Lando Norris isn't sure how to make a "Pina Colando", but tries to teach you anyway.

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today i'm going to be sharing with you the pina pina colando we have some chilled pineapple juice chilled coconut milk pineapple wedge and marish marriage chicken short cheryl chicken shower water marachino cherries um um how do i start grab your pineapple juice it smells sour like funky um i just pour some of it in all of it i do put all of it in then you grab your coconut milk 200 ml chilled and you also are meant to put all of this in uh and then i'm a lime kind of guy so i'm gonna be adding all of this lime juice you definitely just pour it all in and you shake it and very quickly pour it all in if you also want to do shots you can just pour it in here and just shot that if you want as well this is very safe i've practiced this a lot of times before stop the cap there you go taste test delicious
Channel: rachel
Views: 38,350
Rating: 4.9823141 out of 5
Keywords: Lando Norris, McLaren, Daniel ricciardo, Formula One, F1, Formula1, Funny, Pina colada
Id: XEXIap8HxaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 43sec (103 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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