Landscape Photography - It's not about the gear

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you [Music] by [Music] hi guys Gary got from shoots my photography training in this short series of films I'm going to be demonstrated to you guys just how good entry-level cameras are I've got a Nikon d5000 camera here in 18 to 55 middle lens if you don't away any of that means it's not relevant most important thing is it's an entry-level camera I picked this up secondhand on eBay for a 130 pound that's or and it works a treat as you saw earlier I also have a tripod sturdy tripod it cost me 20 pounds if I was going to add to that possibly might cost me maybe another thirty pound to buy a cheap set of neutral density filters and that would be ain't that all I need that's all that's required to go out there day after day night after night morning after morning and shoot fantastic landscape pictures anyway hope you Jonathan just put things into perspective each six o'clock in the morning as levy I'm merely so just to just to fill here in exactly what's happened now that I've driven across to Leeds and we've jumped in alleys builders van what do all Volkswagen drivers actually hate when people like me call their vans builders vans I've no idea but anyway so let's say so right about five past six now we're heading to Flamborough Head this morning now when we get a Flamborough Head arrival time at the moment is half half 7:00 and Sun up is twenty two way tours a bit of a rush when we get there fingers crossed we'll pick up a better time on the way down anyway as long as this bit of a smooth journey it should be fine and that's sir that's it that's where we're at ah [Music] would you check at the time now it's run about ten to eight we pretty much miss sunup but it's not really relevant we slow down if I'm honest with ya because typical weather here in the UK it's overcast I'll do a sweep round in a second just so you guys can see I didn't really matter though will still grab I see perhaps a lovely shot just called from there should be a fun date there though look at that you're not that look at that I got to get the draw now and do a quick around the let's do it [Music] it wasn't much of a sunrise with perfectly honest like I said earlier because of the cloud covers pretty horrendous however this is just totally amazing we just spin that camera around what submit does look a lot nicer won the season to take a look at [Music] every time you come out and start taking pictures it's not about trying to be the best best picture anybody's ever seen for whatever location crap just get out there some fun take pictures and learn the trade learn photography but more importantly just don't be lazy just check it is water appetite nobody know could you see it running let's keep my own data make sure I don't get cut off which again super important okay so I'm pretty much gonna have a look around now always looking for is the most important things let's get the most basics right when I say the most basics try and work with rules of thirds if you don't want rules of thirds are which is google it and you'll soon understand what water third for growing interests background in France and they try keep the sky detail in a supporting for ourselves you might well want to invest in maybe some neutral density filters so the most important thing is just door be lazy dude obviously look you know where you spend all day taking pictures you might end up with two or three absolutely nailers when you multiply that by a dozen times that you go out no of a sudden you've got a great body of work that's what it's all about it's not trying again that one every time you take the picture okay so don't worry about I just care about some fun let me just talk you through my setup like instead of using the actual make on to defy Matt Russell as we mentioned earlier we've developed over 130 pound on eBay second hand this standard kit lens on there as well 18 to 55 milind which is a standard crop sensor as well which if I'm honest with you because I'm not used to it I really am struggling with it's not really a problem or like I say you don't have to rush out and spread copious amounts of money in your availa proper landscape photographer you need a full-frame camera because that's just not the case at all it just means you have to work in a slightly different way we can take a lot of panoramic shots 5d Mark 3 1 DX Mark 2 as well both full-frame cameras have a said that every time I come out on location and take landscape shots I still do the same thing my school which had to sweep my pictures and stitch it together ok so look I'm looking down here if you can see I've got this rock here with my main focal point that rock there's going to not main focal point in this image I quite like that what's important now go for a nice wide angle shot that's why do I can to us 18 mil I've focused on that point usually they talk about a third of the way to the frame roughly that is a third of the way to the frame the most important thing is that certain eye catching part of the image people will naturally look I'd be drawn to it to make sure that point there it's actually focus once I focused on there then a good tip turn your focus then to manual so that way it's not hunting and trying to look for overtaking set your timer as well so it allowed any or any handshaking going to have you press a button even always on a sturdy tripod likely to move okay so all options are poor people lowest ISO I can get on this particular is ISO 200 like a tricky that why for 100 I know the price of 235 what aperture because I want everything in focus I need my aperture and a roundabout f11 f-16 is my go-to aperture every time I work with landscape so I've set the camera at f/16 as well I show the speed down on this particular light the borders things around one a sixtieth of a second now again because I'm not using my normal hit while I love to do stuff like the 10 stopper on there which means that will probably offer me either anything between a 30 second or a two minute exposure which would obviously render this picture completely different instead of always crashing waves but you can see in the background you're going to get that nice smoothie milky that course is open up to you but I can't use that today my nd filters won't work on this lens either so I'm just going to have to wing it but be honest but just go to show but the light to be fair today the sky is good this drama in the cloud another good tip is well at the sky slightly overexposed in the image and under expose your image slightly knowing that I can lift up the image bring up the brightness in post-production but it's really really important to make sure that we maintain the sky detail that it's just super super important for us landscape photographers and that's it I'm going to take one or two shots from here then I'm going to do a sweep right across all the way across there let's just see where we end up with right so we just left Flamborough Head didn't quite work out there as well as we'd anticipated obviously because the weather's so crappy the thing is when we start talking about the weather the wind you could put up with the wind it's not really a problem you can deal with that you can deal with if it's too bright bad skies and cold and snow and so on and so forth what you just can't deal with it's just the rain constant rain there's a bit see fret there as well and it's forever under clean your lens is just not very exciting but we're we off now to go to Whitby to wit they know I'm going to stop off at the never that Bay you said salt wick basalt they yeah do I can do a little bit of research online around about this coastline there I've not actually photographed it before matter if I've never been there before so this is what's good about getting out about an exploring salt with Bay if you googled it there's an old shipwreck down there to be fair there's not much of a shipwreck is like bit scrap metal but you'll kind of see what it's like when we get there that's pretty cool but digress it ever so slightly and this is quite funny I'm out and about in Lee's van Lee's got a politically there's a Volkswagen is it Tyler's back that's what it is not at all as well it's not a tireless man apparently I say too tired as managers are there's some people watching this right now who'll drive a VW t5 and is their pride and joy and comment below because I bet you wave to other people or the t5 drivers on the road I swear to god I've never seen anything like it just like motorcycles motorcycles will kind of get there did that or something you just kind of acknowledge other motorcyclists on the road well this book does that with his van to other fellow Kyla's who alive is the lot Tyler did T fibers apparently yeah I'm swearing right now so we take pride in your van and you're in fact we'll put a picture of of my van that we took in the Isle of Skye we'll use that one you can see I VA n van what do you do in a van I tell you what I'll get so what if you belong in a corner give us a brief on out look your mom I forgot to mention as well Wilma turned up a flapper ahead this morning it was still fairly dark just got there slightly before sunup we parked in a cab back that has a capacity probably for about five maybe six hundred cars it's absolutely huge bear minors wintertime a little bit of rain bit of sleep better snow horrible time of the year there's us and one other car parked in the car park anyway off we tread two hours later we came back and guess what we got a souvenir a souvenir of our trip to Flamborough Head thank you very much indeed mr. council worker thank you for your kind consideration however six foot four and a lowball it's very tempting [Music] [Music] okay next location would be take a look at those crashing waves it's just something excited about it that's pretty special get a ten stock builder on that milk all that out that'll look quite special [Music] okay so the next location today is lovely seaside village is called States probably about ten miles away from where we actually were it's still situated on the East Coast so unfortunately acknowledging the sunset on the west coast dirty okay we're not going to see the central sad to kind of drop down the light or drop but just while we're here is quite nice I've seen a small composition here quite like that there's a yellow boat I'm just going to pinpoint the one boats a whole roll boat there put a pinpoint the one boat which is a yellow book and in the background is a local pub called the kaabah knob stir they do nice food there know that anyways that's yellow as well so with the yellow background the yellow foreground I just thought it might quite nice so we're just going to give that a go obviously you've got one thing to be aware of now we've got boats pretty much ripping away with a sea so you don't really want to slowly shutter speed down too much otherwise you'll end up with a lot of blurring going on and I won't be very good at all so just make sure your shutter speed is up quite high even if it means you have to ramp up your eye so never be afraid of that remember if you were create any any noise and you can always remove the noise in post-processing so don't worry about that don't be afraid of ramping up your eye so you need to it's quite cool give that go so I pretty much wraps up that photography time really I suppose certainly here in today's is quarter past four we've been at it since I woke up this morning a quarter to five so it's been a long old day still thoroughly enjoyable oh and we've still got one more place to visit and then most important time of the day is what leave what what's the most important time of the day this chips out fishing ship time haha absolutely here event you have to have fish and chips it's the law end of it makes your pictures a lot better yeah absolutely okay so just to point out I'm not overly excited about this if I'm perfectly honest the sky looks quite nice so we should get some quite quite decent drama in there all I've gone for really to finish off is a nice big wide-open shot it's not all about creating award-winning photographs every time you click that shutter button it's not just get out there and just enjoy you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gary Gough (Pro Photographer)
Views: 39,018
Rating: 4.799787 out of 5
Keywords: Landscape Photography, Photography, landscape photography tutorial, landscape photography for beginners, landscape photography tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2017
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