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today we are playing beware the shadow catcher which is one of the craziest games we have ever played we have to cook food and serve a family at our diner hiding from an evil mysterious man called the shadow catcher we actually do a full game play of this game and show you the secret ending you get when you beat it are you ready let's go [Music] what's up guys welcome to this episode i'm laggy boss yeah today we are seeing if we can survive beware the shadow catcher okay now we have never played this game before we do not know anything about it we can only start a new game let's go okay start your game yes in normal mode the shadows will order as normal in easy mode the shadows will tell you exactly i have no idea we're gonna play normal we're gonna we don't do easy mode no guys this game is very popular but a little bit scary okay what is this final notice oh no way past due okay so we got a bunch of bills or something overdue okay oh okay sam okay so we're two thousand dollars in debt uh-oh we've had zero customers over the last three days so it's like a store or something i got it it's kind of sad and the rent is due by the end of the week okay so we gotta make money we gotta make two thousand dollars somehow okay this isn't good okay mod what are we going to do are we mod i think so this kind of reminds me a man from the window oh yeah okay so this is another character named mod i brewed some coffee for us dear mod does not care about the bills yeah respect do you want some no i don't want any coffee i want to figure out a way to keep us from losing the diner oh they own a diner together that's so man this is a touching story man it's kind of sad man sam and mod need to make some money are you even listening to me of course i'm listening i just don't understand how this happened dear so many folks used to come here to eat we couldn't even fit them all in the building oh man what happened we'd have folks outside eating folks in the parking lot just everywhere they used to have a really popular diner then cool do you remember that time the mayor stopped by remember what he said he said you wouldn't let him eat in peace after that he said it was the best meal he'd ever had wow okay awesome respect yes he did but the food isn't the problem here mod what first of all the place hasn't been properly cleaned in years ugh you guys got to clean it that's dirty oh man i do my own cleaning no mod no i'm not going to pay someone for something i can do myself no that's not how that works otherwise the food might be dirty right yeah well second of all people are afraid to walk in here because you keep the lights too dim that's why i just turn on the light dimming the lights saves money on the electricity bill oh i get it so mom's trying to save money she's trying to clean up by herself and save the electricity but that scared away the customers got it makes sense that's just good business dear oh is it fine then let's talk about good business was it good business when you scared our last customers away because they saw you washing your clothes in the sink huh why this place has been in my family for generations great granddaddy built this diner then it went to granddaddy then it went to mother now it's mine and if i want to do my laundry in the sink then i'll do my laundry in the sink okay respect i swear talking to you is like talking to a brick wall sometimes um excuse me did you hear that what was that what was that bro hey yo is someone outside there's three people oh no mr shadow says terribly sorry to interrupt my wife hello there daughter hi okay so there's three people and i were just in the neighborhood when we spotted this lovely little dining okay so they're gonna eat here apparently this is kind of creepy may we please sit down and eat no it's not creepy dude they want to eat all right of course make yourself at home i'll bring you folks a menu that's nice mod wait a minute there's obviously something wrong here adam's like sam i'm like mod right or the other way around i don't know they don't have faces hi samantha we serve everybody here so long as they're decent people that's nice of mod respect even faceless shadowful thank you ma'am okay do you trust them yeah why not yeah all right guys we're gonna cook for them i guess it's a nice family they're chilling okay here we're gonna take their order oh nice hello welcome to mclane you may we take your order before we dine there's something i should mention as you can probably tell we're not from around here okay we come from a desolate land without light oh okay okay it's awful back home we like it here better oh were they from the shadow realm probably yeah this is exactly right but there is a being that exists between our lands oh boy he does not take kindly to those who cross over and we have drawn his hateful gaze many times on our journey so there's somebody that doesn't like that they've joined the the normal world and he's gonna try and catch him got it that's fine dear we can cook something for him too mod does not care i don't think you understand ma'am every time we venture out we feel his watchful gaze somewhere behind us wait he's watching right now then he has not been able to catch us yet but we fear what will happen if he does why are you trying to catch him oh no way among ourselves we have a saying that we must not forget beware the shadow catcher wow okay guys beware the shadow catcher he will no doubt turn his attention towards you if you choose to let us stay should we let him stay or not is that so well then this shadow catcher can consider himself banned from mod diner respect mod let's go that's smart respect we don't cater to troublemakers here true mod this sounds dangerous see so sam is like nah this is sketchy bro yeah nonsense these kind of folks you want to have a nice night out that's what i'm saying dude they just want some food some pancakes they're welcome to stay here as long as they want respect samantha would you please find out what our guests want to eat i'll be over in the kitchen just let me know why you start cooking respect awesome fine but i don't like this at all not one bit sam is not happy thank you very much miss please be sure to keep watch for him for who the shadow catcher yeah probably guys beware he will no doubt come to the door in search of us he's gonna come through the front door oh no way when he does you must stay hidden somewhere that is not visible from the doorway okay wow so it is kind of like man from the window guys man for the window is another game that we've played where you have to hide from like a scary man in the window but here we gotta hide from a shadow catcher got it if he thinks that no one is here he will most likely decide to leave okay so all we gotta do is hide nice okay easy now we can move around oh oh so i'm sam yeah we're sam and there's mod what's up don't overwork yourself dear take a break if you need to i'm fine mod you worry too much we just need to finish these orders then we can both go home well mod is so nice let's explore the restaurant can you open that i'm listening there's nobody there oh i can go outside what was that do you see that was there someone there guys do you guys see that there's someone there that is creepy you see that yeah hey yo what is that whoa bro i can't warn her i need a warner i'm gonna hide i'm gonna hide oh no i'm out dude let's hide right here this is really bad right here so they can't see me you can see them right there they're coming in oh no way guys this game is crazy [Music] you can hear oh oh i did not hide i was too busy looking i'm right there sam is right there let's hope they don't find us hey yo hey bro they found us what was that you're gonna attack on what well we get like the bad enemies oof mod not mod she was so nice to everyone and we we tried to warn them guys mod was never seen again okay so this is a game with a bunch of secret endings so that must be the bad ending a heartbroken samantha was devastated after the loss of her beloved friend mod got oofed she was consumed by guilt blaming herself for not preventing mod for allowing the shadows in yup if she had only stepped in and said no then the shadow catcher would have never arrived in the first place she tried to manage the diner without mods help but was sadly unsuccessful after losing both her friend and the diner samantha was forced to leave town in search of work that is so sad that is very sad guys she never looked back man that must be the sad ending bro that's messed up okay what if we sacrificed ourselves to save mod i'm gonna stand right in front of the door and block the shadow catcher yeah guys we're gonna show every single ending you can get in this game that is crazy guys all right let's start again bro we gotta go again and i'm gonna skip the whole intro dude got it i'ma skip that intro man that's messed up why they get mod bro yeah it's creepy guys okay i'm skipping okay now here we are how do i move mod though what can i move oh so the person like ran this way right and they went this way oh i can i can open this can i tell you can i tell it to get in here oh lasagna yeah i love lasagna this looks like a nice diner they got some bacon you need to go bro you need to go don't overwork yourself nah i'm fine you need to you worry too much we can finish these orders wait maybe if i like light something on fire or do something tip something over model come over here and clean it up and then she won't be seen from the door oh good idea it's really dark over here what do i do what oh you can break dishes i'm gonna throw can i throw a dish i picked a i picked up a dish can you like put food on the dish what did i do with the dish oh the cookbook well i'm supposed to make a sandwich yeah exactly why so we gotta grab eggs no i can't pick up eggs oh no way what what is this um the shadow catcher already came in let's see if he's gonna attack mod again so we have like 30 seconds to save mod oh what he's going this what nope he sees both of us oops is he gonna attack us oops yes it's mod again oh man how do we save mod guys we gotta use our brains guys this is crazy i feel like i'm in real life like you only have like 30 seconds to think of what to do bro right we're a detective guys man it's the same ending after losing the friend and the diner yeah this is really sad okay guys we have just learned that we are total idiots if you press a button you can switch between mod and sam oh so now i get the game you have to work together to cook this meal while also hiding from the shadow catcher got it that makes sense so sam is kind of on the lookout i got to keep a lookout yep i don't see anybody i'm going to quickly adam you might need to like take notes on what everyone wants to eat okay okay let's see what the dad wants to eat i don't know if it'll change okay okay he wants to order a dish with eggs he wants eggs okay but no pork no pork and one he doesn't want a dish that's mostly red so no no red no red in the menu okay i'm gonna check this again this is cool so you gotta beat this while cooking oh okay so i gotta hide i gotta hide i gotta hide i gotta hide it i have to hide both characters yeah but okay but you just have to not be seen when he comes in oh i'm gonna hide here and i'm gonna switch to mod and i'm gonna just hide even more yeah we'll hide in the back room i'm in the back rooms okay so dad wanted something with eggs but no pork and he doesn't want it to be red but he's okay with sandwiches now so um maybe he'll have like an egg sandwich yeah that would make sense and that works right because it's not red and there's no pork okay so hopefully he should not attack him out of here guys he shouldn't see anybody he doesn't see either person let's go he's gonna leave let's go all right we figured out how to play the game third time's the charm so now we gotta work together this is so cool actually this game is a cool game i'm going to put sam here and sam is just going to keep a lookout good idea oh he's walking away okay okay okay okay i'm going to leave mod where she's at i'm going to talk to this person okay i want something with pasta okay little girl wants something pasta and i don't want a dish with vegetables no vegetables okay and no sandwiches okay we just make your spaghetti there's no vegetables in spaghetti got it okay the mom i'm stressed out you got it okay a dish that has vegetables she wants vegetables and but no sandwiches no sandwiches and no pork no pork i gotta hide i gotta hide i gotta hide i gotta hide is he coming i don't know is mod hidden as well mod has not moved okay she must still be hidden all right guys should i just wait i'm so scared i can't even move i don't even wanna get close to the door because then he might show up okay so now we know the dad wants something with egg no pork and no red in it so maybe like yeah an egg sandwich would work or just normal eggs too but i had to just wait here for the shadow catcher to come in because i can't even get up and check the door because he might just be there that's true yeah that would ruin it now i'm mod maybe i could sneak around and start cooking he's gonna see me if i cross this right it's probably not worth it so i just wait we'll wait and then we'll just try to like speed run and make the dad's menu item first after the shadow catcher comes in if we if if all three of them eat i get it then they'll um eat and they'll be happy and they'll leave and then we'll be saved exactly guys we got it this look how long it's taken bro yeah but it's worth it should i try and check the door oh you can hear him so that's you gotta use your ears when you play the game wow that's tricky he's here isn't he i feel like knocking [Music] he's walking up it's getting louder so we could have been cooking that whole time but now we know guys the footsteps stopped there we go guys this game is so cool it's so intense yeah this is crazy okay he doesn't see us we're well hidden nice see you later dude see you later okay guys now we're gonna make that meal for the dad first okay i'm gonna put sam right here so that she can just check the doors okay is he right there he's leaving he's leaving he's leaving he's nice nice nice okay okay all right okay okay i think i want to make the the one for the girl first because she just wanted pasta that was easy spaghetti yup no vegetables no sandwich grab a pot and fill it with water wait this is so difficult are you kidding me okay nice and we have to boil this yo am i actually learning how to cook am i gordon ramsay right now you spaghetti noodles wait i gotta check the door this isn't this is such a cool game awesome nice nobody here nobody here let's go get out of here get out of here okay i gotta get noodles okay we're gonna boil some noodles guys or the noodles lasagna noodles okay no spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti quick awesome i changed the same again i'm gonna check hey we're good we're good we're good we're good we're all safe guys still boiling right yeah it has to be nice you know what i do wait oh i feel like i can hear him wait is that him at our own footsteps i can't tell no we're all right he's not here he's not here okay this is so intense okay boil it and then grab a plate and remove the noodles okay nice we got the noodles cool place the plate on a level surface and add red pasta where's the level surface um maybe oh hello near the cookbook hello hello hello hello place it near the cookbook oh no oh there we go wait i'm gonna check the door this is nuts wait he's here run oh both of them need to hide oh no mod is in the open i know i know oh no this is nuts i'm wow we made it with like two seconds left hey yo hey my heart is my heart is pounding bro let's hope they don't find us my heart is pounding bro and if you get ooh the family orders something different every time yeah we have to start all over it resets guys no chance i'm starting over okay what if he comes straight back in place to play at red pasta sauce got it okay so we really need to listen because that's what saved us right there we heard him yeah okay nice all right we got a ding sound guys do i do i gotta probably pick up the plate as sam oh right the server i'll have mod just chill okay sounds good please don't be here okay i i can serve the the girl nice cool this is big place dude this is fantastic guys we're gonna save this diner we're gonna save it right here sweet this game is so cool it's really intense so what is the ending gonna be when all three of the shadow people eat there you go wow this looks great she likes it let's go sweet okay wait do we have to serve all of them probably yeah yeah we do okay wait she's talking what she's smiling awesome that was so good you're welcome we got 222 dollars for some spaghetti wow huh that's a 200 tip it was two dollars spaghetti 22 spaghetti i can do math fun nice oh so we got to keep serving him now yeah exactly okay okay i'm gonna check here there he is wait he was there for a second i thought i saw him too maybe he went away this is bad okay uh okay okay what did the mom want the dad's order was the hardest the mom said she wanted vegetables no sandwiches and no pork so steak steak steak works yes okay steak from the container place one of the grill okay hold on i think he's here he was peeking at us you see that yeah why did he do that bro so maybe he only actually enters if you don't look at him for a while i think that's it where's the steak man steak seasoning oh no you're freaking me out dude i thought i heard him oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh did hear him all right it's fine it's fine guys we're chilling and the other guy's hitting him yeah okay okay i was watching some tv or that's a microwave that's my once i wanted to watch tv and adam's mom wouldn't let me so she she said you i could watch the microwave instead yeah so he watched uh some food getting heated no i didn't i just stared at the microwave oh nice she cut out a piece of paper and put paw patrol on it and glued it to the microwave and i sat there and watched it it was a lot of fun all right i think we're safe this is so intense bro let's go survive again cool okay i got the steak now what do i do um now we just read the rest place one onto the grill you got it wait where's the grill oh this is the grill awesome that's nice you have to click and hold it i'm gonna put this away okay hold on all right i forget it i don't care uh once cook take plate from hands remove steak from grill oh it's cooking it's cooking it take a while it's taking a really long time oh there it is there it is nice cool i gotta check the door i'm not oofing now i'm not moving we got steak i'm checking the door as sam i i love the teamwork there he is oh he was peeking he's messing with us dude that means he's coming soon okay got the steak i gotta make some vegetables okay make some vegetables okay um once cooked take the plate into your hands remove steak add chopped vegetables and steak seasoning how do i get chopped vegetables probably already chopped right yeah maybe like chopped vegetables awesome nice put this boom i need steak seasoning i'm just dropping stuff hold on i gotta check the door oh he's coming he's coming nice all right i'm gonna hide sam and then i'm gonna see if i can be sneaky and get some steak seasoning [Music] oh where is it there it is all right i'm excited i'm hiding this game is nuts like a peanut butter sandwich you're right man this is crazy this is really stressful okay guys he's gonna peek in again but we're not gonna get bounced we're not gonna get found dude yeah we're too good at hiding okay we are going to put the stick seasoning on then we can feed the mom and then we just have to feed the dad and then we should have to see what does the baby want to eat the dad wanted eggs with no pork and nothing red eggs no pork nothing red yeah okay okay okay okay nice well we got this done we got this done sweet okay we got steak seasoning that looks great we got the little ding again i'm gonna hide mod mom's gonna hide over here cool sam's gonna go run and grab that [Music] he came straight back and the other guy's hidden okay cool yeah mud's chilling dude why did he come back already should i check the door that's risky i wouldn't even do that how long do i wait here though i don't care okay yeah let's serve mom all right coast is clear so that was the sound even walking away got it okay that freaked me out that is so scary what's up mom all right nice that steak looks so yummy yeah good cooking he's gonna love it he's gonna love it he's gonna absolutely love it uh the mom all right the mom yeah whoops yeah i almost got it confused nice oh how grand there you go eat up please like she's gonna smile too yeah you got it you get a smile she can love it what nice dude okay that was wonderful coming here was the best decision we made yet nice they love the food we got 20 again we're making crazy money guys let's go dude all right two out of the three of them are now happy we just have to serve the dad now okay let me check the door dude i was just thinking i bet oh okay the code's clear i bet you get a bad ending if what have you served or something they don't want to eat oh we could try it at the very end okay okay wait okay so oh red ham but there's red peppers on this one yeah he wants eggs no pork no red bacon and eggs no no that's pork oh yeah so i had to do the red pepper ham omelet and let's go better hide we i guess i do the red pepper omelet but he said he said he doesn't want something that's mostly red yeah and um it's not mostly red it's mostly egg colored yeah we'll double check but that might be the best option guys okay i'm gonna go ask his order again just to be safe okay we're gonna use our brains because if we mess this up it's not my fault right so you got it all right there he goes here we go all right let's go let's ask his order one more time okay what's up dude okay okay i would like to order a dish with egg as an ingredient yes but i don't want anything that contains pork okay so no bacon i also don't want a dish that is mostly red okay so it can have some red got it so it's probably the eggs and pepper oh he's walking away okay we got time cool i think that's the only thing let's check the book one more time okay adam okay okay from the top cannot do that as pork blt does it have egg in it no no burger no that does not have egg mac and cheese sandwich that sounds really good that does not have egg yeah pancakes no eggs the brand we use contains egg they want eggs remember that in case someone asked so we do pancakes uh yeah that's it okay let's do that i bet if we get him the omelet we lose okay i'm cooking yeah that might trick people up guys i think it's a trick question this is so tricky there he is he's on the right side oh he's just peeking okay okay we're gonna make the pancakes and then what do you do once cook take a plate and then put butter and syrup easy got it what do you think look great i'm so hungry right now dude oh they probably smell so good i'm so hungry syrup syrup butter butter and syrup nice butter butter butter butter butter butter red butter okay nice we got the ding i'm gonna i'm gonna crouch here and check you got it i can go in the back over here no problem yeah yeah hi together they're chilling this is cool i like how you could switch view yeah good pancakes mod we're chilling we're hiding all right guys we're in disguise next round we're gonna give him the pancakes let's hope we're right he said he wants a dish that contains eggs this contains eggs yeah okay respect dude we're actually geniuses i bet if we gave the red pepper we'd lose yeah i'm not even kidding okay there we go guys pick it up with sam no problem excuse me mod is this correct guys i hope we get the good ending right here come on this is such a crazy game let's go thank you miss please please like it please the egg thing might have tricked us up that's it please please smile yes all right that was one of the best meals i've ever had wow i was stressed out thank you very much you're welcome wow 222 again let's go dude fantastic thank you so much for the wonderful meal you got it yes we had a pleasant night out thanks to you now tell the nice lady thank you thank you i do believe we found ourselves a new favorite restaurant to visit nice we most certainly returned tomorrow night for i say please um that we what fall victims yeah please don't move all right guys they were really happy did we just beat the game i get the good ending progress wait what is knight two how long is this game oh guys how long is this game we'll see guys second night hey yo i thought we beat the game nope that was just the first night guys buckle up we're gonna beat it this is nuts final notice okay well we made a bunch of money yesterday we still need money though guys this is wild wait but there used to be three bills so we paid one off oh so there's three nights total we're actually starting to turn a profit now all thanks to our shadowy friends okay they might be a bit weird but right now they're keeping this diner afloat we need to make sure they keep getting those orders right we don't want to lose our best customers right mod mod what's mod doing she's making coffee again oh nice she doesn't listen to us at all i brewed another pot of coffee i do it you want some no enough of the coffee i told you i don't drink that stuff you're gonna need your energy our new friends should be here soon yeah i got it don't worry about me thanks i've been i bet the shadow catcher is going to come a lot more quickly [Music] uh-oh this time yeah you got it we have returned hello again did you miss us yes go ahead and sit down let's go okay let's go all right guys we cannot mess this up guys night two it's probably gonna get harder now bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh all right sam's on patrol ready we're saved all right let's go ask for the order really quick all right i'll write down what they want guys okay i'll keep track it's good to see you again oh yep with that said i would like to order a dish with egg as an ingredient you know pancakes again bro i don't want anything to contain sport yo it's the same order and i don't want a dish as mostly red he wants the same thing all right oh she wants a sandwich okay i don't want anything with pork no dishes with vegetables got it so maybe the macaroni sandwich yeah oh how wonderful it is to see you again we are truly grateful for your hospitality yep now then some type of breakfast okay she wants breakfast i think i want a dish that has meat okay so maybe bacon and eggs i don't want a dish as mostly bread okay so bacon eggs got it unless bacon counts is mostly red no i don't think so you don't think so no well i don't trust it oh we're fine cool we start cooking wow okay um wait so what did the the dad want again egg no pork no red so he wants the pancakes again easy yeah easiest thing in my life dude and now we're like getting faster cooking too right we're crushing this guys guys this game is lit i feel like the shadow catcher only comes when you start oh here he's stinking on the ground oh no way oh no it's different yeah i don't know if you guys saw it he was sneaking nice wow that was close he was sneaking and he makes no sound now oh wow that is messed up bro and maybe on night three like he just runs to the door or something you guys what i don't know but it seems like he's gonna get faster and faster yeah guys we'll find out i got an idea i'm just gonna be smart with sam and i'm just gonna put sam uh in the kitchen so she can run the food because i don't think keeping a lookout helps anymore well i guess it does because we only knew that he was coming because we saw yeah why is he like waddling man this guy's a troll all right don't get those pancakes i hope they didn't burn got him looks yummy nice oops that's all right well ma did say she cleaned up so yeah syrup and bake or butter cool let's go sam go grab it really quick okay now i gotta look really carefully guys we are speedwriting this game now that we know how the game works it is so much fun yeah you're right the first time we played we were very confused oops wait dad drop the butter no we got it you're good okay well i like dropped a stick of butter goes to the dad please work no definitely thank you miss you got it nice now the girl wanted uh what you want a sandwich she wants a sandwich and no pork and no vegetables okay so the macaroni sandwich yeah nice ding easy easy he's casting our life flowers one best meals ever yep you got it also next time what how did he go he asked us to not drop it on the floor how did he know bro hey yo what these guys are magicians that's crazy there's nothing here it wasn't my fault dude what's my fault his game is funny he still liked it he still liked it okay okay mac and cheese sandwich grab a pot filled with water okay this one is like really hard to cook boom boom boil it okay boil it boil it nice boil it and then uh once add macaroni noodles to the pot let it cook okay we might need to like split this one into two yeah oh no oh mod might be oofed you can see he was like crawling on the floor what are you doing bro wow that was a close one so he makes no sound and he got there really fast all i did was boil some water yeah we're gonna have to like divide up the recipes now guys this is dangerous guys you can't leave the stove cooking yeah not at all this this game is nuts this game is really cool it's really creative and really fun but it is stressful yeah but we're going to beat it guys we're going to get the secret ending this was real life i would make adam um keep guard and i'd be cooking right now and if it was real life he would not drop the food on the ground no i would eat it off the ground if i did macaroni do a five second rule dude yo cook that okay once cooked edge shredded cheese okay i gotta check the door what do you feel like comes back that would not be nice did you see that he was like crawling like man this guy's a troll man he's so creepy okay what cheese yeah shredded cheese treats now we're learning where everything is it's also easier right there it is let's go dump this in there you dump this in here after this cooked yeah is it in there i think so i think i heard a sound really yeah he's probably back all right all right nice did you really hear it are you messing with me i heard like a take a plate and place it on level surface okay grab what is that why would you say that what was that why would you say like that i don't know i just heard a running sound he ran to the door he ran guy did you guys hear that i heard a running footstep this game is messed up i'm actually stressed out bro this is nuts wow okay now i'm just worried about how crazy night three is gonna be or maybe the food that you're cooking like the pancakes and stuff smells so good that you just want some grab the sandwich buns yeah plate in hand oh boom cool all right now it's time to hide mod drop that i didn't drop it on the floor you got it dude he ran so not cool that is so lame honestly yeah so there must be three nights yeah because we have three bills to pay yep that's exactly it guys this game is so cool it's so creative it's so so like kind of different here we go go well it's looks great you got it you're welcome wow bro let's go let's go let's go nice she must have liked it okay what what the mom want the mom wanted bacon and eggs uh that's what we thought because there was no red like she wanted the thing to last no she wanted sandwich she wanted breakfast foods yeah did you take any notes yeah bacon and eggs mostly red she wants it to not be mostly red yeah are you mad absolutely yeah you are you admit you're messing with me no she wants bacon and egg she wanted something with meat right also didn't write that down for some reason yeah it says two eggs maybe you put one egg down and then another egg what happens if i put three nice listen close guys because he could be like just crawling in there he is look at what is he doing oh boy i'm fine awesome okay we're good okay and those eggs are cooking guys but they do be cooking yeah we got it they do be cooking we got it like you like pancakes oh nice we're fine we're fine all right this should be it then we beat night two yeah this game is so cool wow let's go but i'm pretty nervous about how hey hey don't cry dude don't cry i know you always want to cry don't no i'm all right a handful of bacon put on the grill don't cry adam's close to crying i can already tell this game is pretty crazy it's pretty creative yeah oh it's a little smiley face oh that's cool cool she's gonna love this nice job mod you later bod please like the food definitely this is easy dude there's a w that's a w we just beat knight two w oh how grand yup what if the bacon counts as red they weren't if it is your fault please right i was actually stressed out oh my goodness that was scary nice another huge tip wow they're so nice the food is absolutely amazing thank you so much yup we'll return again soon see you next time see you next time guys bye bye no problem this is so cool guys this game is awesome final night the final night here we go uh oh spaghettios this is gonna be sus okay what there's no bills left nice we've actually paid off all the bills let's go this is insane i mean just a few nights ago we were about to lose the diner now look at us nice mom's making coffee again trolling she does not care i made some coffee would you like something oh okay we're drinking coffee our friends will come back awesome what's up guys you guys hungry they must be they look hungry yeah our final nighttime we're glad to spend it here well they ate here three nights in a row that's so nice make yourselves at home we'll be right over all right guys let's get it bro we're beating the game right here all right immediately i'm going to hide mod because she's just going to chill for now good idea go with sam let's go take theirs okay the dead too dangerous for us to stay long in that i can sense the shadow catcher looking for another way in he's going to come in like the back door another one that said i would like to order a dish without meat no no meat and i don't want anything that is mostly red okay no red i also don't want any breakfast foods okay no meat and no breakfast foods so probably the macaroni sandwich yeah mom and pop said we can't come back again tomorrow because the shadow catches getting too close we're talking about finding another way in keep coming in the back rooms whoa anyway i want something with eggs in it please i want a dish that has meat in it nothing that's nothing right so bacon and eggs we need to hide dude i don't even trust this right now do you think he's coming in like here well no because then well how else would you hide i guess you could move mod to like the tables yeah i think we have to [Music] something's coming something's coming where is he coming in from uh where would it be the window no and he comes in from behind oh that's okay guys that's okay you said it's not my fault wow it's mod so we so we have to restart this night yeah so they might have different orders yeah mod kind of raised the spatula looked like she was gonna find him almost guys i told you bro bro okay okay okay okay okay now we know what to do so we have to hide like in the back are you kidding me we gotta hide mod like there's also no way to know if he's coming because now i can't even see that make no sense bro night three is not a joke guys three is not a joke okay now i have to take the order again they want something different yup a dish without meat okay but i don't want anything red it's the same thing and i don't oh he doesn't want sandwiches no sandwiches okay i'm immediately hiding i don't care okay so where is the safe spot to hide both of them need to hide at the same area right they both need to i could hide here or the safest place to hide is right here yeah oh man guys we have to beat this game i'm so excited to see what the secret ending is do you hear that can you hear it hey he's here wow you guys stopped talking bro adam's yelling luckily i heard oh he can see us you can't even wait you can't hide there what where do we hide i think it was next to the fridge okay until adam said to not do it so basically adam's messing with me all right guys justin's got it you might be the shadow catcher i'm trying my best guys now i'm gonna take the order again guys knight three is not a joke this is nuts yeah you got it yeah i will not say anything this next round all right just take notes dude all right let's go we got we gotta focus it's not a joke no no time for jokes immediately what i'm gonna do i don't play my way forget what adam said i'll take mod i'm a hide mod right here i know this is the hiding spot adam mess with me you can hide right here right there you said you weren't gonna sink all right sit down okay here we go check the door outside okay the day take your order let's go okay that said order a dish with eggs as an ingredient okay but nothing that's mostly red also want a dish that contains meat so probably bacon stop stop stuff you just ran in he just ran over okay wow that running sound is so scary okay easiest game of my life get out of here bro switch to it to mod you wanted eggs and he wanted meat right okay yes okay so bacon eggs i think it has to be bacon eggs what he's gonna see me what okay knight three is impossible wow man fight it mod throw the coffee at him or something she was she was trying to fight him messed up all right i'm a speed take disorder let's go okay yeah whatever okay breakfast he wants breakfast i do want something with meat okay and i also don't want to dish this mushroom let's make you baking eggs bro got it i got you bacon and eggs perfect no because he might come through here you could we really have to listen i'm not moving i don't care you can't make me i think he's going to come out from the kitchen did he be cooking the kitchen he just shows up right we would have oof there guys we would have moved here there's no way to avoid that but maybe we can start learning maybe next time he has to come from the door maybe yeah like it alternates between the kitchen and the door i'm not even gonna move sam i'm just gonna cook i don't care all right adam neither was gonna talk we have to focus here we go all right the bacon eggs does work right yes [Music] [Music] yup he ran he ran to the door wow this guy is such a troll man leave us alone bro and that's just the first uh breakfast item that we have to make guys we're gonna make two other it's okay okay i know what to do this time i know what to do right now yeah okay now he comes to the door i know what to do so you might come through the kitchen so right now i'm going to leave mod where she's at i'm not going to cook anymore i'm going to take the next order in the hide got it we got to just go really slow okay mod don't even move go pick that up sounds good i gotta go all the way around wow come on come on come on yo what's up see you later good hiding yeah all right here you go he's already here okay but i got the cutscene all right the footsteps stop if you give them the food guys wow wow wow we okay smile you better smile yeah let's go i risked my life for you okay nice another 200 wow these guys are so generous thank you that's great big order quick hey breakfast no pork nothing red the pancakes right pancakes yeah i don't care i'm just gonna hide i don't care i'm not gonna risk it let's just chill there's no time limit right yeah no we got it we're chilling yeah there's a time load on this game that would be insane we're challenged yeah we got it guys so i'm gonna as soon as he comes in again i'm gonna speed make pancakes good idea and you are good at that oh i'm good at speed eating pancakes i heard footsteps he's here okay he's coming in the kitchen i think he's gonna go back and forth yup you got it okay now i'm gonna cook but we have to be really quiet because i need to hear if he like runs the door oh okay nice all right i'm not messing up here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's in the kitchen again he's in the kitchen we're good all right we're safe here yeah i gotta pick up the pancakes okay wow this is nuts he's in the kitchen again he faked this out so it is random every time it's random where he comes in wow oh if you open the fridge doors it gives us even more hiding spots that's helpful this is so nuts all right let's go grab the pancakes deliver them got it okay sounds good i cannot move here we will lose too much progress if i move here you got it [Music] nice we got the cutscene we're good do i need it and then one more order and we're good let's go let's go all right they better like this guy she has to like it dude this one's easy she won breakfast food easy amazing you got it all right last order wow money time this game is awesome it's so stressful we must not stay in this place okay yeah okay bring me this that is mostly red okay i don't think i want dishes like vegetables i don't want to dish as egg okay she wants spaghetti nice easy easy to order my life already i think so i'm just gonna chill there's no there's no need to rush it yeah and spaghetti takes a long time to cook you gotta boil water you gotta get the pot fill with water boil it put the noodles and get sauce that's a tough meal guys but we're gonna be coming right right again came in the kitchen three times in a row bro this guy's really mean yeah this shadow catcher is amini this game is awesome this game is lit yo he came to the kitchen three times in a row he wants to catch mod all right you got it now okay guys we're gonna cook this next round in silence because i don't wanna i don't wanna mess up here it's the last dish okay on the last night [Music] [Music] i hear footsteps i'm stopping [Music] i think he's coming in the front door now i'm not even sure he might be in the kitchen again yeah i think you're right he might really want to stop this spaghetti from getting cooked yeah wow in the kitchen again bro chill out bro so it is random guys where they come from i think he knows we're getting close to finishing so he's trying to catch mod all right all you gotta do is add sauce and i'm good you got it man we got the sauce we can do it yeah guys justin definitely has the sauce i have the sauce [Music] no big deal i can hide mine now [Music] come on come on you better run faster sam come on let's go we did it we got to the cutscene we're good nice please please please wow tell me she likes this food bro let's go let's go nice go coming here is the best decision let's go bro nice another 200 bucks dude let's go for three nights we have visited this place every three nights you have obliged us and fed us we really appreciate it you're welcome but we've overstayed our time in this world it is time for us to return home okay bye bye sam okay bye-bye bye thanks for coming guys that was awesome bye-bye and just like that the shadows had left maude and samantha waited for the church the next night no they said they would leave but they did not nor did they return after that well they said they were leaving yeah [Music] what secret level no thanks to the generosity of the shadows mod was able to keep her diner open nice that's awesome and for the first time in a very long time the bills were all paid mod continued on happily working away behind the counter samantha continued on waiting tables and also trying to help mod keep mine out of trouble but then one night hey yo wait what bra what happened oh they're back guess who we simply had to come back to this wonderful little diner of yours yeah only brought friends what what what am i going to feed like 500 people hey yo nah whoa this is like 40 people hey yo i'll go fire up the grill and from that night onwards my dinner once again became the most popular restaurant town with the shadows as their main customer sam never had to struggle pay the bills again let's go but one of the shadow catchers you ask well he eventually had a change of heart [Music] he now works at vods diner let's go wow he enjoys his new job much more than his old one let's go what a happy ending bro so cool let's go that was a great game bro all right guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe go check out get lanky box plushy that was an awesome game man yeah well what do you want to do now we gotta start because we want sweet we're a star right yeah we did it together now i'm really hungry for some pancakes oh [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 1,159,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox beware the shadowcatcher, beware the shadowcatcher, beware the shadowcatcher lankybox, beware the shadowcatcher game, beware the shadowcatcher gameplay, lankybox plays beware the shadowcatcher, lankybox beware the shadowcatcher gameplay, surviving beware the shadowcatcher, lankybox survives beware the shadowcatcher, surviving shadowcatcher lankybox, lankybox plays shadowcatcher, beware the shadowcatcher full gameplay, lankybox shadowcatcher full gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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