Laravel 5.8 Tutorial From Scratch - e45 - Eloquent Relationships One To One (hasOne, BelongsTo)

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next up let's start talking about some of the relationships available in eloquent and of course eloquent is our database Oh RM in relationships are an integral part of any relational database so the first case we're going to handle is a one to one case one to one case is a little bit rare you don't get a lot of opportunity to use this however when you need to use it it's definitely an important one to know now the example that we're going to use today is a user has one phone so that's what we're gonna be writing in our code so this is a fresh laravel installation right now I haven't done anything except set up our database and right now our database doesn't contain anything at all all I did was migrate what comes with laravel let's jump into our code and check out what I want to do so if we open up app of course we have the user model this one ships with laravel so I want to add a new model and the model is gonna be for a phone so let's jump into the terminal and let's say PHP artisan make me a new model called phone and give me a migration we're gonna use the - M flag for that and so it creates a migration and a model alright so back to phpstorm we have now this phone and all I will do here is just set my fillable fields to an empty array we've covered all of this before in the series so this is just a very quick review now let's go to the create phone's table and let's create our table here so what does it need well for a phone of course we need a phone we'll save that to a string and we'll save phone and for a one-to-one relationship each record in the database needs to reference our user so we can make them connect and we do that like so we'll say table unsigned integer and then we reference the model so the model that we're talking about is the user model now naming convention in laravel is that you will type the model name say user all lowercase singular underscore ID if you follow that naming convention then everything will work without you having to make a lot of changes so user underscore ID and then we can say me an index on that and typically you're gonna want to index any of the foreign keys and that's it we can close that line now additionally you might want to set up a foreign key and so that's done in the following manner so we'll say this table has a foreign key using the user underscore ID column now that column references what does it reference well it references the ID column on our users table so that's gonna set up a foreign key at the database level so not only at the PHP level but we're setting it up at the database level as well so now let's hook all of this up each of these two models is gonna need some sort of reference to each other so let's start with the user so we said that a user has one phone so let's do that now we'll say public function phone and notice here this is singular for our model name and we're simply gonna return this has one and of course what does it have it has a phone class and that's it now to set up the inverse of this let's go to the phone model and in the phone model we'll say public function so this phone has a user so we'll say that as returned this belongs to a user class does that make sense so in our user model of course our user has one phone and then in our phone we'll say our phone belongs to the user so just to clarify here the table that has the reference in this case the user ID reference is the one that gets the belongs to now the table that you are referencing is the one that gets the has one method so keep that in mind whenever you're setting up this relationship alright perfect so let's put this to work let's go to my routes file just as a quick playground and let's delete all this and all I want to do is this let's say that we have a phone and we'll do that by calling new app phone so now we have this phone now the phone let's go ahead and give them a phone of one two three one two three one two three four great so now or you can do this you can save phone go ahead and explicitly pass in the user ID but I don't really want to do that what I want to do is I want to save through the relationship and I'll show you how to do that so to save through the relationship let's do the following let's whip up a new user and we'll say factory app user class create a user force all right so create a new user force and save it to a variable and then down here we can say user and then we can reference that phone relationship so say phone and then save this phone that we just created this will assign that user ID for us without us having to do it by ourselves all right so let's test this out in the browser let me jump to Chrome and I'm just gonna refresh this page and it looks like we forgot to migrate our database let's do that now PHP artisan migrate and we get some sort of error I bet you I know what it is let's go back to our phones table so this unsigned integer level and recent versions actually change to big integer so it needs to be unsigned big integer that way it matches the size that potentially the user ID could actually be let's try that again then PHP artisan migrate it says the phone already exists so we actually need to run PHP artisan migrate fresh and there we go so we're good to go so we can go back hit refresh on this page and now that relationship should have been created for us let's check out table plus hit refresh so we have these phones and of course we do have that user ID associated already with our phone let's jump back into the terminal and run tinker PHP artisan tinker so let's do something let's grab our phone by just running app phone and give me the first one so we have our phone so how do we get the name of the user will grab phone and then we can get that user relationship if we run it just like that we get the entire app user however if we just want the name then we can say user and then another arrow and let's grab their name and that's the name of that person now let's run the inverse so if we have a user let's grab our user app user and give me the first one so we can grab the user's phone and that's the relationship there we go and if you just wanted their phone number then we can do the same thing and we're gonna have to put another one and just say phone and there we are then we get the phone number for them so that's how you retrieve and safe there is a shortcut for creating so let me show you that now phpstorm back to my web browser so here's the shortcut we have our user instead of doing all of that you can actually say user and then grab that phone relationship but this time we're going to put the parentheses and then you can call the create method a lot like we've been doing before so we can pass an array here and save phone we'll just say to do 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 phone not phone got it alright so let's try this one now let's go back to the browser just hit refresh says that we have a mass assignment issue in our phone looks like I forgot to set that let's fix that error back to my phone we'll just say phone is fillable of course you could also say guarded equals empty array instead both will do the same exact thing all right so let's go back hit refresh and there we go so now we go back to table plus we should also have a second record and we do have that user with ID of 3 and there it is this is the user that is associated with that phone so that's a nice little shortcut that you could do to create through a relationship so whenever you want to create something you can call the relationship on it notice that it does have the parentheses and then you could call the create method on it and then in this manner of course notice how the user ID is not actually being passed in levels taking care of doing that for us so the last thing I want to do is I just want to push this up to github that way you guys can have access to this code in right here I have this repo set up I'm gonna hit refresh and now you have this 101 branch that you can play with and what you can do is you can compare between one and the other and this will only show you the difference between the base layer and what we added to make this work so it's a really nice and convenient way for you to see what I did with the coat so with that being said that's one one relationships in layer Bo
Channel: Coder's Tape
Views: 16,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laravel hasone, hasone relationship in laravel, laravel belongsto, belongsto laravel example, one to one laravel, laravel one to one, laravel eloquent, laravel, eloquent, one to one, hasone, belongsto, database relationship, laravel database relationships, mysql relational database, mysql relationship, relationship mysql, sqlite relational database, sqlite relationships between tables, laravel database
Id: 9yeJ-93B-R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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