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like they'll be like i have your assignments they were graded they were mocked hi guys welcome back to my channel if you haven't subscribed yet then make sure that you click the subscribe button below and join the revolution guys i don't know i feel like it's time for us to get to 100k now okay this is our journey it's not just me it's not about me it's about you it's about us okay so let's get to 100 000 subscribers guys so it may seem like i am alone but i'm not alone today i am with a european and american i'm back y'all so ladies can you guys please introduce yourself to the people real quick you already know who it is and you need to come up you already know hi guys my name is alder i'll be representing the europeans so i was born in albania raised in london and here i am now for college period today we are going to be doing a language tag so we are all studying in america of course she is american and she's going to be representing america i'm going to be representing south africa because i'm south african and she's going to be representing europe and of course i just want to say that there's no one person who can ever represent an entire nation an entire group of people so please don't come in the comments and saying we don't sound like that we don't blah blah blah this is all about personal experience and how we grew up [Music] um let's say you have a tummy ache and you feel really sick and you end up what's that word just throw up vomit you guys use barf oh yes some people do say that so it's not a common thing to use the word barf but it's not like an inconvenience so in england the common one is barf yeah that's a very common one so barf vomit throw up does anyone use the word chanda what is it am i just making making stuff up we just coming here with any word no you don't know the word chanda no you don't really damn she thinks i'm a fake european what is the name of the season when the leaves change color and fall to the ground they like they become orange yellowish autumn it's called autumn autumn it is called autumn i love the fall season why is it called fall i don't know as far as i can remember like i remember like in kindergarten having them say autumn but like growing growing up it's been fall because it's autism because you don't speak english oh clearly not josolos and that's on period like when i moved to america for me that was a shock because i'd never heard people use the word fall yeah why oh you're right they say full semester and spring semester no no it should be autumn but autumn semester sounds weird though yeah it does bro when your professor is uh okay so you have an exam and your professor gives you a grade the act of him giving you a grade what is that called when he's going through your stuff to give you a grade i guess grading i call it marking your work yes marking we say that but i guess grading actually makes more sense than marking if i'm gonna be honest because he's giving it a grade marking is like you mock if you know like you mock something you're giving a mark but it's not grading personally like they'll be like i have your assignments they were graded [Laughter] what is the day that comes after monday tuesday tuesday tuesday tuesday it's tuesday they're over here talking about enunciating your teeth tuesday then we're here saying tuesday tuesday where's the ch coming from huh tuesday tuesday saturday watch tuesday tuesday tuesday tuesday tuesday tuesday wait how do you tuesday you guys say stupid right we say stupid [ __ ] i feel like an essay different some some people say stupid others say it's stupid being very stupid that's a stupid thing to do okay that one we're gonna have to take an l even though the two of us say it it's we're seeing it wrong tuesdays cheers we say chew like i never noticed it though until somebody who had americans like going to the u.s exactly i had an american friend of mine say did you just say tuesday like chew i was like who i'm surprised you guys pronunciate your tea on tuesday oh are you surprised it was like you used tuesday tuesday we had y'all let's leave them alone the next round of activities is we're going to pronounce certain words so the first word is d-a-n-c-e dance dance dance dance when you say it like that like you make it fast you wanna help me that's how y'all sound it's dance dance dancing dancing that's how it should sound i don't know i feel like there's three people and two say dance and one says dance it's yo you said her up you said she really set me up a failure here okay i'm sorry guys colonization so that's the real reason why i sound like this so i was born in albania let me just put that out there i only have british citizenship that is it [Laughter] the next one is t h e r e there there there oh the diversity i feel like americans tend to really roll their r's so it's like they're here where with the r's that's how you guys sound here you got all these on here here ew here there also the tea you guys tend to like not pronunciate your teas so like for instance i want it you guys would be like i want it mm-hmm what is it oh my hey what's it where's the rest of it in it you know i feel like what's the point like you just say it it it's for like dramatic purposes like when i'm getting mad at somebody like like well maybe because it is how it's supposed to you said yeah because i t so obviously everybody that this video was made for to make fun of me put down in the comments why look the three of us are in your country at the end of the day so who's really willing the next word is s c-l-a-s-s class class class the class class class clause clause oh it just sounds so much better so much better class sounds classy yeah and also you're not doing as much like class yeah yeah last class clean class i don't know why it's so hard for y'all like class it just comes out of class classified you were born into it she basically said you're born to the ghetto that's what she said what because we said class is classy and then she said you were born into it so essentially what she said is you were she called you ghetto essentially that's what i'm saying what are you talking about man she drank that i hope you guys just witnessed how she turned another example who hated dragging me okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm gonna be a better person okay actually let's say that word i'm gonna be a better person which word better better better honestly honestly i'll be honest when it comes to me and pronouncing my t's it could go one way or the other if i'm lazy i say better if i'm being normal i say better so it's a lazy thing yeah to not say better a bit better better wetter wetter so like i could say water bottle or i could say water bottle what water bottle what that's a very problematic line by the way lower your tone here another video okay all right that's another video okay so the next thing is we we need to spell the word check as in can you write me a check so we spell it c h e q u e yep same i thought that's how i spoke y'all stopped yeah i spelled it different c h e c k check but the word check means something else than chick i've never heard anybody like spell check with the the queue really yeah i'm being serious like this is the first for me have i been here for three years i didn't realize you guys felt that different you didn't feel no i've been spelling honestly when i write essays i still type it in british english that's something i was really surprised about because i'm an accounting major so when i saw the word check in the book i was like sir they spelt it wrong this is not this is incorrect check because what if you say i want to go check the check so you're just going to say check check pretty much so the next thing is can you spell neighbor okay n e i g h b o u r neighbor everything was right and so she she added the you are no we just say or at the end i just can't get over it same thing with color too like color favor just take off the u for the vibes just they're just lazy that weird for you the you the idea of the use i mean i've always like seen like the words but with the you but like growing up and when they taught me at school it was always color as in like c-o-l-o-o okay so when you are writing the date what format do you normally use oh hey personally it's the day the month the year yeah can i explain why you put the month first it's so confusing are you doing it out of order listen i don't have the answers i was just told that this was the way isn't it though the day and then the year like what if it's the first of feb so you're gonna say 0201 2020 but that could easily be the second of jan you know for the longest i also thought 9 11 was um the 9th of november doesn't the rest of the world do it how we do it i think so i've i've never seen well i mean i guess i've only lived into albania does it how we do it okay so the last activity we're going to do is we're going to look at pictures and say what we see oh this is the first picture do you see do you see yeah what is that a bin a dustbin it's a trash can it's not a can why is it put a dust bin um chris the dustbin that's my store i'm sticking to it but like but it doesn't have just dust though okay but dust goes in it though but why is it called a bin what because it's just a bin okay but like many things could be called a bin really [ __ ] why is it called the trash can i don't know we it's a change trash and a trash can but it's not a can i have no idea okay so the next picture these kids are at school what is the name of the school they're in as in like what level what level of school are they in nursery i mean kindergarten i suppose or even before kindergarten preschool the crash your nursery reception then you start year one year two what is reception before you start year one i've never heard a reception before really reception like i know a reception area a receptionist i'm kindergarten so we have krish and then we've got preschool or grade zero and then we have grade one two three four up to twelve and what about you elementary school runs from like first grade but kindergarten sometimes or first grade to like fifth grade and that's elementary school but then like sixth grade to eighth grade middle school and then from like you know in high school which is like nine to twelve but then there's also like some states that you know considered like like middle school to be part of elementary school like from first grade to like eighth grade yeah so we have primary school and high school primary is like one to seven high school is eight to twelve and then we have primary school which is nursery slash reception to year six and then secondary school which is year seven to year 11 and then we have six form which is yeah 12 year 13. that's so extra 13. she said 13. you said 13 yeah yeah you're 12 and you're 13. are they together or they're two different years they're basically your junior and senior year of high school oh wait i thought she said that she was who you look so she thinks we do more school than i mean like i thought like she was saying that they're like she had like past 12 grade levels like i was like so wait you're in like right we're one until like 19. like yeah we're just one ahead of you guys so like when you guys say grade nine that's yeah ten for us oh okay what is this baby wearing a diaper a nappy yeah yeah we say nappy that's a napkin pampers that's a diaper it's a napkin it's a nappy napkin yeah a napkin shortcut is nappy stuff no because you know nappy comes from napkin yeah nappy a baby knife i used to wipe my face my hands like that's cute that's a serviette oh she fancy fancy right that's a napkin that's i just said tissue can you hand me something she said savvy yeah yeah so the tissue like on the table to wipe your hands when you eat it's called a serviette this is called a napkin or a nappy americans call those serviettes napkins what is this a plaster a panda it's a pasta you mean like the type of plastic that you put on a wall or are you used for art no it's like a plaster that you put on a thing when you're hurt hey plaster pasta pasta are we saying that the same no plaster cluster plastic okay what is this jelly no that's jam jam yeah that's jam you put on your dessert this is the thing you put on your bread when you make toast you put jam we say jelly i know you guys do it's called jam though this is just that's jelly that's jelly this is jelly gelatin that's just jello jelly i just don't get why you call jam jelly and jelly jello because jelly is jelly and james jam yeah what is this called that's an eraser it's a rubber i'm not gonna lie before i came to america the only piece of advice i got is when you ask for an eraser don't say rubber because apparently it means something else here it's a rubber is a condom yeah imagine being in math class middle of the day turn around be like yo you got a rubber sir i didn't know but i can get whatnot jesus is love i don't know why you guys decided to use rubber for something else i guess because if you think about it if you call a condom a rubber it rubs out the kids if you because we know the material pg the material if them kids guys i'm joking i'm completely joking um but do practice safe sex and be responsible and uh yeah actually before we go can we all say one sentence the exact same sentence so people can hear what the different accents sound like i can't pick up tomatoes before i go to class i can't pick up tomatoes before i go to class i can't pick up tomatoes before i go to class that being said that's it for today guys i hope you liked this video don't forget to comment like share and subscribe and i will be back with more videos if you want to see them on my channel again comment down below if you guys would like us to do a video on like you know educating you about how we speak and proper english or if you just want to see more of me in general because i know i'm a fan favorite like you know you already know comment peace and love guys you
Channel: Benitta Danielle
Views: 226,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3E0302Bq91w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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