Last Epoch 1.0 Day 6+7 Twitch Clip Highlights - RIP, Crafting, Legendary - BEST MOMENTS

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fun search for [Music] [Music] fun what no shot yes do I have I have it what the [ __ ] one minute ago what for 500k what someone missed a zero no like two zeros what oh new Arena okay can we get ballista Mana region lightning res ballista Mana regen lightning res Healing Hands may maybe Healing Hands uh maybe freaking Healing Hands Vengeance no [Music] please for the love of God don't don't screw me over on crit um okay steal it away millions of years later ultimate power is mine I [ __ ] hate you video game oh I actually cannot believe I lost that I would rather a one LP sword with crit than this something on the list rapthor my God game come [Music] on thanks dread why don't you do hardcore dread why don't you do hardcore why don't you do hardcore dread dread dread why don't you do hardcore isn't hardcore fun dread yo yo what happened well oops whatever we want we we want to get necrotic penetration and multi that's what we want ideally you ready three two one boom what the [ __ ] is that holy [ __ ] okay [Music] damage okay okay aha already spent 300K rle every chest half a million my God I only have like three chests this is just rip my money this is going to be like three chests bro I mean maybe it'll drop enough yellow holy [ __ ] yep all right oh oh that's a sick roll too no way he's cheating stop snap that's that rings for me right I'm scared did we get it oh we got it we had four LP we had four LP guys it's a 50/50 is what it it's just a coin flip I I I don't have too much control over it two backto back dubs you love to see it all right that's it that's it guys I'm dead I died instantly I died instantly fantastic excuse me please oh my god oh I was coughing oh that sucks okay that really sucks hey Travelers thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe to the channel so you won't miss the following videos bye-bye
Channel: Last Epoch Twitch Highlights - Riq
Views: 1,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last epoch best moments, last epoch highlights, last epoch best builld, last epoch clips, last epoch, last epoch rip, last epoch hardcore, last epoch crafting, last epoch twitch, last epoch hardcore death
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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