Laredo,Tx.-Border Patrol I35 Checkpoint

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you [Music] are you doing Bergen citizens what reason do you have to believe I'm not yeah you're recording [Music] [Music] why does that frighten you what is that fragment so Unites States sensor I don't wish the answer any questions it'll wish to answer any questions you answer it you'd be on your way I just need I just need to be satisfied that you were citizens and you won't be free to go okay we're not here to harm anybody that's we just like to be on our way it's a simple question or United States citizens do you have a reason to believe online are you do you have a reason to believe I'm not I'm just asking procedure all right hey that's my answer do you have a reason to believe I'm not a citizen I understand I understand it is it's their right to answer questions or not like this Regnier investigation everybody everybody ask questions percent inspection right now you're being seized until you satisfy - in Miami Grayson question United States citizens can be free to go I've answered your question I don't wish to participate here investigation participate or not are you in CS enough what reason do you have to believe online that's the look you know you guys are good about quote the law but that's what the law says you have to believe I'm not a citizen in order to question everybody okay this is the United States border control checker and I'm attempting to conduct an immigration inspection under Section 287 of the immigration Nationality M the US Supreme Court ruled in United States versus my penis what did 1976 that a u.s. Border Patrol has the authority to set up four minutes or fixture of checkpoints on public highways leading to or away from the Mexican border and that these are checkpoints are not a violation of the Fourth Amendment we are being ordered to move your vehicle to secondary please okay so where do you want me to pull right over here in the secondary where that guy in the green is yes I'll better waiting for you right over there all right thank you no problem see how they word that you're being ordered opportunity number two right there okay howdy okay right there yeah that's fine could you shut the vid one step up you know your personal okay you want her out as well I'm sorry you want her out as well yes please okay yep all right let me shut it off [Music] [Applause] real simple I just wanted to look my immigration inspection only you guys can be on your way on your United States okay so you're you're quoting for went they went they says if you have a reason to believe I'm not a US citizen you can stop in question detain me I don't want to waste your time I don't want you to wait exactly okay just a more clear here okay I do not have a webcomic all right there is a firearm secured under the seat perfect all right so I have no other weapons on you no I'm not here to harm anybody don't mean anything you know I just want my right perspective I'd like to feel my way you have any identification anything that I can ID I needed I need to be satisfied with my immigration special I need to be sure that United States citizen free to go what reasons do you have to believe I'm not a citizen served under sin inspection okay everybody here you've expected you spoken to me I don't speak with it with an accent I'm obviously okay where do you want us to spit whatever you want stay right stay right here okay I don't wish to participate your investigation always sweats requests the hero3 do they make ya'll by those yourselves they provided for you I got the hero 6 the the video quality from the three to the six is amazing yeah it's awesome the shoots in 4k it's awesome I'm glad you guys got cameras they don't give you all body cameras oh is that a body camera he's wearing [Music] I understand I understand the horses yeah they're not citizens and that makes death [Music] it's hard to hear it's all about my rights okay your government agents you're in the course of your official duties okay and you know people have a right to invoke the right to remain silent and not answer questions and that's all I'm doing sure that you could be here and all of that absolutely satisfied no absolutely it says you can be here I'm not disputing that I think that you I know you guys catch a lot of drugs and stuff like contraband coming through here I don't have anything like that with me okay probably if I did I just said yes just so I could get my ass down the road and get away from guys but I don't I'm not doing anything illegal tonight I I don't have a problem with you being here but I do have a problem with when you guys react to somebody asserting their rights by pulling them over here I mean you should just be if somebody doesn't want to answer the question because anybody can lie and say yes let me come on yeah so so what why bother to go through all this when you could just say sir thank you we respect your rights have a nice day it's what suspicions do you have that I am NOT a u.s. which you got to do I'm not I'm not going to interfere I'm not gonna resist you know whatever you got to do is do it but yeah I just don't wish to participate you know in an official investigation that's my right actually what the Supreme Court says what you've obtained me briefly once which i think is gonna be it's 30 or 40 minutes and you're gonna turn me loose yes call catch and release I'm I I know what you guys do this is my first checkpoint that I've stopped in you know so I know what you're going to do and it's fine I you know asserting your rights and I will say that I'm glad you guys are getting a little better you're not yanking people out of the car throwing them in handcuffs and roughing a love like they you know just five years ago in that kind of treatment I'm glad that we're not we're not doing that the thing is is just five years ago people were getting the windows broken in their cars getting dragged out of their cars and stuff and if we're not seeing that kind of behavior so much anymore and I think it's a good thing you know you guys need some good PR you really do because you know I know everything out here hates you guys to everything from the rattlesnakes to the Coyotes you know I know that all right I can say I'm not I'm not objectionable to what you that's what I'm doing standing here right now invoking my rights you know is this the protest that you know I hope that y'all respect that because I'm not like some not being disrespectful to you not calling you names I'm not yelling and screaming I'm not going to do that you know you're giving me respect off here we respect that I don't wish to answer and it's ridiculously hot out here for you guys they need to put like some misters up here for something or something that it's bad out here we're not from the area and this is just killing us I don't know how you guys do it especially when you wear the TAC gear and stuff these Porter coolers do they do any good or they just kind of they help a little how long do you all have to stand out here before they'll give you a break at least it's a halfway covered till if the Sun gets over here somewhere [Music] every time I come by here I'm reminded to why all the old Border Patrol guys are half death when you talk to him you get a lot of huh [Music] it's still running takes the same battery I did wonder yeah you got about three half the battery left not mine still full I think I've got it set on 1080p that that makes the battery last a lot longer I shoot on 4k I get about 30 minutes about of your battery life and that's yes that's yeah so unless your truck you can tell me right now that your United States citizen Obama if not I'm gonna have to take you inside of all you see who you are I think you better my camera let me give her the camera they're taking me inside because they can you [Music]
Channel: News Now Houston
Views: 783,204
Rating: 4.2789936 out of 5
Keywords: historic texas towns, historic texas courthouses, historic courthouses
Id: kyG_tmCaA_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
Reddit Comments

They always manage to confuse 'we are legally allowed to ask this question' with 'you are legally required to answer this question'.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/Barbed_Dildo 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

David, I'm glad you're not combative and rude like a lot of auditors. But I still think you're just too damn nice! I don't see the point of trying to make small talk about cameras and weather when they're actively detaining you. Maybe you're just a more forgiving person than I am.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Teresa_Count 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Where do these border patrol guys get off thinking that just because they are allowed to question, we are required to answer. SCOTUS ruled that BP checkpoint is not a violation of the 4th, but compelling answers IS a violation of the 5th.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/velocibadgery 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

That poor dog in the video had almost no shade in that cage and didn't look like he had any water either.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Smacksonice 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

If you don't wish to be fingerprinted, are they going to grab your arms and rip out your clenched fingers to get it done? I wish this country took a real stand against something and had 100's of thousands of people refuse to answer questions at these checkpoints. They don't give a shit about inconveniencing one person standing up for their Rights.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/HurricaneSandyHook 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

If every person did this going through check points, imagine how much of a break in the system there would be. Good job on the civil disobedience.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JustGreg 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

While I don't advocate it there is an easy way to make life very hard on these tyrants. Find a few of these border checkpoints just down the road from a rest stop and Mark every car with the scent of marijuana. These tyrants will spend the day tearing apart every car that runs through as rin-tin-tin hits on them. It would be best to do around retirement destinations such as Indian casinos as every geriatric who the border patrol would accost would almost certainly have the spare time to complain to their local congressman. If this were to become commonplace it and we'll advertiser it may unwind the legal underpinnings of a dog's hit as if everyone is "suspicious" than no one is suspicious.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/DJTFTW 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

I want to know more about the weapon/ATF bs. Do you still have it?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/randombits 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

i dont agree with your pop up text at 5:58. it basically says you have an obligation state if you are or are not a citizen, even though i know you know this is not the case.

3 fucking hours after identifying you! That doesn't look good.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SleezyD510 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
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