Laravel-5.8:Admin Panel (Part-1) | How to do Installation, Set-up and make Admin Panel(Dashboard)

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hey guys welcome back so much in this video we are going to start the admin panel in the laravel okay so we are going to build an admin panel or admin dashboard in laravel package okay so guys let's get started with that so first up you have to download the xampp exam ok so this is your exam for the we want to create our laravel i mean any programming so first you have to download this and install it so i have already installed it and you have to just click download and it just give Next Next Next it will get installed ok so the next thing is that you have to use one editor whichever editor you are comfortable with it you can use that so I use Visual Studio code ok Visual Studio code download ok so it's the thing this is the link for this and you can download it so I have already this Visual Studio code so it's over here so and you have to just normally install it ok and then download one git bash ok so type git bash git bash download so this is a good bash and this is used as a command prompt okay so as normal if you use commander like you go and use like start CMD so this is your command prompt right so instead of this I am going to use a get back so that is over here when you right-click it after installation so it is same like command prompt only but it gives it has many features so with the Visual Studio code it is supported okay so for that trick we are using this and yep so main thing you have to download your composer also so just compose our download okay so after downloading a composer just to install that and download all the things okay so this is your thing now you can just run into the thing I'm in command prompt or you can just download it over here it is yep download and run this execution file that's it so now let's go to laravel documentation so laravel dot-com okay so first step and yes Kay so this is the laravel and you have to click on the documentation and download the file okay so for that let us click on documentation and you can install the laravel and create a new blog or a new laravel application okay so first step you have to install this so just give right-click and after installation of grid bash you can find like this something else okay so you can just copy this ctrl C and paste it on it okay so I have already done it installations are not going to install this so I'm just ignoring this part and yep so next step we are going to download I mean install this laravel application okay so either if you are installing in globally or you can use this or else you can directly install this one okay so any of the command you can use it so I'm going to use this so let me get bash open get bash and change your drive okay so C Drive so inside C Drive xampp HP docks and give enter okay so now you are in the htdocs route okay so now what you have to do is that now you have to type this what this laravel new blog okay so it's over here not a real live blog blog or give blog lara well whatever you if you give that and give hit enter okay so it will get installed so for this installation part I have already done it so I'm going to show you which is inside the htdocs folder okay so let's go to the folder and this is my C Drive xampp htdocs and this is my blog laravel okay which you have given on the command prompt and hit enter then it will install it into your lateral blog okay so this is my code now and let's open this with the vs code okay so if you have installed a vs vs code editor so that will when you click on right click it will open it okay so let's open that first and okay so okay it Kerry it's loading now and it's opening the files taking time okay yeah it's loaded okay survived is the welcome page it will show you so let's close this page welcome page and this is my editor okay text editor we are using this vs code and yeah so first thing so yeah so ice now after opening application okay into the ER editor so now let's download the a one admin template okay so I'm going to choose the now uikit templates okay so admin templates so I just hit enter and now you I had min template if you type the first option comes the United dashboard now UI dashboard and we will download this one okay so it is pretty nice and cool to use it so I like this template so it is free also ok so I will show you live demo so let's click on preview life and it's loading so this is the output guys and yep so this is a - good so you can see all the things whatever the card is there bootstrap is there whatever the tables you have used and how it is okay so it's really nice looking cool so you can we can use this for our things for the template purpose so you can just use this for the pop-up message after the successful enter whatever you want at the right corner top right so we can use this in too so it's best so I'm going to download this so just click on free download and it will ask for the password or you can just create or you you can login with your Google account okay so just login with your Google account right so I have already logged in and downloaded it okay so you can just login and directly you can come to it and then click on free download it will automatically download it okay your product is being downloaded okay so yes see ya so I have already downloaded it so I'll just go into okay it's already downloaded so let's go back left fine so let us close this closed and this is downloaded so let's go to windows II if you press if you are a Windows user this type windows E and let's go to downloads and you can find over here one file okay so this is a zip file which we have downloaded it now from here from this Google Chrome so let me close this and let's go on downloads and extract this okay so I have already extracted this file and it's over here okay so right now this is a folder these are folder and for the admin panel so this is the thing okay so I will show you the output of this and let open this so after opening we are getting one admin okay and dead dogs so these two also let's see at the mean and it is showing all the details okay so not admin that's it's my father okay so let me delete this one and extract it extract new one and I will show you the output for this okay so extract all so I will extract it over here itself and let's extract that and wait for the completed completion okay so it is extracted now so guys let's open this so we are finding asset and examples so this is assets whatever it is CSS as font demos okay and the examples are nothing but our files which is the output of it okay so designs and this document is nothing just our template further their advertising province okay so let's now let's go to our blog laravel where we have installed that using the command prompt okay so now let's get back to our this one and let's copy the assets okay so let's copy this asset and go to blog laravel and they go to public okay so open that public file open and inside that just paste that okay your asset folder so let's paste it let's reload once again and it's over here okay so let's get back to the blog laravel file and let's go to our dashboard I mean download downloaded file okay so these are the examples so let's copy this all we're into your blog level so what I'm going to do is that I will rename this file as admin ok so I have renamed it and let's copy this folder so let's copy this and go back and just paste it inside your resource folder ok so beyond your laravel blog application so where is your resources your resource folder and views inside views I am going to paste the folder okay so let's paste that and it's over here right so let's refresh and yep so let's get back to the blog laravel fight ok so now open with your editor ok so I have already opened it and let's check into this ok so yep so inside public we have pasted the assets and find our CSS things and inside resource folder we have paged our admin folder that is views and admin ok so let's execute this first and see whether our application is working or not ok so just give run your command prompt or get back whatever you use it okay so let's execute out and let's see the output of this first so let's type PHP or decent serve ok and let me hit enter and it comes it is starting the session ok I'm involved so let's wait for the output started and let's get back and type local host : 8,000 okay and let's hit enter and it's loading and we will get the output of laravel block okay so welcome to this is the level so this is the welcome page of laravel blog which is inside the be resource folder views folder inside viewers welcome blade dot PHP file so I am clicking on that and it's opened and now this is the code okay so it's down over here and it's telling oh yeah okay so this is level and let's kill that welcome to laravel okay welcome to laravel blog right and save it like to reload the controller and welcome to the laravel block so you have understood which is this file now okay so this is the file and it is called by the help of route okay so let's go to a road folder web dot PHP file and this is about where it is showing the at this slash it is showing this file okay so it's none and if I give like funda slash and give now save your file so let's reload this it will say file not found okay so for not for font and not fun so if I give it slash funda then it will tell laravel will control our vlog because we have given the route called funda okay so let's remove that save it and let's get back to the main file and tell welcome to lateral blog okay so now our thing is that so file execution is done and now guys we will set that min panel okay so first step we will go will close all this okay so this our application now let's go to resourceful inside resource wheels so this is our admin folder which we have created and kept over here right so this now what I'm going to do is that I'll just create a new folder called layouts okay so let's click on right click and create a new folder called layouts la y-o-u PS layouts okay so this is a layout folder so inside this layout folder I'm going to create a new file and called master or we'll name it admin or whatever or dashboard so I'm going to give master dot blade dot PHP file okay hit enter and master dot blade dot CSV file is created so wise now yeah so let's do the HTML part inside this okay so before that HTML thing and all you if you are going to start so before this I will go to admin folder I'll go to tables dot HTML file and to copy all the content which is provided by the downloaded template from the inui dashboard okay so let's copy this copy and let's go to master dot blade dot PHP which we are just now created and just paste okay close this and yep so it is pasted now okay so this is the file right now so let me close this table dot PHP and this is a marker okay so let's execute this file first okay so what I'm going to tell is that we will take the main thing and leave all the things okay so now inside admin folder we have unwanted things many things right so what I'm going to do is that I'll just delete all these things okay so let's click each thing and delete ok so there's none so let's delete so there is zero okay so inside admin folder no folder is there okay and now what we are going to do is that we will create a new file inside the admin folder okay so let's create a new file called dashboard dot blade dot PHP okay so let's enter and the beyblade odd case file is created okay so now we will go to layouts inside layouts master dot dot PHP file ok so this is our file now we are going to edit from this okay so let's edit from the talking and these are title so our title we are going to use yield ok at yield and we'll leave it as title ok yeah so after this and we'll go down and this is all sidebar so this is starting of the sidebar and okay so this is telling that you can change the color of your sidebar by typing over here okay so those colors are nothing but blue green orange red yellow okay so you can just type over here and ginger never color so we will see to that later and yes so let me close this sidebar from this side okay so this is a side wall and it is closed and this is the nav bar admin panel so and this is the nav bar so I'm going to close and a bar for okay okay this is the end of nav bar and let's divide this from here our header panel starts okay so let's close the content also so this is my content and this is the footer right so it's divided now so right now let's type as simple thing over here yield that is content okay okay so eel that content so what I'm going to do is that I will just paste inside this okay inside this content okay so these are the things and let's divide this okay so I'm going to press this yield content inside this content div and I will cut this part okay so let's cut this and let's go to a dashboard and I'll just make a note so in new control Ian I forgive and I'll place this right now for time being here and let's go to our this one motto dot blade dot PHP file from there I'm going to set all these things okay so this is my sidebar and this is a nav bar it is already done and now we will set the scripting file that is over below before the body okay so what I am going to leave that yield that is at yield script okay the typescript and done right so it is set now and now let's I have just given one title and inside the content div I have used the yield content and one simple script okay this is the script and I have left all this footer as the keys okay done so let's go to the dashboard so inside admin folder we have created a dashboard file okay so now over here we will type explain okay so extends what layouts layout so layout means inside your resource folder views you have created a folder called layout okay so this is a layouts dot what master okay so let's type master done okay so this is a master and let's add a section so that section is titled TI tle title so this title is nothing but your master blade dot PHP file title so whatever you enter the title over here okay will reflect on this page by this help it will show you on this title okay on this one so set and let's set the section for your body okay so let's a section for the content so this is content so and let's place the script one okay so at our depth type section and at section where script ok script so let us see the spelling ok so at the bottom copy this and paste it page script so content so inside this now we will tell - bolt okay - good Thunder off web ID okay done and now let's copy the design which you have kept in a slide so I don't require some contents over here so I'll just remove those things and paste a simple thing over here okay so let me show you so we have many unwanted things now I'm going to remove that so here guys I will just cut that for saving the time okay so it's done so these are simple table body and there's a table head yes okay so this is a table head table and table head then table body and these are the rules whatever the data is that okay send and it is saved okay so it's now this is that much now and done over here and our master blood is set and let's view the output for this okay so this is no you so I'm going to close this so we are just working on two files that is inside resource folder we have created a layout folder that is master blade and inside admin one - boot blade okay so let's view this output so let's go to routes and web dot PHP so what I'm going to do is that I will just copy this for time being now and let's set this so later we are going to learn about how to do controller panel and migration things okay and with the login thing also so as now let's type over here admin and let's type that admin dot dash board be Oh ard okay so it is inside resource folder views folder you will find admin so this is admin folder and this is the dashboard that is your blade file okay so done and set save it survives make sure your design is served okay done and let's get back and let's reload the page and let type admin slash admin okay so why it's taking two time okay it's loaded so let's copy this and paste over here okay / 3 enter and your dashboard is already right so this is a simple table which we have designed it and by using your um admin panel okay so that this is the output of the admins status things everything okay and this is the 3 - boot fund off web ID which we are set it over here it's coming on that okay so as you can the table is not designed as as the correct thing so that is actually because of the class so we didn't use the class so just use the class that is table okay and let's reload yep it is in the correct format so right done and now yes so in this video you have completed that how to set the admin panel and installation of laravel and exam get bash vs code everything ok the basic steps so these are the simple things which everyone can do so guys um yes okay so in the next video we'll be learning about how to design a login page and do the with the login session and how to if that mean is logged in then only should come to this login page and then otherwise it should be on the home page itself okay so in next video we'll in coming videos will be learning about that okay so yes guys so thank you for watching this video and please subscribe like and share
Channel: Funda Of Web IT
Views: 127,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundaofwebit, how to make admin panel in laravel, how to build admin panel in laravel, laravel admin panel, how to install laravel, how to create admin dashboard in laravel, admin dashboard in laravel, admin panel setup in laravel, login system in laravel, custom login and registration in laravel, admin panel in laravel, laravel dashboard
Id: gJ7eS3i3fSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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