Kylie Jenner: Christmas Cookies With Stormi

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okay so Stormy's mouth is all green because she's already eaten a lot of the candy right you ate the candy wow we are gonna get into this and make Santa's cookies because remember we have to leave cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve you know that let's get into these sugar cookies are you ready yeah okay will you help me put in we're gonna start with two sticks of butter okay who's on your pajamas stormy Christmas what's on them though you have Santa okay so this is gonna be fun okay you're gonna add one cup of sugar whoa make sure there's no storms okay so now we got it your mouth is all green girl so now we got the two eggs in and we're gonna crank it up and mix it low I'm like two or three wow this is mixing we're gonna add a teaspoon of salt Joanna pour this in here you want me to do it we're gonna add the salts and then we're gonna do a teaspoon and a half vanilla smell this yummy I know okay so this is three cups total we're gonna do half of it now mix it a little bit and then we're gonna do half the other half it makes it a little more [Music] oh my goodness stormy gotta clean up our mess good job you said what it's dirty okay Oh Kris Jenner we're making sugar cookies for Santa our cookie dough is done girl you did such a good job pound it now that we're done with our cookie dough we're gonna put this into a plastic bag and we're gonna let it we're gonna let it chill for just 30 minutes to an hour okay you want to wear it okay we're back it's been about 30 minutes we just took our dough out okay so this is what our dough looks like look at our dough feel it Christmas my favorite holiday is Christmas is that your favorite holiday yeah and I'm so excited because stormy is almost two years old and she is getting it she gets Christmas she was a little scared of Santa first weren't you scared of Santa my mom's you want to dip in it absolutely and we went to see my mom and Palm Springs and she had this giant 8-foot Santa that's sang and just moved weird it was scary it scared me for me are you serious right now I said you could put your little finger in there and what are you doing is it feel cool perfect I need you to put a little bit of flour on here put a little flour get a handful put it on good job ooh girl you might be a baker you are a chef chef stormy what thank you those movements so now you're gonna roll out the dough doesn't stick we're gonna start cutting the cookie storm you ready and then look I'll show you how to do it hold it like this put it on here [Music] okay put it on the pan cuz it's not cooked yeah we still to bake up put it on there good job baby do it that's ready okay so we're gonna keep doing this and then we are gonna put them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes so the cookies already ever had to redo some of them so they look perfect oh they're ready for us to decorate are you ready okay so you're gonna get some frosting do you want white or red red so let's say we're gonna take our little man and we're gonna go like this whoa the man is red now candy canes put them on your cookie so to you babe can I put some sprinkles on here could be you like to copy me huh I'm gonna do a little green whoa so pretty huh thank you baby so yeah we're about to decorate our cookies and we are definitely gonna give these to Santa and leave them out for him on Christmas Eve thank you baby I think this is such a fun way to get into the Christmas spirit right storm well you say bye to everybody
Channel: Kylie Jenner
Views: 45,551,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kylie Jenner, Christmas, Cooking, Stormi Jenner, Stormi
Id: v3KrapfMXqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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