Kwame Ture on Zionism and Imperialism

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that great man vi lennon at the turn of the century wrote a book entitled imperialism the highest stage of capitalism is it journalism the high stage of capitalism yes if one would read this little pamphlet one would see here that mr leonard had precisely pointed out that all of the world had already been conquered and divided by colonial powers there was no else in the world left to be conquered or divided by colonial powers this is the time when zionism comes to rise zionism comes to look for a state when everywhere else in the world is already dominated but in order for mr herzl to get a country for zionist what he did was to attach himself to imperialism british imperialism in this case quite specifically of course as an african who suffered under the heels of british imperialism i can have no love for it and certainly i cannot love anyone who attaches themselves to it and attaches themselves to it for the foundation of a state and then call this a liberation movement liberation movements fight against imperialism not with it clearly here the legal foundation of the state of israel is what is known as the balfour declaration this declaration was issued in 1917 a man in the government of britain named balfour wrote a paper and promised the jews a national home the national home he promised them was an area which britain was colonizing palestine palestine didn't belong to the british just like ireland doesn't belong to the british even though they have troops there but here these british imperialists gave signed a note and gave it to the jews and they accepted it where is the morality for this if you say that israel belongs to you then you don't go to a thief to get israel to go and take it once you go to an immoral immoral being such as british imperialism and this is the basis for you getting the land then clearly here those who are truly liberation fighters must question this the basis we say is the battle for declaration and zionists know it the zionism is certainly not a liberation movement because it never fought against any imperialism as a matter of fact today zionism is the baby child and infant protector of imperialism in the middle east it carries out the interests of american imperialism as a matter of fact zionism in american imperialism is like this if our tax dollars would stop giving money to israel the state would sink tomorrow and certainly no one can deny that american imperialism is the leading imperialist nation in the world so we cannot see how a liberation movement is so tied string and ham to american imperialism they work hand in hand with american imperialism thus they can hardly be a liberation movement in addition to this zionism has nothing to do with anything religion nothing all religions are concerned with human beings after they die that's what religions are for islam will tell you what happens to you when you die as a matter of fact this which forces you to live a good life so that after death you'll be able to enjoy the rewards of heaven the same is true for judaism but zionism says nothing about the individual after they're dead they don't give a damn about you the zionism has nothing to do with religion at all and one should not make the confusion here the palestinian state belongs to the palestinian people this is a fact
Channel: AfroMarxist
Views: 138,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kwame Ture, Zionism, Anti Imperialism, Israel, Palestine, Marxism, Communism, Socialism
Id: RakEPolGKlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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