How to install laravel 8 with adminLTE - php

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hello everyone how are you today uh today i will show you how to install laravel 8 with admin lte so let's start together so this is the thing that we need to do so i have list down sixth thing the first one uh we need to install composure and the second one is exam and the third one need to install vs code and the for one we download admin lte and the fifth one we installed laravel 8 and the last step we will integrating admin lte with laravel a so uh i will show you how to download all of this thing first so let's check it out together so i open my web browser so i use a google drone you can use another web browser but for me google drive is the best one for me so composure you can take compulsion composure or you can use the link that i list down and follow this link and composer why we use composure composer it is a dependency manager for ap php we use it to communicate or we use the command command line to create the controller model or we can use insert update delete group operation and other thing so yes it is very important to work with php in larger so you you can download it and click this one this is the last one last version version 2.0.12 so we download it and another one is them same is yes you can click download it for me [Music] about which for me i use window so i click this link and this is the php version 8.0.3 it's the last version and sam it is the apache which that we can hosting our php web browser if you use alignment you can click this link or os for me i use this one and another one is vs code it is the tool that we use to edit or writing the php code or laravel code so i use windows so i click download this link and another one for we download admin lte so you can click this link you can type or follow the link in the description lte and then go to this link click download yes admin lte is a great one great template this is the last version i have built with lotus professional web designer click this link yes download it and fine uh install that well okay so let's check it out the link that will download in my computer i installed all those async already so i just saw you how to get it you can install it one by one for compressor you can right click install it as administrator and follow the step nicknaster finish vs code also yes also and admin id you need to extract it let's drag this one and then also you can click run as administrator to install it as the after that feed is successful and then you can check it out in my computer i installed it already so i open my exam i click start start the service mysql and the patch this is the we use some hosting our web php web service okay in fifth step we install lateral a okay after we finished all of the fourth thing we can check the instruction this is how to install lateral literally you can go to the browser to check it how to install it also you can type a lot of installation install [Music] yes you can follow this link i also put the link in the browser in my pds uh my powerpoint so let's check it out how to you can read if you have the time but i just saw you the main thing that we use this one installation by composure so in order to install large a so we need to use a composure or you can use another dependency manager but for me it is i use a composure so you can follow this command line click add project lightweight last lightweight and then example app name this is your project name after you install you go to this project folder and this one the command to run your web your website so i just want to show you a little bit so for me in order to install uh my larawel project i go to this directory c slash same htd.80 so you can install another factory as you want but for me i like to use this one and follow this command line use a composure create a project laravel and my project name review command so i will create a project called webview and go to this folder and i and i open it with vs code and then i open terminal to run this project to make sure it is working so okay i will check in how to okay first i use uh powershell to install php lightweight so i open it and then i cd to see dry [Music] oh sorry forward slash which last and then i go to them [Music] my god yes cleared out and this one i use composure the command line this one composure create project way you can copy it okay pass it up just change the name i use webview and click enter so this command line it will create larger project level 8 with your command line so please wait until it finished to download the package so it is good to use composure because we can communicate to create to update to do something with php in life well so it's amazing to to work it so just wait until finished and this is the link i will close this out let's see which vh code is a powerful tool used to work with php or html css and other language it's a live way and close it out it's admin lte close it down okay i just saw you to learn how to download it you can move it and waiting until it finish this is we use this command line and after it finished we will type c d webview command okay after it finish it will show the message application key set successfully so and then i clear the screen around i just cd to my project folder webview my and then i use this command line to open my project with vs code you can type code and dot sign then it will open the project that you have installed this is the larger eight so you can open then you open with us code then open terminal okay you can open it this terminal new terminal this one you can use a shortcut key ctrl shift and design so i just tested out how it is work or not i use php and addition so okay then enter so it will start the project start to web our web so just copy the link and open it in browser so this is the library when you install it successfully it can run like this so this is the version of your ladder and this is the version of your php so next okay we install it finish now the next thing is we we integrate the admin lte with laravel so we go to our downloaded template this is the template that we have downloaded so i extract it so let's check it out the template a little bit so you can open the index you know it's a very cool template you can see this one this admin lte they have the dashboard you can all of this it's the template that we integrated so it's very nice template i love this one they have a lot of stuff that we can work with okay and then we need to use the template that we use is starting template is the easy one we will use this one to integrate with our php larger age so i will open this one in my editor notepad this one then we go to our project you can check it out in the public folder so the thing that we need to do is we go to our directory that we install so i install in c drive sam atw and this one the our project folder and we go to web view command and we find the public footer we need to create one footer called render okay and then we copy the cfr from this footer this one it have this cs file and js file template from admin lte and plugin we need to copy this folder so we copy and then we go to the footer that we have created and pass it out i pass it up and waiting after it finished we pass it out in here so you can see this is the template the cs file js bar or other plugin that we need to integrate it so after it finished we need to create we go to resource and this is the the stuff that we have copied to go to resource we saw okay close it up go to resource view and we create another footer called layout okay and we create one file index blend php this is the stuff and we just change the in root footer we go to web.php and change it to index [Music] so we our root for the our root is index file not welcome let the php anymore so i can test it out usually one it just welcome to [Music] my okay share it and then we can check in browser i could close it up and refresh the page you can click f5 here we go now our root directory we point to index so the thing that we do is we copy the static template ctrl c ctrl a and ctrl c copy all of these stats to index okay and then this is the star after you refresh so it will so this this thing it's error so we need to configure so oh you can follow this one copy the old some old stuff i need to come with will be another thing no oh okay just delete some stuff this one you can use so we use delete it out country and that name this is will so the name of the [Music] your project or we can say web to you if it doesn't have you can just have that name and this one you can change in this this is the app name the name became [Music] without it out okay this one just change the name and another stuff so we need to correct the the link so our stuff in here so we need to write this one asset [Music] and our directory when the this is the correct path now this one you can change and plug in from awesome three okay this one c a and min all that mean that's yes this is the correct directory so you need to write in the correct place so i copy it out copy it out from this all of the directory address of the link so just copy it out change the link okay this one i also change this one this one also if you don't want to use this is the image as your logo this is the user you can skip this one but i just showed you how to do it with the email so use this one to point the correct directory we can skip it on to the delete one yeah this one the js javascript directory just put this one also [Music] yes all of this and this one we can change it okay just to okay and we can try it okay this one also use page last to our home directory so we can refresh our page here we go we can install our admin lte but it's not nice yet we need to this one okay this one also it it doesn't know that it make us the logo so i just figured out [Music] okay we can refresh this one here we go we can forget so now we install it successfully with the started template after admin lte with laravel but it's not the final yet i will show you how to uh how to separate the file to be easy to convert it later so i divide this is the uh admin lte template structure so the top menu top number i put this the number one is the first i divide it into five that make you easy to convert it out so the second one is left menu or left sidebar and the middle one is the main content the body that whole other page other main stuff so the right one is the four is the right menu or right sidebar and the last one is footer this is the template structure of admin lte so i will follow this one to convert it out so i create it in the resource folder and go to view i created layout folder and create new file it's called m dot let the php [Music] this is the domain i will copy from index and i create another file oh we can copy from index so i cut it out to f and then this one we need to extend this 10 is 10 it is 10 okay and we need to point out the directory of that f so it's the session okay [Music] okay so test it out it's working you know refresh the page okay it's still working now we have to change already and then we [Music] separate it separately file because you can see it's so messy to manage so we need to divide which one is the top the uh first one called is top menu but [Music] i call this one top menu and the second one last menu okay i created another file called less menu dot [Music] php and another file is right menu dot php and the last one is footer [Music] php so i have [Music] totally five five file divided so let's check it out which one is the top menu i seen this one from naba this one is the top menu so like i cut it out separate the file top menu okay from now you cut it out and go to top menu and pass this one just sell it and this is the right sidebar the the left menu so i cut it out also cut it from this one go to left and pass it out you can check it and this one the the body the body of the this is the the answer the link breadcrumb this is the main main body and this one it is the the right sidebar so i cut from this part go to right menu sell it and the last one is footer cut it up and go to footer and pass it okay after you pass it and then you need to it's a lot of stuff so i need to remove some stuff from this one from this one okay remove it down the raw okay make it easy to [Music] to check him so this is okay i can put it first top menu yes sorry control waits last no why is we need to comment it out bro for what's left okay and then to [Music] let's menu okay so in in wrapper body rectangle so i list down the thing and three main content recording body control forward slash this is the main contain and contain in wrapper content rep class and this one number four uh right menu just put the two locations each one and another last one is footer to combine it out okay after that i will include we can use in php we use this command include okay and then we use directory layout done dot top menu we just link it out to the place building from this file so we separate the file and then link it back to the position that we copied this also we can use the same include layout [Music] done uh left menu oh sorry forget in okay this one the same we didn't separate it for the body and the right menu you need to include it by layout done right menu and the last one blue layout from footer okay we don't need to use the the file with the footer.let.php the lateral it can know it we just use the include syntax it is the black template anything so just check it out and the blade then you run it it's no or not yes just start and play so i just config a little bit so this one we use uh session youtube in here so i cut this one to the index so this this one this line pass it out okay and this one [Music] okay i delete something so messy something here also okay okay look more clean than before and this one we use session you use uh okay let me check you can use this one man contain we use content class and okay just it you can write for me uh you can write but i have it already just a copy and pass it down we use section this is uh will replace each other's content content with this one so in this one this is the second content session content so all of this it will replace in here in here it know the name of this one just contain their content so i just this one we can try one plus [Music] contain okay just copy that i already have this one the way that we use in session this one pass it out so so everything can just change this one to welcome come okay this one use this one let's check it out in startup page here we go finally we can install admin lte with laravel 8 successfully so this is the link you can put everything another thing that you want so and this one i can change this one one more version one point zero one zero okay we refresh it and check it out here we go you can change oh sorry and totally we did it everything so i just review a little bit first before we install admin lte to laravel we need to install laravel first and then we copy this folder and plug in to the public folder after that we could add another led footer in resource resource view and layout footer and we create all of this thing app and folder is contain the main it's like the master page in so this is the the template the link the link cs file phone awesome this is the cscs file link for admin lte and this is the structure how it means lte do it first top menu the second place in last menu and the third place is a body main main content that we reflect place other page in here and this one the right menu the right sidebar that you can click here this is the right sidebar this is the last menu and this one the top menu and this one the footer and the last one footer and this one the the link for javascript from admin lte so we list down first the jquery min.js and then bootstrap.js and the last one admin lte.min.ts this is you need to follow and we can add another file for index that we test it so this one the title here that reflects in in the in the body in the body this one or you can test another link for example or you could add another report like you add another file call or test test.let.php and we just copy out all the index page just here and then you can call it test so you can go to route and copy another route you create this this link okay you can put its last test and i need out to test you can test it okay i just name it test can see this one it will replace the test folder in text folder yes this one is test you can rename it to test this thing okay yes it's good very nice now thank you for your value time to watching my video and please have to subscribe and like our channel if to correct me for create and now another video thank you so much have a nice day everyone see you next time
Channel: WebDev Khmer
Views: 8,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: php;laravel8;adminlte;adminlte-v3.1.0;webdevkhmer
Id: B2lj89BvOZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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