Larry David curses on Today Show

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talk you know I always like to talk to you about things in the news all right yeah of course yeah no okay so the University of Pennsylvania recently conducted a study that I want your take on they found that bald men are perceived by ladies to be more attractive confident and dominant as compared to their full-haired counterparts what a crock of [ __ ] and there you go on in the central time sorry I'm sorry it was so stupid that I have to say it the stupidity had to be met with something like that that's the only way I could feel so I believe me as a ball man okay there's not a word of Truth to any of that yeah repeat it just repeat it I want to hear it one more time yeah study found that women perceive bald men to be more attractive confident and dominant as compared to their full-haired counterparts okay for the Central and West Coast time zones you'll just hear a funny little noise there are you on the east coast and we're sorry I apologize yeah um no there's no it's impossible how could that be no no no I just wanted to take it but I did I I have heard that we do have more testosterone virility yes yes okay so there you go so maybe so last time we said this I'm an animal sexually you know an animal even at 70. yeah yeah last time we we sat down go against the guy with hair in bed any day of the week
Channel: Carmen R-Dino
Views: 500,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xae91OpGEqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 44sec (104 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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