KTM Finke Assault 2012 - the documentary

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I came to the event about seven years ago and maybe plenty that they long ago with : Ross tonight we weren't really evolved officially back then but I think I stood at deep-well which is about you know 90 KS into the start of the race and the first 10 bikes went through and there wasn't one single KTM in the top ten and that kind of motivated me I guess and ever since that day I still remember the pain of standing there and not seeing a single KTM come through so it's it's it's different tripping me pretty hard I'm a pretty competitive person and we were determined to come back and and try and win the race but you know we had a couple of heartbreaks before that happened and it's the sort of race that even if you do all that hard work and you have everything in place it's not like that you know you deserve to win it it's it's a race that a lot of a lot of things to go right for you to win it's not necessarily our luck but it's a it's a tough one to win and it's it's an annual event so it's like like the Melbourne Cup you know if it doesn't go right you've got to agonize over it for another 12 months before you can come back and try and get it right it's like all the others you know it's something like I really look forward to and I think I've been for the last six years straight yes it's a really unique event that's like nothing else that we could swag on all the stars and it's just a very very you the event itself it is extreme you know it's right out there speeds the conditions the distance of the race so it's it's radical there's nothing else like it in the world you have so that part would be there with no wheels on it and read to the wheels ready in case something happens and if you did have an issue with a tire you come in here lift your bike and then go back from there put the bike on there and then you're closer to the other yqb need parts off that bike spot number one exactly where it was last week again very readily spun it off with this bunny yeah it's all starting to take off at Friday night yeah it's where it all starts now so if you're prepping good and looking forward to it as soon as I client says bye for driving for the about it and my clickin I have a lot of fun and I just love blossoms for the desert as fast as I can and and it's a challenge even though you're racing with other people it's more of a challenge against myself this place to see how fast I can go and and definitely since Toby's come here I've had to step up to a new level and and there's going to be the same from now on there's a little bit extra pressure on me at this year but we can't really think about that too much it's it's just basically the same as any other time we having Grabow in the race or not in the race so well yet treat it the same and hopefully it all goes well and can bring home a win for the KTM team yeah I saw this morning to do a strange story was a privateer up until about six weeks ago unfortunately I've been had exact Siddhant who left the bike available and then pit holes is decided before out of the event we said then two blocks while he's sitting there with no writer so got the call up to come in as a replacement writer and feeling for priests that wanted to focus on the Aussie off roads and Bend that was injured so I absolutely jumped at the opportunity to ride the bike you can only do the best you can do and you know we've done a fair bit of their testing and pretty running so you know if we ride a hundred percent you know where we finish we'll definitely we'd love to win again but you know just we'll just you know the race is so unpredictable that you don't know what's going to happen out there it's definitely the fastest toughest there's a race in Australia and there's no doubt the track is insanely rough now I mean the whoops are gonna meet her at some spots deep and close together there's airstrips before them so you coming in at high speeds and the mixture you know over the corners and the big sand and the high of the rock there's step up cases I mean it's just got such a a wide mix they saw that you need to be pretty much good at everything and have a bar and set up to do everything which is really hard you know you can't set the bike up for the noise you know for the choppy stuff and then also have it handling good in the water it's a lot of give-and-take you gotta have a good run oh you really have to get going from the start I mean the likes of Toby and Ben you know they sort of turned Fink from a desert racing to a bit of a motocross you know they get gone from the minute that they they leave town so we've sort of worked on maybe you know a bit of that instead of trying to build up into getting a rhythm gonna sort of worked on trying to get a rhythm down from the start so it's all about just being smart keeping your machine going keeping your body you know your body up to speed and sort of just making sure that you get down there consistently and that you sort of you know you're running a run the pace similar to what the other guys are that's yeah they started the whole weekend and if you can get a good prologue time and pretty well beyond that first row it makes a big difference but it's like being at first you you don't know really where you are like guys could be pretty well still right behind you you don't know but that just yeah they get that dust reruns always helps probably do that - you're saying in the first the first section as Wi-Fi pattern yet like nobody goes on the voices right like just not something I made early on I'm finally gonna but I realized I think if anything think something I lost a Java source you looked at it just like it once if it's on obviously change sizes I just gotta be ready for everything I wasn't really development amazing you know what do you think about what you say like this what do you think rotting it better with my to feel what you really feel it yeah yeah that one's gone pretty well got a good like got a good start and got out front pretty well straight up and here got a good dust free run so it's just staying on two wheels just when I got to the like the harder sections in the warps just made sure I got through and yeah it also turned out pretty well the Arthur's cars like the buggies and the trophy trucks have been through it changed the track a lot and it's just yeah you've got to try and pick your way through and you're the first one on it and trying to find the lines where it's smoother and easier to get through it makes it pretty hard but yeah like with the vision might be in dusty the guys behind would have bought a premium a be had it a little bit harder so I've done a lot of pre running down here this year and that's yeah to get into the actual race now I've always found it but a lot easier to get to Fink than on the way home today it just yeah just change it attracts so much like there's like no moisture in in the sand and I find weather cars maybe pack it down a little bit and make it a bit easier for us this year it's just real dry they just basically was like bombs are going off through there and everything is exploded and it yeah made it pretty hard and some sections is just like real square edge stuff but yeah that's why when I got into those sections and seen all that I was like yeah you can't quite pick it too well so yeah I just made sure I got through and stayed stayed on the two wheels and yeah when I knew their section was smooth coming up oh yeah get back on the gas and go again and destroy your edge away a little bit well we go inside with your gang right might just make your head kick focused on the track this will to do now I have someone like team I could have got there a little bit quicker but I'm here in one place and Sydnee at the front at the moment so long doll back home goes well we it should be sick not too bad I think I've said Ken Hoffs just pretty much half given up I was just uh yeah I was trying to trying to go fast through the whoops in the back end was just step it out of me everywhere and I was like well you know it's not worth risking a not worth you know landed on my head so I sort of just shut it down and I started crews in there for a while and seen a bit of dust and I yet sort of rekindles a spirit turn the throttle and put it on the edge again the first 50 60 Kay's the arms are pumping up and yeah the tracks all chopped up and stopping hey Yuri topple a lot tricky get on the right section get a bit of a breather and then getting at the big warps in time when you sort of know where you go I get a dive arrest and you this push become the first row and it's awesome seeing people out there having a good time camp and I'm cheering to see one I think it's uh so that's probably the best part about the race for sure gets it it's of your home and makes you laugh some of the signs and I think we're getting close to think I've seen I saw and I had last lap just cracked me half of this good cool yeah it's going pretty well actually look at the drive up to start like beaten by Jared early off the start confiscated after the first thirty forty cage yeah I'm lucky enough to sort of Luke probably met the fuel stop the our team which is fantastic the fuel stops past in there tonight works someone else's second itadaki game day I'm excited for humans right yeah yeah awesome fitness playful I definitely been trying to tie down and a lot thank you things that you know putting on board and you need opportunity go through our goodbyes yeah I got into a bit of the battle with AJ really op and then he ended up getting from me and Dustin me hit side I took back off a bit there and yeah not long after that I think about design 20 ty I am just my ride I'm just pumped up really bad like and I thought I better get away and just God about 50 and it wasn't gonna lie yeah I got to like the first field stopping by that time next year behind me you see that sort of caught up and I got out of there down again and said nothing got dusted in the fake-boob after that and about to about halfway full boogie on they're lucky feel stuff and dakari and we were pretty pretty quite safe whoops and I'm at it and then from a on all its good I felt good from 160 to the finish pretty easy really one of these rights there's no man there get quite a bit of damage it makes our life a lot easier miss event you have to know the track you have to attract knowledge and a lot of experience it'll be nice this to actually keep going and give it absolutely everything I've got but then again you you run the risk of yeah having other buy troubles for crashing so we'll just take it as it comes we'll try and work out pounce it at the fuel stop like if anyone's game or if I'm pulling away if did I'm pulling away I just I just keep it out of what I found what I'm doing and this make sure we yeah we get there and if they start catching well I'm pretty sure of it yeah some more in reserve and we should be to be good to go and yeah fine pull that back yeah it's definitely not the same having like not having drove over here he's actually here but it's not having me in the race it's definitely different to him but he's been a great help he's always been in a hurry much from anyone better at the moment that grabbers definitely hang out here and still at this stage if a it's a long way but if I can get the win tomorrow it's definitely not going to be really a win for me yeah every night sister try and settle that score a little bit with Bobo but he's he's definitely definitely bothers me a TV show and it's it Buddhists right number four months and you see here we go there we've got here in my face and we'll just take tomorrow as it comes and if I have to will will flap off the back of it and go for it I do I had a freaking pretty good lead a comfortable lead that wasn't some small food thinker went wrong and it would have been back paws but yeah I did I just made sure I got down in safe got back here safe and preserved back again and bought work faultlessly icon yeah the copy one thing that went ever went wrong anywhere along the way so it was a good clean run back and we yeah just just go into a good rhythm and a good smooth comfortable pace and yeah everything felt really good yes but from the trip back everyone everyone just sees what I do and it's it's unfortunate because there's so many people that are on on board with us that actually help out there's at least like 20 guys that were a part of KTM that come along and help out and then there's there's also there's so many people with our fuel stops that are just people that don't get recognized like I can't rattle off name there's so many people who help out and we appreciate that so much it just that it lets our job be a lot easier and it takes a bit of stress off us and then and do what I love doing so yeah it's it's hard to try and think of everybody out there but it's yeah yeah the boys it's do a great job and they they keep us going and basically keeping our wheels turning for us and it's yeah I can't think those guys enough yeah look how that really good run home getting stuff for ya would be nice you know very close to getting on the podium there and that was the ultimate goal coming he was feeling Kody and unfortunately this means their fortunes were finished yeah happy that probably could be more importance in to that prologue started off tonight had a fairly constant trip down the style wizard back welcome units gone down that on that I'm sure everyone's got the same story and walkers we're at yeah back in 12th after the correct time and not really happening to that position and really wanted to get into the top ten that was my goal for today and the finishing the top ten and I had a really good run now to think and ended up catching the foot the two guys in front of me before our first field stop and you know that that gave me a bit of motivation to keep charging and then slide out of there had a clear run from there yeah but another guy ended up getting past someone else but I didn't even know like they'd broken down or whatever I say made it yeah coming in night but I had had a pretty clearly run all the way home you know Toby and you know fish you know he done himself this year he yeah he he really went well so but oh you know Toby just it was Mike it was a league above everybody else and that showed been the times and that and you know I think Matt surprised himself how good he went and and yeah so we all got in the top 10 we all we all finished the bikes were awesome you know Mitt Cruz he done an awesome job on the motors built every motor from scratch and they didn't miss a beat the whole weekend so I was awesome effort I'm really happy but also you know really relieved I guess it's a I guess there's a lot of work that goes into this race by a lot of people and there's a big buildup over a long period of time I guess when you're in position we you know you're in contention to win the race yeah you feel that fear of failure and and all the rest of it so yeah as much as I'm really happy and I don't think I'm really gonna it's really going to sink in until maybe later tonight I'm that you know really really pleased for all that all the team and everybody that's contributed to the effort it makes it all worthwhile when we can you know you can stand on top of the podium for the fourth time in a row I was very pleasing the only scary thing is it gets harder every time yeah look I probably wouldn't be sitting here talking to you and also you know talking about our fourth victory in a row if it wasn't for Colin and and the support of his company the HSC group it's been phenomenal you know they really get behind what we do his company you know I guess we've partnered up on quite a few racing activities and we think alike I think it's tremendous do this together I think we work well I think the two of us working together makes a very strong formidable team and yeah you know we have similar ideas similar cultures and out in our own companies and it's a lot of fun to come away and do this sort of stuff and do it successfully because we both wait to work we both like to win and yeah it's an awesome feeling to get this this win it definitely means a lot to me only comes around once a year and it's yeah definitely the best one we can win out of all that all the races that we do so it's it's great to be on top of the box yeah hopefully I can just keep coming back there - yeah what grab oh he's around 31 and he's won four or so so it's and he's still definitely the best one out here for sure he's definitely the king of the desert and yeah we just seem to be at the moment just chopping and changing and taking turns with it it's good so him being his age it it still shows that I can still probably be competitive but he's at that age as well and should hopefully we gotta at least have another good year eight or so more Fink left in me and yeah just take it as it comes and hopefully we can yeah get some all wins and I'm keen as a get back out here and go again and hopefully have that number one board on the bike and and hopefully keep it on a KTM but I'd like to try and take that little bit of a curse off that number one plating and trying to keep it on my bike but well yeah we'll just see how we go it's uh basically preparation to think 2013 starts tomorrow you you you
Channel: KTMAustralia
Views: 26,104
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Keywords: Finke, Finke Desert Race, KTM, KTM Australia, EXC, SX-F, motocross, enduro, motorcycle, dirt bike, racing, Motorex KTM, Toby Price, Matt Fish, Brad Williscroft, Wonka, Grabbo, Ben Grabham, 450 SX-F
Id: xBfLw8jkn9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2012
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