KSP: Going Cave-Exploring on Tylo!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] on a Lonely Planet's notice being at West damnation and if they've committed some other heaviness and lesser space perhaps one team stands putting their lives in the lines and those who are unaware even save option yes it's incredible of Gemini and his collection of covenants they are saving the cabin race once dreaded explore another time what is going on guys welcome back to another Kerbal space program video the first one in a fortnight I didn't get a chance to do one last week you know I was busy but yeah then the inspiration for this video as I've you may have been ourself from the intro was a tweet by the official Kerbal space program Twitter and Instagram about I don't know what the specific occasion was would they they posted that photo of two cables with the text Kerbal rescue program and of course many of you are aware that I do my own rescue series called the blunder but I thought it might be good to do a blunder bird episode this was actually brought to my attention by Astro guy zero three four on Instagram so thanks for the mention mate uh-huh anyway this I only saw the tweet kind of yesterday so I was trying to think of it's gonna be hard to find a good rescue scenario on reddit or discord in that amount of time I guess they made whilst also having a somewhat challenging premise for a video but then I remembered that jebediah is stranded in a cave for those of you that have seen a green harvest and expedition Eve two of my Kerbal space program feature films some of the scenes in those movies feature jebediah in a cave underground on Eve in a rover however the more astute among you will be well aware that there is no such structure on Eve and I'm far too lazy to seek out mods even though one of the central parts of green harvest was a modded star system far from that and I couldn't I didn't want to go out and find a mod that add caves and stuff like kerb town so instead I just used the existing cave in Kerbal space program which is the cave Easter egg on tylo however I still have the safe file I use to create all those interior shots I never actually got jebediah back so I guess now the intro is all done and dusted I can talk briefly about the rocket you can see I've gone for this Apollo style setup we have three main components really we have the engine stage here which is just a monolithic stage that we're not leaving any debris in deep space it's all just one giant stage that we have the re-entry module which is like the you know mark - is it marked or marked its mock - right I'm gonna complete mine like it's been two weeks since I played this game guys give me give me a break here and then we have I guess it's actually four main components now I say it because there's a little part in between you may have noticed it you can't see it on screen but it's a Hitchhiker's storage compartment like a crew pod and an observatory module and that's it which doesn't actually serve any purpose whatsoever for the mission but it means that our curve was not stuck inside that one tiny little Apollo style module for the entire duration of the mission because obviously we're going to tylo which is pretty far out so we want some room to breathe it's got a gym in there the pool is there there's a cinema you know there's a gym so yeah they've got all the bells and whistles that they need inside that extra pod there so just to make the mission a little bit more realistic I guess and then the final stage is the lander which had its own problems that you'll will quickly become a parent out of this mission I mean this mission I'm kind of happy with how it came out because it came out badly in the this sounds weird but we will we can cross that bridge as we get there the first thing that didn't come out too well you may notice that this rocket is incredibly over built for what it really needs to do as you can see we are blasting our way off the launch pad at incredible speed that's because generally when I'm building rockets in Kerbal space program I will create the payload take a rough guess as to what I would need to get to the payload into orbit so when I say payload I mean any any cargo crew modules that sort of thing and any liquid fuel an ox engines to get the payload itself beyond low curve in orbit like when I say payload is all the part of the rocket that aren't the bits needed to get it into its initial curve in orbit so I kind of look at the payload gauge its size and weight and thing uh we'll probably need this much rocket to get it into orbit and then build the rocket and that's what I do I will then generally over build the rocket initially and then I'll gradually just trim the fat to get the exact Delta V usage roughly where I feel like I'm not dumping too much fuel ideally I'll be using all the fuel in the ascending stages but as you can see our rocket here exploded as we went up so rather than I thought trimming the fat of this particular rocket like I would normally do I thought oh it exploded but the bits we need to survive have obviously survived so let's see if we could just continue on and it was like I intended this rocket to explode halfway up with most of it juice tiller so I don't know kind of funny I in reality I would have definitely made that rocket a bit smaller it was a bit overkill for what it really needed to be but I thought I thought it was kind of funny that it exploded and it still survived and we still had way too much fuel really than we needed to get into orbit so my birth anyway there go the fairings there goes the launch escape system I probably should have used the launch escape system actually when the main stack exploded but yeah they were fine you know Berlin valentina there they love a life mostly bobert stay at home this is not really a mission where a scientist is needed I felt that having a pilot obviously would be a priority and also an engineer would be more important than a scientist sorry Bob maybe for the next mission maybe I should have had a command pod with four seats oh well another mistake eh so anyway we have a nice and high apple abscess and we have a long time to reach our uh purpose it's just as well because our next engine stage is actually kind of stuck in the middle of the rocket we need to do some Apollo style or reconfigurations the first we're going to do is separate the two modules get Valentina into this pod after I remembered that I didn't actually add a remote guidance unit to that section the next thing I can do is deploy that kind of get rid of that protective shield in between the two pieces that's why I wanted to do this on a ballistic sub orbital trajectories all that debris that held the two modules together and of course the lower engine stage would crash back into curve in surface or its oceans and not be left in orbit I want to keep this mission kind of as do the debris free debris free and there they are docked it's a pretty easy doc there's not much more of a balance in this thing because we don't really need much money propellant the hardest dock will be needing to do is actually docking the lander back to the mother ship once it gets back from the surface of tylo and honestly you don't really need monopropellant for those sorts of dockings at least i guess once you've had enough practice I mean if you're not very good at docking I would definitely recommend using modern felons but once you reached a certain point we've done quite a few you don't really need monopropellant anyway going to be a quick circularization burn as you can see this craft has a very very very high large huh great amount of fuel but it only has four nuclear engines which means it's gonna be very very efficient to go a long way on the fuel it has but it can't go anywhere quickly you know the nuclear engines have a very very poor thrust to weight ratio so we're gonna be splitting our escape burn from kerbin over to burns so the first burn we'll get our apps is nice and high just beyond mimesis orbit but it's still within kerbin sphere of influence and then our second burn will get us the rest of the way to tylo or at least a joule and then we can fine-tune our tylo encounter once we're in deep space where it's gonna be a little bit easier with a maneuver known maker and also a little bit cheaper because we're kind of not within cabins gravity well so now that you've got a better view of the rocket whilst it's on screen at the moment I can talk about a few other things I think obviously I've already gone over the use of the nuclear engines and the liquid fuel but also kind of it there's a few other things to touch upon most of the things on the rocket at least on the main core of the rocket not the tylo engine are kind of there for aesthetic purposes so it doesn't really need any of those solar panels because it's got an RTG but i like the way the solar panels make it look all spaceship II it doesn't really need the radiators on the nuclear engine stage admittedly nuclear engines use a lot of my crate a lot of heat so you will often get to temperature gauges appearing when you're using the nuclear engines but you don't really I've never really found I needed to use radiators except for when they first started adding the heating features to the game and nuclear engines were far more explodey these days I don't really ever see a need for radiators but it makes the ship look a little bit more visually interesting I guess also the nose cones on the tidal and are also completely not necessary they're there to make it look a little bit better because obviously tylo does not have an atmosphere so you really don't need to worry about aerodynamics as you can probably tell the rest of the lander itself is not the most aerodynamic structure because you don't really need to worry about it I feel like it's weird to talk about tylo this soon after my last tylo video which was that was my last video the toilet video did I do a life on lace since I think I've done a life or late since the Saturn 5 to Tyler but it really hasn't been too long since I went to Tyler and I feel like ever doing the dual system in general quite a bit and recently obviously I've been doing the life on lathe series but I didn't actually intend to do a tile everyday this week I was think about in a month or an astroid video given that Japan has just created a crater on an asteroid but I was away and technically still am I'm not really back at I'm not really able to have the resources I'm not at home very much at the moment so I'm got time I didn't get a chance to make a space news when it happened I generally like to get space news out within sort of twelve hours of any event so oops so I didn't do a space news on that I mean I'm admittedly have only done two space news videos so far so I hope you guys like them I am definitely taking on feedback and criticisms I really do appreciate the Christmas because I'm not it's not a it's not a format I'm really used to yet maybe probably ever but I yet at least as well I'm not too familiar with making things of that format so I'm very very welcoming of all criticisms and critiques even though those two things are synonyms so I hope you enjoy those but no I didn't I didn't talk about the Japanese making a crater on a asteroid but I thought I could do an asteroid capture mission this week and then kind of make send a probe there to kind of do a soft recreation of Japan making crater in an asteroid even though it wouldn't be much of a recreation at all basically something with asteroid to celebrate Japan's and that was way worse in Japan Japan's achievement okay the other thing I had an idea for was possibly maybe eventually getting around to finishing the minmus base Hotel and casino's series other videos I've had ideas for I don't know I sure I actually have had a lot of requests to redo blunder birds and I've kept tagged it in quite a few reddit posts a specifically I've had about three or four now just reddit posts like self posts or time warp glitched out so the lunar it's cuz i'm using better time warp and I set it to fast physics and I keep forgetting that I've done that and I'll set it to maximum physics time warp which when you're burning engines can have disastrous consequences but now I'd like I've been tagging like three or four now reddit posts asking for blunder birds to return and you know there are two reasons why I haven't done that money blunder Birds reason it will three because the first is that I've done everywhere like I haven't done Gilly Bob Paul Paul but those places are pretty hard to strand curveballs on the second reason is that a lot of stranding in air quotes posts on reddit are there basically to just bait blunder birds like if you put blunder birds in the title of your post I'm probably not going to well now I've told people what to avoid but you know I just feel like a lot of people just do it because they want to be in a video which is very flattering don't get me wrong I appreciate it immensely and I still have to pinch myself every time I see my views and subscriber counts I'm still very great for the people actually enjoy this drivel that I send to your screens but I I don't know I kind of liked it when blunderbuss was a little bit of a smaller series and so most of the world the strandings are a bit more kind of natural I suppose not to say the people that put blunder Birds or Matt lone in their reddit post idle are you know just placing curved was in places but it you do get end up seeing certain patterns because obviously I get tagged in and pretty much every stranding post on Reddit which is fine and in fact I still encourage people to do it if they would like to it's not something like this but you know you end up seeing patterns of the certain kind of things you see or like the same Oh people post the same post over and over again just like probably just trying to go to bloody Birds opposite I've been I mean stuck on this point for a bit too long I think because it's it's one of the more minor ones the other one is that the most people getting stranded are going to the Mun or Juna those are the two places people tend to get stranded on first and I've already done the man and Juna quite a bit so I feel like I don't want blunderbuss just become a blood like mum and you know rescues which I think is what it would be if I just rescued every read it stranding I see so kind of I don't blunderbuss become stale so I always still do blood the birds but probably like this where I sleep more in free curtains and it might be sort of special missions like missions I might have accidentally left curve was stranded out or people like everyday astronaut mark throne Marcus house we did one as well things like that or if I see a worthy reddit stranding or discourse stranding or something like that then you know I will do it them but I probably won't do blunder birds as frequently as I did kind of a couple of years ago anyway here we are on the lander I want to talk about this before I've actually dropped all the stage which admittedly is a bit late because we've just dropped the last two stages now you see this thing is kind of geared up to be an asparagus setup but I was dropping the tanks two at a time was in two per side at a time basically these tanks were meant to drop off in tsuki sequence like a normal asparagus set up but it wasn't draining properly like the tanks were draining in pairs but a different rate it was really really strange and if he could tell how the liquid fuel was draining it seemed really weird I was look at a fuel priority I tried rebalancing that the fuel priority when you changed the priority of one tank it changes the other I don't really know how it works but what's annoying is that the fuel lines themselves are intact I did glitch out and disappear and when I tested this craft before I actually did this mission like I just designed the lander and then cheated it to tylo orbit just to make sure I could land and take off okay before I had to go to the trouble of actually getting it there for real and it worked perfectly so I dig it's just one of those things that KSP just glitched out and I look you can see the visual glitching there and if you're like one of the big demotivated making videos especially sort of complicated missions is that Kerbal space program still so buggy that you know you'll just run into these bugs that just slow you down and really grind you guys like I spent about the best part of like half an hour to an hour landing that Tyler land there trying to figure out what was happening with the fuel draining and how I could try and combat it to basically no avail but I had to figure out how to pair up the tanks they would release drain in some sort of order rather than you know just draining haphazardly and sending the balances all off but like it reminded me of him struts and blitz has been trying to do a Sigma Initiative series where he colonizes every planet and he basically made a video saying that he was abandoning in the Moho base because he kept on running into crack and glitches and that sort of thing and I empathize entirely like I have spent a long time on crafts and I've had to basically just abandon the entire video because the Kraken or just some dumb glitch basically prevented it all from working properly you know I get you know what we're doing is a lot of time just breaking the game we're using the parts how we're not supposed to use them like you know all credit distress a blitz it was a very impressive motor base but the parts the parts aren't really meant to be used the way he was using them so I guess you know most layer users of the game probably won't run into the sorts of glitches that these kind of ridiculous projects might run into but still it can't get a bit disarming when you keep running into these gradual inches anyway at least in this case we managed to get everything done okay and we can initiate the second part of the tylo recovery which is of course the getting back into orbit stage complicated somewhat by the fact I had to go a little bit of a higher jump up initially that I might have done because I had to clear the roof of that cave other than that fairly easy you can see using the arrow spike engine again even though the arrow spike is actually an atmospheric engine or at least designed to be best used in atmospheres because an arrow spike by design is good because it's efficient in an atmosphere well it's efficient it has the same efficiency pretty much no matter what height you are in an atmosphere whether in the thicker parts or the thinner parts whereas most other engines what engine for the traditional Bell shape would be limited by the shape of the Bell whether or not they would be more efficient down low or up high but there s Pike is still a pretty efficient engine to use in a vacuum and it has a very good profile like it's very very small and it has quite a high thrust value so that's why I like using it for Tyler Landers even though it's there are certainly probably better choices to use they tend to be a bit more bulky or a bit more difficult to build into rocket designs and you know the area spike is just that it's just like using it I guess I'm just used to it at this point because I use it in pretty much all of my Tyler Landers that's kind of why I use the aerospike engine so there is the mothership that we need to dock to so the first thing we're gonna do is set the docking port that we want to attach to as our target by double-clicking it the next thing when I do is try and roughly line myself up with it from a distance and then we can just coast towards it because obviously we're not using monofin Palantir so you want to try and do everything nice and far away so it's kind of lined up and then you can just cruise towards it it's a nice and slow speed and the to ship should drift together what I often do in these cases is switch to the mother ships switch to the mother ship and then you know target the lander using the mother ship stocking bought and then both ships will kind of automatically remain realigned if that makes sense you'll get it if you've seen my other videos I suppose but in this case wouldn't have really worked quite so well because we're docking to a side mounted docking port so I had to just rely on my mad piloting skills with a Zed and as you can see it paid off okay and having I guess that docking port mounted to the side means that our ultimate configuring configuration ends up looking a little bit like a space station over Tyler but we're all gonna stay like this very long the first I'm gonna do is D or bit or Lander so we're not leaving it stuck in floating around in orbit we're gonna make sure it gets destroyed by smashing it into Tyler surface I used the last of our onboard monopropellant there just to make sure that we would not kind of drift too far normal or anti normal why having a displaced center of gravity a center of mass it wouldn't really matter too much though so we can just watch our lander drift away and there it goes and then we can just focus on getting back to kerbin as you can see we have about 2000 meters per second of fuel remaining and we're not in an SST Oh or anything that we would need to recover more than just the command pod so I can rely on the very very Opie heat shield of Kerbal space program meaning that we don't really have to worry about getting any kind of kerbin encounter as long as you get a curve an encounter we can re-enter safely so first I'm gonna do is just burn pro-grade at tylo making sure that our app apps ends up leaving jewel kind of backwards along its orbit so we get a nice and low periapsis around the Sun so that it intersects kerbin orbit line and then once we've left Tyler spearmint up it's gonna create another maneuver node and kind of make sure we get a curve and encounter again just a rough curve it encounter will then do that burn and then do another maneuver note to get our actual atmospheric encounter I know that you know this is actually the first video I've done since the new update has come out where you've got a bit more control over the creation of maneuver nodes but I still doesn't make the burns themselves very accurate I feel like that's probably more pilot problems rather than the game itself by the way if you've not seen the new update for some reason then here it is I've got that nice HD skybox so there's a few new parts I think there's some new parts there's new nose cones that I hadn't seen before I could well have just missed those and they were in a previous update but I'd never seen them before I guess can you got they basically integrated Kerbal engineer a bit more and the more precise note which is a great mod though I've always kind of refused to use because I'm too lazy to learn how to use it but I've always worked thought it'd be really useful for doing very complicated missions like when you need to plan gravity assists I believe this update will be indispensable for people who wanted to achieve hyper efficient flights anyway this with part where we finally fine-tune our kerbin encounter again we're going to do the last little bit of tweaking once we enter kerbin sphere of influence because we've only got 134 m/s of Delta V remaining we really need much we're going to be altering our apoapsis height perhaps his height I should say by a couple of metres here in that so we're gonna just point a anti normal and then when we detach that decoupler that's going to lower our perhapses even more slightly and then we're going to detach our kind of extension module because you don't need that anymore we only need the command pod itself to survive because we've only got three kerbals to worry about getting home safely and there we re entering things getting nice and toasty moderate g-forces a good thinker bulls are nice and resilient and don't really get killed by high g-forces and then we can watch our capsule coast down now you know I said earlier that our Tyler Lander didn't really work too well even though despite during testing it was working well I thought I might just showcase a little clip once we've landed of the Tyler lander actually working correctly so you can see how it was supposed to land well we've landed now speaking cut to it so here it is I basically just started from 45 to 50 kilometers which is way way higher than we would ever need to it means that it it means that this can think and land even if I have problems during the flight like I miss my landing spot I need to do some adjustments on the descent that sort of thing I like to test it from a slightly higher altitude than I will need to actually land it from so yeah those rule the asparagus stage is all dropped and you can see they worked perfectly and here we are touching down nice and safely without any problems whatsoever I can find there are few problems on the touchdown but you know we were pretty much there it's because I messed up the burn slightly am I here I could see on Kerbal engineer that I had enough Delta V to get back into orbit so I called it a day with the testing there anyway we should also call it a day on this video here there are some links to more videos on screen as well as to subscribe to the channel and there are links in the description for discord Twitter Instagram merch that sort of thing and there's a link to patron on screen as well thank you for watching
Channel: Matt Lowne
Views: 214,165
Rating: 4.9347181 out of 5
Keywords: ksp, kerbal space program, kerbal, space, program, jebediah, kerman, matt, lowne, matt lowne, nerd, british, funny, epic, commentary, abridged, amazing, gameplay, tylo, cave, spelunking, exploring, tylo cave, ksp cave, ksp tylo cave, matt lowne tylo, jool, lander, docking, how to dock, apollo style, apollo, style, space station, blunderbirds, blunder, birds, matt lowne blunderbirds, blunderbirds tylo
Id: zq-DF_L40f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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