LARRY'S PURPLE GOO MACHINE!! | Draw A Stickman Epic 2 #2

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down here and welcome back you to draw a stickman epic to the quest to stop Larry now you guys smash the likes in the previous episode so here it is a back again so we've got Bodie who we drew on the left and then we've got Larry who's changed a lot of evil grown up a hand on his nose and awful stuff if you missed any of that I'll leave the link to the previous video in the description below but for now let's continue chapter 3 the inked mine this sounds like my kind of mind there we go ah because I forgot that we drew that as well oh well jeez oh that's not good I forgot that we drew you pick man you are looking awesome as ever right let's put you away for now and let's pick up this pencil right here what is this it is a wire okay oh do you remember in the previous episode we had like some dynamite and stuff or we couldn't blow it up we need this so can we draw a wire from here and then draw it in a circle and then all the way around here and then round here and then round this thing here and then there does that work no let's be more sensible shall we there you go just straight to there it should work did it did it work can you click this yay now what on earth is going on here do we need to draw just like this is that it yeah what does that do though it brings up an elevator or some whose bones are these oh jeez it's probably like a very dog or human maybe oh there's the dog right there gross right where is this elevator taking me there's nasty things there's a puzzle piece and I got a checkpoint that's good right we need to draw a wire from here to the battery to here I think there we go I don't know what I did let's see what happens nothing we've also got this Sunbeam thing here as well that work nope and I broke that too ah wait I think you need to attach it to the top of the battery yeah you do okay we've got this right we're gonna draw this to here bounce it off the top make sure it's stuck to the battery and then we're gonna put it in the electric there we go look at that neat while oh it killed him too nice and we're free Bodi let's sort this out shall we oh my goodness look at this drill this looks amazing I want to use this it's looks local and then we've got a rocket ah oh gee that's not a rock oh my goodness Clank can I kill this guy with you get out of here how dare you uh I don't like you come over here to the light there we go zaps yeah okay there's another big old drill over here probably not the best place to stand I don't know not one of you again give me that heart back give me it give me it oh geez where do we need to go where do we need to go I need to I need to I need to drag him towards some light go away go away come near this tree it's it's beautiful there we go he died because of how beautiful it is give me that heart back so we need to connect up all these wires do that one and then this one here for the top of there oh oh maybe not does it work just doing like this oh maybe the wires shouldn't cross yeah they don't have to cross okay get out of here your drill where you going oh my goodness oh my goodness all the way it's now the way voldy don't even get involved oh where you going I didn't mean for you to go this way alright so you're gonna go this way oh wait wait it's walking yes ah this is so cold get out of here your drill bye what are you going you stay there okay you're a little bit dangerous chip chip chip there we go Oh secrets secrets happening there's a lot of purple guys around here um oh man right where does this think this leads to over this direction and then we've also got this drill here oh man this is this is complex there's a bow up there as well oh man okay let's test this so can we draw a wire from there to there no Wow can we draw a wire from here it's uh no I can't no no no it can't cross can it there we go that should work yeah okay we've got one bit going and then we need to do how do we do this bit we need it to go just like this yeah yeah so now when we push this that makes you go that way oh okay there's a rock in the way get out of here rocky get out of here there we go oh he's going anyway oh that's fine um I didn't really mean for you to do that but okay where does this go this goes up here so much drilling ah I don't like this bass no no no no no leave me alone leave me alone you stroll back to your tree okay no don't come near me oh geez right I'm gonna have to lead you to this perfectly good tree that you can now make your home look come over here climate don't you even yes with me that's what you get I need to light up this tree as soon as possible so let's draw a wire to here nope I need to power it first okay no is all geez come over here come on it's beautiful yeah let the sunlight burn your eyes you little batty Punk oh jesus no one are you it's another one of you why I always stuck out are you fat bunk you're stuck I'm just gonna draw wires around you okay oh wait he's through he's through ah stay away from me I don't even know what to call these guys I'm just gonna call them gross fat to slugs because that's what you are burn and now I should be able to join these up and make the tree that I now don't even need well what's this this has all this has a red bit on it oh okay so I need to connect to all these oh jeez I'm going through oh no oh no Vodun what you're in trouble so I need to connect all that up and then all this up and then we should be able to activate whatever this does which I'm guessing makes one of those elevator things so if we grab from there to there and then we also grab from here too on a weight and he's draw a wire from here to here boom that should work now if I press this button it's gonna send him somewhere let's see where this ends our minecart shall we our minecart with a drill on the front there we go but I've already switched that up orgy school geez oh geez don't get stabs go drill go what's gonna be behind this wall what's my mystery wall number three it's it's a button yes and a puzzle piece give me that so this button will send him all the way back here it doesn't really do anything though does it not at all what we can do though is draw a wire from here underway cut I can't because it's not active okay to the other side I see you down there I'm gonna save you come here come here I see you like why can't I can see him I can see the little purple thing in there why can't I save him oh man I feel so bad right I'm gonna draw from here to this battery and zap you get out of here maybe he's too scared I think that's what's happening here and then we can go off from there to there there to there done yeah power activated now we need to light this up you can get out of here pop oh geez I need to draw a tree and he's dropped no not a wire I need a tree up in here does this is this working I hope it works here we go yeah there we go I don't to burn myself and all that purpleness so we can now make a wire through here but we need it to be active from the red string oh my head's it's hurting I'm gonna get you out of here you punk go into the light I dare you and then you can stop treading on my wires thank you oh the puffles here look there he is come here ah he was scared cute little buddy he gave me a shade of purple I wonder what we're gonna have to draw next I really want to draw something but I need to work this puzzle out first I've accidentally charged the rock with a high-powered voltage I have no idea how I did that oh this is more complex than I thought it would be you can join the wires like this cuz I need to activate this lever here so I can go and rescue another little puffle so will this work no what if I just do this by itself no it just worked there look oh why what about like that yeah there we go okay now I need to fulfill the orange part and we should be good boom day right let's press this and now this should send it that way and then it should send it this way and then save the puffle and then we're done I think we're done with this mine let's press the button see what happens boom yes ah so now he's gonna come around this way and slot into here then I can press this button and send him the other way and save our colorful little friends oh I thought it wasn't gonna work then I was like what here we go here we go he's gonna save it we get I think he's red I think he is anyway and then we can complete this on the other side go dig my pretty dig yes yes there is look at him he's saved oh jeez almost got oh jeez I don't mean to do that but I saved him yes now we've got more palette to be able to make even more awesome creations okay now we should be able to go over this side I think I did that you get hit by that drill a little bit scary so now I've done that I should be able to match up this red wire right here because it's powered by the yellow Voldemort you need to get out of the way buddy I need you to go up here there we go and I need to draw this and this should be it yes another pet dog gross I'm out of here I'm out of here what do I do now hopefully I don't I don't really Larry what are you doing here your Pug is disconnecting everything oh he's making go oh he's making the bat it's like a slime bat Factory we need to take him down guys we need to take him down no pickaxes sorry sorry pick man you got to get out of here you gotta get out of here so let's scope out this situation wow he is making a lot of creatures so I'm gonna draw a nice little tree right here just so I can get access to this green battery and then draw the wire from here to here tick there we go we also need red as well I am scared of this guy right come over here I've got a tree to show you another magical tree that is going to kill you die yes I got the heart back as well I don't know how to get this guy out do I just press the button from up here see if it works no I can't actually press it I don't know what to do now are you sure I can't use a pickaxe on this thing hey you lied to me that's sign lights when you know up get out here sign I don't I don't I don't like liars I don't like them at all all right this is gonna come in and hopefully we're algie's oh geez they wake me out no but no no I'll come near the tree come near the tree come near the tree of thoughts now think about your actions okay cheese right now I need to activate okay we should be good look at that guy although that guy is a dumpster right we need to activate this this tick yeah we are in business come over here oh oh he's apt us he's out just okay that's bad that's bad that's by the fun oh jeez ah I'm scared I'm scared leads me to draw something oh my goodness right I'm gonna tick that and then oh no no no no I'm a bad way I'm a bad way a bit of our way but are you stuck yeah you're stuck considering you can fly it's pretty pathetic oh my goodness there's so many of them can I make a wire that goes this way and then drag him over come over here buddy I do like you you do look quite cute but I am going to have to punish you come over here to the lights to the light you know you wants you over here no use that oh my goodness what am I supposed to do what am I supposed to do I am so scared and worried okay I pressed it I pressed it I pressed it I think this should work without anything else needs to be done yes destroy that purple evil go work there we go Larry your machine is dead so dead haha oh jeez absolutely fell apart were you taking that no I need that oh no oh no he's gonna drown everyone oh this isn't good Larry's grown wings I'm kind of proud of you but you do already have a set he now has four wings oh no this is bad this is really really bad what am I supposed to do now looks like I can't touch that anymore um I don't know what to do about this guy either looks like I'm gonna have to draw a wire to here and a wire to here activate that and then just run for it go go go I want this heart as well there we go nice but now I need to leave I need to take Larry down did we do it that was that was very difficult for my little brain but here we go become serious I am I'm ready to face Larry once a pro all the pages there I remember it from the beginning yes we did it guys we did it the mine is complete yes we only missed one piece but we've got the two color things and our hearts as well this is going really well on to the next level hello kids the colors we unlocked awesome okay I was gonna add some extra stuff to Baltimore but I kind of don't have the right colors to be able to do so I can add like some round bits to his eyes actually that's outline these that would look quite cool actually there we go and there's a mr. bit in there alright you know what that looks rubbish come on do it properly there we go and now we just do fill in this little gap here there we go slights very very slight improvements to vote amor now have I got any other colors that could kind of darken anywhere else I don't think so that's all I've got you know what I'm gonna gift him with something cuz he unlocked the purple I'm gonna add some zaps to his wand there we go Voldemort improved chapter 4 a town in need so now that we accidentally overflowed all the evil stuffed bird don't touch that what are you doing bird no chase after in Baltimore Baltimore chase our own cheese where's he going you're on the roof why would you do that don't make me draw a mutant to take you down ok I will do it I will do it so now that we've accidentally overflowed the the mind with evil gunk Larry is now even more powerful by accident of course right let's draw some trees shall we and see what everyone needs tree not big enough for your heart there you go that's a little bit bigger done you know what this town is looking pretty good oh if you got any cookies she wants me to kill the purple thing and then rain confetti on me and then she wants the confetti to make rain and fill up the cauldron what Oh up I owe you one food I guess I could draw you some right here is a his a a burger there we go enjoy it died hello there rocks question mark that isn't very healthful either what's wrong with these townspeople no batteries makes you sad there's plenty of batteries underneath the ground but unfortunately I might have flooded it with evil goo whoops anything you want to say to me your crops are down which makes you sad you need rain so I need to slay stuff to make it rain pretty much a scarecrow that's so cool I'm fishing man with the amazing mustaches here fish there's no fish here well today is your lucky day there is a fish you're welcome it died okay so there's nothing really around here oh my goodness oh my gonna so scary okay I need to take you out definitely need to get rid of all the purple that I can go away go away like take them out Larry boom I could cook Murari stop blowing flames get out of here there we go are they all mean things yeah I think they are let's just all get them out of here go away we need it to rain please we would like it to pour down from the heavens and rain oh let's draw some trees draw some trees what on earth is that what is that wait I need to draw these trees and then I'm gonna check it out what on earth are you you're definitely not a tree anyway and that Bush is moving I don't like this what are you what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what are you you're a fake tree aren't you oh geez you're a fake Bush ah come over trust me it'll be better for you they never oh geez what what that Bush is screaming he's so cute how do I get rid of this guy oh no can I draw anything extra I need a sword I need to draw a swords I think that's one of them puffles behind them there is look look at these cute little things I'll quick get away get away I'll help you push them away it was like a little Brussels sprout how much moves get rid of these guys they don't get burned by the trees because they are trees Oh No well I found a heart that's that's good go in but I still do not know how to get rid of these um these very pesky plants ow there's a dynamite I see it but there's someone hidden behind there as well we don't have any batteries how do we make batteries oh look there's that helpful little fish what have you hot chicks no Brussels sprout we're running like crazy can I have this excuse me can I have I need I need that how do I get this I need that okay actually let's see if this works right come on pick man there you go yeah we got the fish awesome now I need this I got it okay I couldn't draw rain of course let's see if the fisherman is happy with what I've done for him fish man you happy yeah look at that goldfish he's gonna catch him though oh no you better be keeping him as a pet and not eating him don't eat him please please don't eat him oh no oh he's gonna take him to the pot no I killed the fishy oh he's seasoning himself he seems pretty willing to oh wait what are you doing with it where are you taking him oh what a nice man I thought I killed the goldfish oh man that could have gone so wrong let's see how this works let's draw a raincloud here we go nice raincoat he's done it's raining awesome so can we draw a rain cloud on these guys or does that just not work right quick draw rain cloud go I'm done get him get him get under here get under here okay that doesn't work either how do you get rid of those crazy bush people you know what let's just help out these guys first so we need to water this guy as crops cuz he's a little bit sad we need some about two masters in our life so let's draw a big that's not really a rain cloud but it's a rain slug that's what that is are you happy are you done you got carrots as well absolutely perfect oh we're gonna make a soup that's cool I hope I get some in goes the carrots beautiful right let's go and help out the other guy who was the other guy oh it was you you needs coal rocks how old is rain help you oh we can make the trees grow oh he wants the or I wonder the wise I thought that was a big dice look at it I thought it was oh jeez okay oh my goodness those bushes are just running past and screaming at me they're crazy do you need some help with that here we go there we go cold for everyone see my Minecraft skills come in handy even in this game oh of course that's what we need it for so we've got the carrots we've got the fire we just need the water what why are they running around so crazy that's hilarious okay let's fill this cauldron with water here we go what shape cloud should we do let's see if we can do like a smiley clouds here we go yeah that's not really smiley there you go it works anyway the carrot stew is boiling yes what is happening to the face here now now little birds you still don't want it oh there's one more person to help this scientist so they need a battery or power oh look this right here does this wait let's see this this works here so let's draw a big pool shaped cloud and see if the rain zaps it no oh I thought I was gonna work oh the bucket let's do this okay I've got it I've got up with it so we need to put rain in the bucket when the sparks will zap the water which then make it into a current so zap the wire we did it he's made a candy machine yes give me that candy Oh Oh were they putting candy in it oh that's good that's good they're putting candy and carrots together to make a big candy carrots too I mean what could be better now come down little birdie come on come on Twitter bird get down here I want to start tweeting again and I kind of need that page off you please yeah you dropped it okay doesn't even competed another chapter I hope so I wanted to go and grab this now please while they enjoy their beautiful stew umm can I have some please it's kind of because of me that we've got it I'm liking the improvements to voldie by the way can I can I have some no no one no one wants to share okay I'll just eat this pie later on right we did it yeah level four complete or chapter four completes we missed out on a lot of Fluffles but I couldn't work out how to get rid of those bushes I'm sure you'll tell me in the comment section there you go guys there's another two chapters of draw a stickman epic to complete now I think there's eight chapters in total so if you want to see a final episode where we go and finish the entire thing if there's eight chapters if there's more than eight chapters if you'd like to see another video then please do leave a big fat thumbs up that would be awesome and also if this happens to be the first video you see mommy then please do consider subscribing to join team TDM stay for daily gameplay videos apart from that I really do hope you enjoyed this series please do keep up the like rating so that I know that you want to see more of this I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 6,706,837
Rating: 4.9040709 out of 5
Keywords: draw a stickman, stickman game, minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.6.4, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, Minecraft (Video Game), 1.7.10, 1.8, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, colosseum, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft mod showcase, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, app, free app, free app game, free game
Id: u7EPwHqfWsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2016
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