Lando Norris Answers Your Questions | Actually Me

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what's up British GQ I'm Nana Norris and today I'm going undercover on the Internet it's actually me [Music] read it why do F1 drivers pull away from the slipstream towards the end of the corner and then come back into the slipstream it's like they're setting up a dive bomb but they're obviously not since they're too far back maybe it's forgetting cool air for the engine always a good question so this is mainly for the reason of being able to judge exactly where you are if you kind of stay too directly behind I lose my exact Judgment of where I am on the track next McLaren Formula One hosted by Angus RP hi as part of my school's year-long research project I have chosen a question to what extent have improvements in safety hindered or enhanced the sport of formula one final opinion is essential aspect of my research and I would appreciate you could fill out the survey below well I won't fill it out I'll just answer it anything that is there to protect my life I am grateful for when you see what could have happened in several crashes over the past few years the improvements of safety have only enhanced Formula One let's check Twitter we've seen many many strange items of air from memorabilia in our time but this is the strangest one yet now we want to know what does London Iris smell like well I'm not actually on Twitter anymore this helps a reason to stay away I use Louis Vuitton lumensity or diastavash I hope most of the time I'm going to smell like that but after a long day of racing often it can get slightly worse replied from Rick Norris F1 I don't know how other people understand team radios it's like Lando can you update me on the weather muffling angry muffling more muffling copy like what and my dad will understand it every word it is true so I am with you with on that one but sometimes people can understand the mouthful fair play to them they speak my full language post it now on to quora it's me for real seriously what is Landon Norris's driving style yeah I don't really know smooth fast I just drive how I feel like I drive post it there was actually a video of me it was in the Austrian Grand Prix where I was getting extremely angry with the car gave her the middle finger it was actually on live TV I didn't I was on live TV we'd landed on a speedless Hamilton if they're in the same team it was a tough question I've got to say yes by no means would it be easy if you want to do well you've got to believe you're better than the rest do everyone dramas like land Larissa might stop and still continue College as a Formula One driver um absolutely not I left school when I was 16. my focus had to shift towards concentrating fully on racing no driver on the grid does probably any sort of schooling when they become Formula One drives next Wikipedia [Music] after initially developing an interest in motorcycle racing Norris's attention switched to four wheels after his father took him and his brother to watch around a Super One National car championships as a local car track that is completely true it's a longer journey I started on horse riding so I started on four legs but then I moved the quad biking I was a big fan then I really got into Motocross but the changing moment was when I went to go and watch the British championships at clay pigeon which was my local car track in Yeovil that changed me the following year he won a crk FIA kf4 Championship with Ricky Motorsport making him the youngest counting world champion hell yeah I did I was 14 going up against people a lot older much bigger and there's the picture of me actually winning and I'm absolutely tiny and to be the youngest ever world champion as well was just like an extra bonus which was pretty pretty awesome at the steering Grand Prix Norris qualified sixth but was given a three-place grip penalty for overtaking and the yellow flags he passed three cars in the final two laps of the race to finish fifth in what he described as one of the best races of his career that was true maybe it was a second race back after covert or something uh so a bit Rusty you know I got the grid penalty which I didn't think really hurt me because I was racing much quicker cars at that point to kind of come back into racing after covid and have these two weekends it was pretty awesome all right let's see some YouTube comments [Music] I'm still Lando for being transparent about the help of Professional Psychology I don't know why more people don't acknowledge it especially in sport it's as important as going to the gym to train your body that's true thank you thankfully you more and more people are opening up about it and speaking out about it I thought it was a bigger benefit to myself and to help other people by saying what I've said next how many other talents do you have that you haven't told us about you're amazing oh thanks I mean I wouldn't say I'm very talented in anything else in life apart from driving I'm thankful that I found driving I think I'm good at photography um I can take cool pictures yeah that's about it replied Instagram finally [Music] Singapore Ricard this is the post for myself 27 race wins between us after today Chloe tramos said where do you most want to win your first Grand Prix easy Silverstone home Grand Prix home race for myself for McLaren British fans no other place in the world that I'd want to win more than my home crowd next one Dunleavy underscore Automotive what's that huge camera rig for you being 3D modeled for something I think it was something like that I think this is for the F1 2022 game or 23 whatever it's going to be posted okay that's it I'm signing off the internet
Channel: British GQ
Views: 1,045,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: actually me, british gq, british gq actually me, f1 british gq, formula 1 gq, gq, lando norris, lando norris 2022, lando norris daniel ricciardo, lando norris f1, lando norris facts, lando norris formula 1, lando norris funny, lando norris gq, lando norris instagram, lando norris interview, lando norris its friday, lando norris mclaren, lando norris radio compilation, lando norris responds, lando norris verstappen, max verstappen, max verstappen lando norris
Id: mHmqZ987vQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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