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playtime this game is so crazy what is that and why is it chasing eyes oh dude i don't know but i don't want it to catch up guys this game is super crazy adam tricked me he told me it'd be a fun game to play but i actually got scared so many times i'm not playing this game go go go go go get in the bank okay oh adam it's dark in here i don't know what's going on wait adam this is it i don't think we can escape what is up guys welcome to this episode of like yeah today we're seeing if we can beat poppy's playtime wow this looks like a fine colorful game what's this item what i heard dude it's actually a really scary game okay kind of looks like cookie monster cookie monster okay chapter one okay as a new employee of play time you finally returned many years to see everybody disappeared okay what's this oh so guys we are trying to beat chapter one in this video huh okay we're watching a dvd or something oh it was like an old advertisement for the doll i guess oh that's poppy oh okay oh oh that's a little creepy hey yo oh no oh no whoa the video is like lagging you see that yeah i see that dude i think something's going wrong okay something's wrong at the factory i guess we're gonna go explore okay this game is this game scary yeah guys i mean i heard this game is pretty spooky man i heard the ending is like real real nuts guys we're gonna beat the whole game it says find the flower okay easy i'll find the flower no problem oh okay so we're in the factory whoa it says welcome okay wow so it's like abandoned the graphics in here cool it says eat healthy like brown oh that's pretty cool i'm gonna go oh i'm stuck here oh it's a it's a video tape what does it say it says i can't i can't read that okay what are we supposed to do what are we supposed to do i go over here oh okay so you can kind of sprint oh it's like it's like a teddy bear or something okay wow e to interact oh i gotta find the right code am i supposed to guess the code maybe yeah dude i bet i bet oh wait what if it's on the ground it's a puzzle oh red blue yellow i bet there's a puzzle but i'm so smart i'm just gonna guess bro i bet i can just guess it bro no way can you crack the code that's how big my brain be it says poppy wants to play i want to play okay [Music] wait oh i think oh i'm supposed to pick this up and i'm supposed to put it in here oh dude my brain is so big bro like how wait what wait where'd the computer go oh i knocked it over oh whoa that was kind of scary i thought it disappeared okay am i an idiot oh you can just jump over that i'm an idiot oh cool oh boogie bot looks like a oofy bot right here whoa it was a little choo choo train choo-choo wow there's so much stuff to do is that the colors pink yellow red no probably not bro probably not no that might be it you really think so green pink yellow red dude if it is my brain is like it's 5 billion iq like if that's what it is my brain is on a different wavelength bro i'm just different bro no way it was green what pink yellow red dude my brain like people wonder how my brain's so big it's because i was made in a test tube okay and they added all kinds of iq into my brain that's how oh what's this like a generator we gotta fix something more tv whoa i got a hand [Music] [Applause] this reminds me of those toys i get the gooey and i throw him at him when he gets all annoyed because they stick to his head yeah your sticky hand toy yeah okay wait so i need to go back i better use this on that door that was blue dude i'm sure yeah and instead if you click and hold you can like drag stuff back towards you oh i can grab this cool oh that's pretty cool i can pick stuff up yeah that's handy okay ah that's handy okay guys here we go i'll go here oh cool wow we're charging it did i do it oh yeah i opened the door oh no oh oh what's that ed i i don't know dude what's that it says welcome to okay wait that's not poppy bro who is that it's playtime he's waving to me hello hello i'm a yeah sticker giving him a high five yeah we give him a high five high five oh his name's huggy his name's huggy oh cool yeah adam's mom always says i'll go to the store and buy some huggies yeah yeah okay okay mr play type what are we doing there's nowhere oh right here right here right here right here oh oh oh oh what was that oh boy oh the power went out you see that the sparks went over here down the power yeah i did see that that's not good oh let me throw what do i do what do i do oh he's holding a key oh wait he he was not holding that before bro and now his way is the power back on what was that can he see me if this thing jump scares me adam i i will rage i will throw this computer through the ceiling i won't i won't i mean i heard this game is pretty spooky man but we'll see i unlocked it this is really oh i can't see anything item i don't want to play wait what is this oh we gotta fix the generators oh okay that makes sense i guess i gotta follow the wires oh this is getting kind of spooky adam oh oh oh no oh it's oh no oh no another dancing robot oh no oh no it's another oofed robot guys oh what do i do here oh okay i opened it grab to divert power oh so we got the electricity with us we should have read oh i touch it to this oh dude i'm a genius bro like that's how you know i work at tesla bro because i'm good at with circuits and stuff you know what i mean yeah guys when justin's not filming youtube videos with me he's actually at tesla making cars yeah oh they make cars no i'm making a rocket ship to go to elon musk's house right yeah in your head did i do it did i do it i think i did it i think i turned it on i think it turned it on i think you did wait where did it go where'd he go hey are you i don't want to play oh it's not good uh ghosty says i'm getting a little bit scared i'm getting scared um nice all right we're about to beat the game it says make a friend we always want to do that make a friend okay candy cat that's a cool toy wow kind of almost looks like the new plushie candy cat oh what was that what was that oh what was that uh-oh do you see that yeah dude i have to go with it i'm not going in there you have glue dude it's so dark nah what is that what is whoa whoa oh let's icy blast it's like i have a popsicle in a freezer yeah but i got a bad feeling there's something at the end of this hallway dude yeah it's a door silly adam oh no oh i'm getting scared oh i'm getting i'm getting scared don't worry i'm i don't get scared though i got big brain big wrinkly brain i don't get scared bro yeah guys justin's the bravest person i know and he will not get scared in this video i promise you i will try my best to not get scared no promises looks like we need another dvd here but i can't i don't even see one so i'm just leaving i don't really care i don't have time to watch tv uh or are you just trying to skip past this because you don't want to get spooked no i didn't did you see a dvd no what is this i picked something up what was that look like a blue battery or something oh i put it in place i gotta find all four of these oh so we gotta look out for a green yellow and red one oh i jumped down here oh okay it's getting spooky bro it's getting it's getting spooky bro oh oh man it's a baby oh i thought i found the yellow one okay wait this is getting really spoopy adam i mean if you want to say that you're a baby you can quit why why you why are you making fun of me bro you're just sitting there watching you're too afraid to play the game you made me play it what do you mean huh yeah cause it's funny to see you get scared if you were the one played you you would need to wear your huggies okay i'm looking for a red one and a blue and a green one okay oh i gotta open this maybe you need a green and a yellow one to open that i don't know okay i'm opening the door if something jumps out at me i will smash this computer oh this takes us back to where we were oh nice yeah there's the green one all right now we're doing good we're doing really good i gotta go back all right somebody's gonna jump out at me adam somebody's gonna jump out at me i can feel it i can feel so as long as we're brave i don't think anything's gonna jump out at us that's not how that works i i can feel it dude i've looked everywhere where's the red one huh hmm do you think we're in this room alone right now what how does that answer my question i'm looking for a red battery why are you talking about being alone you talk about this all the time oh wait had it we found the dvd oh that's helpful okay i will go watch the dvd instead of looking for the battery because guys i don't think the battery's in here i don't know i can't find it maybe if i oh maybe if i get this to work i can use the crane oh it's there wait that was not there before that was not there before there's no way i'm doing pretty good huh adam yeah you're doing great i activate the claw whoa wait what's it gonna do it's gonna bring back something for you oh it's bringing back the red hand oh that'll be really helpful yeah then i can open this door and the earlier door yeah now i get it okay we're looking good and we're looking really good oh that looks pretty cool oh why would you drop it like that now dude if i jump down there somebody's gonna oof me bro i'm i'm so sure bro well wait you don't need to jump down there because you could just grab it big brain no i can't oh man somebody's gonna move me at him yes i got it anybody anybody tries to up me you're gonna get two big high fives right to the face okay everybody back up all right i'm gonna open this door something better not jump out yo this game you guys could tell this is a good game it's a scary game because i feel like something's constantly going to jump out at me that's how you know it's scary yeah it makes you feel very uneasy because nothing has jumped out at me but i'm scared you know what i mean right what's in that why would i go in here why why would anyone do this bro you have to dude what's gonna be in there i don't wanna i don't wanna do this bro i'm going down a conveyor belt oh there's no oh there's no going back oh oh oh no turning around now am i stuck i can't open this oh this is scary oh no no no no no what is this am i venting like in among us the conveyor belt's moving oh boy it's like we're on a roller coaster but a roller coaster of oof bro i'm gonna get oof this is bad news but this is bad news okay okay so far so good it's just some toys ah something dude somebody's gonna use me bro nah nah wait where's forward where's ford okay okay okay we made it okay we made it wow now we're in like a factory this game is scary i ate him okay what's this needs power where am i supposed to go i gotta go up here this is only chapter one yeah dude just chapter one okay this is kind of difficult i'm not gonna lie there's a lot to do okay oh another dvd player so now we know guys if like to unlock certain parts of the game you kind of you have to watch the dvds oh okay i think i go this way and then maybe this way please oh yes yes yeah it worked what did that do okay wait i'm watching the sparks it's going downstairs oh no yeah we turn it on we turn it on power on nice press the button i pressed it oh what was that oh that's so creepy oh what is it like a train wait what is this oh oh i did something i turned it oh okay oh we're like making stuff oh you're like operating the toy factory i guess i'm making a doll oh this is really cool okay oh let's hope it's cool it says make a friend i want to make a friend whoa it's going through some laser beamers oh man this is exciting okay this thing better not attack us oh it looks really cute wow you have a completed toy now wow this game is really cool okay this thing better not try and ufas because i will i will double high five it like that yeah it should be a nice cat what was the point of getting this i don't understand um i don't know we'll have to see i picked up a toy okay i got the toy oh i know i put it there i put it there i know dude my brain is big bro that's how i worked at tesla because i i passed this test you put the toy here because it says nobody leaves without a toy so now we have a toy so we can leave oh dude my brain is huge man look i'm scanning okay let's go oh something better not jump out at me oh it's mr huggy again oh nice oh don't don't what do i do i don't know run past it i can't what is this game run past it dude run past it are you okay yeah i'm telling you it's that scary i told you it was spooky i know okay i know i saw i saw this door open we have to run through there oh okay i'm not looking i'm not looking i'm not looking i'm not looking you can't make me all right get out of there get out of there oh i'll see you later i will see you later i can't see anything it's so dark it's so dark i think we're safe i think we're safe no don't say that i doubt we are are you always it behind us are you hey y'all hey yo where am i there's something there's something behind us i can hear i'm not playing i'm not playing i'm not playing this game i'm not playing this game anymore no i'm not playing this game i'm not playing ghosty says oh i hate him this is the scariest game ever yo this is that was the craziest bro this game is it's messing with my mental because we were so scared of mr huggy the whole time and then when he finally shows up it's terrifying bro yeah they really built it up i'm not scared of you anymore okay maybe a little just a little i'm not scared okay it's difficult in the vent because it's so dark i don't know where to go i don't know where to go yeah you're right you got to find all the right turns there's some turns okay i'm just not looking back this time if i don't look back it's like he's not even there i'm an idiot i'm an idiot oh you made it don't worry it's behind me it's behind me find me it's find me says danger don't i i don't know where to go i don't know where to go i'm lost i'm lost quick i can't go that way that way all right you got it i fell i fell i fell i fell if you missed a single turn you're oofed if you missed a turn you're oofed come on go go go go go go go go go okay nice tell oh where do i go where do i go i went to the right oh no it's amazing i just guess i just guessed to the right i don't know if it oops me i i don't care i'm not turning around i'm not turning not turning around okay oh i think that's okay i'm not turning around i'm not turning around you can't make me i'm not is it dead okay wait wait oh you gotta crouch you gotta crouch where do i go where do i go where do i go where did i go where did i go oh i think that was right oh okay i ah what am i ooped am i oh no it opened what what was that no i don't know man but you're safe for now no i'm not it's still chasing me i can still hear it oh no oh no i can't run i can't run i can't run i can't run i can't run fine slide oh okay what do i do oh they closed oh you are safe and sound dude it can't hurt you anymore guys see oh no okay see in life guys okay guys i learned how to face my fears i know what to do now i know what to do now you you can't miss a single turn in here i i have no idea what we did wrong when we got to the end there what are you supposed to do i think you just had to like keep going i guess i think you have a certain amount of time before poppy finds you but i have no idea see guys i learned the whole map i know exactly where to go turn right here there you go if you miss a turn guys you just oof so this game is really difficult go here and then you're gonna go down the slide and you're gonna go to the right uh uh yeah you're gonna go to the right up here okay you have go down the slide and to the right to the right and then you crouch the left see i learned the whole map bro wow that's smart guys in life you just gotta face your fears i had to face my fear today i i got spooked but i won't it won't happen again all right and you go left down here crouch and then you're good and then you're good you go this way just don't get lost okay okay that closes which is complete garbage because okay you just have to wait for it to open okay that scared me the first time but now i know okay okay now you go through here and then you it stops you from running so it just gets terrifying but you can't make it see i'm smarter than the game okay now i'm here where do i go i have to do something oh oh you grab this oh oh we oofed him no way dude i think you're a hero dude i'm so lucky i saw that wow wait i said find the flower there's the flower yeah we did it the poppy flower is this where all of the workers are i think so dude wait this is so scary bro no that thing's gonna come back i'm so sure i think we oofed poppy i don't know adam i i no there's no way he's oof that easily there's another dvd over there it looks like maybe that's like an easter egg if you find it i don't care about no eggs right now though it says no go back stop turn around and there's all a bunch of little animals who are oofed i don't like this adam i think we should go through all right i'm not looking bro all right yolo all right we're all right we're all right what is this it goes into a house what is this bro poppy's gonna jump scare me bro i'm already sure i think poppy's just gonna chase us again it's a big long hallway no way is it an endless hallway the dollhouse i'm in a house bro what oh where's your house the house in the middle of a factory what is that little pony maybe it's like we're gonna see someone that actually owned poppy the toy back in the day i don't care about that i want to get out of here oh boy we're close i think we're really close there's something moving up ahead adam goodbye goodbye adam goodbye goodbye oh hey poppy it's the puppy doll oh wow the thing i was chasing us was mr huggy somebody tells me if i open this door poppy's gonna jump scare me i'm almost sure let's see dude let's see goodbye cruel world i'll see you later oh no you opened my case yeah i did guys leave a like and subscribe go check out we actually beat chapter one of poppy and we might have to play chapter two if you guys like this video let's go bro guys that game was actually really scary we played scary games before we played mr hops you know some other games that game was actually really scary bro but that was a really well made game and i did have fun yeah that was awesome bro you already know hey we came in here we beat the game with poppy we're gonna go eat some popcorn [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 6,609,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 1, poppy playtime horror game, poppy playtime gameplay, playtime, poppy, poppy playtime full game, poppy playtime huggy wuggy, poppy playtime game, poppy playtime ending, poppy playtime secrets, poppy playtime hacking, playtime poppy, poppy playtime funny, lankybox poppy playtime, lankybox poppy's playtime, laknybox huggy wuggy, lankybox poppys playtime, poppys playtime, poppy's playtime, poppy play time, play time, huggy wuggy
Id: eXzmFyXF39k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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