Landzie Compost Top Dress Spreader Review (Lawn Results)

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in this video there's going to be a review  on the landzie topsail and compost spreader   and also a special discount code can  be found in the description below if   you're looking to buy one of these or if  you're looking to see how the thing works   stay tuned for an in-depth product  review on how i use it on my lawn it's garden and lawn care guy here and you can see  my lawn's right in the middle of a full renovation   i've been working to top dress and  overseed my lawn using the landzie spreader   and some rolawn product for more videos on lawn  care please don't forget to like this video and   subscribe to my channel and all the links for  the products in today's video can be found in the   description below so this is the landzie topsoil  and compost spreader it's currently selling   really well in the us and it's been recently  imported into the uk through garden imports   limited who sent me this demo unit to do a  trial on my lawn it's come at the perfect time   because i'm just in the middle of a renovation  project and i want to see what this thing can do   from the channel stats we're also getting a  lot more european visitors so this is also   available to ship to europe by using the link in  the description below i've got the full results of   using the machine but before i get into that  let me show you how it arrives out the box the machine itself is 24 inches  wide with a 16 inch diameter   and it weighs around 10 kilos it's quite  easy to pick up and move around when it's   not full of soil and it's actually  quite portable given the size of it when it arrives there's no assembly needed  it basically comes just in these two pieces   you get the main box unit and then the  handle you'll find the handle inside the unit   and you can access it just by unclipping  the little hatch where you load the soil in   these things just slide open  and the handle drops in there so this is what you'll get right out  of the box with no assembly needed   if we're looking at the professional market  and it's got quite a good accessibility you   can fit it in narrow spaces and you don't  have to carry quite a heavy machine around   it's also significantly cheaper than a lot of  industrial alternatives and you don't have to   worry about any fuels or emissions because it's  completely manual in terms of coverage it holds   around 80 litres which is enough to cover 20 to  25 square meters with a couple of mil thick and   it's best used with a material screen down to 10  millimetres although i've used it on material that   isn't screened down to that and it does drag all  the key rocks and stones and debris right out of   it and leaves you with a nice powdered coating  i'd like to show you a bit of a real-time demo   of just how easy it is to level a little area off  with this machine because it applies such a thin   layer it's really easy to screed it and brush  it right down into the areas that you need it   that board was there because i had a bit of a low  spot in that area i can just run the machine over   it backwards and forwards a couple of times  in this spot i'm actually using it to level   an area so i'm going to do a couple of rolls  just to build up the thickness a little bit you can see there a couple of  passes backwards and forwards   and we've got a really nice and thin concentrated  area which is screened and it also breaks up   some of the debris that's in your spreader i  can then just drag the board over that area and i'm going to fill this  dent in in no time at all so with that done i'll just tread the area  in a little bit and then we can brush it and the job's done it really is that quick and  i've just done that in real time and this is a   real game changer for me to do this manually and  chuck soil around it takes considerably longer you can see there it's done a great job  of removing all the stones from the soil   you do still get a few of the really small stones   but all the rest of the debris is completely  removed and lives with inside the spreader so that's that in a couple of minutes  i've just leveled that patch off   and it looks absolutely great let's  have a look at loading the spreader i made a bit of mistake when i was  leveling off the lawn that i put this   flat spot in at the bottom first which was  when i went to bring the barrel onto the lawn   so i'm just throwing this soil  into the bottom of the spreader   this is actually a super fine  and sandy mix you can see here   really crumbly and i was wondering whether it  would actually be contained by the spreader   or if it all drop out but this spreader will  contain even a really dry mix like that and for   me personally i was actually quite surprised  by how well it held this type of material   so after you've put the material inside  the spreader you can just close this hatch lock off the two little clips number one and number two and i tried both ways in terms of pushing  or pulling this it didn't really have much   difference in my opinion on the actual finish it's  just a more round preference of how well you can   hold it and you can see here it creates a really  thin and nice layer across the lawn i was actually   doing this in two passes and it's optional you  can do one forward or one back or actually quite   like to do one in one way and then crisscross  it in the other way just to get maximum coverage i also found the product that i was using was  tending to go a lot further as i was literally   just applying this thin layer on top it was  really easy to brush in with a broom and it just   disappeared into the grass this could be a  bit to do with the quality of the mix that   i've been using from rolawn as well but  without doubt the spreader does a great   job of applying a really thin layer it's  not going to crowd out any of your plants   and it's going to help fill in some of those  little surface imperfections you're seeing   so here's the lawn around 75 percent done this  little layer is just covering the seeds underneath   and i need to finish it off  with a couple of last passes so that's my experience with the landzie  i would have to put forward that it's   not an absolutely perfect tool and  this definitely isn't for everybody   and i will have to give it to this product it's  made this whole process significantly quicker it   just pulls the stones right out of that mixture  so it avoids them going on your lawn and it makes   it so simple to just brush in the remaining  top dressing because it's such a thin layer   i've been gardening lawn care guy and if  you're interested in garden and lawn care tips   please consider subscribing to my channel and  check out some other videos that you might like
Channel: Garden Lawncare Guy
Views: 193,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Landzie, Lawngoals
Id: QgxEN0msvJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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