KSP: Visiting the SECRET APOLLO STATUE on the Mun!

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hey guys so you may be aware that my KSP videos all got falsely copyright claimed and D monetized I went through my hard drive and I still had the original raw footage for this video so I am able to re-edit it and re-render it without the music I like to think that my videos have some level of re-watch ability so if you'd like to check it out again I would hugely appreciate you doing so but anyway I'm gonna stop talking now and let the original video play out without the original music though thank you and enjoy it is an exciting week this week my friends because on this week Apollo 11 fired its engines and became the first mission to ever successfully put men on the moon and so a lot of my contemporaries in the Kerbal space program field have been doing their own little tribute missions in fact I myself have already done a kind of Apollo celebration this week but I made a video of like all my man missions played simultaneously it was great but I thought I'd do a serious tribute to the crew and mission of Apollo 11 in this video here and I was trying to think of a good a good appropriate mission to do because I've already done several Saturn 5 recreations and Apollo style moon missions in general so I was thinking of like how to spice it up make it a little bit different and whilst I was thinking of potential tributes for Apollo 11 it dawned on me that there is actually already a tribute Easter egg and a follow 11 tribute Easter egg built into Kerbal space program kind of it's a memorial to Neil Armstrong who as I'm sure you are aware was the first man to step foot on the moon who tragically passed away in 2012 so to celebrate him and pay homage there is a big kind of statue on the month in Kerbal space program so I thought you know we'd go and visit this statue we can land on it take some pictures and I'm gonna take this opportunity to show you how to get there as well so if you follow along with this video you too can get there here is our rocket on the launch pad it's really nothing special it's basically just a direct ascent man lander I didn't really plan already it's not important it's all the focus of this video so I just wanted to make a rocket that would just work it's got a little bit of it's got a bit more fuel than what we will really be needing just because when you're landing in vain specific spots especially if we want to do some shopping so we can actually land on the statue itself it can be a little bit tricky to do it with like the quote-unquote correct amount of fuel you guys on a little bit more just because you end up burning a bit more fuel than you would normally use when you're trying to get a slightly more accurate landing so for the record stick you may have noticed in the building I clipped some golden tanks into the lander to kind of good to more golde finish and to get a bit more Delta V the thing actually does still land on the Mun and then is able to return without those clipped tanks just in case I know some people didn't like it when I offset fuel tanks into each other this Lander does still completely work without those fuel tanks there and in fact I'm pretty sure I didn't actually need the extra Delta V that they provided but I have made this rocket available to download in the description if you guys download yourself in it's for people that aren't necessarily quite as good as or don't fly quite as efficiently as I managed to do in this mission it's just nice to have that extra bit of wiggle room if you're trying to execute this sort of mission yourself but there goes the first stage we're now well into the burn off stage too and you can see we're using the Wolfhound engine from the making history expansion pack the Wolfhound engine is a phenomenal engine it is very very very powerful what it is and it's going to be doing the rest of our burn all the way to orbit it's then going to circularize our spaceship and then it's going to actually perform our burn that will get us on an encounter to the mun so gonna be a lot of maneuvering done with this stage here so the first thing we're gonna do is create a maneuver note at our apoapsis to circularize ourselves and then once we've done that we can start thinking about plotting a course to the mun itself now i'm going to talk about this now because it will come up in just a second i'm going to show you how to get to the Neil Armstrong Memorial just by kind of looking really and picking out landmarks on the moon's surface you can use a probe with kerb net to kind of scan for anomalies and locate it that way and that probably is technically the better way of doing it because it makes it easiest track on the nav ball but this is a bit more of a lazy approach and it's ball was a bit easy actually I've got to send like a pro before anything as well so this is going to be showing you how to locate it using landmarks you need to bother with sending probe cores and stuff up there but I know if I don't mention it now someone will tell me in the comment section I did everything wrong and I suck at this game and I could have just done a set a curb net scam so this is me now preface in saying yes we can do that this is also a way of doing it that is probably easier for most people because you'd have to bother with the scanning and all of that shebang I mean I still remember playing this game before kerbin that was added and this is how I found all the Easter eggs so you don't really need curb net if you really want to find Easter eggs you can just look up their coordinates and do it that way I guess if you don't want to look up their coordinates on Google then you do need to use kerb net but I'm showing you where it is so now you know so I'm going to go on a slightly tilted orbit hip the reason for this is because the Armstrong Memorial is not quite along the Mons equator so we're gonna go for an ever so slight tilt just to make it easier to get an accurate landing at the memorial site then we're going to just lower our perhapses to be kind of within the month surface so when we detach the lower stage it's gonna crash into the surface of the Mun and not remain stuck in space and then we can quickly raise our periapsis again so the Lambor itself does not meet the same fate and here we are in on the Mons sphere of influence itself so we can go ahead and plot a maneuver node at periapsis in order to get a circular orbit and then I guess we can just time walk down and get ready to execute that burn I've got a stage here comprised of four Terrier engines we don't really need four Terriers but it gives us a lot of extra thrust again Yuri want a little bit more thrust to weight ratio a little bit more fuel than you would otherwise need if you're going to go and go for a very specific landing spot especially we're going to do some like hopping with the lander to get ourselves up onto the memorial statue as well rather than just on some land next to it so that's the logic behind having a slightly more engines and slightly more fuel than what we've really need so you can see me time warping on the map screen here because I'm looking for the specific crater that the Armstrong Memorial resides in and it's this crater here I'm going to mark out some landmarks for you it's kind of this big round search shape obviously it's a crater with a little tail there's a valley above it and two little spots below it in the form of smaller craters I suppose that's the crater you're looking for it's pretty easy to find when you compare it to other ones we zoom in a little bit you can see this formation here there's like a sort of two little craters and one on top of the other looks a bit like a snowman with a big head that's falling over we're gonna zoom in here see where this little red circle is that's where the Armstrong Memorial is so that's the spot we need to aim for so I'm going to create a moo-moo node and as you can see I've got quite lucky I hope it pretty much passes perfectly over that I'm going to call it the snowman for the Snowman formation from now on serie is fine you may want to adjust your orbit slightly or when you do your maneuver node to decelerate you can just use the normal and anti normal nodes to adjust your inclination accordingly like I say we've got enough fuel in this lando to kind of compensate for any adjustments we might need to do so I've made it so our actual trajectory will take us slightly beyond the Snowman formation just because it's a ridiculous name just because we're obviously going to be killing off quite a lot of our horizontal speed once we see the memorial so we're gonna focus too much on our horizontal location because we'll kill all that off quite quickly because we've got a good amount of thrust to weight ratio on this craft so we're gonna decelerate like this and now we're just gonna coast down and then we're gonna just eyeball look for the memorial itself so one thing you can do to enhance your ability in searching for because this is no menage it's very small relatively so we can do you can hold down alt on the keyboard and scroll what this does it changes your field of view so basically enlarges or diminishes heading on which way you scroll it will enlarge the background to make things on the surface much easier to see and you'll see we're doing this is just a second yeah we can't see the Memorial and then and when I do it it will become visible so you can see that spot remember I want I pointed to in somewhere that red circle was in that picture that's what we're aiming for so kind of between those first two craters to the left of the Snowman war so we're getting closer so I'm going to do now is I'm gonna scroll by holding down alt and then bringing the background interview and what is that on the surface I see a dot that's all we got is very very small but I think that might be it and you know what this is actually genuinely the first time I ever been to the memorial I did check I like high predator to probe town just like so I knew where it was but that was the first time I've ever actually kind of been to the Armstrong memorial was on on this week so this is kind of a a experience for all of us I think so now I'm just gonna basically eyeball it and just fly myself down very very very inefficiently during our descent adjust by controlling our lateral velocity we can get ourselves closer and closer our thrust rate ratio like I said on this rocket is very good so our vertical velocity is not too much of an issue because we ought to kill that off relatively quickly so we may as well just focus more on our trajectory than our vertical speed as long as it's below like 70 or so meters per second it should be fine and there is the monolith on which the memorial rests coming into focus we can time warp down and this one does like yep that was definitely it at first I was like I hope it's not just like one of the weird landmarks from breaking ground but nope it is definitely the Armstrong Memorial so now would be a good time to open up our landing gear and perform our final sort of bursts of deceleration so we can commence a nice gentle touchdown we've got really really big landing gear so this thing can sustain pretty hard impacts but I think for kind of realism sake and you know just to avoid any risk of damaging the craft we can slow down nice and gently I always try and keep it to about 1 meter per second or slower form I'm untouchable at this point I was pretty happy but I was like you know what let's try and get ourselves on the monolith that it promised myself that we would land on the memorial if the footprint of this lambda permitted it and it looks like it does so we can just coast our way up and lamellae as you can see we got a nice little Apollo style what it is an Apollo lambda carved out of the rock as well as an American flag flying backwards at this point and much like the military uniforms but on the other side of the memorial that you can't see at the moment you will see the actual plaque that commemorates near there it is what a beautiful camera angle there we are there you can see it so yeah a little nice I think that's a nice tasteful memorial to Neil Armstrong in this game and there is the American flag in fact you know I mentioned earlier that the American soldiers have the American flag backwards like that on their uniforms and one the reason for this which I thought was quite interesting this is like one of those random facts I just know for some reason it's because when they carrying the flag over their shoulder obviously the flag will be backwards because they're carrying it over their shoulder so be fluttering backwards so it's backwards on the uniform like shoulder to mimic that I think I don't know this is like a pop quiz fact it could be totally off but that's what I heard that's why the American flag is backwards on our me shoulders Oh uniform shoulders there was a Army's I'll annoy people in the Air Force or something like that but see what I mean guys that's why the flag is backwards this is a very strange tangent I'm gonna move on there are our four codes yep I I kind of made my own custom command pod by clipping the mark one cockpit into the mark three paulista I always call it the Apollo style one to make kind of one big command module so we can bring all of the four badass can I say that without any monetize on their badass Kerbal was anything a Saudis jebediah Bob bill and Valentina and speaking of Valentina she's pretty happy with the pose are you gonna do some quick illumination shots of the lambda and then I guess there's not much more to do other than you know re-embark our spaceship and get ready to return back to kerbin as I'm sure it doesn't really need saying our return to Kevin is gonna be pretty easy easier than most of my mum missions just because a it's not an SST o space plane that we need to kind of accelerate a lot on the ground before we take off and it's also not a mission that involves rendezvous so as far as my Mon missions go this is probably one of the easier ones I've ever done so it's gonna be a very very simple take off the bill is the last cobalt aboard so he gets the private suite at the top of the craft all to himself we can retract that ladder for no reason at all and then get ready to commence our burn I'm gonna burn 90 degrees along the nav ball just because it's the most efficient course to take because it goes with the Hans rotation but I guess he doesn't really make too much of a difference on the Mun because it's surface gravity is relatively low certainly doesn't make as much difference compared to places like tylo evil kerbin but we are just burning home look at those kerbals getting my world Valentina in jeopardy or at least having fun Bob not quite so much I don't get over in the nav ball just watching our pups it's gonna get it let it get to a nice safe altitude I usually aim for about 2,000 meters because I just seems like a nice setup guys I guess I'm going for 15,000 in this case I usually go for between 10 and 20 is a pretty safe altitude as you may know from my the last episode in my land aerospace series in which we went to the mum which I was going to do the next episode today but I felt this was a really good opportunity to showcase the Neil Armstrong Monument that mom not many people probably know about I mean I've won it like show it off in the past but I've never really found good context for showing it but I feel like to say it like this is like the best chance I'm probably going to get for showcasing the Neil Armstrong memorial so this is why I'm doing it today and next week hopefully unless anything else happens in news we'll be going back to lown aerospace so we have about 550 meters per second of Delta V remaining in our lambda stage so more than enough fuel to get us back to the curb in a rational doing a particularly efficient exit from Mun orbit here but I just wanted to get home quickly and wanted to make sure that we re-entered the atmosphere and subsequently landed on the surface on the light side of the planet just for the sake of having a more aesthetically pleasing YouTube video because you know YouTube's compression algorithms tend to make videos very dark so I always try and make it so that when things happen in videos they happen during the day so that's why I'm going for a slightly slightly less efficient than would otherwise be necessary exit from space but there you go there as the manoeuvre load all plotted and done so we can just time warp around and get ready to execute the manoeuvre node burn but I guess you know I can now take off the knee alarms from Memorial from the list of Easter eggs I have not yet visited in Kerbal space program what else is there that I'm not been to yet I think I've done most of them I've not I've don't think I've ever done a mission like a video where I try and find one of the green monoliths but I don't even find them that sort of thing I don't have much interest in trying to find a green monolith I've done I've not been to the Kraken I I don't know if I spoiled I will people get annoyed when you talk about Easter eggs even though I feel like it's one thing to like spoil that they exist for like yeah they're so hidden that you never gonna find it just by naturally playing the game I don't think so whatever I won't say where they are but there's the the crack the dead cracker and the giant Kerbal face the buried Curiosity rover the pyramids and I think that's it I visited a few of the Easter eggs in green harvest and expedition Eve so I don't think there's that many left to do and I'm I think in terms of how I would rank the Neil Armstrong yeah so there's a video isn't it ranking the Easter eggs top 10 in Kerbal space program God makes me cringe to saying that out loud to be perfect by channel but yeah I think in terms of kind of how the Armstrong Memorial would rank in terms of coolness of an Easter Egg I think I think it ranks pretty highly and I think you know it's a nice as I said a nice tasteful tribute to Neil Armstrong and by extension you know the Apollo 11 mission so this is my actual Apollo 11 celebration this week even though I did kind of do the joke post earlier this is like the the serious one but I do this I do Kerbal videos on Saturdays and everyone else is uploading their Apollo tribute earlier in the week and so I have to get something done but I didn't have a proper couple video made at that point because I have a job in the week as I can't really do anything too active so I could throw together something silly in like half an hour but missions like this that take a bit more effort I have to kind of wait till I have a bit more time on like a Friday night or something so that's why my tribute was bit later than everyone else's but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless so we can just uh you know fast forward through the parachute descent here we are touched down in this lush meadow with lots of trees and this is actually stock I think whenever I get have trees show up in videos people always ask me what mod adds the trees and it's part of the game the stock kiss top KSP does have trees just not in the biome immediately surrounding the curb or Space Center and a lot of the other biomes as well hence why people seem to think that it's a mod but no there are no mods here at least mods that adds of the trees those are part of the stock game and Bob loves trees you know he wanted to see I'm sure I saw a post on the subreddit that said you can climb trees so I thought let's go and climb a tree with Bob so I just very slow run up so I'm just gonna fast forward yeah play the footage back a little bit faster once you make a way to the tree but he's found his target we're gonna try and climb it and well I think Bob's face says it all there his disappointment is immeasurable and his day is ruined on screen there are some links the one on the left is a link to a video Chism for you by YouTube's recommendation algorithm the one on the right it's just a my most recent upload this is a link to subscribe and check out the patreon on screen also links in the description to Instagram Twitter merchandise all that good stuff and those are the discord I hope you enjoyed this video my friends and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend
Channel: Matt Lowne
Views: 88,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksp, kerbal space program, kerbal, space, program, jebediah, kerman, matt, lowne, matt lowne, nerd, british, funny, epic, commentary, abridged, amazing, gameplay, apollo, armstrong, neil, niel, neil armstrong, memorial, easter egg, easter, egg, ksp easter egg, ksp armstrong, mun, moon, lunar, luna, munar, muna, apollo 11, anniversary, 50
Id: QaGydEvD_4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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