Land of Boggs 2022 Marathon

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all right I'll get that right out for you I like your hat by the way [Music] [Music] hey what were you going [Music] wow Mark who's this that's my brother bark I'm his brother bark you'd never guess bark is so cool hey Candace I call this move the Maurice whatever I call this move the Maurice I've never seen anyone do that before hey Candace you like my new lip ring ew Mark that does not work on you oh enjoy your drink Fargo you too good morning I'd like an iced coffee can I get a name for that I mean Bart dang it oh dang it [Music] nice coffee my name is Cheryl hey Bargo nice wig in his eye Bago the empath may I have a volunteer [Music] are nervous I am nervous who is next aha Bowie I feel that you are annoyed this is all a bunch of BS so yeah I am annoyed she is annoyed Pogo is Right Pogo is amazing I will feel the emotions of the whole body I feel that all of you want to give me money [Applause] [Music] ball don't photograph me I feel bloated today no I wasn't ready delete that sorry I'm such a pain you better now [Music] hey y'all asked so here's my average day living in the woods first thing in the morning I log on to Twitch and start streaming at lunchtime I get in my workout I love the live classes at night I was craving s'mores so I fired up grub now and got some sporporium delivered thank you oh my God disgusting get away from me you guys I definitely would not recommend this lifestyle this place is gross as hell look BOGO it's [Music] hey BOGO weren't you gonna ask Kendall something I was wondering if you would like to go on a date I'd love to yay bug darn it can I had a really good time today me too me too son fancy running into you here you've game for a raid before dinner you're line never mind this game hey son looks like we're on a roll okay finally no parents what kind of rock s have no respect for authority punk rock [Music] if you're really feeling down in the dumps try taking a walk through nature fine stupid nature they're taking a walk yeah whatever why don't you take [ __ ] Allison [Music] that was lame [Music] let's get pretty beauty is pain long lashes dewy skin why do guys not have to try and you're just gonna play video games [Music] phew feels good to get outside how'd you like the hike my fitness tracker says it was perfect I completed all my daily steps uh oh Fitness tracker says my blood sugar is low I need calories at a step watch that snap time use your watch to call for help no can do Bowie I've reached my screen to have a limit got a detox no [Music] who's here first ah the Nerds the reasons traveler was your journey Fair my map let me true sucks to see you filthy I wouldn't miss this for the end of the world my Elena Jane you've got some nerves showing your face around here what up square is this bogo's party what's up dude what's up dude hey I know that actor oh yeah what's your name again wasn't he in the Bog Chronicles movie oh I gotta look this up it's gonna kill me finally all right I ask that everybody stay silent during the remainder of them hey wait a minute I know that guy well what's this guy and what's the name on this drink Fargo Bradley yep exactly right on the money you got it we're looking for Bradley I think that's Bradley what it's not me but you told me your name was Bradley well yeah but I I yeah I'm Bradley [Music] BOGO Bowie I need you to collect six turnips for the turnip Festival on it [Music] get out [Applause] Bowie what are you doing the mayor wanted us to collect six turnips oh you didn't say how to get them oh Bowie thank you for the 738 turnips with these welcome to the Future BOGO we have made many advancements since your time hold up does actress have pockets we provide spacious pockets for clothing of all genders but we have also called world hunger sorry go on Interstellar travel is also attainable thanks to advancements we've managed to reverse climbing yeah yeah that sounds sweet hey I'm just going to try these on real quick [Applause] hey boy it's your turn to do tours start by cooking dinner oops sorry guess I'm no good at cooking oh cooking you can take out the trash you mean this trash how did you go water the plants I could never remember if plants need water or gasoline hey guys check out my dragon stand nobody cares Aiden actually I think that's super cool Aiden don't you dare if you thought that was cool check out my Judo roll that's amazing stop encouraging him oh I'll stop if you put on the great Scandinavian cake off fine hey Aiden I bet you can't punch the bark off that tree oh yeah watch me out Bowie you're behind in your chores I know they're just so boring which is why I've turned the toys into a game try picking up some trash congrats bye you've achieved rank two in Waste Management proficiency does it uh uh I I mean here's some loot wow I feel so accomplished yeah yeah but that's enough grinding for today we will resume tomorrow what thank you hey BOGO can you clean that spill hey BOGO could you grab me a bagel Bago help you find my phone hurry it up with my coffee I'm a busy fog you know [Music] you know that means somebody's talking about you yeah out output out is out my friend Bowie is the best she's nice she's funny she's hot I don't know what I'd do without her oh did I mention how great my friend Bowie is oh look she's calling me now hello weird must have butt dialed me with that sweet ass anyway where was I whoa this game looks cool I play here are your pieces now roll this dice I can't believe you roll that what what happened to my pieces yeah not a great move bud you told me to roll them now you gotta sit on the toilet of Shame what the heck sorry Bowie those are the rules [Music] Pogo it is I your Fairy Godmother aren't I too old for this sense what is your wish I will make it come true okay I want to own a house we were outbid try another wish oh forgive my student loans those no can do why don't you wish for something reasonable hey why don't I bring a loved one back to life yeah okay [Music] oh Dad can we get crazy cones five dollars you're in luck kiddo I brought some ice cream from home never mind hey hey Mike I can write your name on stuff that's okay Dad can I at least ride the Merry-Go-Round what do you think [Music] Pogo I didn't know you hiked oh yeah I love hiking what happened Bowie is that you I can barely see you through the fog fog oh God the vultures are here to pick up mine rotted corpse but you have to leave me behind promise me you'll get out of here and live a good long life [Music] what how is that my fault he's the one being a little maniac why did you why did you and Zao you're worried about the trash bins breaking news Bowie's little brother leads cops on a high speed Pursuit how could Bowie let this happen [Music] I know she's awesome what do you like to eat bro oh you like my legs that's cool I've got an extra Bowie get that thing away from me hi meet your brother why'd you drive me to this theme park for babies what what what oh okay all right you think this uh yeah okay boy look at me and look at that baby who looks at a place here Bowie it's not me but we honestly that's embarrassing at this point it's embarrassing do any little Wizards need a bottle refill oh oh go we're late come on yeah I'm almost ready okay ready oh wait I almost forgot wait dang it hold on I'm gonna pack that let me grab that too let me just pack this just in case could you hold this we are literally going next door [Music] so how do you like bug Chronicles look this show sucks yeah I know this Show's the worst I always show it to you as a joke pretty funny right well glad that's over but wait no all right Bowie make me hot you got it buddy I'll make you the most go just bug ever girl you look so good really oh I've outdone myself here's your drink sir took you long enough nearby charged with being catty and rude do you have anything to say for yourself what I've heard enough you are sentenced to the pour over method ah how can I help you is that you Candice I haven't seen you since middle school what have you been up to my dancing went viral got some sponsorships received a Nobel Prize started my own skin care line bought a house and started my own puppy Sanctuary what about you I took a pottery Fargo that's so cool how did you make that I'll give you anything [Music] captured your dear friend BOGO oh no in order to save your friend yeah now let my friend go oh gee [Music] oh GK yeah that's what I'm doing you can stop now I do anything for you [Music] Pogo you look gross today how dare you say that about my best friend [Applause] oh boy she's beautiful I'm sorry you you're beautiful that's better don't let me catch you talk about her like that ever again [Music] thanks for inviting me to your party Candace lame I'm gonna go cool off in this pool Bowie now how are we supposed to look like we're having fun [Music] I'll get it I'm here for the Apple huh [Music] that'll be one million dollars wow [Music] oh my gosh a meteor who will save us [Music] [Applause] yo did you see that spider that dude was huge all right Bowie make me hot you got it buddy I'll make you the most go just bug ever girl you look so good really oh I've outdone myself so what anime are you into I don't like anime you don't I really thought you would everyone always asks me if I like anime and I don't know why you know what this date is over mom come back Bowie I have to tell you something we have to promise not to get mad fine I promise what's up I just realized I'm pouring rat poison instead of milk into your cereal what if you wouldn't get mad I'm not mad just get me medicine really cause you sound mad okay foreign take some pics of me there took a bunch no nope no way now oh God what am I doing here no no no do I really look like that oh my gosh no what Jesus Yep this is it okay BOGO what's happening to you what you talking about oh it's Leo season feeling yoga detox with the girls have you seen my phone I need to text my ex hey What's your deal Bessie hey let me go this is for your own good you can Cage The Lion but you can't tame its Roar oh no we've crashed on desert island agent help me build a wrap or I could use that speed boat I wish we had a speedboat too son but this is the only way out of here oh look a resort Betsy the kids have heat stroke go find water we'll be in room 308 if you need us dear family's gone crazy Wilfred it's up to us to find help we'll come back for you foreign credentials are impressive but I think we're going to move forward with another candidate for the janitor position uh hey kid I like your style you need a job well awesome because I've been looking for someone to take over my chocolate Empire wow glad I got to the airport five hours early can't believe they almost left without me oh shoot I left my bags at home [Music] ah the library this starts above imagination what will it be today BOGO today I think I'm Feeling High fantasy oh I've got something you'll love thanks [Music] dang that is some high fantasy how much oh it's free the library freaking rules see you soon bestie [Music] if anyone objects to this Union speak now or forever hold your peace oh my God selling bogville season three just dropped what no way what a vintage at my place I do yo so this was super chill keep in touch dude [Music] let's have a dinner sweetie I got your favorite Aiden is a mom who loves him what a loser what no no don't mom pretend you don't you don't know me oh I I mean Hello strange child that I don't know do you like pizza I love pizza great just hop in my van and we'll eat the pizza at my house which you've never been to sounds good bye guys oh hey Bowie can you pay me that five dollars you owe me oh you know I would buddy but I'm struck for cash right now what about all this money Pago that one is not for spending wow hey Bowie you need to pay your rent but I don't have anything get some I don't care how hey get out of my car thanks for the bargain orange dude here you go hey Bowie what you eating Taco dunk they're super addicting do you want some I'll just try wood oh man these are great huh stay back I told you I don't have anyone I'm home I've missed you so much [Music] every second without you is Agony I'll never leave you again before we start hanging out I wanted to let you know I already have another friend okay we thought we'd try seeing other friends she's my best friend though so don't get it twisted I'm cool with that high five whoa whoa oh fighting is kind of a me and Bowie's thing on second thought I don't think I'm ready to open our friendship goodbye hurry up guys I got a busy day planned first up we're watching we need to watch whales faster boom well done we're gonna miss our dinner reservations [Applause] please with enough meditation you can open your third eye I've been coming for years and I still can't do that years I don't have time for that what that can't be right [Music] so I said that's not a toaster that's my wife laughs look they love me [Music] Bowie Halloween was months ago you have to get rid of these jack-o-lanterns my jack-o-lanterns but they're still in shape I've been taking care of them the pumpkins are suffering Bowie kill [Music] sorry hahaha [Music] I love this outfit where did you get it I made it from the Flesh of My screaming victims okay screaming victims and it's makeup palette are you using I achieved this whole when I sacrificed my soul to the darkness sounds like I've got to get a hold of this Dark Lord thank you for the tips hey Bowie hand me that hot sauce you know that's pretty spicy right don't worry about me some of us can handle a little Heat how is it so good can't even feel it then have some more I'd love more hey cutie what you drinking I started doing this thing where I mixed beer and protein powder together and it is seriously epic feel really sick all the time but in the best possible way so I've been thinking about getting a tribal tattoo maybe something corn ER [Music] more bully play with me Grandma's too old and tired to play young one I told you the fair reunion tour in bug Arena my favorite band from my youth the best band ever I have a bag worth it though hey you ready for school almost come on in charge you I'm sorry it's so embarrassing hey kids I made you better toes thanks Mom wow your mom's a giant Mac it's so cool that you're anime you'll have to excuse me I need to check up on my bestie buddy yes yes [Music] can I get this video game that video game looks violence what about this board game great idea board games are wholesome fun for the whole family oh mom got sliced you always return my gift that's because you don't know what I want nobody got me what I wanted because it was dangerous what do you think Bowie she sure likes her soup I'm so I'm so glad I'm out of there I'm so excited for our vacation just hope we make it through security good why don't you tell me about this [Music] extravagant purchase that's vague what could that even mean you will experience neck pain that's such a coincidence you'll took on an apple buying it I think they need to make that face well that could be anybody I just I don't feel fulfilled in my job my relationship with my cat isn't where I wanted to be yeah why don't we try a new treatment take a look at this [Applause] grab her hair
Channel: The Land Of Boggs
Views: 3,990,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Land of Boggs, Animation, BuzzFeed, Boe, Boggo, The Land Of Boggs
Id: VNaCdQKp1I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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