Kubernetes YAML File Explained - Deployment and Service | Kubernetes Tutorial 19

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in this video I'm gonna show you the syntax and the contents of kubernetes configuration file which is the main tool for creating and configuring components in kubernetes cluster if you've seen large configuration files it might seem overwhelming but in reality it's pretty simple and intuitive and also very logically structured so let's go through it step by step [Music] so here I have examples of a deployment and service configuration files side by side so the first thing is that every configuration file in kubernetes has three parts the first part is where the metadata of that component that you're creating resides in one of the metadata is obviously name of the component itself the second part in the configuration file is specification so each components configuration file will have a specification where you basically put every kind of configuration that you want to apply for that component the first two lines here is you see is just declaring what you want to create here we are creating deployment and here we're creating this service and this is basically you have to look up for each component there's a different API version so now inside of the specification part obviously the attributes will be specific to the kind of a component that you're creating so deployment will have its own attributes that only apply for deployment and the service will have its own stuff but I said there are three parts of a configuration file and we just see metadata and specification so where's the third part so the third part will be a status but it's going to be automatically generated and edit by kubernetes so the way it works is that commodities will always compare what is a desired State and what is the actual State or the status of that component and if the status and desired state do not match then kubernetes knows there's something to be fixed there so it's going to try to fix it and this is the basis of the self-healing feature that kubernetes provides for example here you specify you want to replicas of nginx deployment so when you apply this when you actually create the deployment using this configuration file that's what apply means Cabrera's will adhere the status of your deployment and it will update that states continuously so for example if a status at some point will say just one replica isn't running then communities will compare that status with the specification and we'll know there is a problem there and other replicas needs to be created ASAP now another interesting question here is where does communities actually get that status data to automatically adhere or update continuously that information comes from the HCD remember the cluster brain one of the master processes that actually stores the cluster data so it's indi holds at any time the current status of any community's component and that's where the status information comes from so as you see the format of the configuration files is yem oh that's why the extension here and generally it's pretty straightforward to understand it's a very simple format but yeah Mel is very strict about the indentations so for example if you have something wrongly indented here your file will be invalid so what I do especially if I have a configuration file that has 200 lines it's pretty long I usually use some yellow online validator to see where I need to fix that but other than that it's pretty simple another thing is where do you actually store those configuration files a usual practice is to store them with your code because since the deployment and service is gonna be applied to your application it's a good practice to store these configuration files in your application code so usually it will be part of the whole infrastructure as code concept or you can also have its own git repository just for the configuration files so in the previous video I showed you that deployments manage the pots that are below them so whenever you edit something in a deployment it kind of cascades down to all the ports that it manages and whenever you want to create some pots you would actually create a deployment and it will take care of the rest so how does this happen or where is this whole thing defined in the configuration so here in the specification part of a deployment you see a template and if I expended you see the template also has its own metadata and specification so it's basically a configuration file inside of a configuration file and the reason for it is that this configuration applies to a pod support should have its own configuration inside of deployments configuration file and that's how all the deployments will be defined and this is going to be the blueprints for a pot like which image it should be based on which port it should open what is going to be the name of a container etc so the way the connection is established is using labels and selectors so as you see metadata part contains the labels and the specification part contains selectors it's pretty simple in a metadata you give components like deployment or pod a key value pair and it could be any key value pair that you think of in this case we have App Engine X and that label just sticks to that component so we give parts created using this blueprint label App Engine X and we tell the deployment to connect or to match all the labels with App Engine X to create that connection so this way deployment will know which parts belong to him now deployment has its own label App Engine X and these two labels are used by the service selector so in the specification of a service we define a selector which basically makes a connection between the service and the deployment or it spots because service must know which pods are kind of registered with it so which pods belong to that service and that connection is made through the selector of the label and we're gonna see that in a demo so another thing that must be configured in the service and part is the ports so if I expand this I see that service has its ports configuration and the container inside of a pod is obviously running or needs to run it's important so how this is configured is basically Service has a port where the service itself is accessible at so if either service sends a request to nginx service here it needs to send it on port but the service needs to know - which part it should forward the request but also at which port is that poor listening and that is the target port so this one should match the container port and with that we have our deployment and service basic configurations done and to note here most of these attributes that you see here in both parts are required so this will actually be the minimum configuration for deployment and service so once we have those files let's actually apply them or create components using them so let's head over to the console and here I'm gonna create both deployment and service so cube city I'll apply connects deployment create it and nginx service so now if I get the pods I see two replicas are running because that's how I define it here and we have our service as well which is engineer service this is a default service it's always there this is the one we created and it's listening on port 80 as we specified now how can we validate that the service has the right pots that it forwards the request to we can do it using cube CTL describe service and the service name and here you see the end points where you have all this status information here like things that we define in the configuration like a selector etc we have the target port that we define and we have the endpoints here and this must be the IP addresses end ports of the pots that the service must forward the request - so how do we know that these are the IP addresses of the right pots because we've keep city I'll get pod you don't get this information so the way we do it or way we find that out is using get pod and then you do - Oh which is four outputs and then we want more information so Oh wide and here we see more columns here so we have the name and status ready etc but we also have the IP address so here is the IP address endpoint specified here and this is the other one so we know that the service has right endpoints so now let's see the third part of the configuration file which is a status that kubernetes automatically generated and the way to do it is we can get the employment nginx deployment in a yellow format so when I execute this command I will get the resulting or the updated configuration of my deployment which actually resides in the HDD because HDD stores the status of the whole cluster including every component so if I do this I'll get the yellow output in my console but I want it in the file so I'm gonna save it into nginx the employment result and I'm gonna save it there and I'm gonna open it in my editor next to the original one so as you see a lot of stuff has been added but let's just see the status part so all this is automatically added and updated constantly by kubernetes so it says how many replicas are running what the state of those replicas and some other information so this part can also be helpful when debugging so that's the status but also if you noticed other stuff has been added in the metadata and specification part as well so for example creation timestamp when was the component created is automatically edited by kubernetes because it is a metadata some unique ID etc you don't have to care about it and in the specification part it just adds some defaults for that component but again you don't have to care understand most of these attributes but one thing to note here is that if you for example want to copy a deployment that you already have using maybe automated scripts you will have to remove and get rid of most of this generated stuff so you have to clean that deployment configuration file first and then you can create another deployment from that blueprint configuration so that's it with this video so from now on we're going to be working with the configuration files so for example if I want to delete the deployment and the service I can do it using that file configuration file is well using delete and like this the deployment will be gone and I can do the same for service alright so using cube city I'll apply and cube city I'll delete you can basically work with the configuration files thanks for watching the video I hope it was helpful and if it was don't forget to like it this is a video series so I will create a new one every week so if you want to be notified whenever a new video comes out then subscribe to my channel if you have any questions if something wasn't clear in the video please post them in a comment section below and I will try to answer them so thank you and see you in the next video
Channel: TechWorld with Nana
Views: 105,627
Rating: 4.9620628 out of 5
Keywords: kubernetes explained, kubernetes tutorial, kubernetes tutorial for beginners, kubernetes explained simply, kubernetes basic concepts, kubernetes yaml, kubernetes deployment yaml, kubernetes yaml file explained, kubernetes yaml file tutorial, kubernetes configuration file, kubernetes yaml tutorial, kubernetes yaml explained, kubernetes deployment yaml explained, kubernetes deployment service, kubernetes yaml example, techworld with nana, yaml for kubernetes, kodekloud, k8s
Id: qmDzcu5uY1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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