Laravel Octane & FrankenPHP 🧟

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[Music] level octane our super fast solution for your application has a new integration for Frank and PHP here is how it works we are going to start by installing a new level application with the level installer let's do this together we don't need a starter kit we're going to use Pest of course and no repository needed here then the next step here is also decide if we want to use database and we're going with SQ light because it's a little bit more convenient do you agree yeah I think so so let's go to application and now we're going to require lavel octane which of course is needed for this in order to make this work and after that we're also going to use the install common for octane because here is now going where we decide to which application Ser we're going to use Road Runner swool or the new one Franken PHP which we want to use here of course let's use this yes um Franken PHP is still in better good to know and we also need to download the binary which is pretty cool that level already does this for us nice okay now that we have everything already set up we can start our application server with octane start yeah let's do this and what do we get an URL and let's check this out here is our application it's working that's lava's landing page I'm going to refresh it here a few times you probably don't see it but this is already pretty fast but don't take just my word we're going to test this now a little bit and there's a this is a very good use case now for past Stressless plug-in which we're going to install here so that's why we needed past here um in the first place and now we are going to yeah we need the URL first so let's copy the URL for our application and then we're going to provide this to the Past plugin by using past um pest stress and then our URL here we go and now this plugin is going to send some requests to our server so let's see what our how our server is reacting to this just took a few seconds it's running for um 5 Seconds by default here you can see it yes and here we have some nice STS here but very interesting for us over 1,000 requests were sent to our server which is a lot and the duration was um around 0.93 milliseconds per request which is just amazing when I think about it this is under a millisecond so yeah you can already see franklen PHP with octane is super fast now let's put some more weight here on our application with concurrency set to five we are now having five requests which are running concurrently pretty cool with this plugin still um just over a little bit over 1 millisecond and which which is just mind bling when you think about how fast this is thanks to lavel Octane and the new Franken PHP integration if you haven't tried out octane with Franken PHP yourself yet you now know how to do it give it a try and let us know in the comments if you like it and please also share your performance results have fun and see you the next time bye
Channel: Laravel
Views: 17,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s5mTa8df6rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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