KSP Alternate History: The Soviet Vostok SPACEPLANE!

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hello everyone and welcome back to another kerbal space program video and in today's kerbal space program video i'm gonna be doing one of my favorite things to do and that is recreating ships that never were or a ship there's only one in this video and that is this i've got two reference images for your eyes on screen it is the pka space plane that was designed by the soviet union in response to the us air force dinosaur project which of course also never happened and perhaps would be a good idea for this series i better just write this down but that's not for today today we're going to be doing the pka space plane i just stumbled upon this i can't i think i was just browsing astronautics.com or something and i just found an article and upon googling it there wasn't really much information about this space plane all i could really find out was that it was made in response to the us air force dinosaur project and it would be inserted into a 300 kilometer altitude orbit by a vostok launch vehicle and after 24 hours to 27 hours of flight the spacecraft would break from orbit and glide down to its landing zone where it would land on skis although skis are very hard to do in kerbal space program so my replica has wheels sorry about that but hey it never existed who knows you know orion was gonna have round solar panels now it does not perhaps this would not have had skis in the final build we don't know because it never existed so this is basically as close to the real thing as humanity has ever got this video right here so i hope you enjoy it and yes as you can see this is an orthopedic which means it achieves flight by flapping its wings of course it doesn't that would be stupid but you can see that the wings can't fold up like that and that's because for the launch and space mission and initial part of the riendrio of receiving the brunt of the aerodynamic forces those things are tucked away nice and safe to give us a better aerodynamic profile and then when it comes to actually performing our glide descent and landing uh we can unfold them and use them like wings i guess i could have just said unfold them and leave them like that and you could have extrapolated from that what uh what they would have been used for when they unfolded now i couldn't quite get the scale of the wings right using the actual in-game wing pieces so i've built them out of the big s elevons the main uh wings there so but i think i think it looks pretty passable as a wing piece at elevon and and that's it that's the bill done i've already got a vostok launch vehicle which i built in my vostok and vos cod speed run video which nobody watched so you could go watch that now if you blooming well want to see how this was built should be a card on screen and description link if you want to watch the build of my vostok rocket but now it's been built everything is assembled we can go ahead and launch and i'm launching from the desert launch site because this i think is the closest in appearance to the baikonur cosmodrome which would be presumably where this would have launched from since its uh boss stock rocket and the vostok were launched from the baikonur cosmodrome and here we are launching the desert uh launch site now full disclaimer guys when it came to landing this i totally forgot that i was meant to be flying it back to the air quotes soviet union so well i'll be la i'll be landing it at the kerbal space center but maybe this is just a really we could just say this was oh look at that coral of cross by the way this was the most convoluted round trip from the desert launch site to the kerbal space center that has ever been undertaken in this game and that that was really what i wanted to achieve in this mission uh not just get this space plane to orbit because of course i thought it's all well and good recreating the basic shape like i feel like aesthetically it's pretty close like it's it was a very difficult shape to recreate but i think what i got is a pretty good approximation in terms of what's achievable in stock kerbal space program and i think it's it worked out quite nicely having those service bays uh sort of clipped into the fuel tanks because they act as a sort of nice shield piece for all the scientific instruments that lie behind those doors i guess it looks it looks really cool like a sort of custom cargo bay that's really shallow because it's only designed to carry very superficial things like science experiments and exposed matter experiments i guess so science experiments right we'll talk about redundant sentences there it does also contain batteries and solar panels so those are other things that they are that lie behind those fairing covers not fairing covers cargo bay doors and yes i forgot how bad the thrust weight ratio of my vostok launch vehicle uh is and was i guess because it was designed to just launch a vostok spacecraft and not this really heavy space plane so yeah it was a bit of a long old burn to get to orbit but we made it in the end well i say made it in the past ten so we're not quite there yet we're about to make it though and you've been noticing already actually that this thing really wants to buck upward uh i didn't i didn't look at the center of mass and center of thrust when placing the engines and these engines i'm going to hazard a guess are placed below the center of mass so the center of thrust is going to push us up constantly so yeah it was a bit of a battle getting this thing to fly straight especially when performing long burns to get to minmus because i guess i said that um a boring old low carbon orbit mission uh we can do better let's go to mimnes because i went to mun last week and i really like taking space planes to minmus i'm sorry i know it's not a difficult mission to do but i really like taking space planes to bimmus because there's something so satisfying about launching them from the great platz great plaits the great flats english it's a difficult language to master yes i've had to speed the footage up quite a bit here just to keep it at a tolerable length but i'm sure you can see the ship kind of vibrates and oscillates as you form the burn it was just me basically fighting the tendency to nose upward using w and s on the keyboard uh it meant i was it was a bit of a boring time really normally with these sorts of big long burns i just set the ship to automatically hold the maneuver node vector and then just timewarp without any input required for myself so i can just look at my phone have a biscuit have a bit of a drink of water not endorsing anything and um i feel like i've talked about everything that i needed to talk about with this place i was about to go on another tangent about oh we can talk about this down there but you know what guys i think i'm gonna do something special for you you know you guys have seen me do minimus space planes before you know how this goes you know i feel like the footage is now going to do the rest of the talking that i need to be doing for this video because because it's a video so i thought we could do a very special whiskey review and it's not just going to be a whisky review of me talking like this well i'm obviously going to be talking but i thought i can set this i can set some time aside and do a live first taste of a whiskey i've never had and you can hear my live reaction to it and i've already done this it's not gonna be live like because it's a pre-recorded video right so i'm gonna finish talking now and hand you over to past matt thank you past matt and hello all of you here we're on the on the mini cam that you can now see welcome back to our first in situ whiskey review i've never had this before i saw it in the the local off license i thought you know what i ought to try this i do like a good jack daniels and i've never seen the old tennessee apple juice as it were so i thought it might be interesting for me to do a whisky review live for you guys you know at the same time that i'm experiencing it for the first time so let's just uh i haven't planned this very well because i can't i can't find the bit that you tear hang on um you can tell i've done this loads of times before right yes there we go there we go now you can't even see what i'm doing that's not very good is it there we are it's done the the peel is off by the way you can buy this whiskey for 21.99 at your local premier off license if you so happen to live near such an establishment and now let us get to the actual review so i have my jack daniels old number seven glass i am now opening the whiskey i'm just gonna pour in a small amount lovely now my initial impression so far is i can i can i can smell the apple i can definitely smell the apple in the air now what they all recommend as in what the youtube reviews or like youtube guides to whiskey tasting i've seen recommend you gotta add a little bit of water so we're gonna take a pipette just a just a dash all you need and we'll just let that um diffuse just so you want to like dilute it down to sort of 35 percent as the optimum is the optimum dilution i guess a concentration right and here we go bottoms up everyone ah i hold it in my mouth for a second just let the taste really you know uh conglomerate in my taste buds and then i swallowed it's definitely it's definitely sweet if you've ever had the uh jack daniel's toffee it's definitely akin to that as opposed to your standard glass of jack daniels which admittedly is often the case with flavored whiskies but just thought it's worth mentioning so definitely the sweetness is the first thing i'm feeling but uh after that it's it's very smooth you know it's not doesn't have the burn it doesn't have a very strong burn by the way i have just realized looking at the bottle that i gave some advice that you better dilute it down to 35 um and i guess i wasn't wrong but i now see if the camera will focus that it's already 35 i don't even know if you guys would be able to see this i'm assuming i'm going to put this as like a mini cam on the bottom left or bottom right of the screen or wherever so um we'll let that stay blurry for a bit whilst the camera panics and refocuses uh yeah so it looks like it was always 35 so i needn't have dilated and i've diluted it and i've probably just uh compromised the whole experience in a way so apologies for that um but yeah i i don't know in terms of the i think i do but i think i do prefer jack daniel's topic there's only a tiny bit left let's just have another little taste i'm gonna quickly sniff it first so i can i can i can smell the apple more than i can taste the apple let me just yes i can definitely taste the apple on that bit more on that second one and then the first time i was just so excited about doing a live whiskey review that i that i kind of missed the mark a little bit but no it's definitely it's definitely got the apple taste it obviously doesn't taste like apple juice it's a very it's a very high strength drink right it's 45 it's 35 percent sorry so it's not really like an ale where there's like an actual distinctive flavor most of it is just gonna be alcohol but it's it's got a very sweet taste i guess to sort of counteract the bitterness that comes with whiskey and then some sort of help i guess do they make it sweet i don't like how this is going to be a review but now i'm asking you the viewer questions about whiskey is it because whiskey has such has got such a bitter taste that they add loads of sweeteners when they're making a flavored whiskey so that the sweetener kind of offsets the bitterness of the alcohol and then that makes any flavors present more palatable or not palatable and more easy to distinguish don't know interesting thought and i've never really i've only just put this together right now on the spot um this is obviously not a very well script this isn't scripted um but yes if i had to give jack daniel's original recipe tennessee apple finally crafted apple liqueur from the makers of jack daniels tennessee whiskey i would give this uh oh i'm gonna give this one a five out of ten it's decent i i feel like i've not done a scored whiskey review in so long i don't remember what my what what i gave everything else so this might be really really off off mark compared to what i've given whiskey's in the past but my heart says you know it's it's i'm probably not gonna get this again like it was nice every whiskey except southern comfort is at least a five really because it's an above average drink and five is like the average but this isn't quite whiskey this is flavored so this gets the average mark um it'll do me well i'm sure but uh yeah five out of ten bit bit too sweet really i accept that is just what happens when you have a flavored whiskey or at least a flavored whiskey in the 2199 price bracket there it is again but um but yeah i think it's just a bit too sweet for me i'm a bit more stickler of the bitter i guess the ones i guess i just like whiskey that tastes like whiskey you know that's why i'm not really a big fan of the flavored ones did i do the top i've ever i've ever done a little bit have i ever reviewed toffee jack daniels i'm not sure if i have and if i had to rate that one i'd probably give that one a five and a half six i'll give it a six actually i'll give it a six i'd also probably give the jack daniel oh let's go with all let's do a review of all three flavored jack daniels apple one gets a five the fireball probably gets a five and a half and the toffee gets a six but it's close to a five point seven five there we go that's my score and that is my at the end of my whiskey review so i'm going to pass you back over to um to to present day matt that you're currently watching do an incredible kerbal space program video on that's definitely going to get millions and millions of views and i'm gonna have the i'm gonna have the rest of this the rest of this this rest of this bottle actually before i go i might have one little taste of it without the water it's a four out of ten it's a four out of ten guys it's too sweet it is a bit sickly i'm not actually a big fan of this um thank you and goodbye
Channel: Matt Lowne
Views: 85,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksp, kerbal space program, kerbal, space, program, jebediah, kerman, matt, lowne, matt lowne, nerd, british, funny, epic, commentary, abridged, amazing, gameplay, matt lowne whiskey review, vostok, voskhod, r7, PKA spaceplane, PKA spaceplane recreation, KSP PKA, PKA KSP, Soviet Recreation, alternate history, for all mankind, matt lowne soviet
Id: -E05ExMpknY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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