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today lanky box is playing the brand new Garden of Batman chapter 7 we have to escape from all new characters like the red syring on Doctor serion cursed purple Jester monster oh no and even a top secret evil new slug character new monster new character unlocked what is that this game is insane and we are going to beat the whole thing in this one video we even unlock a crazy secret ending where jumbo Josh has an epic final boss battle and oops everyone what is this yo this the greatest fight scene I've ever seen in my life you do not want to miss a second of this video so get ready grab some plushies and let's go today we are playing the brand new Garden of bamb band chapter 7 this is super exciting and guys look at this right here Gard of bamb band chapter 8 they got like a new cursed bamb band guys we might learn about this in this video let's get right into the game here we go guys we just spawned in the game and you could see we just took the elevator down here guys we just went even deeper into the garden of B there's drone okay guys wao why is there like Mist everywhere I don't know man is that steam or smoke I don't know and there's like a DOT here and it says to Greatness guys that is the stairway to Greatness guys and what is this oh it's like a new card reader and there's a new button guys this is so exciting we cannot believe we're playing guard of B chapter 7 with you right now guys this is so awesome okay so I got to control the Drone and I got to probably get the Drone to hit this button yes sir yes sir let's go let's go nice guys you do not want to miss this video we are are so excited to play this game today this is going to be so awesome guys we got to see all the new monsters we cannot wait shout out to the developers of Garden of band this going to be super crazy so I got to press this button too with the Drone beep beepo let's go nice okay nice I pressed that boom scanning for announcements announcements announcements oh what is this huh announcement detected okay what is this what is it though huh B bands kindergarten okay what is that a facility-wide code breach has been issued the following media is to be watched by all employees okay welcome to the employee Survival Guide case eight the spider keeping your limbs intact is our top priority this is only achievable if you know what to do in the scenario of case 8 breaching containment knowledge is your weapon that's nabnab step one don't be a hero case 8 is stronger faster and more aggressive than you could ever hope to be true don't try to fight case eight it won't end well for you remember you won't look any better for your office Crush as a mangled mess if you suspect that case h is stalking you locate the nearest surface that you can hide under case h is highly agile and can attack from any angle including above you if hiding is not an option cause as much noise as possible step three contact the emergency services at the first sign of case 8's presence contact the Reclamation team they will be immediately dispatched to your location your liabilities the safety of case 8 is important to us if you use lethal Force against Case 8 in self-defense or otherwise you will be obligated to compensate us as per your contract you want the Reclamation team is trained to handle breaches let them deal with it you are encouraged to work in groups that are no smaller than two employees discovered to have given up their co-workers lives to save theirs will be harshly punished selfishness is the number one enemy of a healthy work environment and with that we conclude this safety guide cool okay guys remember keep a wider eye on the ceiling you may punch in okay guys wo look it's giving us a key card let's pick that up okay it's an orange key card let's go up here wait I hear something I hear wait I hear something from over there oh that's kind of scary guys let's go over here see if it works let me see oh the key card does not work okay maybe maybe we missed something let's go back down here okay see what's over here bro dude I hear something that sound what is this the elevator yeah heyo hey yo that scared me that was chamaki and tataki now guys we'll put a picture on screen from the end of Garden of Bon 6 Every Creature turns like evil and they have like purple eyes that was the cursed tataki chamaki they fell down from chapter 6 that was so so scary that was like a jump scare dude maybe that's what made the smoke yeah guys maybe that's what'll make this key card work nice there we go nice let's go through here yes it did work okay yo ew what are those bugs are those spiders are those like nabnab babies I think you're right it's nabnab babies it might it might be nabnab babies wait there's some very very ominous music playing what is that what is that that looks almost like a person looks like singon looks like the head and the body what is that okay let's go over here guys this is the first puzzle in Garner bamon chapter 7 this door needs to recharge okay so we got to turn on some power I love this guys thank you all for hanging out this is super exciting this is our first time ever playing this game we're very excited okay so these are buttons oh wa it's a merry go round nice man it works ew what is that what is that I picked up what that some tape I got some duct tape why is there little spidies everywhere bro I'm going to get bit in turn into Spider-Man bro those are most likely nabnab babies guys which is really really not good I don't know what these are but that's really gross ew ew ew ew ew ew ew they're everywhere ew don't step on them dude oh my goodness recharge doors yes that's what I want to do okay so now oh and there's a big bucket of javani guys um there's in Garden of bman 6 like there's a giant Barrel this and the Monsters fall in there and they get cursed wait wait I can I knocked it over can you roll it yo wait I didn't even know I could do that wait what oh it's rolling really fast what oh you're going to push it onto the platform I'm can I oh I guess I am yeah H boom Oh wa I didn't even think I could do that cool keep going this concoction remains harmless that's not true guys javani is what curses people so I cannot move this anymore I'm just going to leave it for right now I'm going to go over here and let let let's go through that door that just got recharged okay let's do it wait oh it's na Naina oh dude guys shout out to developers chapter 7 is crazy I really did not see that coming she like snuck in on us when we were busy be careful careful yo wait what okay I did not see that coming so maybe we have to hide from her somehow how do we get back just pee what yeah it just showed us the letter P what was that oh ew ew ew and when we respawn look at the SPID ew they were all in a circle so yes that's confirmed those are NAB nabina's babies bro that was a sussy spider circle so she's not there right now no she was not there before I would have definitely seen her if she was there before so I think when you go over here and you mess with the jaanum she like spawns let's go back wow this chapter is crazy guys wait so what are we supposed to do after I turn this on I think I probably when you turn this on she spawns let me see yep there she is there she is okay so I have to figure out what to do it probably has to do with this bucket it definitely does and we can't go into the other door like on the left there where over here yeah that one I'll try it I don't think so okay got it I don't think so which so what what would I have to do I it's definitely that door over there it's definitely that door this is a puzzle oh BR I don't know what to do she's going to O me if I if I go again she's going to O me oh oh something here oh I got a lighter wait guys the the the the training tape told us if we can't hide make as much noise as possible may I have to light this on fire great idea yeah the javani oh I rolled it now I can roll it I couldn't do that before Oh I taped it I taped it using the tape and I lit it on fire wait wait wa move it I have to send it no I can't send it oh it's going to explode hello that's got to be it though I can't I can't do anything else the arrows the arrows didn't work no it's going to go kaboy if I get closer to it I'm kind of scared honestly uh don't go Bluey on me oh can I should I send it yeah yeah wait should I go with it I have to go with it guys what I think you do is you have to press this and then like jump back onto this and let this go to NAB nain without going so I'm just going to press it and run nice I sent it yes please work please work oh what oh what is she doing what is she doing explode what is she doing oh we might have just o NAB nabina bro that was so lit dude that was a cool puzzle guys so so far curse NAB Naina and Cur chamat Taki tataki have both been OED so now we can finally go through here that was a cool first puzzle let's go okay this is a lot of fun yo what is this okay oh got the empty vending machines okay what is this it says call train yeah we need to do that and this is also call train okay I'm going to use this oh it says go and you will see dot dot dot I don't I don't want to see okay let me press that oh establishing connection oh new video message hello yep oh train offline oh no please contact maintenance so we can't use the train which is not good so it says go and you will see what are we going to see bro oh bro oh no what's over here what's over here bro be careful oh no so I think I think in this in this game in this chapter we're going to have to fight all there something there there's something there's something at the end of the hallway guys we're probably going to have to fight all of the cursed monsters from garden of Bon 7 so we've already got we've seen chamaki tataki and we've gotten nabnab Alina so there's a bunch more though guys oh my goodness let's see what is down here what is that oh okay it's just another TV okay let's keep going all right we're safe I think we're okay for right now don't celebrate too early though what does that say okay it still says train is offline please contact maintenance okay okay now I think we're supposed to go up the stairs here guys this chapter is crazy oh why did the lights just change wait uh-oh I hear something I hear something sus like some Whispering are you okay I think it it stopped okay oh oh what is that huh oh my goodness is that syring on babies I don't know what this is oh my goodness that's creepy that looks like a oh my ew bro why are they like that why are they all tied up bro sus I do not like this I oh my goodness oh and he is just just swagging bro are they dancing no they're definitely not dancing it's it's cuz I bumped into them oh my goodness okay we got to keep going let's go let's go over here okay is that syion I see the outline of syion it's really dark guys but I can see serenon should we go forward hello syan [Music] syan are you friendly yo wait what what something just ran up to us and yeed us something just waddled over to us and yeed us wait we're waking up cut scene I hear something we're on a syring on bed what is that oh that's jaanum in the bag do you humans ever get easier to look at serenon of your bodies disgust me oh me the scissors at this very moment you might think of yourself as unlucky but I am here to tell you that you're actually privileged privileged to be part of my operations you'll die is part of something greater than yourself not of some loser that nobody will remember aren't the scissors How many I have keep difference between hammer and scissors he Ed his own friend was the resour you think trianium grows on trees perfect yo syan is mean oh my goodness that was scary don't trust him guys don't trust singan guys that was so scar oh my goodness find a way out yo so guys we woke up on that on that table on the singon table and singan was just staring at us and he asked his friend to go get him like scissors and his friend got the wrong thing and he OED his friend that is so scary bro so imagine if he's that mean to his like minions think about how mean he's going to be to us and guys he said something really powerful there he said something important he said you're a waste of jaanum so okay this patient needs his medicine oh oh no there's a little guy over there he's sad okay so I think singan is building these guys cuz he probably spent javani to make these guys so these are like jaanum monsters that's what I'm saying that's so crazy okay I found the yellow key card let's go through here so I got to get medicine for that guy wait I hear something what is that oh a trail of jaanum the tra just don't step in it dude guys that that that might be that might be from SLO Seline the snail cuz she leaves a trail of snail sna trail of snail snail everywhere snail Trail yeah open this violation of patient number one oh oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry he said just punched us bro no M why does it say random letters guys maybe those'll spell out something I don't know what those letters mean okay that was super sus so clearly I opened the wrong door guys I got to open a different door so let me go ahead and pick this up let me go ahead and go ahead right here okay now this time I'm going to go through the door on the left there was a different door to go through so singan is definitely evil guys look there's people pounding on these doors I bet it's his experiments his patience they want to get out yeah cuz they're probably just sipping on some jaanian milkshakes let's spy on him oh my goodness bro he's using all of his tools on that guy bro got four arms and he's operating oh my goodness what is this lights I need lights I need that oh okay so turn on more lights let me turn on this too can I please get some lights okay nice oh what is this what is this a lollipop a lollipop that might be the medicine oh okay that makes sense should I open this what's in here wait nobody nobody of me please oh another room oh my goodness guys and he has bags of jaanum just dripping into the patience bro drip drip I got the hammer oh I got more tools Oh no I got the hammer so who what is this okay it says I I knew this day would come given my situation there are a million other things I could be doing right now and yet some strange force inclines me to write my thoughts down despite my predicament I am not disappointed no I'm glad it is finally time to show the world the true extent of my skills I'm more than just a machine for animal manufacturing it is time to put my masterful contingency plans to use too bad my only audience will be my own children which I doubt have the right quantity of appreciation for I can't I I don't understand it is now up to me to lead these poor souls to Salvation and have got so this is from serenon this is from serion I'm pretty sure yep and he's talking about how all of his kids are going to have to watch so you think that he oh I need the purple key card you think these little yeah all these little green guys must be like his kids wait it's jumbo Josh jumbo Josh jumbo Jos jumbo Josh okay wait well I can't remove those oh there we go I'm going to I'm going to give this guy his medicine first cuz he really needs it we got to help him here buddy oh he ate it yeah he ate it oh he threw something what was that oh he threw this what was that rope maybe we're going to use that to like trip singon I have no idea okay what does that do oh oh yeah we put yeah we put the Rope into the trip wire and now when we run and singon chases us boom he's going to fall I think he's going to still catch us but let's try it goodbye I'm out of here violation of patient number one please what happens what happens what happens kill it hey yo do we help him do we help him hey yo hey yo Foxy's doing that dance bro looks like me doing the worm bro yo we're going to put a clip on me doing we're going to put a clip on screen of me doing the worm at one more Target looks like me hey yo this is Si okay thank you you owe me don't worry I'm a surgeon of my word I won't hurt you and not after saving me from your own doing that said the choice to volunteer for me will always be available I implore you to consider the opportunity in any case we have much more important matters to discuss follow me a friend of mine and yours filled me in on most of the action that happened on the floors above they mentioned a nosy human parent being involved sound familiar is that us I was trusted with the final piece of the scepter and I did not plan on breaking this trust and to achieve that I need your help look at the destruction around you the this was all done with an incomplete scepter in the matter of seconds a full scepter in the hands of D do is the guaranteed death of all of us let's make sure it doesn't come to that and look just be on our side I imagine that at this point you're familiar with this green specimen of incredible size and strength drawn on the board it a few hours ago what likely because it's either too scared to stay in the dark or because the naughty ones and Sir dedu aren't leaving it alone and how are we lucky that we got attacked you ask my plan just happens to involve recapturing the Green gorilla and using it to fight sir dadu's Army and reclaim the scepter to its rightful owners problem is the Green Gorilla has vanished after the attack and I've been trying to find it since and it's it's too dumb for dedo's powers to work on it so I'm not too concerned about that it's just a matter of find in this Beast imprisoning it and releasing it when the time is right oh that reminds me I have just a thing for you what's that let's see what my assistance have prepared for us shall we sure thing oh wo oh whoa let me just say by the way serenon is built like Adam bro Adam looks just like serenon bro thank you Adam's mom says that he is a mouth breather introduced to you remote 2.0 a name I totally didn't make on the spot take it it's all yours thanks buddy okay oh we got a new drone see a pathetic piece of equipment like your old remote and the tinkerer inside me goes crazy let's put it to the test see that control panel over there that's where you'll go when you need to take control of your drone this new remote will act like a password it'll give you access to the control panels of course you can still use it the oldfashioned way but some situations will require you to view things from a different perspective there's a big button on the opposite side of this wall let's see see if you can hit it while you maneuver your drone a okay so we got a new drone oh okay what is this the Drone is too far away okay so I'm trying to hit a button on the other side what oh wait what hello I'm trying to get it to hit that maybe I think so yeah okay what's that that did nothing no wait what what was he saying bro no there's a button on the other side of this wall so it's on like that wall how would I do that bro wo what is that is that like a giant statue of singon it looks like singan yeah okay guys I'm very very very confused so guys jumbo Josh is still alive oh what is it it says are we doomed that's what Adam asks all the time I don't think so and there's check marks oh so this must be who's alive no bambolina I hope she's alive cuz Adam has a huge crush on her hold on so jumbo just alive and the question marks he doesn't know so maybe he's tried to use all of the ones with x's and they failed in the past no I mean I think these are oofed like chamaki and tomaki are oofed you know what I mean yeah so jumbo Josh is one of his last hopes he's alive Sheriff toter is alive he's alive Kitty sorus is Ed zus is still alive and we don't know about bamb ban or Seline or uh uh Stinger Flynn or a few others oh my goodness okay um what am I supposed to do again hey seran can you explain the rules again please guys this is how Adam stands he stands like that and he just breathes like that that's what Adam does guys it's crazy okay yep that's true oh oh oh oh wait we're we're controlling the Drone you're the Drone yeah wow lanky drone oh so we can control the Drone now and so what you have to fly to the Statue or something no there's a button on the other side of this wall he said wait is that zus hello be careful wa wait wait wait wait that's zus that's zus yeah there's the button there's the button wait let me back up that's zus bro oh what who who whoa whoa who whoa oh so you have like a certain time otherwise it like goes back oh okay now we got it I have to go hit the button come on let's go let's go skirt y this is really difficult go go go go go go go go go go yes and then how do I get out of drone hard was it that was cool well too bad that's your problem we never get to find in that Green Gorilla I have no idea what sir D Do's planning but something tells me it ain't pretty there's a witness waiting for me on one of the streets and I've got a mess that I got to clean up thanks to you why don't you go talk to them instead I told them I might not come myself anyway and instead send someone so they'll talk to you the city is lit up so it should be safe from the naughty ones all right yeah guys um oh says find clues that would lead to jumbo Josh's whereabouts yo back up yo okay we just learned a lot it says you may speak to seran to learn more about the scepter so guys that is Queen boun cilia scepter the heart scepter it says vulnerable when under its effects I don't know what that means but we can't let it fall into the hands of Sir Dadu also guys something we learned is that he said jumbo Josh is a gorilla so guys that note we saw earlier it was saying that he was making animals so up until now we thought all the monsters in the garden Bandit were like people that got transformed I think they were animals so maybe it was like a zoo that would make sense and they ran out of food at the zoo so they just started them jaum yeah dude cuz these are all animals jellyfish a kangaroo birds that makes sense okay spiders okay we go over here what is this please wait to be called estimated wait time 11.7 years okay I'm not reading this guys too much to read but you guys can pause it and read that let me open this what's in here oh to Town Square oh that's a lot of reading Adam what does that say bro by entering singon you hereby accept the following terms and conditions you may be arrested at the mayor's discretion at any time without a reason and you will comply you will participate in the mayor's operations at the mayor's discretion at any time when chosen you may be executed at the mayor's discretion at any time without a reason you must bow to any statutes of the mayor you pass by not doing so is a crime that's important that's important crimes against others will be prosecuted accordingly unless against humans or naughty ones you will live by the above rules and be content okay so guys this is a bunch of rules he must be the mayor cuz obviously it's his town but I think the most important thing is this you have to bow to the Statue and we saw that statue of him to Town Square so probably if you don't read that you don't bow to the Statue you get oofed so I'm going to go over there okay so this is like his little city who oh hey yo that guy runs like Adam on the playground bro yo and this guy is T posing he's Double T posing bro wow Double T pose dude okay let me let me bow to the Statue I don't know if that counts please don't o me okay that's so sick that's how Justin looks after he eats a Hot Pocket that's how I look when I get some lanky box merch let's go bro okay wait wait wait that's that's zus in the background that's definitely zus hold on okay let's go this way so we're looking to talk to someone he said we had to talk to somebody it says yep it says welcome to City gon so it's a seran city this is so cool guys oh wow yeah thank you oh what was that sound I just heard a sussy sound find and speak to the witness what witness all I know about is litness cuz this lit oh this guy looks vacant looks like Adam bro that's how Adam looks when he sees like a math problem he can't do yeah I just kind of get hypnotized and this one is Sir dad's babies's just oofed okay are you the witness hello be careful who are you bro no no this guy's friendly hello hello yo hello ah he just ignores us just like everyone else in our lives guys sating is a very interesting place I don't feel that safe around here I feel like so this is crazy guys like singan moved here and literally built the city himself that's crazy okay where's the witness okay oh this wait this place is huge hey yo Motel oh oh wait I thought I had this key card I guess I don't I guess that's a different key card okay to the theater oh wait this guy's like a cool hat what's up bro are you the witness so they got a movie theater a motel [Music] that that's Mr Kebab man that's why you're losing buddy wow wait that's Mr Kebab man from the other chapters and he's te- posing I cannot interact with him but this guy's in a staring contest with him okay have fun I guess I can't talk to him the theater there's a guy over there wait so this is wait this area of the game is huge bro oh my goodness okay let's go back so I probably have to get like a bunch of stuff in this City to find the witness it's not going to be as easy as just finding them we probably have to do a bunch of puzzles so let's go over oh hello who are you what's up out of all the people that the mayor could have sent he sends you a human it's this guy what happened to this city he must just be hiring anybody now fine I'll stoop down to your level I've seen what the monster that attacked the city looked like but I don't know where they went how I'll draw a picture of them for you if you could just bring me something to draw on a gift from myself to the mayor for all he's done to us all he's done to us not all he's done for us that's an interesting thing okay let me go over here oh was a note oh paper you can draw on this buddy wait isn't he just going to draw jumbo Josh we know it's jumbo Josh oh he's drawing he's cooking let this guy cook this is the best I can do and don't ask for another one I don't draw duplicates not for your kind what go to the bar and ask around with this photo they'll have somebody more intelligent than you on the case Okay Okay pathetic oh yeah he did draw jumo Josh okay so guys now we got to go find a place says find someone at the cafe that will help you with this drawing all right guys so uh that's the tools mark I'm looking for the cafe it's probably this way guys so we're going to go to the cafe and we're going to show someone there the picture that was drawn and hopefully they can help us there it is yep there it is guys all right let's yep there it is let's go inside this is lit it says restaurant but it says no humans allowed uh-oh are we allowed in there huh I guess I'm just going to go see wait I can't open the door I guess I'm not allowed what maybe I'll sneak around the back oh we sneak around the back what's over here yellow glass is a breakable material but the Drone cannot be commanded directly to it some situations require seeing things from a different angle okay what is this oh a hat oh we got a cool hat okay um you can become the Drone yeah I can become the Drone oh yeah we want to get in there okay let's get in there somehow let me become the Drone here the Drone is too far away oh let me summon it there it goes now I can do it maybe it won't let me do it wait what hello oh okay nice okay so how where would I go oh this oh okay this way yellow glass wait what may I have to go around this side yeah most likely there it is there it is yellow glass yellow glass yellow glass nice man let's break it oh ye oh ye oh no no hurry oh I got to hit that I got to hit that button I got to hit that button boom Yes W now I got to go hit that button W please Yes W and that should open the door guys I think that did it so oh wow we can like surveillance spy drone mode there's nothing in here though okay let's just leave okay nice so now the door should be open nice or it's not the side door right the side door the side door no it's oh yeah yeah okay it's lit up yes wait but it says no humans allowed are we going to get attacked when we go in here M I don't think so I'm not scared I hope not hey don't get scared at him oh it's kind of kind of lit okay hello oh okay the Drone we got to hit the drone over here over here buddy Boop I got to go over like that I got to go in here nice nice nice dude we're the Drone shout out to developers the Drone feels a lot easier to use in this chapter which is awesome okay I open oh oh okay oh this opens yes we're going downstairs please don't attack us oh bro that's me and Adam bro after like a big big dinner that's me ad that's B after some Pop-Tarts and that's Adam after some milk oh they got lollipops too yeah but I thought that was their medicine oh wait okay it says no humans allowed and it says um you can either have strawberry or javani no don't eat Jenum lollipops don't lick that lollipop oh okay what's up dude so you're what the mayor warned us about you're even more disgusting in reality huh take your business elsewhere your flesh disgusts me hey that's not nice okay so we got to talk to everyone yo this guy's this guy's zoned right there bro yeah that's okay okay this guy also looks zoned I how all these guys look these guys have no idea where they're at okay okay let's go okay what's up guys this is guys POV POV bro your Adam from likey box trying to sit at the lunch table hey hey guys what's up fellas can I sit here [Music] okay okay okay does anyone know I get I I I got to show the drawing to everyone ask if everyone knows who he is hello can you help me someone's got to know oh I can change my drone here I'm not going to do that wait no one wants to help what guys come on maybe I have to keep talking to this guy as a fil free establishment your presence is not welcome here what as a fil free establishment your presence is not welcome here get lost buddy okay I can't talk to this guy oh I did I did just pick up a key card though so maybe I just leave you like go back upstairs I think maybe I leave and I use the key card somewhere else I I cannot talk to any of these guys you could try the motel we saw that earlier yeah that's what I'm thinking but I got didn't I get like a blue key card uh maybe I don't remember the color bro uh-oh I think I just leave let's book it oh oh right here blue blue nice is there someone in here oh oh what is this another key card what is that oh it's an ID as one of these serion uh creatures so I probably will fit in like this smart there we go okay now this guy will think I'm not a human hello nice yes sir yes sir I believe it did you need something yeah do you know jumbo Joss interesting the boss will want to talk to you head to the back and I'll have the door open for you okay thanks thanks okay that worked we tricked them bye bye bye everyone good meeting everybody see you okay lit okay wow now we just leave he said to go out the back you see this might be a trap though I don't trust this guy you don't trust him I don't trust this guy wait where do I go set go around the back I did H maybe I go this way maybe I go oh this way this way perfect yes the boss huh let me talk to the boss let me talk to the big boss wait what where's the where's the back oh this way this way this way my bad my bad this way what yep it's opening who's the boss be careful oh sheriff toster no way oh what's up dude the Queen's personal bodyguard to some Bounty Hunter living in an alley what a humiliating downgrade huh I couldn't save Mason if you were wondering the naughty ones got her I think I'm staring at my worst nightmare a world ruled by criminals and law Breakers while the helpless Heroes hide in fear I would say we're back where we started but it's worse than that for all we know everyone that you don't see around here is either dead or brain dead the mayor has you on that ridiculous Planet using the Green Gorilla against sir dadoo to too you're on your own on this one it's impossible to pull it off without fake broccoli and I'm all out of fake broccoli what we got someone in one of the apartment buildings claiming they have very valuable information about the whereabouts of the Greek gorilla this red key card will give you access to set apartment building wouldn't hurt to see what they got okay it must be the motel this must be for the motel let's pick that up yes was Rob to transfer me down here when they did I belong in some forgotten alley next to all the garbage and carton boxes no ain't any more useful than they are no you're a good guy I bet speak to the witness at the motel okay there's a note back there I want to get it it's probably secret okay wait what I can't oh yep okay what does this say Adam we really need to talk about this he's growing at a rate that's far greater than we anticipated but the size is the least of my concerns as he grows in size so will the chance of him getting discovered for other reasons his crying will become louder and the rumbles he makes every time he moves will become more noticeable he is also maturing fast and soon what little distractions we give him will not keep him quiet while we're not around what child could bear being away from their parents for so long I think we need someone to look after him while we're away there are many abandoned materials laying around down here so I'll get started with those okay I have no idea what that means but guys there's a giant secret there Sheriff toaster Adam you got to brace yourself buddy I think he said that Miss Mason didn't make it the naughty ones got to her I feel like Miss Mason is the name of bambolina and we all know everybody knows Bambina no I don't guys bambalina might be OED I I think that's who Miss Mason is I don't know but bambolina was a teacher so when he said Miss Mason I just thought of bambolina bro I'm sorry I'm sorry to break this news to you Adam but and also she had an ex next to her on the picture that seran had that's cap guys first of all I don't have a crush on bamb everyone say this with me on three 1 2 3 CR bambolina okay nice is the red key card let's go Motel thank you for that oh it's kind of broken in here okay going up the stairs thank you Justin who's in here I bet somebody's hiding in here I bet somebody's hiding I bet it's like bamb ban or somebody maybe it's bambolina maybe Adam will be happy let's see we're breaking in oh no it's another one of these guys oh get me fore fore fore [Music] yeah wait there's literally a sound I thought it was this light there's just a sound that's like in the background this whole time that's so funny okay wait dude nice room buddy this looks like me and Adam's room got the mattress got the bathroom bro hey yo need some more toilet paper this does does look like our bathroom Adam always using toilet paper bro yeah they got a nice bed that's a nice room dude that is literally like our setup okay somebody's just constantly screaming upstairs let's go stop him here some jaum uh hello yep the screaming is getting louder please stop oh it's really dark please stop stop what is he doing what still hungry oh no remember you you always hated my jokes the jester run oh you don't to tell me T what where was I supposed to run what e okay we're back here this says emergency exit I think I'm supposed to jump out of there yeah most likely I'm still hungry it's the jest remember you you always hated my jokes no I thought they were funny I'm out of here uh where do I go I can't dude I can't see anything I'm out of here yo I kind of cooked right there I I didn't even know where I was going but I ran uh oh wow this Chase music this Chase music is intense bro dude we're doing parkour oh big jump oh yo hey yo hey yo I thought he couldn't make that oh no oh no oh no big jump we're doing parkour and stuff shees yo so is Jester though they're good oh oh my goodness oh parkour oh oh how did he make that keep going catch you catch me Sheriff toer catch me Sheriff toadster got you yes nice thanks Sheriff toadster this is not how I imagined I'd be spend in my afternoon me neither thanks buddy out inside okay I'm following you oh nice I don't understand all I asked you was to go talk to a witness in order for us to find the whereabouts of jumbo Josh I tried that how did that end up with you running away from a crazed bitter giggle on rooftops I don't know go stand in the corner to my left and don't make any noise he put us in timeout huh I got to just stay in here what corner oh a note okay guys you can pause that and read it if you want but what what what corner corner to his left this left hello what corner this one I can't go that way he must be in this one yeah I got to be okay I'm in the corner I'm not making noise I in timeout really do I have to look at the wall like Adam when he's in timeout that's true guys that's what I have to do what am I what I supposed to do Sheriff toadster let's just walk all around all four corners what I'm doing you can't jump up there no calm down or I will have to take legal action legal action get toast wow that was a cool line he said get toasted oh no I'm out I didn't mean to it's okay I deserve this no no you don't buddy despite everything that's going down I can't stop thinking about this one thing it's sad time of your day to make somebody laugh we don't cherish that nearly enough that's deep worst yet have yet to experience such an eoric feeling I'm always the one telling jokes and I've yet to have someone tell me a joke I'll tell you what knock knock who's there where is tell me a joke oh man K I'll try why don't animals eat Jesters CU they taste funny don't get it he didn't get it no wait that's actually not bad at all now stay with us no goodbye my friend bro no just leave me alone please wow guys that was so sad the Jester's final dying wish was to hear a joke I would tell him one too knock knock who's there foxy foxy who foxy going to get some merch he like that one no he didn't like that all right let me try another one knock knock who's there oh I got another one hey why did the Adam cross the road why to go to Walmart and Target get merch and also diapers all right let's go dude all I'm out of here bro where do I go oh the button button wow get toasted dude bro get he got toasted like some bread that was crazy that sheriff toaster said get toasted and Ed his only friend that is crazy that he just did that guys all right guys that was really sad actually they played sad music and that was like really emotional for some reason all right let's go back go back and talk to this guy now that we made his crazy neighbor stop yelling all right what you got for us really well-designed chapter guys it all makes sense so far okay what do you got he's got a key [Music] card okay okay thanks okay so he didn't tell us anything he just gave us a key card head to the theater okay nice so we're going to go to the theater this is really cool guys we're exploring like the whole town so we're going to watch a movie and then maybe there'll be more clues there no it's a theater Adam they're probably going to do some sort of um like a a musical or something oh like a play yeah something like that oh Justin loves going to those yes sir I always go with Adam's mom to the Opera it's lit yep he wears tuxedos yes all right to the theater we go oh nice okay oh whoa It's Stinger Flynn what's up buddy what are you doing here oh paper oh dear Mommy where are you I miss you this looks like something Adam wrote his mom the jellyfish is gone too everyone is scared there's Claire the person and the Miss Mason is Miss Mason bambolina and the face that's zus that's zus definitely got to be yep that is deep what's up Stinger Flynn how you doing oh oh he doesn't want to talk to us can't say I'm happy to see you alive and well that crazy leech cannot turn me into one of his minions but it is still dangersous for me to wander out there I want you to think of the amount of Terror the children would feel at the sight of even just one of these naughty ones these mindless animals that hate nothing more than they hate humans at this point I would not eliminate the possibility that they found where I've hit the children what it is your actions that have even made this a possibility in the first place it's all your fault regardless there is another thing I want to show you oh time for a dream it sure looks like you need it he's going to hypnotize us we're going into a hypnotic State cut scene bro oh okay that looks like Adam bro Adam does that there nabnab there b b plan now Stinger I guess the same as always what we continue this forsaken Journey to the beach we're in the middle of the air so how exactly are we going to do that I do not know okay sheesh relax everyone just calm down I apologize I'm just tired all tired of what tired of everything that's deep there is no point that what what I failed to locate the point in doing and I failed to locate an end sight what's going into you why are you so negative all of a sudden yeah maybe it's time to abandon this I mean how did we end up flying over a sea of Ganan instead of an actual sea okay that's it maybe you should let the captain fly the plane if this is your mentality what are you doing I am finished with your constant batt it is always a mistake to start the conversation what he yo oh no oh no oh no oh no no and he's still just sitting there Kevin fiddles do something nabnab do something oh nabnab no nabnab what y yo are you out of your nonexistence yo we jumped out of a plane and yo they were they did that over a sea of gyum an ocean of gyum guys and then our plane exploded that was lit that was like an action movie bro what wait but that is a huge leak wait and he just claimed your ticket this must be our ticket that's our ticket wait so he just left wait a minute guys didn't Stinger Flyn just say that he hit everyone though so like Stinger fln's behind everything he maybe he hit everyone at the beach that he keeps talking about going to so is Stinger Flynn good or evil I have absolutely no idea what's going on if I'm being totally honest I have absolutely no idea all right let's go to the theater at the at the first in the first time we had a dream with singer Flyn he was driving a car then that when he was driving a plane this guy is upgrading what's up buddy uh one ticket please one ticket please what why would you say that why did you say that dude what why is everyone so mean everyone's so mean I think everyone doesn't like us because we're human the button of oof part two okay okay guys you guys can read that if you want oh flumo and Friends wait what flumo maybe that's the name of the movie we're going to watch huh I don't know okay this is cool what the lick of 78 what is this egg what is this egg the hour of band Banning yep but watch out for that lost in the zumbo sauce what is this guys oh okay what oh what is this is this where we're going bro let's do it man oh man dude we get to see like a ballet Opera okay guys shout out chap 7 this makes so much sense it almost makes a dollar bro what is this hey what's up buddy what is this some lights flashing what are we doing fellow appreciator of Fine Art are you yes sir what's that you're only here for the caller no I know an appreciator of Fine Art when I see one yeah but something's not right they won't start the play why not tell you what you help me get the play going and this collar will be yours to take what I think it might be that the headlights aren't working did you figure out why we're suddenly trying to help fix a stage play got to do what you got to do I'm honestly very confused we're trying to get a caller like what oh what is this oh it's a puzzle you have no light bulbs oh we need three light bulbs okay what so maybe we're putting on like a big play guys and we're going to help backstage oh that's a that's a light buol okay so we need six oh my goodness okay all right it's a scavenger on this is fun yeah there's one here too nice what looks like an astronaut helmet okay we're looking for six of those I saw some of those coming in oh is that one no yo so they can't already be lit up guys wait how am I going to find six I haven't even seen oh there's one okay that's three are there some back out here probably not I feel like they'd all be in the theater I highly disagree ah you were right okay there's uh that's five we need one more wow I was really wrong oh bro where would the last one be got to be in the theater this is getting tricky guys let's go I don't understand though why we're trying to get a caller what what is that about there it is maybe the end of this chapter we're going to get to watch like an awesome play oh yeah lost in the zumbo sauce that's what Adam says he is bro right guys okay we did it and this and then we're done w w RZ okay let's see this play speak with the witness see this awesome Play Let's Go perfect but there's one more thing oh come on this is precisely my 5 168th time watching this play and I feel it could be made a little better it's time to put my own twist on things what I'm preparing for the show of a lifetime for that we need some exclusive material what hard part's done now it's a matter of oh wait we got something huh the delivery is here what delivery dropped it off by the main entrance can you go grab it yo while I promise you okay fine what are we just doing chores with this guy he got an Amazon delivery Prime come on bro guard of chores chores this is crazy okay we're just running errands oh no it's the it's theila bird uh-oh uh is that going to attack us uh hello let's hear if they hello that's not that's not Amazon Prime that that that that's not Amazon Prime oh it's a giant uh bird on Wheels what oh it's like a carriage I guess right or hey Adam what do you call KFC uh when it's Uber Eats delivered what Meals on Wheels a w w w joke delivery W joke W [Laughter] joke nice one man nice one what is this part of the game I just have to roll this thing down there what is the point of this what is the point of this I guess this is for the play like they need it to start the play or something it's going to CR it's going to crash what [Music] what what are we doing it's too thick going to tip over there it goes you had to do that three times third times the charm buddy oh no oops okay well we delivered the thing so he must be happy you're welcome all right you're welcome huh did it just crash we go look at where it crashed can I have the collar or whatever uh I think oh my goodness it's dark I can't even see [Music] no definitely we don't go over here hey buddy I did it are we done do we have to do that again no we're done collar is yours to take but you must stay and watch the play with me what right that you do okay I guess I'll watch manag to impale the Green gorilla with a Tracker his proximity collar will beep faster once you're close enough oh only the foolish populace this Dreadful City would appreciate these things like you and I I learned from the great aner themselves what who's that now let us enjoy this ante eater what I'm I'm not watching this bro I don't understand nothing's even happening give me that and it's all thanks to you okay maybe I will watch it what is it so guys this caller will start beeping more close to jumbo Joss it's like it's like Adam's mom she put air tags on us about a man named Jonathan with an S Jonathan a man so dedicated to uniting two Star Cross lover Birds he was willing to give up everything to see it happen this is the story of Jonathan with an S uh yo this guy's seen this 500 times I feel bad for this guy this is nuts guys they put a play in here you don't actually have to watch hey Jonathan I have a gift for you you're going to like it but you have to promise me to take it as far away from here as you possibly can before you open it okay I love gifts but can you please give me a hint as to what's inside I can't it wouldn't be a surprise if I do that okay I have a gift for you you're going to like it but you have to promise me to take it as far away from here as you possibly can before you open it you already said that wait did I already say that line yes you did yes you did Sir that uhoh this is another one of your tricks Jonathan I'll have you arrested rcky Jonathan it is indeed one of my tricks what you and everyone else will pay for what you've done to the poor birds of the Town what is it what is this still the player is this real is this part of the play am I supposed to run I think we run oh no that's the appeal oh oops hey you know about this buddy uh where' It Go hey yo it's Crystal PE bird oh it's two of them oh no that's not part of the play I'm out of here bro oh I'm cooked oh we're cooked we're scrambled like some eggs oh no this is bad why did I even sticker out to watch that play I should have just left l l Oh Oh no you're good you're good you're good oh oh br oh BR a is not that fast I feel like I'll say that okay I can't even close the door so let's hope they don't chase me oh nice oh nice finally call these two that was really intense okay so guys this color will start beeping faster when we get closer to jumbo Josh like I said it is just like Adam's mom she put air tags on both of us and she can locate us exactly guys so she knows where we're at at all times it's so cool so lit okay it's beeping slower I can't tell I just got to go to the place of the Town we've never been to before this is like the entrance we've never been this way so guys keep an eye out once it starts beeping faster we'll know that we're really close to jumbo Josh this is the singan statue oh no it's still the same what is this okay I think it's beeping really slow right now I don't think it's the right spot so jumbo Josh is hiding somewhere in the city I think so yeah bro where you at jumbo Josh we'll find him there's zus feel like it's beeping faster am I am I losing my mind I think so yeah I think it's beeping the same oh wao what's this heyy yo okay yes sir yes sir let them cook guys sir get lanky box merch and just dance like this in the aisle yes sir yes sir sir yes sir at Walmart and Target this is me Adam and Foxy when we're at Walmart Target look that's foxy there in the middle yes sir guys especially especially if you get the brand new singing foxy cuz she can actually sing it's awesome that's true guys press her paw she'll start singing and then just start dancing this is lit I love that they put Easter eggs in this game like this what is the point of this oh no wait what is that what is that in front of them is that s d Oh that's kittysaurus oh they're dancing by the OED kittysaurus body that seems kind of disrespectful bro but they are cooking I'm not going to lie and now I'm going to interrupt this to have a lanky box dance party let's go let's go everyone let's go yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir yay okay guys grab your merch and dance with Justin okay well that was a total distraction wait what does this say what are we doing again the monster ran this way is that true we're still looking for Jumbo Jos oh yeah we haven't been here the tools Mark that's true oh awesome yeah it's probably at the tool Place do we have the key card for this I think this is right okay wait it says access to tools Mark okay yeah W what does that mean yeah it's beeping thing is red find a way into the tool shop oh oh what is this sir dad is the principal he's beautiful he's gorgeous that's what Adam that's how he describes himself that's how Adam describes himself not true never disrespect sir Dadu worst mistake of my life ah naughty Corner this person timeout yep makes sense oh this person is looking at a a textbook of ban ban or nabnab and nabnab Alina they got singan and Jester what you got oh your father I've been taken captive by a crazed Creature if I don't make it out of here alive please know I'm appreciative for all you've done for myself and others this message has taken me a lot of effort to write as I have no hands to write with at least be proud of that please oh good job little guy how'd you write that see you oh Sher toer Queen B Celia oh yeah they got all the characters oh Adam has a hug crust on Bambina and what am I supposed to do here oh what am I supposed to do it says 0 seconds I probably have to push some buttons maybe this is for later so maybe we have to go to the tool shop first no it says we have to find a way into the Tool Mart so we probably have to beat this game to do it let's head back over to the tools Mart and see if we can get in there um I don't know if we can though it says we have to find a way in oh maybe we have the key card no oh this is where serenon puts like his hands so oh wait it's beeping jumbo Josh is nearby he's definitely in here okay so he's behind that door we just got to figure out how we get in there okay it says access tools Mark I bet there's a puzzle here there has to be cuz there's so much stuff here it says everyone welcome to new principal maybe I have to press a button to start this timer yeah yeah yeah register attendance yep we're here for school I think you're just in time for the pop exam no if you've attended class consistently this exam will be a piece of cake the task is very simple all you have to do is match the correct icons on the left screens to the correct icons on the r screen teamwork is everything you are allowed to walk around and discuss the answers with your classmates oh I get it this is worth a big part of your final grade you'd better focus it's bambolina and as usual failing will result in dire consequences okay okay so guys I got to match oh hey yo uh H oh you got it dude you got it I'm not really sure where that one goes I'm not I'm not really sure where that one goes I have okay I have 2 and a half minutes okay I almost panicked okay oops I shouldn't have pressed that one first I have no idea what that one is uh um uhoh this one l oh no hey don't attack me oh I only get one try no bambolina no no not this again with the hand not this again not this again no bro I didn't know I could only mess up once guys listen I will get this this time for the exam yeah I know if you've attended class consistently this exam will be a piece of cake oh I get it the task is very simple all you have to do is match the correct icons on the left screens to the correct icons on the rid screens teamwork is everything you are allowed to walk around discuss the answers with your classmates okay this is a big part of your final grade ready you better focus I'm focused and as usual failing will result in dire consequences listen guys that last round I was distracted by Adam's Aura because he has such a giant crush on bambolina it was not my fault so basically guys we're trying to match the eyes like that has to be bambolina that's that one obviously you have to match the eyes to the right symbol so she has the bow tie so I go like this go like this W Riz w you is okay that's nabnab that's nabnab and guys I'm like going into a hypnotic state right now because I do not know okay wait it's nabnab party hat party hat party hat there is no party hat how's that even possible wouldn't it be what's on nabnab Alina so go check out the picture of Na nalina I think she has like a bow on oh yeah she has a green bow no the eyes are the wrong way Adam Adam's trying to get me OED bro I don't trust that I I'll skip that question come back to it guys this is how I actually take tests in school okay there a bird and oh the eyes are going the wrong way guys I'll also skip that one and come back to it guys don't worry about it okay so that's syring on and he's looking this way yes and do this one Boop this one that has to be syring on Yes W RZ okay that's got to be Sheriff toadster oh no his eyes are looking the wrong way does it matter which way the eyes look I guess not I guess not guys that yeah that first time I was distracted because I could tell Adam has such a huge cross on bambalina okay so it's got to be this one and this one yes and that's the bird so it's the beak W and that what is okay hold on oh that that's the jester that's the jest wait is it no it's not oh bro oh brr oh brr or is it Queen Balia oh no okay wait by process of elimination if I get Dad to do to this one it's got to be gesture yes sir yeah purple to Green tell me there's not another and a half I have to do good job nice thanks well marks on the first part to the second and then much hard much harder l what does that mean start it you got to press the button again no do I I think so oh oh oh 7 Minutes seven minutes oh it's lit oh it's lit okay wait that's NA Naina I got this that's easy and as Justin solves these I just want to remind everyone we cannot mess up even once that's what I was just going to say if I mess up one time we lose wait oh wait so wait that's band band do I go band band to band band I think so yeah no way it works like that yeah cuz look that sheriff toaster star and he's over here you want to try Sheriff toaster no way oh BR there's a lot of combinations bro okay so um that's okay that uh that's syeni on I'm GNA go look for his claw there it is nice okay jumbo Joss jumbo Joss is right here jumbo Joss jumo J guys this is actually a really cool quiz because it you have to like play all the other chapters to like know this I feel like okay so I'm looking for ban ban there's ban ban ban ban the ban ban and Queen B Celia oh this is crazy to Queen boun cilia perfect and then um nabnab which one does he have he has the one party hat yes sir that's it yo this is nuts okay that one and then um uh was that slow Seline oh no oh I'm panicking okay hold on that's bambolina and Adam has a huge crush on her it's got to be that one bambolina stop saying that oh yeah Adam oh yeah I don't have a crush on her oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I'm going get real close to her then I'm not I'm not even nervous see I'm nervous he nervous he nervous thinger Flyn what is it the electricity probably yeah that's not even fair it doesn't even tell me what it is let's do him last it doesn't even tell you what it is it just makes you guess that has to be sad do right oh BR okay let's do the jester the jester wait what wait what the gester is not complete what oh there it is yeah on the right side so you got to do the purple one first I see gester to Jester oh slow s is a shell slow s a shell nice right is that one in this one yep that's not how slow SCS look okay nice okay there's only like two more guys we cannot take an out right here okay so there's purple and blue is that the bird it goes with that the tarda bird oh bir okay listen I'm going to go Stinger Flyn to electricity it can't be anything else yeah that makes sense it has to be it can't be any of these yep Stinger Flint to electricity yes okay okay I think I think a pea bird has the yellow be that's a PE Bird right yeah let me check let me check let me cook yes and the other one has the the the the orange yes we got it we got it we got it boom guys this is nuts okay that to this yes and then uh this bird to that which means that this has to be this one Captain Captain fiddles W please record time world record I'm not I'm not cheating your attendance doesn't really matter your knowledge on the subject of the exam I'm impressed we're smart if there's another teacher in town that's been teaching behind my back you should give me their name after we're done what now to the final and hardest part what begin part three no way there's part three to this test okay let's press the button if it's like 10 minutes that's crazy it's going to be longer than 10 minutes oh 6 minutes oh oh it's less time but it's harder that is fair and lit let me go uh bird to bird wait if I mess up dude I shouldn't even say that we have to go back to the very start L guys I cannot mess up this is crazy okay this and this okay so now at least we know what all the answers are okay slow to the Shell speed round oh but we haven't seen dat do before okay Jester uh Jester to Jester I think dat do is just the blank circle on the left side I'm not going to listen at him he's trying to deceive me cuz he wants bambolina to himself no oh I don't Stinger Flyn bro the Stinger bro guys please don't comment that everyone com guys that is 100% factual truth guys saying that actually helps me focus on this task nice okay nice okay um that's NAB nabina go over here you're nuts man Adam has a huge C mbina okay Sheriff toadster to sheriff toadster band ban to band ban lit okay that's the bird there's the beak okay Queen bound seal wait oh I almost messed up which one's Queen it has to be this one the bounc Cilia to the this on okay and there's only one left right sir dadoo boom let's go let's go too easy W let me out of here great job class everyone gets an A+ let's go C class if you work hard you succeed true that is true you may all now take a break and then we'll move on to chemistry what okay oh she left Adam uh says he wishes he had chemistry with bambolina I've never said that guys I all time bro yeah enter the building that the color leads to how did she open the building I think so yeah maybe we got to retrace oh key card key card key card nice key card let's go dude let's go we're going to find jumbo Joss that was a cool puzzle guys I actually like that one a lot okay so that's where it yo where'd you come from i s it team of bounty hunters to check out this building earlier uh-oh maybe that's why they never came back uh-oh need I say what needs to be done next yeah what needs to be done next oh you're not going to tell us so that's like a certain key as usual my assistants have proven themselves to be completely useless and now it is up to us to do their jobs for them okay we got to stop juming Josh the future of everyone and everything is in all six of our hands I'll stand out here and make sure nothing gets in or out what sounds like a fair split in the tasks to me no that's not fair he he said we got to take care of jumbo J ourself he's just going to be what the guard here at the door oh no we're all on our own that is not a fair splitting of Tas syan okay oh it's dark oh what is that what is that this is epic oh syring on Statue got to bow to it oh okay where's jumbo Joss I can't oh I need a key card I'm going to get jump scared so badly it's so dark oh my goodness what where's the key card what did we miss it no there's no way probably got a jump or something like a Obby what syran do you know where it is huh oh yeah it's like a parkour nice is it in the trash can no what I can jump up here it is a parkour perfect wow that that is insane that you have to do that is javani I'll go on this where's the key card bro oh there it is W guys you see how everything's green this is how I see when it's night time I see night vision especially especially if you have ghosty the plushy she glows in the dark and lights everything up as green usually or blue sometimes okay um oh oh oh the Drone okay the drone's too far away I'll summon it okay then what please work yeah it just takes a little bit okay I can't see anything cuz it's so dark oh okay what this oh wait I'm in the same room as myself where am I supposed to go huh got to press a button somewhere yellow glass yeah right there I got reset all right let's go what how did I not hit it this is so cool guys our mom got us a drone uh the other day and we've been playing with it a ton it's from like a Happy Meal yeah dude it keeps resetting me what is going on come on come on go go W nice now there's got to be a button in here somewhere there has to be I'm looking around there it is lit why does it keep resetting me I didn't press anything what where am wait what wait what did it just glitch me out where am I the mapping Center what I did not get to press the button hold on let me try that again why am I here wait wait wait let me recall the Drone now let's try it it should work yes okay that was weird it like glitched where it spawn the drone at guys that's so cool super awesome here we go now we got it unless it resets don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't dude okay so I think the Drone if you bump things a certain amount of times it resets which is awesome and very fair you got it dude because it is very very difficult to control oh I just bumped Justin's really good at driving stop I was making a mockery of my skills wait this is this is impossible hit the button hit the button dude never give up who said anything about giving up Yes W shot man get me out of that bro that made no sense and it teleport us to the mapping Center I don't know what that even was lit here let's go what is this looks like um Mr Kebab man what is this oh what no that's what no h we're not your daddy Adam might be though I don't know stop let's go bro I don't know guys I'm going to say this right now bro ly box Adam might be a Dy I don't know that up bro I don't know all right let's go oh jumbo jooss are you in here jumbo Joss is that que Melia slow sine we haven't seen slow sine in like four chapters wow oh what is this a brain game I'm ready I'm so ready ready yes sir I literally just said that what do I do Que M boom w r W SK RZ that was it that was the whole game oh I pressed it again wait what that was the whole game L wait what what oh what what is this huh huh huh don't o me now don't o me oh no guys wait what what was the game I don't understand after he said W skibby RZ that was W skib RZ stop it okay okay what is it ban ban ban ban oh ban ban Selen Seline oh it's a pattern I just didn't look at the screen long enough ban ban Seline Seline nice W Riz W skib let's go okay oh I do it again I love that so it's probably going to make us remember more and more Dinger Flyn b b close clean Dinger Flyn and man loine nice dude this game is so awesome I'm going into like a hypnotic state right now this is awesome go that's not fair I can't do that you got all that right yeah I have photogram memory that's true guys I'm just going to run around here Justin has 4K a that's not fair and that's also definitely oh uh-oh that was part of the game guys don't worry who's there who's there jble Js jble Js jble J what is that what is that what is that new monster new character unlocked what is that oh what was that like a jumbo Josh or daddy do baby what was that bro that was nuts okay do I have to do oh it's already going to break in so I got to ring around the Ros it and get out of here ew please work please work please work I'm out of here I'm out of here oh the music is nuts oh what do I do I can't oh I can't see I can't see that is very fair what was I supposed to do there I don't understand where I was supposed to go H yeah I don't know I think we just got to keep running I also don't understand what this is this is like a jumbo Josh baby like what is this why is it in here it's almost like a snail like maybe it is slow seline's like grandpa or something there's nowhere to go there's nowhere to go just got to Juke it what am I supposed to do yeah am I supposed to go back nice that can't be right I'm stuck okay there was a red button but I don't know how to press it do I have to I have to hit it with a drone are you crazy no way wallet chases you I think you have to hit that I think you have to hit that let's try it I can't where's the Drone where's the Drone oh my goodness hey yo bur I can't I can't even see please work is that it I hit it did I hit it I didn't hit it I missed how is this Fair go where is it where is it oh it's not oh it hit it oh I got to summon the drone over here it said number two over here nice I can't see anything hello where's the Drone hello this is the most nuts boss fight of all time guys I can't I can't see anything that's like the best part I literally cannot see oh this is insane did I hit it I did I did I so I go back in here is there an open door guys guys uin is U Is An Open Door hello oh there there yeah oh my goodness and it just it was the whole time it was crying like a little baby sounding like at him bro thanks man but you need a new diapy oh not true yo I think that was that was like a cursed baby guys I really think so yes ready opila bounia Seline Seline opila opila bounc cilia Salen saline W Riz round two w skiy oh Seline Stinger Adam help Seline Stinger Bird bounia please all me let's go all me Sigma Sigma SK SK Sigma all right last round let's actually try all right come on leanen bird jumo CH oh that's easy [Music] let's [Applause] go another one no we we did it let me out tell me that thing's not going to chase me again don't make me do that again okay nice there we go what was that thing bro okay key card nice got a key card W ski this is one of the best chapters we've ever played guys yeah guys this this chapter is really interesting oh oh no jumbo Josh very dark are you here I can't use that I need to get a key card to use that okay yep in here mapping Center this is what we saw with our our drone earlier yep got to summon the Drone did I press this first press that why is there so many buttons on the ground huh maybe you do have to just fly through it oh updating mapping what does that mean oh what is this oh oh maybe you got to step on the right one yeah so you probably have to use this to see what the answer is that's got to be it so maybe the answer is written on like a board somewhere I'm pretty confused I'm not going to lie do we have to fly through that mapping Center area yeah I think so yeah and then we'll look at what the right answer is guys can't see anything this don't stop resetting me guys this drone thing I'm not going to lie it makes almost no sense cuz it keeps it just resets you over and over okay oh Adam remember that pattern I can't see it I can't see it okay I got it right left left left middle middle right yep you got it yep right left left left middle middle right I got it right left left left middle middle right I'm a genius yep W skib Riz let's go nice man oh we got to do that again uhhuh oh round two I have to do it again awesome these puzzles are not easy yeah guys this puzzles are really well made though okay I got to control the Drone again where's the answer though this time it's probably over here probably in the mapping Center again oh yeah they updated it it has to be an update guys the flying of the Drone is really really awkward oh I can't turn no no l l guys the the the flying of the Drone is really tricky guys I'm not going to lie all right wrong way I went the wrong way oh L Bonk let me just reset all let me try it again the flying of the Drone is really hard guys I'm I'm not I'm not messing around I'm trying my best we got it this time cuz it keeps gliding even after you stop telling it where to go it just keeps going yeah it's got momentum Adam's got momentum okay quick Adam quick left left left right middle right left got it left left left right middle right left yep right middle right left let's go boom boom boom boom ta another one you're another one you're kidding blanky Adam [Laughter] ah one more time guys one more time with feeling oh I don't want to be there reset the Drone try it again third times a charm come on where's the mapping Center there it is it's so hard to fly the Drone you got it though just can't hit any walls either okay remember it Adam remember middle middle right middle middle middle got it right yeah middle middle right middle middle middle that was the easiest one oh whatam yeah I you're supposed to tell me the pattern middle middle right middle middle middle you got to hit the button it's going to do a new one well see thanks buddy I thought you had it that one oh wait oh wait my drone's already in the right spot nice so it's the same oh no it changed oh and the Drone reset lit and fair [Music] Adam I thought I genuinely thought you had hey Budd hey buddy you're supposed to be helping me buddy hey buddy you got one job here oh it doesn't tell you the last one oh dear middle right left left right right yep middle right left left right right but it doesn't tell you the right one middle wait tell me the pattern bro middle right left left right right nice okay so this one had one less nice oh W that was too tricky wow bro that was nuts guys flying the Drone was what made that hard my brain was like scrambled from doing it we beat it okay oh some ominous music there's a chair over there Oh I thought that was a key card hello oh zus is watching what's what's here hello oh it's a note oh I see someone oh that's the Ed kittysaurus in the distance what's this okay I'm not going to read all this I don't know what this is but you guys can read it hello what do I do got to drop down there maybe nolus somebody's going to jump scare me no way I came all the way up here for nothing no way they would do that I almost fell okay I'm going to go stand over here oh maybe you drop down this side yeah are you sure yeah yeah no no you can't can you press a button there or something no where do you see a button you it definitely is here right you can't pick up that little teapot thing right no oh you could sit there you can there there was an icon [Music] there to the left like by the chair thought it was something Adam says he's an icon oh what is this oh you can explore this what does investigate oh we got we got Jenum return to singan with this sample so jumbo Jos was here and he Jenum so we got to retrace our steps yeah he dropped some Jenum right there oh so now we go back to singan we show the jaum and then hopefully then we can find jumbo Josh I'm going to get yeated I'm going to get jump scared super bad I can already tell wait how do you get back oh maybe I can jump down here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah land safe safety landing pad I better actually be safe oh I almost missed okay nice lit W okay that actually went pretty well I thought we have to go back in the dark against those like zombie baby slugs thank goodness we didn't all right what's up dude we got it here's the sample nice okay you're still in one piece that must mean you didn't find him but wait what's that you got there is that a Jenum sample yep he must have gotten hurt trying to flee the darkness well this is even better than actually finding them we can use this to lure him to wherever we want oh cool come with me I hate to use my Supreme knowledge about Jenum against own kind but it is what it is okay after the facility abandoned the entire previous wave of cases and threw them in the lower levels which included myself they saw another use for me I had four arms equipped with important tools and I would never Tire or get hungry the facility recruited me to participate in just about every facet of their operation oh one of the cases that came under me hand was jumbo Josh jumbo Jos let's just say that we managed to create a casage that behaves like an adult male gorilla more than an actual adult male gorilla oh it's the wand he's curious and he's territorial once he senses another gorilla in its proximity he'll come okay sample will smell like an entirely different specimen with a few tweaks you see where I'm going no us I've prepared a little contraption that might also help us with pulling this off sir dadoo won't suspect a thing this is the golden chance okay we're out here making history and all some of us care about is going to a beach he's talking about Stinger Flynn okay so speak withon when you are ready to execute the plan well okay so that's the that's the wand ready to execute the plan what else is there to do I think we just talked to him right yeah let's let's talk let's go I'm ready all right he's cooking oh oh he is cooking okay San's cooking that was the sound of his drill I was like where's that sound coming from I got spooked okay oh all right I've LED this scepter piece with the modified version of the sample you had okay it's so poent that even the queen can smell it from all the way up there if she's even still capable a smelling ready prce yourself uh don't know how this is going to go uh what are we doing what's the plan seran get ready you win the scepter piece is yours oh we're using it as bait sir dad is going to fight jumbo Joss he's going to trick him it was too obvious oh we meet again old friend last I recall friends did it imprison each other you have every right to be mad at us I would be too but you have to understand that we were forced to do what we did here is what truly happened our plan failed and all of you were too cowardly to face the punishment so you took the easy way out and made me pay a loan for all of us nothing you could say or do will be enough to make up for all of these cold nights I had spent inside of that pouch what I can't describe how good it feels to see you all toing in field destroy the old you before it destroys you huh isn't that what you used to tell us and it worked you gave us all hope when we lost everything you gave us something to fight for now I need you to do the opposite destroy this you it has This Bitter outlook on life that would have never gotten us this far True by turning on each other they win you always a small da but it's not good what I know you have a trap sit up somewhere you don't think I know you and all of your tricks uh-oh you know what whatever the Trap may be my Army will take take care of you anyway is a [Music] trap wa singan versus sir Dy do oh what what he can fly I knew it jenan will be SP any last words before I command my Army to devour you uh get in the Box what box didn't highlight about where oh where where oh where serenon where serion where uh-oh this one this one oh no yeah it's highlighted yeah lad you and your army are about to get knackered wa kittysaurus yeah oh oh W bambolina oh it's like The Avengers the music is nuts oh here comes jble Joss jble Joss yo this is the craziest music I've ever heard oh my good oh my goodness we got the 360 vehicular battle oh yo what is this what is this yo this is the greatest fight scene I've ever seen in my life this my top Avengers oh my goodness this oh oh oh oh okay oh he Kitty sarus maybe we can something oh jumo Josh oh he's beating uper addo that was like a 1 [Music] V10 nice jumbo don't not not us not us we're good oh wait he got the wand no don't eat it what what why would you do that oh where are we now what that was the craziest fight scene I've ever seen in my life that was awesome this is nuts guys this chapter is awesome there's something aw about the B on the wall there's something behind him there's something blue behind him look at that hold on I I I'll show you guys in a second what I mean thinker Flynn and sying on there's something behind bamban on the wall Dinger Flynn he's o too oh good you're up yes the plan worked but the scepter was destroyed in the process okay it's better this way if you ask me nobody should have that much power true everyone that was brainwashed is back to normal now and corpse is are the naughty ones litter in the streets I don't remember the last time I felt like I wasn't scared for my life this feels good for a change we've been through a lot you should rest and when you wake up we can discuss what we're going to do next okay wait that might be the end of the chapter look guys there's something behind bamb ban it looks like there's a blue bman maybe like the bman we saw at the start of the video at the start of the game guys we'll put that on screen mhm is there like a secret B here cuz that bman does not look normal okay I can't interact with it Stinger Flynn I'm angry at you for hypnotizing us and then disappearing that was a strange dream clean down cilia that was crazy guys all right so now we just leave all right book it yep see you later I really want to know what's behind here I can't believe you can't like peel this off or something it looks like a sticker guys we'll find out at the end of the chapter we'll try to figure out who that character is it's got to be a new character it has to be oh it's dark very dark oh oh there's the birds nice got the Drone back what am I supposed to do with that huh um why does it look like we can peel that drawing on the wall that's what I said what's that that drawing on the wall seems like there's something behind me there is there definitely is weird I would just leave it alone you two should rest no let's peel in 3 2 1 one more I don't think that's a good idea who knows what will be behind it just leave it alone it's a new secret character in The Garden of band ban hold on no what play with the devil doctor's ORD [Applause] what we did all that just to have singan knock us out and that's the end of chapter 7 let's go yeah you just calling your
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 981,571
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Keywords: lankybox, garten of banban chapter 7, garten of banban chapter 7 full gameplay, lankybox playing garten of banban chapter 7, lankybox garten of banban 7, garten of banban 7 full gameplay, lankybox garten of banban 7 gameplay, garten of banban 7 lankybox, garten of banban chapter 6 lankybox, garten of banban 7 full game, garten of banban 7, garten of banban 7 gameplay, lankybox garten of banban chapter 7, lankybox garten of banban, lankybox playing garten of banban 7
Id: u4yP0tzZAik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 3sec (6063 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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