Kveik Yeast Explained Easy Guide for Beer Brewers

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trees there it's good fire hello and welcome to the video in this video we will be looking further a fake yeast provide a greater understanding for all and when I say all I really do mean all this guide is designed to give key information for those that have never used fake all the way through to people that already have some experience where there and are really trying to understand how it works I've conducted extensive research in forming this guide that included speaking about all of the points raised in this video a number of the most respected people in the craig scene across Norway so let's begin so firstly you may be wondering what is fake fake is actually an old Norwegian word that simply means yeast however when it's used in today's context it means a farmhouse yeast that is usually from Norway but there are also other versions of quake from Lithuania Latvia and further afield still as you can see on this map so if you are new to this you are probably wondering what all the fuss is about so okay I will tell you now firstly the fermentation time for fake is usually between one to three days but unlike a turbo yeast it does not result in harsh or flavors no it actually tastes really great really quickly also do not be fooled by thinking that this is just a yeast you can use for farmhouse beer styles because actually there are many different varieties of cake that are suitable for a wide and varied amount of different beer styles thirdly fake can support beer styles of various alcohol strengths usually up to 15 percent and still offers the same superfast conditioning times you can expect regular strength alcohol beer styles be ready much faster than this though I find that many are ready to drink as soon as you add carbonation the main thing that changes over the coming two to four weeks is how clean they taste not to say that they ever taste dirty though hopefully you understand what I mean another question that comes up is who is actually using craic then the answer here in short is more and more people as time goes on the commercial brewing scene has been exploding with quake mented beers are from all over the world as you can see from this brief selection there is a great deal of different commercial beers being released covering all manner of styles that are all being fermented with cake there is also a huge rapidly expanding brewing scene for Quake within the home brewing communities of the world that is expanding at a rapid rate also in shock fake is a real buzz word and that buzz is building another commonly asked question relates to the amount of different types of this yeast that are available there are currently 54 different strains of quake and there is a registry for the strains that can be found online I will link this registry in this video's description as you can see here the registry details much information about each type often including history where it is available ok but it's important to understand that the selection of these 54 strains does not actually end here now you need to decide precisely what type of claig to buy and where to buy it there are for the most part at this point two versions firstly there are the commercial strains like those you see on screen now these are single strain versions known as isolates they do not include any form of bacteria and are cleaned up and ready for commercial breweries who need to be careful in this manner they can be bought from wholesalers and homebrew stores themselves across the world and today come in liquid form these will certainly give you a cake experience of sorts but it is important to understand that technically they are cut down and processed versions of the real thing it should also be pointed out that as a selection available in this form is quite restricted at this point however that restriction is blown wide open if you look towards the farm versions which is of course the actual original natural form and technically a real fake this version is very rarely just a single strain it is in fact anything up to 10 or more strains of yeast in one serving the farm version is very rarely just a single strain it is in fact anything up to 10 or more strains of yeast in one serving end result of having more than stranor suitable yeast in a beer fermentation is one that often provides something very special and often a very flavorful end beer naturally these strains have been selected to work well together some of these of course do contain bacteria but I've never used one that has led to a sour style but some are pretty funky as long as you are cleaning properly then this should not lead to any litters later on and in the years of using craic I have not had a single issue and all of you if you play it safe and get your Klingon routines in order it's important to understand that it's the farm version of quake that is really what the quake register is all about even though you will find a little bit of information about the commercial isolate versions they are - there is a key point of consideration here also when it comes to choosing between multi strain originals versus isolates and that is mutation many Brewers who used the full-on version with its many built-in strains actually recolor the Krag themselves I do this myself what you will notice is over time this yeast will change often quite rapidly this is because cake is multi strain let me explain with a quick example imagine you have a cake that has three strains of least within it when you first get it the ratios of each strain are as follows as you see on screen now the cake has formed this ratio due to Hera has been used factors that come in here are things like temperature humidity pH of wort types of sugar that's been used - and more besides if your environment and bruises similar to what has been used before then frankly the changes you will experience will be minimal but this is highly highly unlikely what is far more likely is that given a little time the ratios and new strains themselves will change a mutate a shift over time like this from the original is more than possible even though this is a just a mere example as you can see this new ratio would probably change this Clegg contribution and profile on a fare scale do keep in mind that this will continue to change as your brewing habits change in your brewing different styles and Yuri culture the craic from them the possibility for change is even more when you think about how this would shift in an eight strain or even worse a tense drank fake the more strains in a quake the more noticeable the shifts will be from the original composition of the yeast so what this basically means is that you could well have the farm version of a specific type of fake and you could meet someone online who has exactly the same name to quake but there are likely to be very different types of yeast especially if they have come from different sources and different ages so when you see people asking for notes from farm quake from other people online then really they've misunderstood what they have here because given time what you have is unique to you and your own brewing keep in mind also that some of this quake has been untouched and simply re cultured for hundreds of years so in summary for breweries who are looking for consistent results this is obviously a problem with farm quake but for some it becomes part of the mystique and power of quake what I would like in a perfect world is real motive strength fake that is available in stores that I can rebuy when I want an original result and my own evolved versions also sadly the former does not exist at this point let's now talk about pitching rates when it comes to pitching rates follow the instructions on the packaging when it comes to commercial isolate versions for farm multi strand fake the general consensus is as follows one level teaspoon of Craig for 25 to 30 litres or six point six to eight US gallons half a teaspoon of Craig for 15 liters or four US gallons now this may not sound like much yeast and really it isn't but it is important to understand that real quake is an under pitch by normal standards fake fives from this level of pitching it will not be as happy or healthy if you anymore a general rule of thumb is the competitive pool our yeast cake is a 60% pitch you will find that the majority of farm cake will ferment out in between one to three days it has been observed by myself and others that if you leave this beer in the fermenter for about a week from start to finish this gives the folk time to clean up after itself and the end resulting beer has a nice head start it is also rather convenient this way because you can keep brewing and transfer over the weekend finally let's have a look at REE culturing I've gone into this in much more detail in other videos on this channel but all touch on it here to obtain the most healthy yeast cells top cropping yeast is by far the best way you can go when you can this is a simple process as you can see here the main thing to focus on is the cleanliness and sanitization side once you have obtained the yeast then it is popular to dry cake this is commonly done on sanitary grease proof paper once this is dried it will crumble down like the dry yeast you're used to seeing this now brings this video to a close if you have any questions then please let me know via YouTube or Facebook I do hope that you found this video to be useful interesting and enjoyable if appropriate then please like this video on YouTube and if you have not done so already please consider subscribing I regularly post new content happy brewing
Channel: David Heath Homebrew
Views: 43,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: norwegian, fast fermentation, all grain, brew, omega, imperial, farmhouse, hot head, craft beer, video clips beer, brewing setup, electric brewery, sour beer, brewing beer, beer recipe, brewing beer at home
Id: 0ttFQz_Eh5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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