Laravel Livewire Filament Behind The Scenes

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for those out of the loop Dan Herron is the lead developer and creator of laravel filament a collection of beautiful full stack components that features an intuitive way to create tables forms notifications even entire admin dashboards with multi-tenancy and is completely free and open source today we're digging into Dan's daily workflow his interests and what's on the horizon for filament good morning good morning Dan um good morning happy what is it Thursday already it is a Thursday it's crazy it's flying by I can't believe it's September and date yeah It Feels Like Only Yesterday that filament V3 wasn't even a thing yeah we're gonna get into that actually I want to um I want to talk to you about obviously we're going to talk about the obvious stuff regarding filament but um I want to start a little bit less formally and um so your bio says you're from Cardiff UK um so what's life outside of work like family Hobbies interests yeah so um I've lived in Cardiff for uh this is my second year now um with my girlfriend I grew up in Essex which is in England um but yeah move to Wales last last year and I really like it um we have a really nice area it's quite a small city um but there's so much to do and I was kind of missing that where I grew up so that's why I moved here um and yeah I'm really glad I made that decision um because like things to do outside of work I like to like cycle and that's really good in Cardiff I've got a ton of bike Lanes we've got um like parks and stuff that you can go to so even though it's a city it's it's pretty green and you can cycle for quite a while and get all into the Welsh mountains if you wanted to um so yeah no it's it's really nice living here aside from that um I like cooking um I also played the trumpet and a concert band which is something not a lot of people know um yeah I know I just like I just like being out doing stuff um going to the beach in the summer and uh yeah just exploring some parts of the UK and other countries that I haven't been so that was actually one of my questions uh was regarding instruments so trumpet are there any other instruments you play um a long time ago I played the guitar but I haven't played that in a while uh I've played trumpet for uh quite a few years now so uh yeah when the concert bands in that's where that's where I'll be rehearsing so that's an active hobby you're you're you're playing often still yeah um it's it's usually uh October to uh June ish is the is the season that we rehearse um and yeah no so that's active that'll be starting up soon again I'm gonna be searching for YouTube videos on that I did only join I did only join last year so I don't know how much you'll be able to find um yeah we'll see maybe in time right yeah um so how long have you been into programming and um what did you do before you were programming and then was it always PHP or with other languages first or yes this could be quite boring answer uh I did nothing before programming okay um pretty much because I'm I'm still quite young and I was basically a school when I started programming so wow I started when I was like 10 so that was uh 10 or 11 years ago um start with HTML uh CSS not really JavaScript very much I think I was a bit scared of that at that time I think JavaScript does scare a 10 year old so um then I went on to python which is one of the worst decisions of my life I still don't like it um but did quite a few cool things with Hardware uh like Raspberry Pi's they were coming around about that time so um I had a Raspberry Pi I did like um input output communication uh with different electronic components and stuff uh and then I went back into web I think after that I moved from python into JavaScript because that kind of gave me a foundation for actual programming um so yeah I went to JavaScript shortly after PHP um because at that time I think node.js was was just about coming around I think it was around for a few years um but PHP people saw the best way to communicate with the database and that was the next thing I needed to do so start with PHP and I haven't left so what were some of your uh like initial um projects that you were working on yeah uh so I mean real projects I probably started when I was 13 just helping people I knew and also um supporting people on slack forums and stack Overflow and stuff and from there I kind of got a few clients ish um so I basically worked on a few projects like a like e-commerce store I did oh I did a few of those actually I did like a mini social network for someone um I did an itinerary app for event scheduling I also did oh what else um a CRM or the system for a for a small for a small company that was local so yeah I did I did a few things while I was still at the school um those are kind of my first real projects uh and then from there after basically straight after school I went into a startup which was called stagent and I stayed there until January this year oh wow oh so you were there for for a while about nearly two years yeah okay yeah so you were making money in school with development yeah that's great basically off after school uh essentially um but yeah I mean it kind of helped me my studies as well because we had projects to do for computer science and I I used some of my real clients in my projects so I kind of just killed two birds with one stone you know yeah that's cool um my son's 13 and I'm trying to get him to like you know even if it's like doing the blender stuff or yeah like yeah likes video games but he's like I just play him so if you have any advice for him actually at Alarcon I met um so there's a plug-in developer in the filament Community um and I think his son is probably 16 17 could be 18 um and I met his son the plug-in developer couldn't be there but the his son came up to me so I was quite impressed that uh that Dad managed to get his kid into programming as well which is which is cool me with my parents um know anything about that they kind of just left me alone with the computer and I worked out um it's it's cool to see parenting actually encouraging people to get into it yeah because that's how I did it um and I mean I I don't have any University education um but I did manage to get a job straight out of school which is great for for my situation so and there's there's two sides to that camp I I've watched I've researched a lot on this actually the Cs degree versus the School of Hard Knocks if you will and that's what I've done too I didn't do any kind of um formal education just YouTube you know for the most part so what what inspires you what drives you um and what are some like big personal goals that you have um I think that since I I mean I kind of fell into filament accidentally I can get into the story about that sure but um since since I started filament I've I've been driven by the by seeing things that people have been built building that been building with it um I also use it myself on a daily basis I've used a daily since I started it so I actually have to use the thing I I built is also um quite motivating especially when I I know that it would have taken taken me much longer to build something without it than I do with it so you can like see um you know you have a need for some features or find some problems firsthand it can fix it exactly or yeah right away yeah yeah and that's and that's why our release Cycles quite uh heavy as well um all right we've had three versions in three major versions in uh two two and a half years um but then we also have our daily or every three four days when you have a new release and that's kind of driven by my needs um and the needs of the community um with regardless of story filament I this is gonna start a little bit before I ever interact with the project I basically start with live wiring um the Bingham 2020. um I was working with it on a project and this was during lockdown and I had quite a lot of free time so I started a Discord server for it um and that was kind of that didn't exist before for Livewire it did have one for laravel but it didn't really have a live wire Channel or anything so I decided to make that and I tweeted about it and um I think Caleb uh promoted it and stuff so we do actually have quite a big member base in that I think we have at least five or six thousand people it could be more um so yeah 2020 was something that started uh from there I kind of got into Livewire core development as well so making prsa Live Wire issues um and from there I joined the Live Wire call like insiders team uh while it was still a thing and essentially um that went on for a while and I grew the server and I was hosting monthly um meetups and stuff one of those meetups happened in I think it was January of 2020. at that point I was using October CMS which is now um the open source versions and I went to CMS as like an app in panel solution I love it like it was a great tool um it was on jQuery and bootstrap I think winter CMS still is um and I was really into live or at that point so I was kind of reaching for live wire in a lot of situations and also it's a CMS it's it's not really an app in panel so that also required an entire extra laravelap to be there just for um just for the admin panel bit because I wasn't really using the content management system front end I was only really using the back end and stuff so I kind of was like well I want a tool stack having panel um but I really like what October has so that kind of inspired filament a bit anyway start 2021 that was a January Meetup I think um and I met this guy called uh Ryan Sherlock and he had essentially I think like a prototype for an admin panel called filament and film it was a tool stack based um I've been panel had like basic resources and a few fields and and everything um I kind of uh was talking to him and he I think was kind of stuck on the back end side of it a little bit um so we basically collaborated and he did all of the front-end design he did all the branding and the marketing he designed the logo we have to still today um and I took over the back end and I rewrote the back end and that was what led to version one so version one was released in March 2021 now Ryan um was expecting what was his wife was expecting um shortly after that probably uh two or three months after so the amount of free time he had to work in the project was greatly cut on top of that he also owned an agency so um he's very busy and at that point um I kind of took a uh for myself um and I brought on Ryan Chandler who I'd worked with quite a lot in the in the tool stack Community [Music] um previously so for the last year or so me and Ryan were collaborating on a few projects like the tool stack preset and yeah so he was really interested he was an early adopter of filament so he took on a role of maintainer in the project and he's still he still does work on filament um so yeah Ryan Ryan was a big driving force in the beginning after version one was released now version one was good but I had a few issues with it um one of them was that while it was still an admin panel I couldn't use all that work that I put in for the forms and the tables and the notifications outside of the admin panel so one of my goals was to actually split all of the forms and everything out of that and that did require quite a few breaking changes so that forced me to kind of prepare a version two quite early and I released the first version 2 package which was the form Builder I didn't release the admin panel version 2. but I released it in September 2021. and that was the first package then I did the second package which was the table builder in November 2021 and finally the admin panel in December 2021 all of these were kind of redesigned we are version one design um and then we had our version 2 design I'd recently worked on a UI kit called razor UI with Lars and last last the designer and developer and I kind of made the blade version for it so I used quite a few of the of the designs from that in version two and that that really drove it Forward because I'm not really a designer so I I use that to basically expand out our component Library very quickly and that allowed us to release version two so quickly uh so yeah December 2021 was version version two of the open Panel and then I moved on to the marketplace now the marketplace was quite a big lifts yeah so the plug-in section um so I I did that probably in the first three months of 2021. I can't I don't have an exact date um but yeah after that that meant our plugins really really grew um and the amount of third-party content that people were making about filament right was was was really uh was was much bigger than it was this one you saw probably most of the explosive growth that filaments got to today I would imagine um yeah I probably noticed it much more then um and if you probably look at graphs of of installs or stars or whatever metric you want to use probably that was when the highest growth is happening but I I feel like the growth is probably uh even bigger now than it was um but I don't notice it as much because it's kind of always been growing since that point so it's kind of normal-ish so anyway I've got a lot of plugins um submitted because people hadn't out had now had a place to promote them and people knew that plugins were possible and there were so many examples of them and people could just lean on other people's examples to to um to do that so I met a few people from that so one of them was uh Dennis uh so Dennis is now on our core team uh he maintains uh the Excel plugin Spotlight a few others really popular ones I know your system and he was also very active on our Discord server so I invited him to the team in uh July July of last year I think um and shortly after with sep now Zep wasn't fun fact except wasn't a filament user before he joined the team really um zap was a big tall stack user um and he was working on essentially a notifications package for foot little stack now that was kind of something that I wanted to work on for a very long time so I saw him promote it I think on Twitter um and I was like that would be good insulin uh what about yourself maintains the under filament and then also gets drawn the core team and and work on all our other tool stack stuff and that also kind of gives him some promotion for his package they just doesn't have to work for I just have to like establish the marketing and the brand and everything around its notifications package plus it also can be used in the open Panel so that's what we did zap joined the team in I think it was also July August and we released the notifications package first version of that was version two uh because it's in line with the rest of filament um so yeah ever since Zapp has been a very major component of the filament team he handles a lot of the UI design now which is great because I don't um I think after zap joined uh Adam joint and Adam I also met through his plugins he he maintains a curator tiptop editor I think it's like 10 at this point it's quite it's quite a few maybe not all of them are on the marketplace but he does have a lot on his GitHub um he's kind of the Sparty of a filament I think um so that was uh summer 2022 that was where our biggest team growth really we had three new members in in like two or three months uh after that was larican online um so that was September 2022 and Caleb had really uh had announced Livewire uh so that was kind of got us all excited and all the new things we could do so that's kind of what drove us to start working on version three so version three was began uh the development uh probably in September October and it went all the way into July this year so July was when we launched so that was a question I had for um that I was going to ask you was at what point in V2 did you realize we need to build a V3 so it was the announcement of Livewire three and then you were like well we'll rewrite some of this anyway and then while we're here there's some more features or some new things that we want to introduce the reality of of development uh open source development for me is that when you're when you're in a current major version you're always thinking about the next major version and what things that you need to change so at what point are you writing a line of code and you're like I'm going to immediately refactor this or in six months I'm going because when you it's usually when you start deprecating stuff when you when you write those deprecated comments that's that's a sign um and it just it just makes you make mental notes on what you need to be thinking about for the next version uh for us um it was it was live wire that that really made a uh a goal like version three a solid gold simply because liveware announced things like um I think why navigate was announced for spa mode a lot of people were asking for that um on top of that we also had the teleporting feature which we haven't actually done very much with but that would allow us to do a lot more um the Alpine core would allow us to clean up a lot of code so it was kind of a natural progression on top of that we also wanted filament to then come into line with Livewire and actually going forward we're going to aim to only release a filament version 4 when live what version four comes on because it's so dependent on it right that if live whatever releases breaking changes we're kind of screwed anyway in the sense that we have to do a rewrite so I'm going to try and hold off for as long as possible on version four um so yeah version three was was um nearing completion nearing release and um Hassan joined our team and Hassan as a designer I've been working with uh for a couple of months on the new filament website um so he's done all our new marketing brand same logo but a completely different website so yeah he's a very talented designer and a developer as well so he he joined our team on a long term basis because I felt like we were kind of neglecting our website a little bit we were constantly focus on our product and that is his specialty his Specialty's brand um personality design and and just keeping that that public facing side really maintained so Kudos because I say it looks amazing it's yeah it's it's great um it's the best site that I've put out fulfillment before it is vastly better than our previous two sites and I think it's one of the best websites in the laravel ecosystem I agree and I mean it's not I'm not like saying that because I made it I didn't make it Hassan made it but I I really admire his design and I think it looks great and it really does it does the tool just tool Justice which I don't think our version 2 website that I put together did um I don't think that it reflected the power of it um but his definitely does yeah that's amazing yeah um um so you work for kirschbaum right that's your like employer so how does that how does that actually work with filament so you work for a company but you're building this out does kirschbaum then own filament or you know how does that work I joined kashbaum in January um I was working with filament since the beginning so my startup that I worked on previously um we were using filament completely um Kershaw may be an offer that I'd be able to essentially I'd be supported for working on filament out there at their agency and all of my clients at kershbomb at the moment are filament projects and that gives me a lot of experience using filament as well as um like improving it um to to meet the needs of those clients so you're working you're working on with client work through the agency and you're using element for at least exactly most of them are all of them right yep at the moment it's all of them I'm expecting that to change at some point because obviously our our clients are always changing but at the moment it's it's all of them um it's it shows me the real the real life use cases of of filament which is really useful I own filament they they don't own anything um starting this month I also have dedicated time at work for maintaining filament and this is a new a new deal that we've that we've got going on um and it's essentially they are now the officially partnered development agency of filament we we recommend going to kershbomb simply because they're the best filament agency that I that I know that have the most developers that know about filament um they all have access to me any clients that come through the door that need filament work I think they'd be best serviced by by Kirsch Bonn and I I'm very excited to work at that agency simply because of that fact anyone who needs a filament project um like they're in the right place you know uh so that's kind of always been the goal since the start but this month it's really happened and I now have time dedicated to it I still own filament but they are the official agency so one of my questions was um and I'll get to in a moment like your daily workflow would you say that now you've I mean well how many hours are you working between between kershbomb I mean you got to be watching your back Health right yeah um I mean working for kushboom up until uh for from January until May June I was just normal working day really so I was working for cash bomb sort of eight hours a day eight or nine and then filament maybe one um and then version two uh sorry version three got really heavy workloads and I was kind of working uh 12 combined um so yeah that that's that's dropped now which is which is very good so since since the version uh three launch and also since they've now given me time at work I'm back to a normal ish working schedule and I'm able to um have a better work balance that's great that's good it's imperative um one of the things and I'll release more videos on this but I'm a big proponent for got to take care of yourself health comes first right yep um so well let's get into that a little bit like what what is your daily what is and I want to know you know for me I want to know like what kind of tools are you are you PHP storm are you vs code what kind of tools are you using daily with regards to the tools I use I am a PHP storm user um I mean I have I've done vs code for a while and then when things go serious I've moved to PHP storm and I haven't looked back so yeah PHP storm laravel idea um what else do I use uh Ray I should put this here yeah yeah promise I'm not sponsored um I moved to Arc at the beginning of this year and I'm I'm live in Ark that's a browser uh I use GitHub desktop for um anything get related what was the browser Arc I haven't heard that yeah okay it's it's a chrome it's a chromium based one but it's kind of got uh some nice experimental ideas and they do seem to be doing a lot with it so I'm I'm in for the ride you know um so yeah GitHub desktop because it allows me to easily pull in PRS and stuff yeah and just see a really good visual representation of of changes um but yeah that's a ton of good good clients that's just the one I've settled on uh table Plus um Hello by Beyond code it's not the one I use for emails um yeah that's about it for my daily development stuff but yeah I use like DB engine valet um PHP monitor very good yeah actually I think I'm living in the same world as you I use actually exactly the same so I use I've been using GitHub desktop for a while I and there was this whole like debate I think in a team I was on a while ago like I can do everything from the CLI it's like so can I but how efficient how how fast can you get things done if you're working on multiple projects you kind of need something that's just faster to get to I think so yeah and hello or Hilo hello I don't know we'll ask we'll ask uh Marcel what it is um and he'll probably tell us in Japanese and Spanish and I don't know if you saw that yeah I did see that yeah yeah um so um so that's cool so since uh and we met um the we talked a little bit on Discord but we met officially at uh lyricon yeah since laricon and V3 what's your life I mean has it changed a lot has it I mean have you seen a lot of really no okay no I mean I mean I obviously I see a lot of people using version three now and it's very encouraging but no black with the girls of my life no not really um I'm still I'm still working at the same place still doing the same projects um still plugging away at the filament repository so not much has changed but I'm not I'm not disappointed with that no no that's it's good to have you have to have a consistent lifestyle I think to manage anything long-term anyway so that's that's great that and in my eyes you know it this thing I was using it I had two or three apps on V2 that I still actually have to refactor um to V3 but um you know not a lot of people knew about it and then I think it just kind of exploded after around lyricon at least in my mind from my perspective I think everybody's kind of different on when they saw that but um yeah like yourself um populous um Dari has a series now um there is also a secret coming out on Monday I was gonna get to the 18th um yeah so I've I've got a Creator series on Lara costs oh great yeah so it's basically me telling people about how filament components specifically work internally and how to build them so think about things like custom form Fields layouts table um table stuff so table columns table filters uh there's another one as well uh info lists entries all of these custom components that you can build and and redistribute I'm going to basically tell you how to build those oh wow and show you all of the internal tools we have in filament to Aid building those as well make them reactive make table columns editable [Music] things that we can't really explain very well in the docs sure like in the docs it would have to be a solid like example and while that's fine it's not really a good reference guide I think that an example is much better as if as like a series like a video series and that's what I've achieved with with the Lara costs and Jeffrey has given me full control over what that what that looked like um but it's great um I think people should love it and make it should make people much more efficient when building their custom components just because they've now got knowledge they didn't have before um on top of that we also have some episodes about plugins and stuff so how to then redistribute those components as plugins and even how to redistribute an entire panel as a plugin yeah so there's all sorts of things like that it's a Creator Series so it's all about the insights that I can give as the creator of the tool um it's not really a beginner series it's not it's not how to use filament it's a building things with filament do you know if this will be um under the paid umbrella or the phone I don't know yeah I don't know at the moment well you heard it here first folks we're gonna publish this today no I'm just kidding but that's that's exciting I'm excited to see that myself you mentioned a lot of things there that are coming out in this Creator series I've noticed a couple things that people that even have been using filming for a while they didn't know that you could use a lot of the tables and the forms in just a Livewire component right so they're all like let's install the dashboard and then they're just building out that way and that was like that I think too for for a while and then I I slowly started like man you can just put this you can do this anywhere so it's front end too um besides that would you are there any underutilized or lesser known um uh yeah I guess features of filament that you don't see a lot of people talking about on the twitters or you know what I mean for a while it was things like actions so um just being up to custom actions in places and people didn't know was possible um also things like the create create form for selects um that took a lot of work uh that basically that forced us to add a system for for making actions work within forms um so that was well that was so much work um but yeah I think I've seen a few bits of content include that recently I think it's because I also included it in the getting started guide for version three um it's one of the one of the things there because I wanted to really promote it um what else do I not see that's being used I know there's a few like Niche perform films that I don't see being used but it's not anything I can like push on people because it's just if you need them you need them like I know the key value filled um that's kind of quite Niche like you don't often need to handle Json in The Client app um is that like the repeater all right oh no I see the repair all the time okay so the repeater is like repeating um other form Fields whereas it's just a foot it's just like a simple um array of keys and value inputs basically okay um yeah it's quite Niche but apart from that like just being able to use custom components is quite hard to utilized and that's hopefully that will change soon um but yeah no I I think people use use filament to um to its fullest a lot of the time um I hope that people understand now or maybe this will improve in the future but I hope people understand that everything is overrideable like nothing is completely set in stone that you cannot change it like overriding methods for example rebinding classes of a container um macros all of these things um people sometimes Miss and they're not really features of filament they're just ways of customizing it that unless you know about them you just don't know what to do you're kind of a bit stuck um so yeah that's probably the thing that I need to put more content out about to be honest uh like how easy it is to customize stuff yeah that's interesting there was a problem I ran into I don't even know if I figured that that one out but for me and that's kind of how I learned too is I have a problem or I want to add something custom so I'll dive into the docs or just do arrow and then see what's available to me you know what I mean like oh look at all that stuff yeah you start playing around with it so yeah I think another useful one is the structure tab in PHP storm so if you if you open a class like a form field for example and you click on the structure tab it will tell you like all of the methods that are available so you can go through like that and yeah and kind of scan it um apart from that I'd really encourage people to try and read the source code if they can because the source code can give you clues about how things can be hooked into like maybe there's a function that you can that you can use to modify an object or maybe there's a render hook that you can use to add content Somewhere In The View um so yeah I think Source diving is is incredibly powerful especially when using filament um and yeah if more people did that as well I think they'd go further yeah for sure you Gotta Sink your teeth into it and I think the people like me in in laravel Daily that have seen the light and we're like man this we're just trying to show everybody like really get into this um there's a couple a couple personal friends that I've got that I started showing this to and they're like I don't know and once we once once I showed them how to connect the dots they were like man and then this last weekend actually on Monday I got a text saying I just spent the whole weekend building rebuilding my whole app and filament and I've just you know sold and loved so um definitely great great job great work thanks uh it's and the fact that it's free and open source and we can all get in there and and build beautiful apps for our clients is it just makes our lives that much easier and us more efficient so that's definitely great what would you say um what are some like next Generation things that you would love to see filament able to do like thinking you know in a dream world I guess what what would it handle I don't know so much about dreams because I think dreams always change for me okay um simply because our roadmap is constantly being shaped by users um and when that gets shaped it's kind of unexpected um I don't have like solid plans for for what's going to happen to it I mean we have some plans that come up in the short few short term so uh sap is working on themes so themes is something that can be released hopefully this month so our first theme uh the minimal theme in September 2023 and that's essentially going to be a reskin of the interface and we will release a series of of different skins that you can just install into an app and it will make filament have a different look and feel or maybe it was going to fit fit your brand better so yeah on the short term themes on a long term I think uh going into the paid plug-in space is probably good um for me and other team members um so zep's paid plugins will probably be mainly themes but he might venture into more my play plugins might be like pre-built systems that you can install onto a website um probably not going to do these ideas because there's plenty of other solutions for these but think about things like help desks um cms's like website uptime potentially like all those sorts of things that websites need that you could just install into an existing Marvel app to monitor stuff could be a good idea not those specific examples but things on along those lines as play plugins so that's probably going to be the long-term vision for filament as a first party project uh our sort of goals that is um that's interesting um and I think there's a fine line between like um like a WordPress environment where I can go and search for plugins and that's something maybe um you know have you considered maybe maybe making that an option um for me I would love to it would make me because I'm always I call it going shopping when I'm looking at the plugins page like oh what else can I add for my clients right um or for myself to make it that much better but um maybe an option to include that inside of a dashboard somehow so that you can see what's available but I think that takes it away from well yeah I mean you have to code too how are you going to wire that up to a model so we have whatever we have an idea for this actually um it's probably not going to be part of the interface but we're thinking about a CLI tool uh so like an arts and command that's using the new prompts library and essentially would allow you to search the plugins from the command line oh interesting so yeah that's probably that's one of the things we're going to be working on and then it would search them install them for you once you've found the plugin you want this is especially good for people who know the name of the plugin they want to install right so it would it would search it for you it would install it it would run any commands that that um that that plug-in author wants you to run when you install their plugin um it might also give you extra information after you install it of things you need to do so that's that's one of the ideas I've just thought of another one actually uh Vault integration for filament um that's on our short term roadmap as well so this would be basically being able to add a form or a table or an action to a view without needing to create a live wire component the way we do this is by wrapping up everything in a vault component so you'd output like a directive or a blade component anywhere you'd pass in your form schema and your table configuration and then from there we're going to convert that to a volt component behind the scenes and that's how it gets output and you don't need a separate Livewire component to then be able to to use that in an app that doesn't use liveware just use this blade would you um how would you interact would you interact with that I guess it would all be interacted with from within code I'm guessing right yeah yeah so this would be for like simple simple things so like take the table example for uh so for a table you might have all of your columns and your filters defined in the in the code obviously there's not really any outside interaction with that table I mean you might have actions and stuff um but those can all be defined within the blade component um forms it could be a little bit trickier we might have to add like a a parameter that accepts a function that gets run when you um when you do that so when you say that's a form sorry very cool very exciting it's cool to see something number one just grow as as much as it has but also being so helpful and the fact that we're still adding and and not dreaming but thinking and collaborating on what what we can put into it um I'm going to end this with a fast 15 this is like a or b first thing that comes to the top of your head are you ready Goldman all right chocolate or vanilla chocolate wrap or Rock oh rock all right uh favorite place to travel or vacation uh probably Como in England dark mode or light mode dark mode you've already answered this one I'll ask it anyway vs code or PHP storm um how many monitors uh laptop and one okay uh music while coding yes tabs or spaces Taps well whatever like trick trick question that's what I'm gonna say uh foreign view or react of you office or remote Marvel or DC Marvel cardio or weight training the kind of hard here yeah bicycling right cycling yep um book or movie for relaxing or entertainment ah movie fine dining restaurant or home-cooked meal home-cooked over fine dining might be a normal restaurant might win but a fine dining one home cooked um last one early bird or night owl early always happening yeah very good well Dan um it's been a pleasure we really do appreciate having you on and and getting to know really what what life's like inside of filament what's going on what's driving it Forward um I will leave links in uh in the description to you into kirschbaum into all the team members and obviously the filament and uh and go from there so thank you so much thank you so much for for having me on your channel yeah we'll see you guys next time I put links to Dan filament the entire filament team and kirschbaum in the description of this video if you want to take a deeper dive into filament and learn how to build a full application from scratch check out this playlist with over 20 hours of Hands-On how-to tutorials from yours truly I'll see you over there
Channel: LaravelOnline
Views: 3,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laravel, Laravel tutorial, Web development, PHP, Software engineering, Coding tutorials, Laravel tips, Laravel expert, Laravel live coding, Laravel Q&A, Software development career, Developer interview, Laravel updates, PHP updates, laravel tutorial, filament, livewire, laravel livewire, laravel, laravel 10, filamentphp v3, filamentphp, filamentphp laravel, filamentphp blog, dan harrin, Filament, interview, laravel filament, filament laravel, filament 3, laravel livewire tutorial
Id: fxc9CLHvhOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 14sec (2834 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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