Laravel Mail Editor (MailEclipse) | GUI for emails in Laravel | Laravel 8 | Tech Simple

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hello youtube i am back with another video and i hope you are healthy happy and doing quite well in life but email is very important components of any web application it's like we're talking about campaigns we're talking about newsletter or confirmation or email verification like email is everywhere right but you know making new level classes in laravel even editing your existing template is very boring and very teddiest house right but in this video i'm gonna tell you about a package which will make your life quite easy and make your work even you know like i mean you're gonna enjoy it right so let's see uh how it factors work and uh how you can you know implement this in your existing liability application or you you know uni or any upcoming projects right and i'm using laravel uh 8.4 by the way and if you using any other version of laravel please uh check the compatibility you know with your all right so i have face laravel it installed here and this is the package we gonna install well don't worry i will mention that you are in my description right so let's copy this command and run this in terminal so i'm going to open vs code and let's open terminal and create this command here so we're going to install this package all right so this package has been installed and now let's copy this command and run this terminal so basically this command is gonna publish the search right so let's copy and paste here and run all right so you can see this vent files here right so now let's back to the browser and open the url it's like mail eclipse nice beautiful so you can see the page here like here it's middle world templates so let's go ahead and create new level class it's the name of the emails let's uh maybe you can give any name to this i'm just name is welcome and we're gonna use markdown templates and uh now give the director you know where you wanna create these files like i'm gonna hit mail and door welcome same name as the class of the my label and let's go ahead and clean below all right let's see so now we have these files here like some assets files and here you can see like here um inside resources and views we have ml and we have the spellcom.define nice let's close it up right now let's back to the browser and see so here is my level class and let's have the preview of this file nice now let's make some changes and see how things reflection in the code edit templates and let's rename it like change something like my introduction well it's where you can you know give any good text and you can modify the tables as for requirements now let's go ahead and update it okay yes template updated let's see in files and you can see the changes now let's see how we can use templates for emails like we have a lot of tablets here right let's back to the mailing and we have templates let's add new templates and you can select templates from these awesome templates so i'm gonna select this template it looks good right and no i'm gonna select this and for examples like welcome and this template i'm not making any changes you can make changes as for your comment or you know yes oh that's clear now name of the template like welcome template and submit descriptions my description all right now we have templated and we have a level class so let's see how we can use this template uh in our recently created mail world class right so let's have preview and you can copy this uh from here basically this is the file i know it's been created when we create new template right and here let's go to app and mails and here's a template here is a middleware class we just created and here i want to make this sends [Music] all right so now let's see uh let's back to the browser and back to our main level classes and it's like millivolt template and let's have a look so we have pretty nice you know pretty nice template here and if you want to make changes in this temple you just need to go to templates and then you can modify it for example i'm just making some changes here like blah blah and let's update okay now back to wheels and let's see the changes all right awesome how cool is that right so now we have learnt how we can use this template and like how we can use this package and how we can create awesome emails and make changes you know without any hassle thank you for watching and if you like this video please hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe my channel so that i can recent updates when i upload new videos thank you
Channel: Tech Simple
Views: 284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laravel, email editor, Laravel Mail Editor, MailEclipse
Id: 0ij3NBl8jwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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