Larnell Lewis Reacts To Snarky Puppy Drum Covers

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hey he's getting all of this man so at this moment bob reynolds headphones come off as soon as those headphones slip off of him [Music] let's see if i can catch that what's happening it's larnell and i got a question for you do you like to watch drum videos is that why you're here is that why you clicked i love watching drum videos and even more i love and i'm interested to see when people are covering songs that i've played especially music from snarky puppy so here we are and let's do it this first video is a cover drum cover of outlier and it is by drummer rayaraki i believe forgive me if i pronounce the name of your channel wrong but i look forward to seeing what you do with this song so here we go yes [Music] the look in his face is so serious [Music] got the stacks too [Music] and the kicks all right [Music] nice choice with the open hi-hat instead of the stack [Music] nice all right man good keep it locked [Music] mm-hmm okay and nice and open those hi-hats good relaxed form as well man very nice beautiful nice touch on the cymbals [Music] it's not always easy to get that dynamic between uh the heavy performance and that kind of stuff [Music] [Music] good man you found your way back good good good [Music] hahaha yes i love that film then i'm gonna pause here for a second the one thing i like about that drum fill is um if i could talk about myself for a second um i really enjoyed how you played that ray because it's it's important that um you know you balance that feel where you lock in you know right something like that like you're still maintaining that heavier pulse the bigger feel getting and grounding whatever drum feel you could reverse that you know but the purpose of that for me was just to really ground whatever that was happening whatever was happening in that moment [Music] so so good job man i'm digging that i'm really curious if i could skip forward a little bit this is 355. so at this moment if you didn't know bob reynolds headphones come off right i'm across the way from my brother bob reynolds and as soon as those headphones slip off of him i'm just like now's my chance no i had to make sure i filled the space and we were already in the groove and him being such a musical cat you know once that space was open he knew exactly where to pick back up again so you know i took the opportunity to play that field so i want to see what you did i want to see how you got that because that was like that was unscripted man okay here we go 355. [Music] [Applause] upbeat ride [Music] so [Music] yeah man [Music] okay give me that pulse very very smooth beautiful man one thing i would say is a helpful tip is when you're going through those kinds of moments even though there's a lot of action happening this the main you should still be able to hear the main groove inside of whatever you're doing and everything else is just an ornamentation or just an extra lift in terms of really thickening up what's happening so i had a lot of 16th notes going but you should be able to stare here still here for the most part that core pattern and i might step away and then step back into it but really good job i know at moments you might have shifted and the time was like shifting but the biggest biggest thing for me is that your your ear is open and you can find your way so that's great ray thank you very much i really appreciated it and i enjoyed it as well thank you oh we got a good mix of stuff too okay i'll just go in order so i believe el no if that's how you pronounce it forgive me um i believe it's el no buddy man el no is playing what about me [Music] yeah man ah [Music] how old are you no i gotta get that intro again yes man [Music] [Music] yeah good good good [Music] solid man uh-huh hey this cat's not shy at all not shy at all [Music] uh oh i already know what's coming down for that drum solo [Music] just so tight it's beautiful [Music] he's in you're too much man [Music] uh-huh [Music] okay [Music] yeah man comfortable form [Music] uh-huh [Music] good job making it your own yeah [Music] you need that space uh huh [Music] aha hey he's getting all of this man [Music] pick a guy hey [Music] how do you open up there we go [Applause] this cat's solid man he sounds so good [Music] yeah good good [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] oh almost almost almost good good good [Music] are you even sweating bro like how old are you how old is he somebody anybody wow when you're playing this music you gotta play with confidence you have to just put it all out there whatever you got use it and this cat definitely did that so thank you elmo that was beautiful wow great interpretation um great energy you know you put your spin on in and you're very familiar with the song and even if there were moments where you might have came off the track it's like you were listening and you found your way so that was great let's see uh oh we have a lingus cover here rebecca drums let's do it so it's a partial cover i guess because the song is uh kind of a jazz odyssey to use a phrase but it's a beautiful thing corey henry man gee burst y'all think that was easy playing behind that keyboard solo i had to close my eyes to make sure i knew that i was locking it in because it was like the storm was coming and you just knew something was about to go down so yeah [Music] nice [Music] nice selection in cymbal tones too [Music] solid feel [Music] ah nice [Music] and smiling good just a vibe man just have fun [Music] yeah swell [Music] locked this moment was hard for me [Music] and coming up as well when the whole band was elastic i had no clue they were gonna do that yes wow y'all spent some real time on these tracks man [Music] yeah open up so okay [Music] yeah get those upbeats [Music] okay open hand that's like spot man [Music] yep just gonna pause for a second like it's so important with those crashes i'm not putting a lot of them on the downbeats because i wanna land with the chords you know and there's a lot of activity and a lot of you know stuff going on in the keyboards and one thing mike pulled me aside about when i first started playing in the band was to have drier cymbals really helped um you know not get in the way of the chords and the sound of the band because there's so many layers i mean there's like 100 people in the band on stage playing about like 25 instruments each so you got to make sure you leave some room when you're playing in a large orchestration like that but this feels great i'm going to continue we're at 3 43. here we go we go yeah [Music] and the foot control too [Music] nice nice nice nice wow rebecca loved it what i would say for sure some helpful tips you're having a good time i would just say straighten out your back a little more it'll help you breathe and speaking of breathing just add a little more space in your doubles i mean it sounds really really hip when you when you're closing in on those double strokes or even those buzz press rolls on the snare but i mean for me if you open that up just a little more i can hear even more of the strokes and it'll fill the space but great feel groove and sound yeah i dig it nice thank you okay let's move on to shofu con so we got bruno lamas um forgive me i'm butchering everybody's name today i'm so sorry [Laughter] but uh this is a shofukan cover we're going to check it out right now [Music] nice [Music] yeah yeah play with command man [Music] nice got to say those kinds of moments where i'm hitting like you know open cymbals and stuff like that like those colors to me are important because they they help to suspend things enough so that when the band comes in they reconnect you know i i don't want to put too many low drums or low frequencies to get in the way of any lines so let me pull it back a second just to catch that moment we're at 47 seconds but this is good i'm liking it yeah uh-huh okay tight snare i hear you [Music] nice tom sound nice man [Music] oh i know what's gonna go down at the end i gotta see that hey hey hey ah you got to keep that snap you get keep that snare going man if you can do that phil there we go you keep it open there good [Music] good yeah keep the hi-hat pattern steady one thing that might help when you're playing on that splash while it's on the snare is just keep just hit it and stick it you get a nice sharp sound right i like that though that's good stuff [Music] you can open it up nice i like that interpretation here we go okay oh i thought you're gonna keep that theme yeah okay give me that that back bite backbeat still man i can't even talk i'm just like in the vibe so much [Music] nice that was nate playing that stack you know nice [Music] open up [Music] here we go [Music] mm-hmm [Music] and good good man you're keeping it steady i would say make sure those double strokes are clean it'll help shape everything up [Music] nice i almost probably almost forgot about that phil okay and nice and video effects okay yeah man beautiful job bruno beautiful man i would say make sure those double strokes in the kick when you get those nice and tight and solid it would really really help your overall especially in that backhand vamp it's really hard to make that happen you know it's uh in fact imagine trying to play that after you've played about like 95 minutes worth of music already and then you got to do the end vamp yeah some nights i just go half time i ain't gonna lie but we make it feel good either way and the percussionists they take on a lot of the stuff but you know if i'm feeling good and feeling nice i might go for it so but yeah that was great thank you so much for that we got one more this is what about me and it looks like there's a transcription whoa ons i believe it's on's drum story that's the channel i'm checking out right now this is what about me drum cover with transcription okay you put some time in so let's hit it man let's see what you got nice triplet eh nice [Music] nice [Music] nice here we go [Music] nice [Music] okay you put a little more grease in there [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's back that up we are at 126. ah ah hold on let's see if i can catch that i'm gonna touch it back to 122. [Music] ah it ain't triplets uh let me see if i can catch that phrase back to 122. yeah there's there's like it's a quadruplets happening in there that's uh [Music] there's a whole mess of stuff up in there but i totally appreciate it let's move on so 124 but there's four strokes on the kick but i'm digging it but it's four strokes but i love it nice nice [Music] beautiful and you got a track going too i love it man thank you for putting the time in wow i'm i'm speechless i mean you know if if you only knew what it felt like to live my story that i tell you might get a better sense of why something like this experience leaves me speechless every time you know to know that the time that i've spent and invested in learning the craft of playing drums and making music but then to still have an opportunity with a band that opens things up enough for everyone to have a voice and then on top of that to inspire people to dig deeper into their instrument and get them in front of their instrument like it's i'm i'm speechless and all i can say is with the biggest heart the most gratitude the most full heart that i can share deliver every word possible it just i just gotta say thank you you know um i enjoyed watching these videos people are putting in real time you know and i'm gonna keep putting in real time and i'm gonna keep shedding and practicing so hopefully you dig the music and drumming that's about to come out and yeah this was beautiful man thank you so much thank you dave for making this happen yeah this is great [Music] you
Channel: Drumeo
Views: 1,340,335
Rating: 4.9783354 out of 5
Keywords: larnell lewis, snarky puppy, drummer reactions, snarky puppy reaction, larnell lewis reaction, larnell lewis drumeo, drum video, Drum lesson, larnell lewis snarky puppy, snarky puppy what about me, larnell lewis what about me, larnell lewis snarky puppy reaction, Larnell Lewis reacts, Larnell Lewis Reacts To Snarky Puppy Drum Covers, snarky puppy shofukan reaction, jazz fusion, Drum cover, Advanced drumming, Free drum lesson, Drumeo reaction video, Drumeo, Team Drumeo
Id: t60Lr0CAZxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 23sec (2063 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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