KSI Fight Night Exclusive - That Peter Crouch Podcast

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[Music] hello and welcome to that Peter CR podcast me Peter CR Chris Stark and the notorious Sid with me uh and today we're joined by KSI hi Hi how are you I was I going to introduce you as a YouTuber boxer musician Entre entrepreneur I I say Entertainer I'm just an Entertainer just covers everything in it covers it all what what do you actually put down you the forms that you put in that occupation for insurance you would Insurance what in question your insurance forms garbage man yeah yeah just troll them no no l you just put Entertainer I just go yeah that's kind of covers everything what do you put uh I used to put professional football players put now pleas be careful here because some warranties might be under different I think I might be a student I'm back to being a student you put down uh well I feel I can say presenter legitimate you know radio DJ it's all good like that's all fine JJ welcome to the podcast I don't know how much you've seen about this funny little world that we've set up over the last few years and you guys have been doing very well man like obviously I I mentioned before that I saw the little clip of you guys talking about the siden and stuff and it' be cool to get uh one of them down and you got me which is great and this this there's so much we need to get into around the the boxing that you've got coming up but just as a little break away from that before we get into that let's let's just get straight into the football you're an Arsenal fan you're involved with Arsenal in quite a significant way yeah yeah Pete do you know about this around around the prime deal with Arsenal how's this working for you at the moment you just use prime to kind of go [ __ ] it I'll just sponsor the team uh well I think for me sponsoring Arsenal was like huge because obviously it's you know childhood dream to even be involved with arsal in any way so for me I was just excited gassed and like when I talked to my team uh the prime team like oh can we make this happen they were like yeah yeah this this is great all around so yeah we just got cracking and uh we sponsored Arsenal and I make it sound so easy obviously it wasn't that easy there was a I suppose there was a bit of a journey for you to get to that place where you could sponsor yes exactly but have you been like kind of surprised you must have asked millions of questions about this but have you been surprised by kind of the demand for this drink yes because like I knew there was going to be hype me and Logan doing something is going to bring hype but to get to this point where there's still so much hype and there's still so many countries that want it and need it and the price of like literally even this drink right now is what $88.99 that's not what you I that's not how much it should be it should be two quid but people are still like charging the price stupidly up at this point and we've been around for a year and a half so like it's it's wild but but how much is that how much is that down to you guys do you think and it's Mar so so here's my thing Prime work's done like like you've sold loads of that what stops you then like if I was you I'd be going let's take something [ __ ] Bland let's take something well not Bland let's take something uh a little bit maybe underbred just whack on names on it and we'll say origano do you know what I mean like the spice racks you know you could literally you him bring out I was like what is that and and You' sell you'd sell shitloads of it well I mean we have to have like an interest in it and we also have to like use the product so I think for me Prime is just it's a better for you drink compared to like Coke Pepsi and all these other uh competitors so like that just makes sense for me compared to like I don't know tables like I don't know T tables would be great selling tables you never know could be a market for it is is that your mindset though in terms of like Arsenal so is your OB you got team of people around you and there's a strategy and you're going listen this is where I want to aim for this is what I want to work at this is what you need to make happen essentially I just go and say what I want and we make that work simple as that like like you said and I don't know it's it's kind of like how I've always just been in life super if I want something I will work hard to make sure I get there and it might take a year it might take two it might take a day but eventually I'll get there have you been involved so obviously you got uh like harland's on board now you like Bayern Munich you're involved with right y um and and have how much kind of dialogue do you have with them have you been around been to training around that kind of thing or you just SP we've been to the training round we've done some clips you know done like Tik toks left right center with harand we did uh impulsive with him so we did a podcast um have you seen the Harlen clip I haven't seen the har hilarious cuz he's obviously a very power guy I am oh my God so I was in goal for it bro I was [ __ ] myself because he bro he knows how to hit it hard like it's it's different like you know when you're with your mates and you know they kick the ball it it can be hard but it's not like professional level harem was just there trying to hit me with a volley a professional level while I'm in goal and I'm there like bro I've got a fight in like a month are you mad what are you doing protecting the nose yeah yeah I'm just trying to get out the way thank you it's like ultimate red ass do you know the game red ass yes of course of course I'd love to see you guys do this at some point not we've done it oh you've done it yeah well honestly we've done everything you could think of like the s men have done everything we're still trying to look for new things have you done eggy B what eggy B we found one everyone wait eggy explain eggy B oh mate so this this goes way back this is you know this is England under 18s this is probably started I was at Tottenham in a youth team you know eggy bof is basically like as as for said I might call it right so I'd be like eggy BFF first one to leave this table right you you do not want to be eggy buff so we we would just stay there until I either take it back or someone breaks and you have to leave yeah it's a horrible game what about the time you did it on a beach wasn't that for a stag do yeah we've done it we've sat we've sat on beaches where so we're on a deck chair in Blackpool believe it or not and um we uh this the Tide's coming in yeah right so eggy B first wants to move right I'm not joking we got to we got up to like here we're just trying to stay alive now we still s still sitting on the de shair the tid's come in and obviously I'm winning cuz I'm I'm high right yeah yeah yeah yeah some Lads was fully under like fully under my God just waves were coming in and just how much it meant to us you know huge so like what happens well that's it so once someone breaks because they're going to die you know yeah so one of them go gets up starts swimming you know back to Shore and uh and then he's eggy bu and then we just don't speak to him for the rest of the day that's it's like a bad it's a bad place to be there was one time they were on the bus and someone's called eggy bof on the bus and were you there as well Steve you were on the same bus why to me everyone who comes on this podcast was on that bus was yeah Jolan got a lot of our mates on this pod don't oh were you explain you were there you explain explain what happened it was the England under 21s and someone said we're on the way to training David plat was manager and uh on the way there we get to the training ground we're all in our kit and then someone shouted eggy B first one off the bus so you so no one could get off the bus so the manager gets off the coach get off they start setting the equipment up and they looking around at all the players are still on the bus you got remember representing England at this time it's not really the best time to call it just just staring at everyone like what's going on it is that intense where everyone doesn't want to be so let's say eggy first person to [ __ ] like yeah yeah hold it in mate yeah yeah I think you get away with that one though because you aiv I said first person [ __ ] but like no one can [ __ ] yeah yeah that's it okay but then if I said first person the [ __ ] yeah can you eggy buff that that's not really the E of game okay yeah really so so okay take your fight for example you call eggy B neither of you leave your respective room and the first person that does well 3:00 a.m. we're still you're not moving there you're not moving yeah that's the question will you call eggy buff before I just don't think I'm M to Tommy so I don't think it's going to work should we get should we talk about this fight then that you've got coming up so it's a fascinating one it's you it's Tommy Fury talk to us about it talk to us about the relationship that you have with him and and how it's all going in the training for you know you know what I was asking before I was asking like what you know how much of that is like actual actual hatred you saying between me and him I mean I don't really care for the guy uh for me I'd love to get under his skin but it doesn't really matter if I do or don't because ultimately at the end of the day because of how I fight I know I'm going to KO him simple yeah yeah and I I say it with a straight face because I've literally been doing the same thing to my opponents inpiring like I've been inspiring Olympians Pro boxes and my style just works and yeah it's an awkward unorthodox not really understand what's going on it looks like a bit of a mess but there's a method to the madness and yeah I I just feel like when Tommy's in there with me he'll understand and go [ __ ] I'm unprepared I'm not prepared for this and uh you know what I do it it's hard but it it it work and uh yeah it gets results cuz people looking in will see it as a YouTuber versus a pro boxer which is yeah so you're that you're basically fueling off that because from the outside people go he cannot be yeah I want people to think I have no chance yeah I I have no right to be in there like I've even bet on myself to win I can only bet I think I bet on BET Fred it was only like 600 Crib That's how much they could let me I put like I wanted to put like 10 grand on and they just wouldn't let me so I was like all right cool I'll just put the 600 but I'm like I'm so confident that I'm going to destroy him it's amazing because you're so confident of being a massive Underdog in terms of people looking at like even obviously John Fury his dad has gone if you lose this like you're disowned you you should even quit boxing yeah pressure that's a lot of pressure to puty bro and that's the thing he has so much pressure like people think I have pressure I have no pressure and even if I do have pressure like doesn't affect me with him he is the pro boxer everyone thinks or believes he's going to win it's all you know on his shoulders so if I just come out there and just [ __ ] him up bro like he's going to be Shook and then the pressure is going to you know get bigger and bigger and then he's going to feel like he has to perform and that's when I get him why why why then why would that be the moment you get him when he he's come out suppose come out and get me what can we have a brief um chat about John Fury come on let's let's be real an amazing what a dad so last time I saw him with you I think he was overturning a table that was in front of him then we've all got a favorite John Fury moment what would you say is what was that about like what what what how did you feel I I think he just got bored man he was like you know there's not enough um attention on me so I'm going to just flip some tables and Shout I am the machine and all this [ __ ] and yeah it kind of worked out but does it get to you at all no no no like I even tried doing a bet with him saying you know if I beat your son I get to slap you in the face wow I was like if you're so confident that Tommy's going to beat me let me slap you with my hand in your face and he was just saying you ain't going to slap me and I was like no then bet then and he never bet in the end and I was like yeah CU you're not as confident as you truly believe so so do you think it's it's a lot are you I don't want to put words is it is it a lot of noise is that we saying he won't follow through with he can say that he's very confident but it doesn't seem to in your in your experience back it up I feel like he'll be confident until I hit him and then he'll be like a [ __ ] yeah yeah it happens with every person I fight literally like uh panada pan was somewhat confident I hit him right to the body and he was like a this is long you know same with Logan when I hit him he was like I not want to get hit that many times because he's going to knock me out and every person knows that I have that KO power and that's why like they just always start going you know the outside of the ring and I'm in the center and I'm always just trying to pick my shots so I can try and KO you and it's just same thing over and over and over again have you have you had a passion for boxing or obviously your first one was Joe well wasn't you yeah yeah yeah so before then it was just a kind of exhibition like I was legit just playing games I was playing FIFA that was it like I wasn't the like even when I was young like I I played rugby but I was in the B team I played football but I was in the CD team I was ass bro and like athletically I was just [ __ ] like cross country I was terrible my fitness was ass like I had no Talent no skills or anything so it was all just hard work to get to where I'm at today and that's why I think it's just a beautiful story to show even the whole world that you know a kid who had nothing is able to become this guy and get everything so what how does it all start like um obviously playing games and things like that and then you're kind of streaming it and then when's the moment where it kind of real really kicked off I think the moment really clicked was when I was I I I felt like I got I reached the ceiling of YouTube and I was like like I really want to be you know I want that mainstream Fame that mainstream you know like height heightened leveled of like clout Etc blah blah blah because I felt like with YouTube I can only get to certain places like if if I'm being real you know I with YouTube I was like oh yeah I can get I can you know go to clubs I can buy out tables but no one gives a [ __ ] about me like I'm just that YouTuber whereas if I was mainstream guy who was had albums you know left friends and I had top songs you know boxer da d d d people started giving a [ __ ] so that's kind of one of the reasons why I ventured out into the whole mainstream world because I was like all right I've reached the seeing with YouTube I want to try and make myself bigger I want to build my brand how can I build my brand I need to venture into music because people respect music I need to venture into this boxing thing more because people respect boxing and no one cared about YouTube maybe more people care about it now but at the time no one cared so I just decided to venture out into all these other fields become the best or one of the best in all those fields uh and then yeah just the rest is kind of history but having said that obviously you had no kind of real talent at school like like how how all of a sudden you've become [ __ ] talented right you can box you can box you can sing you know what I mean you like you say you got the first time I tried to sing I was ass first time I tried the box I was ass like the first time I tried to do any of these things that I'm good at now I like I was so bad at it hard work yeah it's literally just over and over again consistently and like I wasn't afraid to fail like I'd fail so many times but OB this is behind closed doors and then I'll just try again keep trying and keep trying until I eventually would get it and then I just get more and more and more and then now I'm out where do you have one that you're like like a favorite like a real passion like is singing something like when you're kind of on stage is that where you want to be or do you want to be in ring I probably see YouTube yeah yeah because it's my bread and but man like it's just so easy like I'm able to just switch on the camera and just be myself and just laugh at stuff react to stuff and it's just easy it's like I'm not even trying I don't see it as a job it's just me just being me and then I stop recording and I get paid for it and it's like to be fair like s it's like what we do here there's a hell of a lot more goes into this you could do this one day if you really could you believe like I I still can't get my head round and it's a little bit like goggle box isn't it like how they've done a TV show of people watching TV but you was obviously one of the first ones to YouTube you're doing videos and all of a sudden you're getting ridiculous subscribers and Views yeah could you just quite believe that that was going to be the way forward like no no but I mean I I had an inkling that after you know after I hit a couple million subscribers that oh this could actually be the new wave like this could be where everyone slowly gravitates towards but you know back before all of that no no chance I had no idea and I I think many of us didn't really have an idea we kind of thought it was a quick cash grab yeah you go in out just you know get all the money and then peace out and then do a normal 9 to-5 but then you know I just stayed consistent with this whole YouTube thing and it just kept working out and just more opportunities were rising and it was just getting bigger and bigger and then all of a sudden I was like oh you know what this could be my career I'm going to just stick to this and then obviously I reached the ceiling and then I was like I want to I want to get more I want more more more and um yeah now I'm fighting Tommy Fury crazy where life can take you [Music] man this next part of the podcast is sponsored by Brew do okay so last time around we got to try wingman for the first time and uh I think we're liking this one aren't we boys I am a fan of this one uh mentioned before the Session IPA it's sessionable as Ryan tells us and we like that um the IPA this is potentially the best beer we've had I'd say um and the wingman is the perfect beer for a night out which makes it sound like you just read that but it kind of is like they just read it I think I think I think the uh I think the let's be real I think I think um what we're trying to get cross with this is it's a very sessionable beer and like any good wingman is is a sort of good accompaniment to a night out I'm sure you boys have had your fair share of uh decent um experiences of you both being wingmen for other people and other people being good wingmen for you yeah and also Sid being actually a very good wingman for me in fact I'd say so because we man before for me yeah have you yeah I'd say yeah I'd say I've been there for the big man are you a kind of opener Steve like are you a are you the kind of person that can go up and sort of just start conversation with people quite confident I'm a social butterfly see I'm not I'm one of those you see I'm one of those that I I'm like as what Canton I would describe as the seagulls uh that sort of feed off the theer yeah I follow you'd be the troller and I would I would then be behind going hello you know I like to talk and you know convers connect you present yourself so well you you you've got that kind of um energy about you when I see you meet new people you know got Sparkle in your eye and sort of you're very good at feigning interest so when you talking about barbecues you talking about he couldn't be more he couldn't be more engaged when you actually know he's he's he's faking that hey I'm involved but I think key skills for a good wingman you know yeah um I think he's someone that's always there for you where through the good and bad you know and this wingman I think it's one that you could have your wingman next to you just like a ball boy just like multile Pace just like throwing you just one after the other yeah exactly right see that he's just making sure that you have a good night I see what's the bu boy analogy sorry well you like like multile around the pitch oh right and when when when the ball goes out there's another one straight back in yeah like the one that Mourinho like do you remember the one with score yeah when I finish that my wing man there's another there's another one there I hear you I hear you it's it's it's working with you that's what you're saying it's working with you on a night out that's the one yeah that's it well you know what we we've asked lots of people to get in touch with their wingmen um we've had a load yes we have say uh I'll go Ryan Chamberlain has nominated his mate Adam for continuously being dragged out of every Saturday night dragged out every Saturday night he says no but I turn up on his door set and he somehow already has his shoes on ready to go yeah that's good is there someone is just there for night out you know some I really your night out tonight no no one's available that that fell that goes I'm in yeah we've always got that one it's important we've always got that one you know what it's always we should give a shout out to those people that are solid enough that even if you are flaky as I'm probably one of those people do you know what I mean like but when I do have a credit uh to get out or I do have suddenly a Saturday night free there's always that one person you know that it seems to be always available and it's always fun yeah my brother's one of them yeah is he my older brother you met my brother you you know he's he he will always be out even if he doesn't want to he'll go I'll be there for you yeah that's cool that's important that isn't it yeah especially when the fun crushes that I'm trying to ruin it all okay you're fine um we've had a celebrity in touch on Instagram as well who is it Joel doit yes we love Joel M singer Fame of presenting the M singer yeah you know M singer Steve colleague for a while he was or dancer you you did dancer would you do that uh which one neither probably no well I can't sing and I can't dance ah only thing about me is the way I walk I what a reference uh Joel Do's been in what he say Chris he said he's got a question for you crouch he says in response to picture of you and wingman so you put up a picture of you and wingman the blue that accompanies his drink uh he just said are you going to be on the M singer yeah I feel like once you've kind of been a judge on well I did the M dancer didn't I I've done one singer before as well I don't know if you can can you go back on it as a cont a contestant Ben hod did it Michael Owen Teddy sharing him yeah I Jo what when Michael Owen I got a lot of messages asking if that was me I got a lot with I got the tree T sheringham what are you laughing for you when they guess yeah I've got loads I got loads saying it was me can you clear this up um you know when you have to make the guesses is who it is and like who have you got next to you ritaora or someone isn't it she's the singer yeah de lovely we love deina let's say you got R next to you she doesn't seem to know many of the people when the mask goes off right so Joel do has to do the job and go look everyone it's it's the notorious Sid himself Steve Sidwell and she has to be there going yay like it's awkward isn't it when you don't recognize a person yeah well I'll be honest with you there's a couple that I didn't yeah um when I was doing it and uh there is a little sheet of paper so you don't know you you don't have a clue but like obviously when it's revealed they you do have a look and go like if you got to bit a little bit of bit of context context yeah yeah so like but it's obviously still a bit embarrassing when you look at them and you go I hav't got a [ __ ] clue that is but yes potenti you go like you have to try discretely flip the sheet over yeah but like you know whoever does it you go like they they don't know so sometimes I've just gone Rogue and gone I'm going to try and Wing this because I don't want to go I've always wondered that you know would you do it Steve I would love you love you to do either of those shows yeah yeah oh God his Hat's in the ring yeah I would I mean I'm not a great singer or a dancer but I would I'd give it a go you could rap though [ __ ] out what have you just out of interest just just cuz we can make this stuff happen like have you done any of these shows have you done have you done the ones we've Mastermind have you done that no I've done link no none of them you haven't done that the start I need to ease me in catchphrase we we tried this one we've we've I think we we've plugged catchphrase we you sound like in extras you know extras for the fellas going you haven't even he hasn't even been in the bill I've got the feeling he was thinking that when he said cuz he went through like a couple then he went to a few shitty ones and I still hav done in the catch race catch R what chots have I got okay great well consider this the the hat in the ring like let's get t on loads of them um we've gone a bit off topic but if you would like to join us for the wingman launch event at brewog waterl where you can hear more of this kind of chat we put out a post on our podcast social channels so they're on Instagram or Twitter or X if you're that way inclined um inviting you to tag a mate who is your wingman so the person who regularly organizes or saves a big night out and we need you to give us an example of them being that kind of hero so the best entries are going to get read out on this podcast and you might get invited to join us down here for a pint you can join us on the podcast so if you're listening to this right now the post is live go check it out and make sure you tag a mate and do it right now what you thinking about [Music] it one thing I just want to just touch on really quickly it's evident straight away You're super confident and when when your super strength is your mentality yes yes where is was that is that something you've always had or is that something where you've got people around you or you've had to just generate yourself honestly therapy I've said this several times like I've you know I've had this confidence in and out and then I've had a bit of a what's the word um where you know the word where you think imposter syndrome imposter syndrome yes exactly I had a little bit of that uh you know I was trying to find myself figure out what makes me happy what doesn't you know I went through life essentially and then eventually I got a therapist because one of my mates uh callx was like you know I had a therapist as well and he was like bro I recommend you get this to really sort your head out literally got one she was amazing amazing sord my head right out and then I just figured life out legit like I just understood everything I'm like okay this is the type of person I am like this is what I enjoy doing this is what I don't enjoy doing you know I don't like clubbing or going out and you know going out drinking all the time like that's just not me I'm a I'm a nerd I'm a bit of a loser like I like I like playing games you know with my mates or I like being indoors and I like just doing like stuff that people think famous people don't do so I I kind of just decided to just be me and now I'm just so comfortable at being me and through that I've just built confidence and it's just you know grown ever since so hard considering your environment is all about view subscribers and stuff also a lot of comments would now on social media a lot of people like you get a lot of positive but you also get quite a lot of negative I read everything everything the good Bad and the Ugly I read it all I love it I bro it entertains the hell out of me especially the bad like I bro like like I'm a bit of a weirdo like I'm Legit like all the hate comments and people saying I have like no chance it just [ __ ] excites me man like I don't know it's like and I like when people say I'm [ __ ] at this or [ __ ] at that I read it all and I'm like this is just I find it hilarious I find it entertaining how do you get to that stage where that's the case because surely at some point that's that's daggers yeah it's taken me years like you got remember I've been doing this for like 15 years because also some people might say it's very easy to go I [ __ ] lap it up I don't care I it doesn't affect me but that's a real thick skin that you've got to develop yeah and I I just wonder if like you talk about getting therapy that's and that's amazing to hear because I think that's something that isn't necessarily normalized especially in the UK um and it's it's obviously a very powerful weapon for you and how you've manag to arm yourself but like I does it genuinely not phase you these sort of comments yeah it really doesn't like and when when did when did they when did that stop happening for you um it's probably it's probably when like therapy started I kind of just I don't know I just cared less about it that's what I mean I just don't really care about it anymore doesn't really affect me I just look at it entertain myself on it and then I just move on and I'm not there like bed down like oh why is this guy said this or why is she said this or like this and like it doesn't WP me up I just go oh that's jokes oh they think that that's so funny and then I just move on I don't know about you with your kids Lads but it's like one of my biggest fears is that she will get to my little girl she's eight years old that she'll get to a stage where she's like on social media and there's like and that's what happens it can be quite negative and it can be and it I actually find it quite liberating hearing you say that there is some context that you can give it and that you've managed to find a way to do that because I think there' be a lot of especially young people listening to this right now that probably do have a bit of a hard time online um and it and will be sort of interested that you as someone who probably receives quite a large proportion of positive and negative comments can deal with it yeah literally like it takes time and you know it's not something that anyone can just do instantly but you know I guess for me when you really think about it the mind is the most important part of your whole body like this controls everything the brain controls everything and you've essentially let things affect that so if someone says something you don't have to let it affect you you can look at it you know don't be afraid to look at it because I I I I don't really I'm I'm not really on board with the idea of oh you've got just pretend it doesn't exist because no like let's be real there's good bad and ugly in this world so don't Shield yourself from it but you know embrace it and then just don't let it affect you just look at and go oh this is jokes or this is entertaining bro I had people saying about my forehead it's massive or my hair sucks or like they hit my skin color or yeah just all types of bad things but I literally don't let it get to me I just I'm there like cool all right you had this p I was I was just going to say you know like uh would you say kind of cuz obviously you've you've made your living I suppose out of social media of YouTube you know and so many people say it's it's toxic you know like there are people out there that don't have your view on it and like it is hard and I'm glad like we always say we're actually glad that we didn't play in the era when social media was yeah I imagine right now for footballers it's going to be you know if you give away a penalty or you know whatever it's it's it's bad right would you would you say social media in general is positive you know considering you know for of Po social media is mainly negative yeah of course like yes there's some good things that happen here and there but bro like social media brings out the bad side of the human race that's just what it does and that's essentially like deep down what we kind of all are like you know we do we are like kind of attracted towards the negative side of things like that's what gets more views the drama the hate we all look at that you know obviously some good things it's nice it warms the heart but if everything was perfect and nice and bro that'd be so boring it's just how it is so look there's going to be negativity all the time but it's all about how you interpret it if if you just don't let it affect you or if you just stay focused on your grind then bro like you'll win that's just it all right well let's let's move back this is great is it this the most sort of self-help podcast we've possibly ever done this is great no I was going to I was just going to bring it back to the football cuz obviously like your cherry match right yes with the S men like unbelievable yeah yeah inredible I I'll be honest like I didn't know about the first game and then um you know someone sent me a video I was like [ __ ] these boys are serious selling I don't know we were serious as in like how good we were yeah but I mean it's Big Show right and obviously what 2. 4 million the last 2.6 I you for Cherry yeah like it was way more than last year yeah it's I mean we've been doing it for years man and to be able to like keep it growing you know year after year it's just fantastic and hopefully next year we can get Wembley Wembley Stadium I think that that would be nuts easily do that and just yeah like I don't I don't know if I'll be in goal for that or if I'll be upfield but I actually enjoyed being in goal you're in goal because of the training right less likely to get injured even though like speed still managed to slide tackle me in goal and still didn't score and uh but yeah it's it's it's actually really hard being in goal yeah like I've definitely given a few goalkeepers some some stick but then once I went in it I was like oh my God this this so easy to make mistakes yeah and especially one mistake in it's that's yeah yeah your Mee yeah yeah it's so bad but some of the characters in this game as well though is interesting cuz you talk about these sort of legendary footballers right and their their personality people like speed whoe I'm sure you probably weren't really a cross into too long ago I've seen him now my God like this famous cuz he's barking he's bar he's barking like you compare like with footballers that genuinely were kind of like big characters and that he's a he's little guy in stature but he is he's this is there'll be a lot of people listening don't know who we're talking about here how do you describe this he is a lively man say he literally he's the type of guy that you could put into a room and just a camera and he will entertain you for hours that's it just him by himself and he will somehow entertain you for hours is he like that all the time like or is he is he got a he's got his he he can like simmer down yeah especially when there isn't really cameras but a lot of time he's like hype active yeah yeah just screaming and but he loves it it's just how he is and you know he's a really nice guy really nice guy always has um Good Intentions uh messes up quite a few times but that's just the nature of social media rate him as a footballer uh no I mean until he can score then I'll rate him but uh yeah he had many chances this year and still failed so yeah you never know maybe maybe maybe maybe next year you know when these games are big because this this game was on when England was playing yeah and my I was watching the England game my boys are watching on their iPhones this charity game no way they was watching this charity game I was like boy England plan was like Dad these YouTubers a plan I'm like that's when you know yeah it's wild that is this is the same game where the um UNO card we need reverse say we were fans of it huge move that should be introduced if we're going to talk about rules coming and going and VAR and that it was you know it's fair reverse Uno is a massive show how do you grow it's going to grow year on year this thing right and there' be a lot of people who I think were just aware of it from from Maybe This Year a lot of people listen to this yeah next year maybe Wembley Stadium yes in your um in your eyes what's the ambition for this what is or or do you just see how it goes every year um it's kind of just see how it goes you never know like maybe the year after that we might try and do it in a different country just you know really branch out in European countries or America Etc or even Australia we know we have a huge fan base there so but where does this end like could you potentially see a situation where YouTube gets into football in such because it's clearly an audience right it's clear do you think there's going to where do you see the possibilities do you see that that there could be a tournament for example that becomes you know big in football terms you know the same way maybe VI some of the older trophies or leagues I think I don't think with the S charity match that is the goal I think for us it's literally all about Char we just try want to make as much money as possible but like I guess for example Misfits like for me my goal for Misfit is to make that the home of boxing like for professionals or uh YouTube boxers Etc like I want it all in that um in that zone and uh it's going to take a while but I feel like with the prime card we're doing you know amazingly with that and it just shows like you know with that whole card it's not just the main event and then no one cares no every single fight people are like excited for you know where me versus Tommy Logan Paul versus Dylan danis salt papy versus Slim you know talk about that Logan fight as well yeah and obviously yeah there's yeah there's a lot of like back and forth with that but like this could be the most viewed card of the whole year if not the Whole Decade like it's just that big with so many you know YouTubers or so many just people well just so many eyes being able to just see this thing like it's it could just be humongous and I feel like what we've done is push all the other like boxing you know organiz ations to make these big fights as well you know to make the gsia versus uh tank fight to make the Fury versus usyk fight because they're seeing what you know we're doing with Misfits and they're like we're going to be left behind if we don't you know step up that's amazing so you're seeing the positive impact as being that whereas these Fighters could just piss off for three years or something and everyone's left waiting like when is this fight going to happen you guys are basically saying unless you guys go about and make these happen we're just going to continue to do this yeah I well good for you I think it's great for everyone because now we finally get to see the fights that we've been waiting to see we want to see those fights yeah how how are they takeing to you as people like Eddie Hearn obviously um well everyone's always Like Making Waves in boxing right at first people are like oh I don't know this is stupid this is mockery D but once you know people starting to see the money and they're starting to see the eyes they're like you know actually yeah I might want to get involved with this yeah exactly okay all right what did you make of that that Dylan danis stuff and and Logan I mean I hate Dylan danis I hate him with a passion if I saw him like in front of me I'd want to destroy him but legit annihilate him like excuse my ignorance why do you h i bro so first of all I was me to fight him in January and he pulled out uh he said oh he wasn't prepared d d pulled out two weeks before so that's why I had to fight FaZe temper so he kind of just messed up the card also just the back and forth we had was just outrageous uh uh he keeps throwing [ __ ] at me so he threw a coffee in my face the first time we saw each other and then he he threw a war ball again at the last press conference like he's just someone that just gets under my skin and I just want I wish I was the guy to obliterate him but you know luckily I've got uh Logan to do it but uh you think he's going to do it yeah well yeah I mean I truly believe so and yeah I just hope Dylan shows up I mean even I think the good thing about this event is if Dylan doesn't show up we have a replacement ready whereas last time we were all scrambling like oh [ __ ] like what we got to do and we got to find someone that works whereas now you know we've got Mike Perry there ready waiting so I feel like Dylan doesn't really want to pull out now because he feels like it's going to be L either way if he pulls out does he lose money does he like yeah he he owes money yeah he ow money oh you know so I was just thinking if you if you ever need I need I know someone in training all the time so if you need someone at last minute Wayne Bridge yeah yeah I do serious can anyone beat the bridge I don't know an animal if you need if you need anyone Bridge you'll step in well I mean he doesn't know it yet but he'll I mean you know if he really is about it it'd be great to have him Misfits for there we go right there we go Wayne Uh the boys want you we're Tak we're taking commission as well on that sort of competitive Spirit you're into your FPL aren't you and you've gone big this season on first year first year yeah so the reason why I got into it is because my matate said my ball knowledge sucks and I'm like guys you don't understand like anything I put my mind to I will like annihilate I'm now currently first in my FPL Group seriously number one and yes I have used my free hit I used it by accident I didn't actually know what it did so I was like oh this button looks cool and then I was like oh wow I can make all these transfers this great and then I wasn't getting punished for it and then I was like oh [ __ ] I messed up I think everyone's done that first time first time you play it's always you always do that and then you go oh and you can't take it back yeah yeah so then and then I wild carded as well but that was because I knew the team I had initially was just wasn't working like I had a few Manchester United plays and they're currently going through at the moment so I had to just swap a few people out and now like I've just I'm just smashing so you you said off there obviously you your allegiances to Arsenal right the north London Derby you've got son you got son of Madison in your team right you you watched football I had Saker as well you watched football differently right when you you're involved it's horrible I hate it you find yourself giving yourself a little fist pump from the AR well that's what I mean like when when Saka scored I was like yes let's go I'm screaming like this is it and then son and Madison Madison assisted uh for sun to score and I was like oh [Laughter] no it's like a compensation is it it's not the worst but you're allowed to you're allowed to play and do FPL aren't you so how did it work for you boys we've seen this in the dressing I've seen it yeah we've seen it well I said you know off a you know about I won't I won't mention his name but you know he he uh he's skippering the center forward uh and he's the center half how does that work you know what I mean for the opposite team you're literally yeah for the opposite team so you're literally expecting him to go past you and score like what you can't do that score hatrick you see last season I think there was a few instances where because fpl's got bigger and bigger there's all these various like websites and apps and people that can track and know the teams of every player that plays FPL in the Premier League and then watches the changes they make because they know if they take certain players out of their squad that they they know that that player is probably injured in training that kind of thing I was at Stoke and I remember Marco anovich was struggling a little bit on a Friday and I said to him you fit yeah like why do you want to know interesting no no I think I said I don't need no I need to know like by 11:00 I said don't give me like I'll try half 11 see it's yes or no oh man I was up there important yeah what what about forfeits are you doing forfeits yeah so we have a forfeit I can't say what the forfeit is but it's it's it's not great it's not great we're after inspiration for forfeits because we're doing we're doing something we're doing like a prediction thing on a Friday okay and uh yeah yes so we've given you eggy bof what is a a decent FPL forfeit would you say um oh it's [Music] probably you know a manini yeah I'd say we're in a manini in a public space so like Leicester Square and you have to just walk all the way from the top to the bottom just walk all the way down and just yeah yeah yeah yeah you can't run can't speed walk just walk I think there's ways around that if you do that if you do that on a Saturday night you don't look outrageous in Leicester Square do you know what I mean turn left like down like Soho You' be all right oh mate it's true what about are you so are you public on FPL is this like a have you got a good team name uh no it's just KSI Army oh it's always got to be a pun isn't it yeah well I mean it's my first first year so there's loads out there North Chance yeah yes that's sick that's actually sick Lo of there trying yeah you said you're number one in the league but how many's how many's in your how many's in your league uh so about 12 okay I think I'm in like overall in the whole of FPL I think I'm like 100 100,0 and4 something like that and you don't cheat this isn't getting advice from no no no lit this is just my ball knowledge like with no honestly like because with me I just become obsessed with things so I'm there looking at football players I'm there looking at YouTube videos I'm there looking on Twitter I'm looking at every single thing I'm looking at Stats da D D D D seeing how people play seeing how teams play how they play beforehand and just working that out and going okay this guy will do well because this um Winger is faster than this left back Etc and yeah I just put two and two together so yeah you get into it you get obsessed looking ahead to the next major tournament have you been tempted to ever work up a song you know do you think you've got you're a talented guy okay you got the next three line you talking like a like a World Cup song I'm saying a World Cup song no no no it's a straight night no I just feel like I felt like back in the day I agree with this it was definitely a lot easier whereas now it's just you're just a meme you can never yeah you can never get it right feel like it's Eurovision kind of thing though like if you go down the Eurovision route can kill you yeah yeah there's no there's nothing wrong with Eurovision is there we we've had good Eurovision people Sam Ryder was on this he was good he's friend of good I'm not proposing that you necessarily want to get into your vision um but I just thought maybe a football song could be um could be a good move but no it's just not worth the risk is it no no I don't think it wouldn't be you couldn't use it for radio yeah it has to be like very anti- radio for it to like be somewhat cool for for the fans to to enjoy it yeah exactly you know we can't be there like uh I believe that we will win yeah AG do you know so you're putting on events right the boxing you're putting on um you're putting on uh obviously um the football matches uh obviously we got a thing called crouchfest I don't if you cross it right we did it last year at Wembley Arena uh wondered if you had any advice for us we we're kind of scale up we we're doing things we we started in the O2 Indigo oh wow we started in the samrat first which is an Indian restaurant where I'm from it went from from the samrat into the OT Indigo we did wemble Arena last year we got wemble Arena again this year W yeah so if you're not doing anything on November four obviously you can you're to pop down just come through come down we got a few people performing every we have I think part of the problem here is you know how you release the car for the boxing and everyone gets excited and there's a lot of hype we've released absolutely nothing about this thing um so a lot of people have bought tickets it's is it sold out yeah or if it's not it's very close and um but that is the hype as well by the way but that's the thing that's kind of the beauty of it complete surprise no one has a clue they B into oh God and and and in all we haven't quite got a clue about all wing it what but it works no we love it and we do to be fair we do the Walk-Ons as well we've got our walk on songs you know that very Sid's first uh first time stepping out in front of the Wembley crowd should be good fun um what's your walk- on song again uh or do you mix it up so what for my fight yeah uh do you change it up every time it's different for this this fight yeah so I can't say which is probably news in itself to a lot of fans yeah yeah yeah a lot of people were very excited for what do you normally go for uh normally it's uh my own song yeah but yeah I guess but it it still is my own song but it's got a little twist okay say no more it's exciting I'm a big fan of the wons like I've always like at Crouch fist like I always I always sealed at like Joshua Prince na over you all the old ones I'm like I'd love to do that one day so obviously at crou we just we just do it do it because I we love doing it we do it we have the pyrro we have everything be honest have you you know when you do that and it is the thing that we all imagine have you ever found yourself just sort practicing that in front of a mirror at home to yourself like if anything I've definitely practiced uh my funny to say my like winning speech like yeah especially when I'm in the shower and I'm just there like speaking to myself like now what all you thought I'd lose the top you're now what yeah yeah I'm just the shower yeah yeah legit I've done it all done you if you if you do win or or when you do win when I hear that like no he's in the shower I love it all right well look I'm so excited for you and I feel like the podcast can get behind you hopefully I'm sure a lot of people will and also I think it's just it's so interesting hearing you talk so candidly about it because you are kind of I think the first person and cuz you you are the YouTube then but you are the first person that really seems to be stepping out on their own in terms I don't want to part you too much but you are stepping out as a as a boxer a dick right he is and and you've been so honest about it yeah yeah no thank you man well I mean he's very humble yeah yeah he's just like I said man like especially to my audience you know hard work self-belief can get you anywhere man you just have to be cons consistent and you'll be shocked at where you can end up yeah um couple of questions I got yeah of course what is um obviously you're very talented or you've got a lot of stuff spread across the table what is one of the what's been the most um not successful but the one what's been the most that you've enjoyed whether that's going to been the music the boxing the youtubing a business business venture what's been the one that you've just gone joh what I enjoyed that one I stuck my neck out in the line or it was a bit of a long shot but it worked is there anything that's just gone you've just gone that was that one was good I mean it's hard because I feel like you know with the YouTube music and the boxing they all have their moments yeah obviously with a boxing fight you winning is like the Pinnacle yeah but then you know also performing to a soldout crowd and then just having you know the power and all the effects happening while you're performing and everyone just singing or rapping away it's sick and then with YouTube like being able to hit certain milestones and being able to just have fun with your mates laugh away and also just be getting paid for that it's just sick so I I think it's hard for me to pinpoint one where I'm like this is it but I definitely say I'd say me like destroying Tommy would definitely be a highlight but that's that would be a nice highlight yeah maybe just on that then so what is the one thing like you talk about always having plans em motion and what what you're doing looking ahead is there something that is burning in your brain that is an ambition for the future is there something that you're lining up right now not not really I've kind of always just Gone With the Wind like my life is always just you know I maybe I know I try to plan and never goes to plan you know what I mean so a lot of time I'm just I make sure I'm just in the moment all the time so yeah you know after this fight I don't really know what could happen I could fight Jake Paul I could fight Conor McGregor I could just retire and go back to music do you think can that kind of fight happen you you're you're involved in the setting up of these fights can can like can a fight can a fight with Conor McGregor actually happen like well honestly why not why not why not like I'm cool with Dana White and you know it's not like Jake Paul where he's always trying to call out Conor McGregor and Dana why hates his God so make sure that never happens like I'm cool with Dana and like if we want to make that fight happen we can definitely make that fight happen so like it's with me anything is really possible and that's that's the beauty of it like because I've always just risked so much the reward has just been so vast and the opportunities have been so vast that allows me to do all these cool things so the Sidman Farm it's going to be hell of a watch you never know like I might just yeah go [ __ ] I just want to farm yeah I don't know I kind of just it's it's great yeah I know it's I kind of just see where life takes me and yeah I don't I don't really like to plan because yeah I nothing ever goes to plan 8-year-old JJ just taking on balls you know bringing YouTube that's basically my house anyway my my Mrs is got she loves animals right she's she's just bringing animals home on a daily basis yeah basically my serious she wants donkeys yeah she went to house the other day and the like donkeys just come in the kitchen and and like eat in the kitchen she was there honestly she got a video of it she said I want this this is my dream but what would you have donkeys in the garden donkey wait wait so a donkey came into kitchen the donkeys right so she this like a drivethru it's your kitchen she she leaves the door door open and she has donkeys in this field and they just come in and like eat in the kitchen I you what have you see this she s she went to she knows how and she has this she wants that idea wow back out and that's wild p l yeah my wife that's why I'm always [ __ ] here but my wife went to the farm and she is it alpaca's yeah and she was like can we get some can we get to yeah like they're cats they're cats come please get to them pictures of you in a couple of Instagram just oh my god oh I did want to ask obviously you you've got your Primal round at Arsenal Stadium you know sponsor the team um we're thinking about delving in to that world with the podcast right okay um I'll be honest with you I don't know if we've got the same kind of budget I mean Ian how how did you go about sponsoring Arsenal cuz we're thinking about maybe getting on the on the arm um I mean you I guess you got to talk to the club and you've got to you know see if they're down you got to be serious yeah yeah and then obviously they're going to give you an amount and then you can you know bargain uh obviously you know your name holds weight so you can definitely try and get from the millions play for a rival team well it would it would be kind of [ __ ] house if I kind like went on you know it was on Arsenal's arm or or like Everton's or someone that the Rival that I play I my face on their arm but why don't we start um do you think we should start lower do you think or do you want PR I think we're going to have to if I'm honest confence well that's that's literally where we're looking okay yeah okay well if you're listening right now and we I think we've talked about doing this before but if you do want a shirt sponsor let's see what let's see what comes in we're looking for ser clubs um and we' be very interested in getting I mean if we are going to go sort of down the leagues you know football barbecues I mean we could obviously come down do some appearances and I'm sure you'll be able to do I cook up a lovely barbecue yeah yeah us your thoughts on barbecues um we call him a BBQ c um which is obviously bcq is prettyy easy and then you can you can imagine what what the c means um but he he is one of those um it's a word I don't want to say against with c okay an oh okay it's quite harsh so people people shout this in the streets now they shout me like it basically takes his barbecue really seriously and he's uh he's quite um what would I say well you're hit an age basically JJ how old are you now I'm three right so you're not far away you it's going to be gold for barbecue I don't think I've ever done one but I've been to a few I take it quite seriously you know sort of like seriously I I'll get up sort of 5 6 in the morning get the stuff on I'll be up the night before rubbing away why we call a b because you you rub your meat to kind of get it properly right marinade it all night long and then we'll we'll cook all day and then probably by like sort 9 10 at night what I mean this what I mean serious like the same way you train for boxing I train for barbecuing it's whilst you're in the gym if they did a sort of cut scene I would be there at home sort of uh uh you know dealing with my ribs kind of thing screaming where the lamb sauce and everything you the same passion same passion you have in the shower like um but I'm I'm really yeah I'm really into it but it's clearly not something on your radar at the moment but you'll come away from this podcast he [Laughter] won't never rule it out e never I am intrigued and maybe one day one day yeah all right then just a couple of messages if you don't mind always end up with a bit of admin this is from Elliot right me and my two workmates got in a van after a full-on day's work we're electricians 32 degrees already hot as [ __ ] Keen to get mustard uh Keen is mustard to get the airon on but no uh but no one of them decides today is the day to turn the heat to Max the blowers on full windows up and call the first one to touch the windows or airon controls eggy buff so they're roasting and they turn the hot air on just yeah H all right this is a Simon challenge hold on there's more there's L more here not that bad I hear you say how far is the trip can't be that far only a 50 mile Journey from Brighton to Portsmouth kids are back at school so the traffic's horrendous ends up taking the best part of two hours talks of calling it off for safety reasons the steering wheel was getting slippy the headache was beyond belief talks of feeling dizzy practi basically stuck to the seats at this point from Pure sweat basically we now know what it's like to be a dog trapped in a hot car somehow managed to survive the entire Journey without passing out gentleman's agreement at the end declaring that it could never ever be repeated arguably the worst part was getting home and having to explain to Partners why we've arrived home in soaked t-shirts dehydrated bright bright red looking like we've just completed a way waybridge gym challenge all because of a stupid game that none of them have ever heard of oh Bo doesn't say who's won wow it they just called it time Gentleman's Agreement no no gentleman's agreement was afterwards kind of That's The Power of eggy okay the power of eggy B that is yeah that's pretty outrageous yeah want to hear more I probably would have just gone in my pants yeah just embraced it yeah I've done that literally um for a Simon video we did a trip from LA to Vegas oh and I was in a bad team so basically I was in this van cushioned van literally blistering hot and we had to travel all the way and it took us 6 hours yeah bro I was just in my pants yeah bro soaked dripping yeah man you know what I did I was going to do that trip it's quite a long way is it in Vegas right I remember we rented a car and I thought we can drive down to La that'd be lovely that and I don't know someone told me it was like 3 hours or something I got in this car anyway kind of like looked at it and I went [ __ ] 6 hours right so I went up and down the strip and then handed the car back no got really nice car isn't be greatness no no [ __ ] that got be honest oh my God what you do stay in Vegas or you get I I literally drove we drove around a little bit and then I just like kind of went up down the strip like and then went ah and then we went back on the tables all right well well done ellot obviously we should say be careful if you're driving and playing that game you always got to be in control of the car all that kind of thing you know be safe with don't cause yourself an accident safe with eggy BFF enjoy eggy BFF responsibly that's what we're trying to say do you know what listen it's it's impressive like watching your career but it's even more impressive actually talking to you and seeing how how you make it all work uh good luck with with the sure it go well and uh we'll be watching J thanks so much pleas man thank you so [Music] much
Channel: That Peter Crouch Podcast
Views: 56,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Football, pub, podcast, Peter Crouch, That Peter Crouch Podcast, BackStronger, PassThePod, TPCP, football podcast, funny football podcast, peter crouch podcast
Id: XjGmVWpD16M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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