing I think I'll be dying very soon oh the I'd the game doesn't look like it really plays that well it doesn't seem like it's really super impressive in terms of its like playability I would say that it's probably again it's like it does well it doesn't seem like it okay all right you ever everybody's saying it does all right those go here it doesn't look completely blind aren't I how have I not seen that bro there's this big thing here that says idols and I've just been carrying Idols around them inventory 19. oh the first death I teleported out of that poison as well but I was just not fast enough so if I was playing a hardcore character that's where my journey would end what a sad way to die kind of turned my brain off I wasn't expecting a random pool of poison to kill me level 20 another skill specialization slot two more idle slots nice sense of progression in this game so far has been fantastic the new legendary armors just dropped please be good less Elemental damage taken increased Elemental damage that's [ __ ] nuts by the way like look at this Elemental damage leeched his health on crit and then he just got the necklace that autocrits and then the necklace that autocrats whenever you kill something it gives you [ __ ] heels like this is so [ __ ] massive man priest crits and leech okay that's absolutely perfect you gotta think of making a build you know now as you can see from all of the [ __ ] on the floor it's Luke filter to sort out some items yeah I think it's time I uh fix my loot filter to be a little bit more picky there's so many stats in this game I love the chain lightning ability in this game it's really fun chain lightning in pretty much every arpg is always a good choice who doesn't love to zap [ __ ] and now we've reached the end of time and if I remember correctly this is where I wrapped up my previous First Impressions video of the game The Last time I played it but I'm gonna be playing quite a bit the visuals of the game like I think that some of them are like super rudimentary and like very Indie game-ish but you have things like this right here where you're like on the edge of the [ __ ] Horizon with a black hole in the background that's so cool I think this looks awesome Baba for this video okay so now I get to choose my Mastery sorcerer spellblade or Rune Master it's obviously gotta be sorcerer hasn't it choosing a Mastery is final and cannot be undone yeah yeah I'm pretty sure my first green item I've never had a green drop before oh wow this is part of a set piece increased car speed massive armor necrotic damage oh legendary amulet please be good I always get excited when legendaries drop in this game the audio visual feedback from rare drops is quite nice quite a sad this one's gonna be really good plus two spell lightning damage lightning resistance you create small lightning explosions when you are stunned I mean I'm a lightning Mage so seems pretty good absolutely loving the sense of progression in this game so far every level every stat increase just feels really impactful and you can just feel that with every level your character is becoming more and more fun to play an issue I had with Diablo 4 when I played it recently the instantaneous nature of the chain Lightnings does it make you feel like a little bit if you get probably a really big one in like every single attack creates it probably feels like you're busting a nut on the screen like I will say that small part of the game plays very well like it feels like boom yes you know it's really satisfying yeah was that my character felt like he was getting weaker relative to the monsters I was fighting whereas in this game I haven't really felt that to be the case I'm just having such a chill time playing this game I don't know if it's like the build but I'm playing that's just really fun going through the level zapping things I'm just having a great time I'm just relaxing enjoying myself I'll repeat myself since I know a lot of people are probably gonna ask and there'll be a lot of comments about this um my plan is to start playing this game after I finish Poe because the poe season is coming out in just a few days less than a week now and uh I'm gonna play Poe first and then after I finish Poe and I hit kind of like a plateau on it I'm gonna play this game next really bold or anything I'm like lovely flow state with the game at the moment oh yeah I mean anytime on the computer it's really relaxing as well I've got this Talent which increases my cast speed the more I cast a spell up to like 20 Stacks so now I can zap really quickly super fun zap zap zap and it costs hardly any Mana too I'm having so much fun reading and choosing my build for this game more so than most arpgs there's just so many interesting choices okay we've made it to where we need to be yeah let's see some of the boxes some scuff voice acting on that guy whatever you say Admiral he's trying to use lightning against me how very dare he and he's dead 35 another skill specialization slot okay I didn't choose that I just clicked on it because I wanted to see what I can spend the points in don't lock me in respect skill minimum skill level 5D specialized skill will remove all skill points and experience from the skill they specialize that yeah I think we specialize in teleport I can't see myself getting rid of that shorter cooldown and if you have a haste when you teleport its duration is reset wow what the [ __ ] is so interesting making your own build in this game is so fun I haven't had a legendary for a long time I think I'm due one all right this thing's taking no damage blocks if not emerged what do you mean emerged I'm trying to understand what that's actually probably because he's in the red shirt okay emerge oh I see when he opens his mouth to attack oh big damage wait sixth out bro he was hitting for like 15 before um and make sure we're good is we good it's probably twitch no it was actually me that was me actually uh oh I see when he opens his mouth you gotta shoot yeah okay big damage look at that damage six thousand what the [ __ ] legendary Relic and a legendary amulet a green wand we're about to get strong no this legendary item is like sick for fire Mages but I don't think I can use it 18 increase cast speed though I think it's actually still an upgrade even though it's got one useful thing on it what about the wand minion damage what about the amulets well how's this minions take increased damage 74 minion Critical Strike multiplier holy [ __ ] this game giving me so much [ __ ] necromance again minion minion that's good for like whatever can I see one of these anywhere I have a meltdown oh well this is a beautiful area everywhere in the game in the ancient times before anyone existed is this game's saying that we should just delete humans this looks like a boss fight a room if I've ever seen one pretty big boss fight room as well oh voice acting as well wait it's the same Admiral again just realized that these are the two bosses that I've bought before yeah just reused to fight them together this time not too difficult as a mage though this is the one they must have worn that from Diablo 42. oh what's this as a friend is a goat monster oh it's scenario when it's not a goat it's a reindeer same thing but I've been playing this game all night and the time's just been absolutely flying by definitely the sign of a good arpg when it just puts you in there with a locked a dungeon each attempt in the dungeon requires a key dying or leaving through the portal fails an attempt well it requires a key there's one thing I don't have okay okay well at least we've learned something nice another passive Point another two idle slots very important to do the side quests in this game because if you skip the side oh I like how the Idols are different sizes so you can have like really really good or big ones or that's really cool I like this a lot this is a great system I can already tell what it's like a big boss let's see if it's difficult wait what killed me do that again feels a bit weird that when you fight a boss and you die to it you can just like run up to it without its Health resetting I feel like the boss has helped you have reset there it should have like punished me for being stupid not even damaging me now say that no more I said again I just don't talk when you're playing games Craig GG all right here we go now Lake Leath judging by this loading screen it's going to be quite a beautiful area what level am I 47 two and a half levels till level 50. it's so weird that even as you're approaching end game you get like gear that requires level 4 to equip to make the gear useful you need to invest into the forging potential and like craft it but oh so crafting is like a really big factor in this game uh is that how it's huge okay all right that makes sense still feels a bit weird like level 48 still getting gear that drop requires level four to equip I don't know it feels wrong 49 one more until we're 50. oh wait was that level 50 bro I was uh engaging in some second monitor content and I miss the biggest level however done that oh my God I'm almost dying as well so now I'm level 50. I can I think the game the the gameplay seems okay like I if I looked at this game like without knowing anything about it I would want to play this game specialized in a final skill and I already know what I want to go for flame Ward my character's an absolute Beast yeah this looks like I know what level 50 was the max level but no you do just keep going I don't know when the end game is I don't know what level that comes into play I guess once you've finished the main story soon finished with oh my God there's so much mobs density here he's getting crazy I love this game I can't remember the last time an arpg just absolutely mesmerized me like this I just feel like the way you build your character with the talent tree and skill customization as well as the crazy multipliers on all of the items it just makes you want to keep playing to make your character more and more op and more crazy yeah something really addictive about it it's like one more level one more level and I feel like a lot of arpgs are like that that's what makes them so good is it like you're always like you feel like you're just you're edging you're so close usually with arpgs it's not really my genre but there's something about this game that's really pulling me in maybe I'm turning into an arpg fan whatever it is The Game's clearly doing a fantastic job [ __ ] that was I love arpgs I think they're [ __ ] great uh I wish more of them utilized wasd rather than click to move or at least they gave you the option for it but I've been playing arpgs uh as soon as I played the beta for Diablo the first arpg I played truthfully is Diablo 3. and I remember I played the beta and I went into it because I realized you couldn't move the camera around and I'm like this is the worst game ever I guess I'm just gonna play it anyway though because I played it on show us your dick Dillon's account like I didn't even have the beta but he installed it on my PC and I tried it out and I liked it it was really [ __ ] good then the game came out and I played the [ __ ] out of it was ARP just stand for Action RPG it's like a again I I don't know really how would you describe arpg as like a general term it's hard really to say but it's a game like Diablo Poe Wolfson uh last Epoch stuff like that and it Lost Ark plays like an arpg but it's an MMO because I've just had such a fantastic time playing this game just single player going through the campaign leveling up my character and like doing all of the builds so apparently the game does have multiplayer and you can just like queue up with people and do this campaign stuff from level one but I've just had a great time playing on my own honestly I think the game just stands up really well at this point I feel like this video is dragged on for long enough I'd feel sorry for my editor because he's got like six to eight hours of footage where I'm mostly just sitting there saying well I don't feel bad for my editors with that because all they do is six hours damn that's gonna be a long video Boop all right it's done good luck to him so let's wrap it up there so after revisiting last Epoch in 2023 my thoughts are as follows the gameplay feels smooth responsive and impactful the power fantasy becomes really compelling with mob density increasing as you progress yeah visually the game looks quite good not amazing but not terrible the UI voice acting and sound effects are all good and the sense of progression you get from playing this game is incredibly addictive it's like a more accessible version of Poe and every level up feels massively impactful with huge damage multipliers from items and talents that's what I think everybody is trying to do they're trying to make a version of Poe that's more accessible and you know who that includes grinding gear games that's why they're making Poe too the game has a rather robust loot filter re-rolling your talents and skills takes hardly any time to catch up in level and you can also invite a friend to play together in multiplayer now if you choose this is really cool of explaining the forging potential and gear upgrading system if you're looking for a highly story driven cinematic experience similar to Diablo 4 last Epoch doesn't really have much of this and due to the sheer amount of stats damage types and attributes actually getting an item that you want for your build is extremely rare absolutely you've got a lot of RNG on top of that to not use too much forging potential when upgrading that gear overall I'm writing this pros and cons list about a week after I stopped recording last Epoch but I continued to play the game in my spare time off camera I [ __ ] love this game the power fantasy and core gameplay along with how approachable creating your own build is feels amazing okay last Epoch didn't overwhelm me with builds like Poe I went into this game and made my own fun build that carried me through the game fairly well so far and by the way the build that I'm going to be playing in Poe this league takes 20 minutes to explain like it will take 20 minutes just to explain what it is feels great yeah for me this is one of my favorite arpgs out right now and I love how it put me in this chill Flow State of grinding yeah leveling up and losing track of time whilst listening to music seems like an easy game to recommend it will only get better upon full release and additional updates but that's it for this video guys as always let me know your thoughts on last Epoch in the comments below how do you think this arpg compares to Diablo 4 and Poe help us out with a like for the algorithm Gods social media on screen thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one it's a great video I like this a lot I'm glad I watched it I didn't even notice that it came out until like yesterday so uh I guess it's actually today because it came out yesterday uh yeah this is a great video uh obviously like I'm gonna play last Epoch super excited for it and um I might even do multiplayer now we'll see what happens is rain did a review for it yeah zizraine did like a full review and I'm waiting to watch his video until after I play it myself that's why haven't watched it yet okay yeah A Game's cheap too uh yeah I mean great uh how much is it I didn't even know it was I don't know if it's free to play or what I have no idea so yeah there's the video lazy peon makes great [ __ ] like this I I love watching these videos it's crazy to think I've watched them for like [ __ ] uh [ __ ] like six seven years something like that it's been such a long time holy [ __ ] and uh compared to D4 it's cheap it's 45 bucks 35 bucks seems good to me I mean [ __ ] and uh yeah I'm gonna have to uh have you seen Atlas fall in gameplay no I'll look at it in a second I remember whenever the original Atlas game came out I didn't really think about it but uh yeah I'm gonna definitely play this a hundred percent and I do want to I do want a min max this game like I don't want to ever play a game then I'm not men maxing if I if like if I'm not gonna min max the game I don't want to play it what's the point like any game like I want to go as hard as I possibly can in the game that's what I like to do Max roll has guides yeah I might look at a little bit of that depending on like you know unavoidable choices but I like to go into things uh as raw as possible you know give you all the min max you can handle yeah we'll see you have a lot of work to do in the world I I am working on it I'm I've been doing it quite a bit we got to buy some more [ __ ] cavities you see damn vampire service there's another DLC coming out yeah I did see that I haven't played it since the last uh the last time that I played it on my mainstream so it's been quite a while but yeah I'll definitely uh I'll definitely play it too [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 417,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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