Laser Engraving Aircraft Panels | Identification, Markings with Durablack

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welcome back to mr jay's workshop um it's been about a year since i posted anything um life happened uh covet hit changed everybody's life um but with that said uh we'd like to get back into uh putting some videos out there uh that might may be fun maybe educational maybe some tips uh so this week uh we're working on a aircraft cockpit uh doing some placards so this is one of the rewarding jobs i'm very passionate about aviation i'm also a flight instructor so placards what they are their identification and markings to ensure safe stay safe standards inside of a cockpit also providing information to passengers it's sort of like labels and name plates just to be able to identify things a little bit more easier so with that short description let's get back to the shop the material we're using today in the aircraft cockpit to make these placards it's called door black it's 20 thousands thick coated in black and engraved white uh some of the great features of this material the company produces a performance testing and what that means is they take the material and they test it in elements some of the elements they use is sunlight uv abrasions high temperatures salt water corrosion and chemical exposures other great features on this material is it meets the industry and military standards and that's important to me because it it produces a great product for my customers and they're very satisfied with it so uh with that said we're gonna move to the next step so today's job is for tony hernandez he's uh here on our field and uh he specializes in piper super cub restoration uh but this job is for his rb4 which he just purchased uh pretty much all the placards inside the aircraft were done with a label maker and some of those labels are starting to peed uh peel up and some of them are faded so we're going to do the redo those labels for him uh so what i do first is i draw things up and i'll send them an example of the drawings and sometimes what really helps is i'll actually laser cut some poster board engrave and laser cut the poster board lay it up on the panel and take pictures of it and show the customer this is what i'm thinking for the placards and normally what happens sometimes they'll they'll accept it if they like it or they'll draw me sketches and this may go back and forth back and forth a couple times until we have a finished product once we have a finished design and idea now i could go into the material and start laser engraving the material for the job now i i recommend before you start the job you get a test piece of material and you run some test power settings speed settings height settings and dpi settings uh at different points to see what the best quality engraving you can get on your material what i do is uh i keep swatches and usually i boil down to three power settings you know and you know because you power settings you could go from zero to a hundred percent you know so you'll be there all day but uh i got it you know i got it down to three power settings and then all i have to do is the variable speeds to see what the quality is adjust the height of the machine and check uh different dpi settings you know it takes some time but once you have this you're set for the future you know but it's important to have this because i i like to meet a standard with my customers and get the best results i could get [Music] [Applause] [Music] so if you like the video give us a thumbs up uh if you have a comments uh or any suggestions uh just put it down below and with that said we'll catch you next time have a great day
Channel: Mr. J'S WORKSHOP
Views: 1,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aircraft Placards, Identification, Markings, Nameplates, Lables, Laser Engraving, Data Plate, N-Numbers, Panels Markings, Panels, Experimental Aircraft, Zenith CH 701, Zenith CH 750 Super Duty, Van's Aircraft, Airplane, aircraft
Id: vWx2trtFcSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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