Filament is Slow? Check Laravel Debugbar.

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hello guys we'll continue exploring new tips and tricks about filament and today let's talk about slowness I hear some people complain that filament is slow and I want to tackle one of the possible scenarios so for example you have a resource a table and you notice that some models are loading pretty slowly for example change is completed and then you need to wait for a few seconds or a second for that to appear and then you think that filament is slow in fact this problem is not about filament do you notice which package I'm using here on the screen at the bottom it's laravel debug bar so now let's try to disable our well debug bar in the dot EnV file for example let's change app debug to false we refresh the page no debug bar and then that model is quick again so quite a lot of slowness locally happens because of the bug bar but you don't necessarily have to disable all the debug bar in fact the low Behavior happens from the views on the debug bar so let's enable that back and I will show you how to disable only that part which is often unnecessary in most cases people use the bug bar to debug SQL queries but also what it has is the views tab so views with all the data and you can explore the parameters and other stuff but you don't often need that but that is actually what is slowing filament down so you can publish the config of laravel debug bar in the official readme it's this command vendor publish and then you have a file config debug bar where you can Define so-called collectors so what information to collect and here change views to false then we'll refresh the page there are no views here and is it quick yes it is quick we didn't have to wait for a second or to try again just in case yep it is quick so this is my tip if you use lateral debug bar locally and of course you need to use it only locally not on production because that would be a security issue with filament don't forget to disable the views collector that's it for this time and see you guys in other videos
Channel: Filament Daily
Views: 9,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 2min 14sec (134 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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