Kyle Shanahan Film Breakdown | The QB Room

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welcome to the QB room this is presented by happy Dad um we uh we got some we got some good good stuff going on today we got some sad stuff Kyle's season's over sad day man sad day he's essentially offseason has started probably don't know what to do with yourself but that also presents the opportunity for us to change it up a little bit uh for those of you who are seing this for the first time my name is Jordan Palmer I coached quarterbacks for living used to play a long time ago Kyle Allen uh quarterback back for the Buffalo Bills backing up his buddy Josh and uh we've been doing this for two years now and today's going to be a little different episode we are not going to have a guest uh we are not going to just talk about football news we're gonna get in deep k w you tell them what we're GNA do today yeah I think one of the most interesting things coming into the AFC NFC Championship is the 49ers in general but in my opinion the offense I think a lot of you guys who are football nerds like us and probably people who watch the show are super football nerds they watch that game the 49ers wor Packers last week and everyone was probably a little surprised I think they were interested to see they didn't get off to a hot start they didn't have the lead they struggled playing from behind um and then they ended up Brock pry ended up breaking one of the most crazy stats I think I've ever heard in my life is Kyle Shanahan being 0 and3 went down by seven points in the fourth quarter Brock py finds a way to bring him back and win but I think one of the interesting things about the 49ers this year is when you look at them they always playing with a lead they're a team that's you don't want to call them Front Runners but they're always playing with a lead they play great with a lead they play great on schedule football and I think when you really dive down into the numbers and the tape and and watching them they're a team that struggles when they get behind and I think that's when you watch the Ravens game when they have some turnovers I think we're gonna go dive really deep into it but it's a team where and it's a league where a lot of teams are are built to play on schedule they're built built to play with the lead they're built to run the football to built to play from under Center and there's a few teams that can really play from behind and play in shotgun and throw at every down I think of I think of us I think of the Chiefs I think of the Bengals when Joe's playing I even think of CJ s and the Texans this year just on time on schedule football um but there's a lot of stats the Rams at times too yeah Matt Stafford and I think it's it's a combination between scheme and who you are as an offense and then who's standing behind Center so we're going to get deep into today and I know you have your own thoughts on it and your own stats to back it up too yeah and we're going to dive deep into the tape we actually have a bunch of clips and what we're not going to do is sit here and go we think the San Francisco 49ers offense is great everybody knows that the stats back it up we're going to kind of talk about how they're built and what they're susceptible to um this is not a brock pie quarterback breakdown piece of content I actually did one last week that's like kind of got a lot of views already uh so check it out on my page page but so this isn't a quarterback conversation this is deep on scheme um this is a copycat league if you're a football fan you've heard that before and you could without any context you could draw the parallels of so that means one person does something and other people copy it um and yeah it is this is a copycat League uh I think a lot of Industries are too but when something not just offense but when something works really well for somebody uh other people look at it and go can we do that too um it's not a bad you look around the league everyone does it but I think when you think about the 49ers and we're going to talk about the good first and then we're going to get into what they're susceptible to but the 49ers in my opinion are the gold standard of innovation in the NFL you had the idea to talk about this today Kyle because you're in it every day you just got off of eight months of watching tape every single day and you said Sam Fran is the gold standard so explain why we picked San Fran as the example for this well I just think from an off offensive perspective when you're when you're game planing for a game every week right you're coming in on Tuesday you got your new opponent you're watching all right who they play right especially for me when I'm going like all right when I go see a new opponent I'm trying to find their last five games who have they played in my first game I'm just trying to I'm trying to get some entertainment out of it too I'm trying to pick the best quarterback I see on there right or the best offense the most fun offense to watch right and every week if I see San Francisco on the last five games I'm turning on immediately because Kyle Shanahan has shown over the years that he knows how to exploit defenses more than anyone else in the league that's why San Francisco's always number one in the league in motions every year and shifts because he knows where to set people up to make sure pre- snap they're aligned and then how to motion to get guys in great matchups and that's all the NFL is it's how do you get a guy in a great matchup so my quarterback can throw his first read and we can move on and I think when you look at the 49ers they do that better than anybody else and while we're game planning for these teams and the 49ers are on tape where the Chiefs are on tape or any of these great offenses you see Concepts you see shifts and motions you see Personnel you see formations that get guys into into certain coverages where you know what you're going to get every time and then a lot of the times we just kind of install the same thing and we put our on wrinkle on it and I think that's what you're going to see in these clips and that's why I wanted to talk about Stan Fran I wanted to give them a little bit of their flowers first because what they're doing is fantastic so Jordan you're going to pull up the tape we're going to pull up a couple Clips we're going to start with this first clip 49ers versus Packers so we're I want to start off with the concept that the 49ers ran last year a ton and no one else in the league was running it all right so it's a very simple concept and when we're watching these this is this isn't a brock pretty breakdown like Jordan was saying so there's going to be some throws that he that are missed or they're thrown away or whatever it's not about the plays this is about the theory and the identity of the offense and when we're watching these These are first and second down pass plays that the 49ers will have in every single week it doesn't matter who they're playing against it doesn't matter who's on their team they're going to run these plays and they're going to put their little wrinkle on them to make them perfect end these are plays that we've stolen and other teams have stolen in the league over the past couple years so you see this first one right here so George KD's your single X he's your alert basically you're starting with him every time you're getting your eyes to the right and a lot of the times you're not throwing that you're just trying to move coverage right now he's getting his eyes back to the middle he's got a spot route this isn't anything revolutionary all right you got a corner route by Brandon ukra out there but now look what you got outside normally if you're playing ball right all the high school guys college guys NFL guys you're getting through your progressions and you got to swing out of the backside you're throwing your swing you probably never get to your swing maybe a couple times a season he might make a guy Miss he might get tackled right away but what the 49ers started to do last year is instead of having juice block or have him run a route that he's probably not going to catch or have him run another spot route that someone's going to cover they swing him out and essentially set a screen so this is like a check down screen for him now right this this gives Christian mcaffry a much better chance once he catches this ball to make him Miss so don't worry about the play don't worry about what happened but this is a staple of their offense if you watch if you watch the 49ers next weekend I guarantee you you will see this happen three to four times they're going to run this play off of some type of some type of front side read with a spot over the ball in a corner and they're going to get it out there and they made a living on it last year and teams have started to take this and bring it to their teams so we go to the next clip well and and like you said you said spacing so let me just let's talk about spacing for a second this is a concept that's in every single Playbook where I have some element whatever the route is where somebody's number one someone's over the ball okay someone else is spotted up over here okay and then we've got a late swing like you said like we rarely get there right um but I want to talk about like from a Personnel perspective okay so great you you know can I can you know I'm a fan of whatever I'm a Buccaneers fan like would that work for us well if you look it from a Personnel perspective if you're going to isolate a tight end on a one-on-one route and you could pick from anybody in the NFL you might pick George KD as your number one pick right fullback this is not juice is not fullback from the 90s who weighs 275 and runs through Ray Lewis yeah he's not the Ravens this is an elite like in he's a space blocker he's Elite in space well this is a this is as in space as it gets right here blocking that guy in space so that's probably the guy you'd pick out of any fullback in the NFL or honestly any tight end in the NFL that's probably Who You'd pick throwing it to the running back on a swing route with this guy blocked which when you look at this if if and this is a bad ball again we're not talking about Brock right now right if if uh CAC catches that ball right there I mean this is the space between him and the next Defender assuming the best spatial blocker who's doing a great job right there that's 5 10 15 that's 17 yards between him and the closest Defender who can make a play on him right and then if you're going to throw a corner outout auk's one of the guys you'd pick right so from a Personnel perspective and by the way if you're going to hit this spacing route okay so if this dropper right here moves this way then that's Debo Samuel catching the ball right there right who's physical tough and he's got that's sa he's got to make a play so from a scheme perspective yeah anybody can run anything I can install this on my son's flag team if we want but Personnel that might be the number one pick at each one of those spots when you run this okay so spacing is a concept everybody runs this is a concept that you're saying now more and more people are running but I'm saying like from a Personnel perspective this is a best case scenario which makes who this is a little bit less relevant on running and executing Concepts like this now we're watching the Packers play the Chiefs go yeah so Packers Chiefs different different type of concept here but this is the same Shanahan tree and this is a play that Shanahan has run lefl part of that Shanahan tree and now he's running this place so just watch this all develop right here right go back for the top so we got the pulling guard you see the linebackers flow when they see pulling guard fake toss right they're thinking toss right they're taking crack toss they got to little intricacies his hands go up he gets depth mhm look at the linebacker shoot right you got you got four guys in a guard on the right side of the field you got to go and he just scoots right behind him but pause it right here pause it right when he gets past that backer look down here to the bottom what do we got going on at the bottom it's the same thing as we have on the other play you got a blocker and you got your swing so it's it's just how can we design all these plays bro right how can we design these plays to where we got intermediate shots we got and by the way they're running a post down here with Christian Watson but this is a corner blows the coverage bro the corner blows it look at it's single high the corner the corner bites on the the fake TOS sweep right yeah it's just like I I talk about it a lot like it's not about moving when you get to the NFL it's not necessarily about moving Defenders it's about getting their eyes somewhere so when you hear like people on TV like Ryan Clark when you hear people who used to play defense that are on TV you'll hear line uh uh lines like eye discipline right and like having disciplined eyes like this is this just gets this this corner like where his eyes are everywhere except for on number nine running wide open down the field um no but I love this and then to sneak the tight end this muser right about the other side no it's beautiful it's just your old so this is this is what the Patriots used to do with Brady and grank right this is just some new age spunk on it so imagine if it was Brady under Center and he's faking counter to the right he's faking power to the right the tight end's coming right across the field and it's grank coming right across the field this is the same exact deal but now they're doing out a gun they're marrying it up with their run game they're marrying it up with what they do at a gun and then they're adding that extra screen element on the back end of it which it might not show up on the stat sheet a bunch but that what's that's what helps these teams stay on schedule on first and second down and that's why Jordan love feels so good if those if those first two primary guys aren't open I can check it down to my running back like that and I feel good about it because I know he's got a lead blocker and he's probably going to get six to seven yards right yeah absolutely I mean all you can ask for when you throw the ball to the running back is we want to he's got to make the first guy Miss right we want him to win his one-on-one okay he's going to block here and now we're one-on-one with the corner lot of space and everybody on defense is running this way right and I know they're thrown it that way but either way they just went like this oh crap but if he goes through his progression and comes all the way back around there a there's a lot of space over here on a very high percentage throw yeah and it's easy right it's for this isn't hard third down this isn't like we keep saying it this not sexy I mean this is a pretty sexy play but this is easy and this is what the you want as a coordinator you want to make it as easy as possible for your quarterback right we're not trying to make these amazing throws is that Middlefield open when do you when's he getting it is that Middlefield open or do you think he's so he's got like a backside he's got like a backside in route there so he's just chasing it right so if these guys retrace and the corner plays where he should play which is deep third he's just kind of chasing coverage so if the if that that Gap is closed for number one number two is wrapping around in there and he's getting it gotcha so on a sheet of paper this would say this pure progression okay pure progression let's just talk through it there's three different types of reads in football for quarterbacks there's pure progressions where it doesn't matter what the coverage is I'm going one to two to three right which is really him but that's a pure progression there's a prog ression plus an option which is like I'm going one to two to three unless I get this look that I like over here whether it's an alert or an option whatever the terminology we use where it's like all right I'm going one to two to three one to two to three to four unless I get that look then I'm going to take that okay so that's progression plus an option and then there's pre- snap look which is whether it's one high two high or man zone or cover two quarters single high I'm going away from rotation man I'm going here two man I'm going there like there's a lot of options so everything's kind of put into those three buckets I literally with my draft guys went through this today I'd argue that a screen is a pure progression throw it to H doesn't matter what the coverage is so this is a pure progression I don't care what the coverage is I'm starting with mus grave right I'm assuming that they're not alerting the fade over here they got too much other good stuff coming no then I'm working like you said wraparound and then I'm checking it down to my back with a Blocker on a legal play I love it good find on that all right you picked this one this is Niners Packers again talk me through this yeah so this is what I think the Niners are doing this year that no one else is doing and it's an interesting thing it's almost CFLs it's you're trying to get guys on levels but if you go back to the beginning of this play right it's all about getting guys in spots it's all about getting guys in in the right positions right so look where chrisan McCaffrey is right now right right now it's just a normal three BYO H he motions out a lot of times when you see that running back motion out he's lining up on the line of scrimmage he's five yards deep in his spot now in your mind you're thinking that's a disadvantage for the offense he's five yards deep why are you doing that I mean look at 23 he's already down there but they just trying to get guys on different levels here right and there's so many different things that the 49ers do from this and a lot of times Christian isn't even the primary read when they do this but if you pause it right here right so a lot of times in two high right what do you run four verts you're trying to two-on-one the safety and a lot of times what you want to do is you want to get those guys on different levels so the safety has to take the inside guy first you get your eyes on him now it's when you're one-on-one with a Cloud Corner who's not expecting to have to cover vertical so when they installed this play right they're saying George go run as fast as you can at that safety Bend if you win you're getting the ball if not you're taking two and you got CAC on different levels going right they clear them out they got Debo on the under that's great yeah I I actually Norv Turner who technically we both played for was the first one to say this where he's like you know we get Antonio Gates open down the sign line all the time it was having speed attack cover two safety and then having the at number two and then having the outside guy be slower down the field because that safety has to respect the speed the corner doesn't fold over and if he does you have some shallow Cross or some element coming back so way you look at it right here is this is not that but it is the same effect by having him it's essentially that I can't think of another time where somebody lines up five yards that's not just wrong so yeah nose is doing it yeah and if George really bends right there and I'm not saying that he's doing it wrong I'm saying but if he really bends right there Then Christian is open right now at that point because this corner like it's just there's a lot of places you can put this ball where that corner is playing outside in on a collapsing it's just a tough play for him um and then to replace this is a jerk route okay so this is him he's just taking his time here by number three up top coming here taking time working across the field they did not invent that maybe they did I don't know but a lot of people run jerk routes but this is a great way to get what they're also doing is they're getting seven out of here and allowing Debo to win one-on-one with the backer one-on-one with a linebacker who's no one his own linebackers can't aren't going to cover him in one-on-one and they're the best in the league um yeah I love this play design so you're saying no one else is doing this where they just line somebody up five yards deep and it's and it's Christian it's almost exclusively Christian when they're doing it and I mean he's the most versatile player in the league but if you go to the next clip it's the same thing different concept we go to this one right so a lot of people have a similar emotion to this right they call a fly Shuffle um like a FB HB whatever right but a lot of teams when they shuffle them out there they just run them on a flare right they're just trying to pull coverage out so this is a pretty standard pure progression read right out of empty you got a go route by 44 who's your man Zone tell out there there's a corner out there so you know it Zone you got an out route by number two but now what's different is you're getting guys on levels right you saw Christian he ran a go route from five yards deep now he's backside he's got a full head of steam and he's essentially running a choice route and this is something that the Niners do that a lot of teams don't do is they run their checkdowns or Choice routes for them so if that guy's outside leverage Christian can break in if that guy's inside leverage Christian can can break out and he might not be running a choice route here because uh George is running a hitch outside but a lot of the times that backside route when when Brock's getting his eyes with the field right if that guy clamps Brandon auk he's getting his eyes right back to seac and he's trusting seac to make the right decision there's some fantasy owners that are pissed that he threw this to Brandon because I would love to see what Christian mcaffrey does if he catches the ball right here geez and it's all about level this guy's got his back turned this guy's got his back turned this guy's not going to make the play and this guy's going to have to make the Play Somewhere over here this is like like there's a good chance he scores I know so rewind it to the beginning a little bit all right so you're looking at seven right so this is just basic quarters coverage might be Cloud on here it looks like quarters but Seven's got three vertical but he can pass him off if he feels two on an under route right he's got that too but since Christian's five yards deep in the back field Seven's not even thinking about it right he says oh I got vertical now I got to get on my horse kit now I don't have any threat inside of me so that immediately opens up the middle of the field for him and you got once again a running back on a linebacker you had backer if he does come down this guy's bending right behind him and there's a huge window again this guy's turning and running baseball turning for for juice this is awesome play design and you're looking at the Personnel right so you got two tight ends on the outside that's giving you hopefully base on the field probably maybe nickel but you're getting a lot of big guys on the field you're getting your man Zone indicators if it's man there's going to be safeties and linebackers out there but it's not it's Zone there's Corners out there I was going to say simple to think about like this your Corners are your best cover guys on your defense well right now they're covering your fullback and even though he's awesome you're tight end yep you've got safeties and linebackers covering Brandon auk Debo and Christian mcaffrey that's can't draw up any better it's scheming that's M that's happening on Mondays and Tuesdays for uniters fans and you're like fired up about Sunday this stuff is happening and popping off in meeting rooms on Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and the Niners do it better than anybody yeah so when you look at all those plays I think that in my mind is what teams are going to start doing next year and now you have to have a pass catching back I mean everyone looks at the 49ers like oh we want to do this we want to do that they got Christian mcaffry you know like there's only one Christian McCaffrey in in the entire NFL and he is incredible it's like so when we look at pass catch and backs you hear the every down back like so much of it is how smart they are because like like a lot of guys can run Choice routes I've done draft prep for a lot of guys at other positions where I go like I don't know like I can play on third down because of all the protection responsibilities that that's typically when you're really shifting and motioning right if you got time you're definitely shifting and motioning on third down if you got time when you break the Huddle so you just it's the most volume of information and decisions for that player to make on top of I need you to be able to win I need you to to have caught a lot of balls one of the pieces of advice I tell college and NFL running backs is all offseason train like a white out just do nothing but white out drills and go to a wide receiver coach and go play wide receiver for four months and then show up to Camp because if you can do it if you can hander the volume of information and you can run the rout routes and catch the ball it's not just catching the ball but if you can do all of those things every team needs one you know what I mean you're invaluable and if you got two they're going to trade you and you're going to go somewhere else and be the guy and so I don't know where Christian's at rushing yards wise right that's a whole another discussion how good they are in the Run game but he's either getting the ball or he's having an influence on the person who is getting the ball and that's what you want on a pass catching back you need it I mean every team is asking for it too like you can't find you played with him I mean like how did that change when you were a young guy had thousand thousand when I played with him I just thought that's what the NFL was I thought oh we're going to I'm going check it down my running back half the time he's going to get 20 yards I guess it was easy you know yeah and then I got I got away from him and I was like dang okay so we had this guy we got to put this guy in the game when we want to run the ball and then when we want to pass the ball we got to put this guy in you know there's just it's so tough to find good guys and there's there is a bunch of them around the league there's a lot of guys that do it well but it just it changes your entire offense when you're game planning when you're when you're trying to get guys in different positions and a lot of the time when you're playing Zone defenses you're trying to put those back ERS and binds and nothing does it more than a pass catching running back and so I think the Niners do it better than anyone like we said I mean we said we're were going to dog on them we kind of just kind of gave them their flowers pretty heavy there that's a great offense but um just from a from a matchup standpoint and like I said earlier the NFL's it's all about matchups it's a matchup League um Kyle Shannon does it as good as anybody all right so they have been the gold standard in terms of and there's other people doing it too but a lot of people are taking influencing I think you said you guys guys have ran things that are really similar to that right you guys have taken some ideas from it um but we also talked about how they are built to play with a lead they're built to be up seven and control it 100% one by not turning it over right number one last year tied for third this year in turnover margin um but also from a Personnel perspective and then what like in your opinion what does that keep them from doing because we've both mentioned that coming from behind is hard when you're not you don't have a million reps at just getting in gun and dropping back and having to sing for your supper and being in third and Longs you're not set up to do that so what about their system that makes them so well makes it difficult for them to play from behind yeah well we talked about earlier in the show right they were zero and 30 when trailing by more than five points entering the fourth quarter right under College hand hand under that offense and insane stat I'm sure he's heard it too many times to count I'm sure he's over that stat now they got their one win this weekend against the backers but I think when you look at the offense when you think about the 49s offense what do you think about you think about under Center runs you think about shifts in motions a lot of wordy calls I mean we know Sam's in that offense Sam darnold our friend he's he tells us how worthy that offense is I thought I was in a wordy offense this year that one's even worthier right there's cans there's kills there's alerts there's all this stuff right there's a lot to think about and that works great when it's a one score ball game a tight ball game when you can go up to the line and the defense doesn't know if you're running or passing it or you don't have time constraints where you got to get on the ball you have to go quick it's it just works well and that's what they're great at they've been so dialed on it right under Center runs play action pass game they're number one in in yards per attempt Brock PR's only number 19 in pass attempts this year right so he's thrown for a ton of yards but they don't have to throw it much because they're running the ball well and so in my opinion when you when you're a team like that that's your identity it's hard for you to switch that when it's six minutes left in the fourth quarter and you're down by 10 right we got to score now and we got to score again right so we got to get on the ball we got to get in shotgun we can't shift in motion I can't put my tight end out at number one to the field to see if it's manner Zone I can't bring them in to chip this guy you know you got to sit out and be like all right three by one here's my concept get up on the ball say h okay completion get up on the ball again go go go here's and that's just different and I know you've been in I've been in plenty of games where we've been down by way too many points getting blown out and you're on the ball and you're trying to drop back and pass it and drive the ball down the field it's one of the hardest things in football to do when the defense knows you're going to pass it D line knows you're going to pass it and so when I look at the 49ers as a whole on offense I just think if if they're a team that gets down you watch them play the Ravens they turn the ball over a bunch early and they get down it's just not who they are to come back from that right I'm I'm fired up for the these games this week I mean everybody's fired up for these games this weekend I'm not I'm now looking at this fired up to see these Concepts pop off I'm gonna watch San Fran hopefully if you're watching this point in the show you're going to look at San Fran a little differently maybe even see Baltimore um and Kansas City and Detroit run some of these Concepts uh but please in the comment section let us know if you like these types of discussions the offseason is upon us we've got all sorts of rabbit holes we can go down from Concepts to coverages to protections to pressures we can go don't ask me about special teams because I don't know anything about it but other than that we can go down some rabbit holes and talk ball if you want it if you want it throw it in the comment section let us know what you want to learn more about uh and then guest wise we can have some guests come in and talk about what they did last year um and I think that's the plan so thank you very much our sponsor happy Dad thank you very much Kyle man on bum that your season's over but looking forward to seeing you here in a couple days we got to figure out our studio too you're we're going to be in here together I know we're going be together finally everyone thought we were together this whole time but we're not yeah so and if you didn't know this till now Kyle's got his studio in Buffalo mine's in s CL manyy got same room here soon thank you very much and uh enjoy the games this weekend
Channel: The QB Room
Views: 4,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: qb room, super bowl, super bowl 2023, college football, college football podcast, college qb, nfl drat, nfl, nfl 2023, nfl 2024, the pivot podcast, pivot podcast, full send podcast, nelk boys, quarterback, quarterback podcast, nfl podcast, football podcast, new heights, new heights podcast, pat mcafee show, pat mcafee, kyle allen, jordan palmer, 49ers, Kyle shanahan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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