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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh are you gonna what are you doing come after me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i got it [Music] [Music] you're 20 minutes late well you've seen the traffic around here it's where it's in baghdad take a seat now looks like you've come up a few pay grades billy last time i saw you you were surfing a desk at langley and trying to nail that dirty blonde secretary with the nice ass what was her name last time i saw you you and your boys were getting your asses kicked all over downtown medellin by escobar yeah i remember jillian these two men are not even sure of their real names they're poppy farmers from about 60 miles outside of kabul they have the ability to produce about a billion dollars a year of high grade black tar heroin the deal is that they'll supply the salazar cartel with heroin well under market price in exchange for access to the line the line the drug routes from this side of the border to the u.s they're bringing in a suitcase probably smuggle from pakistan what's that we don't know what we do know is that it's hermetically sealed and we can't x-ray it this suitcase is a test if they can get through with that then you've got a big problem bottom line we can't guarantee that something won't make it through at the end of the day what we're talking about is the taliban the pipeline for whatever they want to the u.s nukes drugs bio weapons people that'll be all for now randall thanks so it would be stupid enough to let this happen i thought you people had this whole area under control and salazar he's dying number two man's taking over alone he's a piece of work this deal goes through he'll be the biggest narco trafficker in the west even bigger than your buddy escobar so uh now what this all sounds like a local problem to me well as of six hours ago he was mine officially now is yours no no i retired in 96. whatever why don't you start off by giving us some idea of what your units operations are in this area my unit how close are you palone is a paranoid psycho it keeps moving from one safe house to the other it won't be easy to track but we'll give you all the intel we have so you have someone inside yes one but i'm not gonna give you that why not too deep and besides i don't trust you so what's the verdict did you ever nail that dirty blonde with the nice ass just get the job done clean if possible this cancer [Music] [Music] yeah crossover [Music] [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cristo cristo foreign degrees you take care of that thing we discuss it's done hmm it's good to get your hands dirty sometimes the arabs on the way to his house what go back to your house i'm gonna be a minute entertainer have you um have you seen this guy i don't know this guy so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i need a room five dollars for 15 minutes and he went for two days oh you don't want to stay here there's no hot water just give me the room corner if you got one next so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's uh three visits in four months you must need something i need you to see if someone knows about the afghanistan deal of course they do renee i told you i warned you and i got a leak in my organization maybe probably but that's not the point well what is the point the point is that no matter how much money you stand to make on this deal the americas will now let you deal with terrorists even if they're not terrorists i didn't ask for your advice the deal is going through it's my show now obviously sit down renee why do you show me such disrespect siente you know people thought i was crazy when i turned over the family business to a non-family member but i always knew i was doing the right thing because you have a steadiness about you and i believe in you but it comes and you must be smarter than your enemy what are you trying to say the americans they're very smart but sometimes they're gonna be incredibly stupid they spend all this money and time and energy on the so-called war on terror they put satellites up in space they can ram a smart bomb up a camel's ass from a situation room 5 000 miles away but every time the u.s kills an al-qaeda leader what happens there's a new one before the body is cold they do it a million times they never get it because the real solution always eludes them you know what that is why don't you enlighten me do nothing nothing nah if you want to shut down a fundamentally flawed system all you got to do is step out of its way and it'll shut itself down nature has a way of correcting itself you're going to church like i told you almost every day fat antonio's a good man you should always be straight with god if you turn your back on god god might turn his back on you and you're in trouble [Music] you wanna check that out for me yeah i'm gonna check it out for you hey next time don't make such a dramatic entrance remember i'm dying [Music] i grew up here 20 years of work two years in mexico city and here i am a babysitter for [ __ ] arabs they're afghanistan whatever welcome gentlemen i'm afraid my spanish is deplorable mr juarez and the spanish translation books are scarce in my country that said it would be good to know that we are safe here in english if you don't mind you are completely safe here please you've come a long way let's go inside [Music] manhattan bar joseph um [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm looking for jose this is mexico brother everyone's named jose [Music] wait here [Music] [Music] no [Music] what the [ __ ] did you come here for me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] um maybe this isn't a good time to come back a little later i think you should take off i haven't seen any piece of [ __ ] bounty hunters have you why don't i teach you guys a couple beers huh i said [Music] second floor knock once [Music] [Music] gringo [Music] go something tells me you've never done that before it is not commonly acceptable behavior in our culture i thought it was stunning you know stunning for [ __ ] isn't that what you guys do we are civilized people we don't stone people anymore oh civilized i see assuming you are mr canton's lieutenant i work for don salazar yes but if i am correctly informed mr salazar has fallen ill yes he has i'm a simple farmer mr worries we have a a product it has a market demand the product happens to be heroin so that makes us all common criminals in the eyes of the american government doesn't it does that scare you their goal is to crush islam mr juarez their goal is to make our people slaves for their imperialist interests so frankly sir we say to them as we said to the russians [ __ ] them okay so just an off question what if bellong sorry mr canton what if some terrible faith were to befall him in the next few days how would that affect the deal we don't anticipate that so we wait and see what happens in the meantime enjoy they get one with [ __ ] and they crack it's like they're starving how's our special project coming along pablo didn't check in did you try yourself i've been calling all day no answer [Music] [Music] maybe it's just a rumor somebody said you was trying to kill me some big elaborate plan is that true [Music] i can't hear you so maybe he's just a ruler [Music] this is my town let's go i think you would understand i mean does he really care about the details god is not going to bless a drug deal renee and what do you understand this one you cannot buy god's favor you cannot buy mine i wouldn't be so sure about that god's work is is many things what is not free it is the wish of salazar that i give you this spiritual guidance so i am here other respect for him for i have seen it [Music] goddamn piece of ass finally gets you smoked you almost got yourself hurt oh yeah that was close let's get a drink surprised you didn't take that iraq gig a lot of guys making a fortune over there ah too much competition got every nickel and dime team and their mother over there trying to make a name for themselves killing farmers putting ak-47s on their laps jesus christ it's like [ __ ] are getting paid to do it too they ain't got dick for nightlife over there i'm thinking i'll just sit my ass in mexico city get a new job here and there women are easy actually they're more like desperate desperate works for me when did you get in three days ago i was surprised to get the call tell you truth i didn't think i'd hear from you after that bogata situation all right well the past is the past moment that you and iraq would have never mixed you're completely right by staying here you couldn't have done it what'd you find out strange world down here ain't gonna be easy never is we're going to go tomorrow just be ready hey uh shields yeah welcome to the money i sent you come on man [Laughter] thank you someone went into manhattan and tore up hector and his boys watson probably a bounty hunter it's a contract who's spain you know who diablo he will never accept you and now he's hanging out with that glingo all the time [Music] you know me mommy she tried to cross over la lina through the kills when i was nine everyone would tell you how easy it was back then she just left you know early my son wasn't even up they didn't find her body she was the only family i had [Music] yeah was like family to me keep you [ __ ] theories to yourself he will i know why you are keeping us here tempting us with this barbaric lust and sin buying yourself time so you can do the unthinkable oh it's thinkable muhammad and i'm not the only one who's had such a thought we've been trying to do business with mr salazar for some time he was never interested another scared puppet of u.s interests i respected him everyone respected him i trusted him maybe now we have a friend here along is no friend 21 you should know that no solo this real bad renee real bad it's a [ __ ] clear he's trying to take my deal here don't use that word around me it angers me call him off he's the least of your worries you're on an exclusive list to protect them and look what happened to them you're naked here just tidy things up and be careful be careful know you trust let me get some rest foreign [Applause] range 220 yards if he comes out the front door oh jesus clear [Music] seven seconds take it you're gonna lose them take the shot [Music] this cancer [Music] there's no shot pull back [Music] all right [Music] i don't know shields you don't look so good maybe you ought to think about taking some time off gotta have a bunch of cash stash by now fine oxygen what it's fine keep me steady it's fine i don't know about this thing shields i'm starting to hear mexico city call me oh if you have doubts then go it ain't that it then what you know i always got your back i'm cool i'll call you in the morning [Music] [Music] [Music] part of the business mate it happens don't talk to me about the business you don't understand i'll tell you what i do understand i've worked in a lot of places this place is a [ __ ] mess he wasn't always salazar ran la lino with dignity there was order here respect so what happened and the mario [ __ ] from mexico city they planned it all out planned well to take over killed the right people at the right time salazar got sick he grew weak fast he thought he was saving his own life by putting palong in charge of the business but he was dying anyways it was selfish [Music] hmm yeah i'm going home today [Music] are you sure okay i'll be ready all right four o'clock i'll meet you there [Music] your boxy cotton no no no give me give me the put it in the bottle put it in the bottle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh i'm taking it suck this place [Music] go go and play in the other room i don't know if i've been out two days you had a hundred dollars in your stock i gave 50 to the two guys who carried you here that's your change on the table not a thief you can count it all right four blocks from your hotel oh oh just lie down oh ah i need a phone no phone just try to get some sleep oh don't you know that that cigar is going to kill me what this no i got this from castro's private stash it's not going to hurt anybody you know my dad he died in 93 he was hooked up to all of this [ __ ] when he died he was a tough son of a [ __ ] man it was it's hard to see him go like that is that what you're here to do relieve me of the disgrace of dying like this no salazar now my bettors seem to be able to work with you in the past mainly out of respect for your father and your grandfather respect we let that nicaraguan thing pass and let you make all of that money off of that pig escobar and then when you had your troubles [Applause] in mexico city we took care of those for you and we say frankly we don't care what you animals do to each other down here as long as the line stays open all right you didn't think for a minute that we were going to let you make a deal with some koran thumping towel-headed terrorists now did you i'm not in charge anymore it's not my show really really yeah well you tell napoleon that mr water and lou are in town and they don't miss your other kid the fairy he has a team of his own in town too so i don't think your boys long for this world [Applause] seems like someone else isn't either that's a shame [Music] here i go looking for jose [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] [Music] love me like a riverdale's [Music] crossed the sea love me like a river does endlessly [Laughter] love me like a river [Music] downs baby don't rush [Music] love me that is all [Music] love me like a roaring sea [Music] swirls above [Music] love me like a roaring sea wash me out love me like a roaring seed [Music] baby don't rush you'll know what a fall [Music] love me that is old [Music] good morning oh gracias i took the rest of the money this morning for breakfast uh i have to go i figured that drugs what is it drugs guns they're not a pimp i know pimps when i see them okay don't tell me but when you do what i do you get to know people quick you are not as bad as you look probably not as bad as you need to be and anna likes you she thinks you might be her father where is he i can tell you the truth or lie same to me the truth i have no idea i never really knew him it was meth there were a lot of men you still on it meth no it's been five months are you a family yes i know sure you know what i mean thank you be careful say goodbye carino [Music] let's go eat some pancakes wire fire [Music] still playing frozen so where will we i can hear you [Applause] who hired him huh who saved you i was a diablo who sent you i think we should stop tickling what do you think mario [Applause] grab his [ __ ] legs he's gonna talk [Applause] you need something man hope you boys are being careful i was down here in 82 i got the runs for a month steady and it's a toss-up really the food is kind of like the [ __ ] some of it looks good but you never really know what you're eating i want it neat there's a lot of eyes on us down here so no collateral damage no civilians they're always neat budapest call that nate anyway i want to do what you do at his warehouse call me when you're done be careful runs wasn't the only thing i got down here in 82. how did you get in here you didn't hurt that poor kid who's taking care of me did you did you love my mother that's the basic water though i don't want to get into did you love her i don't think so it's more complicated than that i had a wife daughters it was too much to lose i don't think love like that exists anywhere then you killed her no her illness killed her you were her illness gonna win this don't get in my way there is no winning against bellon he's too focused too single-minded he's dead eduardo i'm not gonna see you again you know that i know you cannot win this eduardo so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go cover [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] sniper i thought [Music] [Music] we have a problem sir there was another shooter what the [ __ ] is going on my they keep coming lolly hunters and they knew we'd be here what are you saying i'm saying someone is ratting us out what the [ __ ] is going on there's some guys shooting at us is your friend you busy who you talking to i know how long are you all my life you first you have to get out of here now not you brandy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] uh so what happens here i it's always the small ones what the small ones the ones that are so small inside that hurting you makes them feel bigger nothing makes you feel bigger so i did not think that i would see you again my friend was killed i'm sorry i wasn't there i don't have a lot of friends to lose uh i killed a woman and a few years ago that it's not as if i haven't killed people before [Music] which is that i killed this woman nobody cared [Music] so that is what you do you kill people what i am no no it's not no it's not you are broken like me like this place it's easier just to fall apart i've i've been trying for a long time now [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so you couldn't give me the respect to kill yourself you hire gringos and bounty hunter to do what you should do you're a cow i'm not scared of you you should know i love you enough to kill myself [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] what are we waiting for are you a [ __ ] coward too huh kill me so [Music] keep going what are you doing [Music] where are you going [Music] now [Music] hmm what happened you let me down hennessy too i trusted you and you let me down what's going on you're not sick hmm i feel much better now you really think i was going to turn the family business over to you that my grandfather built that my father died for money's by the door i i can't it's all right thank you thank you what what the [ __ ] is going on how do you know this guy bothering bother to help him out got you honey take that off i was raised catholic i don't want that image in my head okay okay look at me look at me nature has a way of correcting itself [Music] you should have let me know that you had your own shooter we almost had a real mess here after all these years where's the trust next time you should know this is not some great day for me i took no pleasure in this you got what you wanted i hope you're happy we are unreasonable [ __ ] javier the ugly american we are never happy i'm happy or now regards to your family let's go clean this mess up anna i don't hear you getting ready anna get your things together now anna come on what mommy don't we have to go hear me [Music] do [Music] [Music] going past golden gate elementary every day [Music] fire drill [Music] she likes the side without the heat where the sun don't be she likes the cool side washington street [Music] hummingbirds pigeons [Music] light shine down into the tides over hillsides [Music] see where the bridge and mountain me at the mouth of the sea and where the sailboats live a [Music] with the day evening [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no [Music] she takes her [Music] still in my hand [Music] never washes away security [Music] you
Channel: V Movies
Views: 1,733,913
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Keywords: la linea, v movies, la linea the line movie, la linea the line full movie, best action movies, best action movies on netflix, best action movies 2021, action movies full movies, action movies 2021, action movies 2020, free movies, full movies, full free action movies, full free action movies 2021, full free action movies 2020, full action movies, ray liotta movies, ray liotta movies 2021, ray liotta movies full, andy garcia, andy garcia movie
Id: qdX4KALZPw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 52sec (5632 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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