Marc White aka Mr Dorking x That Peter Crouch Podcast

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[Music] hello and welcome to that Peter Crouch podcast with me Peter Crouch I got uh Chris Stark and uh Steven Sidwell I'm going to call you today wow the notorious uh joined today by uh Mark Mark White from dking Wanderers right so what would I call you manager chairman founder yeah SI mate yeah owner yeah Pro owner in there yeah and like yeah you've been doing this a long time like obviously you know we know the story and you know we've seen a few of you clips on YouTube as well that have you know gone pretty pretty big but it's an incredible story what you've achieved down there yeah it's it's nice to get so much support CU I think it's like the working The Working Man sort of story you know it's like the Sunday side that Dan Worland um keeping it real as well keeping it real because all the stuff we do and the the things the club's been bought up on are just what's going on in a lot of parks sides and Sunday football side all the challenges and that so I think that's the refreshing part that people still get to see that even though we've progressed a bit so people that don't know you supported Wimbledon us go and watch Wimbledon play was that right with you mate and then obviously that transition with them and the the MK Dawn situation so you then just started up talking is in a team to play you playing we just said look we're going to sack off this traveling around the country bit and um we're just going to start aside and and literally the uh paid a five each rented a pitch for 50 Quid uh Stu the Nets up I mean my mate was doing an application for me said I found a league for us to go in crawling District league right it's like a tent fighting League right like it was rough division five the lowest level possible in football you can start and uh and then he shouted up the stairs like at the end he go what we going to call it I said we call it doing it's got be doing something and I and he and he goes well doing what wanders I went yeah that I do so there wasn't a big debate about this this was just no no we just off down a pub genuinely he was just fing his form could he finishing work on his computer so yeah that's how it started just a bunch of mates and it was like that for quite a while is that how all big teams have started at some point is this like the seed of every football club 1897 there's a group of lads who've gone [ __ ] here stick man united down what should we call whatever I don't care but isn't that amazing to be at the kind of birth of be there at that moment where it started and did you expect for it to to go the way it's gone and and where was it you really notice things changing for you to be honest like I me I know it sounds silly but I'm only really last year we're so fast moving and trying to win all the time that um we never at any point had a plan like not at any point still don't now really always chasing our tail you know for those that don't know like every time you get a promotion or something you've got to develop you ground we didn't have a ground we had to build it from scratch we spent a whole summer once digging trenches for water pipes and developing a field in the middle of nowhere just to carry on um got a payoff a blo once it give us a flood light give us a FL give us the certificate for the flood lights we we didn't have the right one we had to pay him off he's he's dead now so I don't mind telling you yeah so we' you name it we we've had to do it we've had to bed Bor steel and uh and we've never really last year it was a few times I thought [ __ ] man but we a I'm to tell you a few times I remember walking out old them athletic was the one cuz we was on the TV there and then OB that was next Premier League team I was thinking [ __ ] hell this is this has taken off right you know it's a few times like that but I we no we're we're we're always chasing our to we're more focused on what's next and don't really sett settled down enough to realize what's going on I think that's why we're so unprofessional really as well if I'm honest with you do know what I mean because we just we just don't we carry on being the way we've been we don't really resonate where we are maybe yeah it feels like if our pcast was a football club that's what I was going to say it could be a shout couldn't it yeah yeah cuz it feels like you know we we've we've always been you know I never thought anyone would listen to this and then obviously the more listeners we get we still haven't really upgraded our our set up because we enjoy doing it in the pub and we enjoy you know doing it the way we do it and I'm sure that's the same for you is it yeah it really is that that that's almost the beauty of it and I bet if someone stuck you in a like you know top of the range Studio you probably think I don't get same the same podcast we would enjoy as much is that the same with you then Mark is is it increasingly hard as dwking become more and more successful is it increasingly harder to keep hold of that thing that made it special when you started yeah well yes or no really I mean every now and then I get people like sort of say I'm you don't forget you're there now you're there now now I just think I'd rather [ __ ] I'd rather go back to the bottom again than change how we are that's just that's the story that is how it is it's that kind of like rags to not Rich's story it's just the you know what I mean so um we're kind of finding our own space that's what we're comfortable with do you know what I mean yeah and for anyone who doesn't know can you explain the level that Doran are at at the moment where you playing who you against how are you fairing yeah well no we're doing all right we've we've had one promotion every two years right so that's incredible and Co [ __ ] that it's annoyed me that as we were wi in the league in Co and it got called off we we were clear 12 promotions in 24 years that is unbelievable so we pretty we know what we're doing you know we know what we're doing we ain't silly you know the score for it don't matter how much money you got or whatever a win ain't easy and um so we only look to consolidate for a couple of years and then we look to kick on a bit and now we're one division blow the efl League 2 and um and it's what makes me laugh is the same old story when when we go into these new leagues yeah and then the first year we we we on purpose we pissed around our territory I'll take an early red car first couple of games I'll upset a few managers we upset a few referes we all do the same thing piss around our territory take us seriously don't [ __ ] us about and then all the other clubs do they're doing all right you know you hope they stay up same old same within two years we're [ __ ] looking down at them we we do it all the time right and listen don't get me wrong right someone might played us back in a few years [ __ ] they're in administration now but but what I'd say is like that we um yeah we we look consolidate then we look to try and find we just look to find any way to continue obviously the higher you go naturally the harder it gets yeah bottom line MoneyWise I was going to say there's um I read that when the AA fans come and if they sell out you you put some money behind a few pubs just to sort of say thank you really you know to keep it real and that's where you guys have come from s honestly that so Li I take that myself sometimes I'll just run it out there like on the way to work sort of thing drop it in the pub but yeah we um we had no fans we had no fans I remember the first blow that used to walk his dog on this Council playing field and and used to stop and go quite like you you played good football I remember we had even 12 years ago 10 years ago we had 20 attendances 20 and now we sell out and we get all sorts of following um so no so when the W fans come down I'm like blood they sold all the sh sold a thousand tickets [ __ ] got to do so [ __ ] I'll send them a [ __ ] a WhatsApp more I don't know what do I do appreciate this you've made it you've made it a good day for fans as well I think people are seeing a lot of the stuff online as well you've made it an exciting fixture in in the C is that a real purposeful thing that you you setting out to do yeah I just think we I'm I'm a football lover I'm the like you boys probably I was kicking the ball against the couch nonstop as a kid all my birthday cars said he football [ __ ] mad you know what I mean and so I get and and I really got a lot of time for the football supporters because obviously that's why I'm a big CR critic Like official match officials the fa I'm not a fan of them because like the Game Belongs to the fans don't it the the football Spectators and I'll look up all in the crowd walk past and there's so many single blos on their own and they go there to see other blos that they meet at the football and all of that and so yeah so that's my sort of thing really I I I really love that side of things isn't that where the game is naturally veered towards in some ways punishing fans I don't know if you've ever thought of it like this but if you come in early and you're that guy who was walking the dog and you're the first person right your first fan and you can afford to go see the team and it's easy to get a ticket that's great in that moment but you wish your team to do better and better and as your team goes up through the leagues and you get 12 promotions in 24 years the ticket price goes up the it's harder to get tickets you do a big FA Cup match and it's it's extremely hard to get those tickets and then let's say they do get into League two and above and suddenly the ground you know can't have the amount of fans don't you ever think that it's a shame that whatever level you come in as a fan you can't be just protected your season ticket cost that for life you're um you always get that there's one club that's going to do it this could it could be this could be the one we do our best honestly like we we look try look after our people like we got beat we got [ __ ] stuffed at Gates head right the other week so like I just bought Gates head away oh mate yeah go honestly it'd be like quicker to get to [ __ ] uru um and we we got we got stuffed and I bought i p this coat I bought I just give I knew one of the fans I said it's 300 quid I get a Burger King on the way back I F I felt so bad but but that's football's all about supporters it ain't got nothing obviously without the the fans and that do you know what I mean so we B so yeah we look after the away fans when they come down and that's nice yeah I have to touch on obviously the honesty in some of the uh some of the interviews and things you know we we we I suppose you know we've been players ourselves and you've come out and obviously give the players a bit of grief but is that do you think that's down to you because you're the owner the money you put your life's kind of work into it your heart and soul into it and sometimes if you don't get that kind of back from the players you're entitled to to to give your opinion yeah I think that's a perfect word like there's an entitlement in there because sometimes I have a flashback in The Dugout of like literally digging a trench and like me's having blisters genuinely like in order for us to get a grading to play in the league the next year so if I've got like a wing back that I've told them to Sting the ball in the Box early and not take this certain player on and he don't get it right I'm going to let them know but what I'll also do I'll be the first person to say I just bought 150 bottles of champagne and we're going to that Bart or that club we're going to go and celebrate so it's like that just real sort of like they don't complain they know it's always fair you seem like the character that doesn't really probably delegate jobs yeah I mean I want to yeah I mean there's a lot of people involved but I want to oversee it or I think that's spot on control fre yeah yeah and every every right to as suppose it's your baby right start you've started from like we'd love to start a team right I can only imagine we get to National League status you know maybe cons solidate for year and then push on into the league like how excited would we be you know we got a podcast team manag to do that so you've you've achieved kind of like every Fan's dream it's like you're playing Championship manager yeah you know but you you've achieved it so I mean I mean there must be lots of fans and people out there like K look at your story and go it can be done yeah I hope so I really hope so cuz like the reward of doing what we've done is incredible you know it's incredible and uh we we get I mean such a obviously so many people supported the club on its way across the years of me people that are no longer here whether they stepped away and stepped in or pass whatever so it's it's been a big production if you like behind the scenes so there's a lot of people should take credit for that Beyond me as well there's something special about it isn't there yeah there is you I was I was involved with d trying to help them out and stuff and I actually came to the game I got 43 and um I standing there as an away fan for me you know I haven't I haven't done that much you know it's like it was it was really special and like the fact that you know I wasn't wasn't too bothered it was like people just football people just watching football and it felt kind of special but that whole stadium and the infrastructure you've managed to achieve there is something like it's something that kind of dich wanted to achieve as well it's like you look at it and you've got the kind of the fa the S fa next to you there you know I actually go to the I take my kids to the uh indoor play on the corner there it's cuz I don't far IND and the outdo play outside sometimes I forget there's a game on there's load of football fans I've my little kid but it's a great it's a fantastic setup I want to go back onto the refs so I wasn't a massive lover of referees and playing um but you obviously getting a bit bit stick than you with obviously the fourth official and the refs what why is it what what is it about them that's kind of great you and no it's just because it sounds oldfashioned but I come from a level of football in Era where they were better Eight leades Below than they are now cuz the Eight leades Below it's he had a beer the night before yeah you know what I mean and uh I remember one of my players once said to a ref said to him he called him out said get here he said [ __ ] get here and he goes right he go D Boss you had a card right and my player said you've been [ __ ] drinking ref and he we so much of a [ __ ] F you know so we we come from a thing where referees would have a conversation they say yeah yeah yeah I might have got it wrong let's [ __ ] can get on with it but there is a massive Detachment now I mean I'm I'm well versed to talk about I've seen it all my big thing with it is it's just like they don't own the game and they think they do that's the bottom line I've been there I won't name names with the top of the pgmol and they talk like the only game it ain't their game yeah they changed the law every year I think there been three different and ball laws in about six years offside rule changes week in week out and what they and I'm passionate with because all the old officials are like they wouldn't go the game now it's it's hard work they've got all these laws they're bringing in at the top that they can't them work out when they watch it back yeah but they got a blow in division 8 at the par league and and they got some sand Lee player going n n n the new law is that it's not [ __ ] is it you know I'm I'm not as good as him you know so they've got these non-transferable laws that change all the time they won't leave the game alone and I find it frustrating and I've been at the ass end of it I've had players sent off where the ref oh [ __ ] yeah I thought that was last year's law I forgot it's changed now I've seen it all the time really so you feel like obviously it's difficult to filter down I suppose at the Premier League level where you know lots of people watch you know with v and you know the amount of people that are working on one particular game you obviously can't get that lower down so how does how do you how do you f of these rules down yeah exactly mate yeah this is it so they're not transferable that's the issue and even the ones they bring out for the Prem they have enough trouble implementing them they got all sorts of issues so but the thing is what I know for sure is that obiously PGM work very much independently of the fa and and but they need to understand they don't own the game the game is is our game it's everybody's game not the FAS it's nobody else's and yeah so my thing is just them trying to simplify the game make it a bit easier because you know they've got massive ref shortage like I can't get referees for love the money and I at the meeting I said listen like you talked about the respect campaign but like if you're making the game harder to referee for the officials then the respect is going to be harder for them to get and I just talked about until you acknowledge the issues um you know you're going to struggle so my thing is I I operate an advisory service to referees yeah um every single game yeah I have how much do they listen to that well they have to [ __ ] listen yeah they have to listen so how does that work so the advisory panel how does that work no no before the game I'll just have a chat them and let them know what I'm looking for and um and then at the end of the game I do the I do the reporting the marks on them and I just do it all fairly and um that's that's all I can offer you I mean you're you're at the Forefront of this kind of keeping hold of the game and as you say like maybe flagging or advising as you put it to referees yeah are you worried that as you go up through the leagues this is all going to come to a bit of a head because you can advise referees in the way you do it at a moment but what happens when you're Premier League manager yeah I mean it is what it is isn't it I mean it's you are pushing water uphill against officials that's I've had [ __ ] more bans than [ __ ] anybody right you had an eight game Stadium ban last year you'd get less for [ __ ] manslaughter right um so there is an element of you know they Mark your card you know what I mean but um what did what did you get the B for what was the eight game B for you know what right I got sent off at York City and uh to be honest I've been out the night before I [ __ ] had hangover right as I was in a bad mood I could tell her you know I mean I thought this right you know you get out there the night before that's you know that's how that you know so went out a few anyway but no he he' upset me this Lin Spin and I got got sent off and it was all all right and then I was trying to calm down and all that and I went to the motor and I getting in the taxi and I see them I see them coming back out the four officials leaving the ground so I thought [ __ ] gray down like that so yeah so that was my advisory service yeah so you give it to his advisory service on the way out eight games later to be fair mate that was my fault that one but but a lot of the um what I say to the um these people is because I do it almost I wouldn't say on purpose but I do like to highlight it do you know what I mean because someone has to I mean I see our Tetra obviously the other week said look this is what I think blah blah blah what they love doing what they [ __ ] so I swear a lot P what they love doing is like you know can we stop people talking do you know what I mean I see a great clip of Durkin remember Paul dur I see a great clip him the other day after a game saying he was GED he got a decision wrong and I thought [ __ ] out that one clip and I how refreshing in in the National League is it the same as in the football league where the referee calls the owner and the uh the manager and the captain yeah before the game yeah does that happen the in the National League yeah yeah that's OB you're still be doing that then so in as you go through the leagues because you don't do you know about this St no I didn't know about it so before every game I don't know what time it is 2:00 hour before 2 o00 Team sheets going so someone from the staff and the captain from each team go to the referee's office or referee's room you go in there you're all in there you hand over the team Sheet to once the the officials one's the obviously the swap sides the um of staff and then the referee will say right Lads this is what you know this it's like a boxing thing you know I want a clean fight I want to this is what I'm looking for any back chat tell your players you I'm not going to tolerate yeah and like imagine you just got on a TI raade from there yeah that is basically when I start my service at that point I I I treat that as a opportunity to do a briefing but that's the thing because what they tend to do is go right listen don't forget this year it's one standing not two that [ __ ] me one now what's wrong with two no idea why it's one I always have to change some every year that's what I have to do and um yeah so one standing is in one cl only standing in the technical area yeah the rest one standing rest got sit down yeah but it was two it's like it was right for [ __ ] 50 years I W now who get the [ __ ] you know so like but that's what I do with everything everything's like you know one year you can stand it like remember back going through the back in the day like if you shoulder bar with a f up we all knew it remember that you go [ __ ] BOS get on the way say one thing even your own manager go get the [ __ ] get up he's done you right now you know then then they Chang that you be stand in front of a free kit you get a straight yellow see own manager say get away you're going to get a yellow now no no we'll give you two or three warnings then they won't leave it loone no one knows whether coming or going with it so yeah so I'm just an advocate for them simplifying it and uh and all they want to do is keep finding that's their their way around it is a bit like more yellow cards more reason for yellow cards um that's all they keep talking about I keep saying you're going in the wrong direction punishing [Music] people this next part of the podcast is sponsored by brewog so boys I've been thinking one of the unique things about December is the amount of different drinks that you get to try true that right you know you're turn up at a party or someone's house and you don't know what you might get handed all the rules kind of go out the window yeah I think you just got to embrace it uh just like what we're all about really uh bartender Ryan has order us around from the comfort of his own home and he's about to tell us what it's about right yeah go for it Chris cie Chris SIDS it's your virtual bartender Ryan here again and I'm not sure that I need to introduce you to this next beer I'm pretty sure that you can see sitting in front of you there's a round of black hearts now I know that you guys all really enjoyed this beer when I introduced you to it a few months back especially Wayne Bridge who was absolutely cated in it by the end of the session now the nights are starting to draw in and for many people there's nothing better than hunkering down in the pub at this time of year with a stout black heart is proof that you don't need to go to Dublin to get a great pain of stout but let's not get into talking about the beer that shall not be named right now black heart is a classic Stout brood in a modern way and it turns out there is a better way talking of which I've got another suggestion for your end of year Awards inspired by black heart proving that there is a better way so who would you guys give the award for there is a better way that's maybe someone who's gone against the conventional thinking broken the mold proven that there's just a better alternative to something that we've always accepted hope you guys enjoy the beer once again and Sid just in case you were wondering I do have incredible recipe for an Irish Stout puddin hit me up for the details cheers guys he sounded nervous in that didn't you think you think he was yeah because I think the whole problem with this there is a better way is you can almost hear him going am I just talking myself out of a job do you know what I mean there'll be another bartender that comes in here and serves as the under you see my first thought was with there is a better way um it's not necessarily in your interest for there to be a better way see Teta at Arsenal you know what I mean yeah sometimes there not changes can happen um but I think in in the case of black heart we've all fallen in love with this drink haven't we yeah I I'll be honest it's a grower um it was up against the Big G uh but the more you have you have it the more it's especially kind of the the more you have it the more and especially in this kind of weather it's definitely a nice winter drink um smooth I like it yeah all right well he he said that is there a better way um I got one for you HurryCane like could have easily just settled in the Premier League gone out of his comfort zone and on fire absolute fire yeah and age that seems to be working really well he's gone for it what about big an turning spurs into from the most boring team that Spurs fans were not not going to watch their own team to now one of the most exciting teams in the country playing The High Line yeah yeah I suppose like you know when you go down to to nine men you know still defending near the halfway line a new way yeah it's true and big an well people love big an don't they I mean a lot of Arsenal fans don't um but but by and large I would say most people sort of like big an I could have a beer with big an yeah we are giving out a lot of awards on this podcast I've noticed so this is the there is a better way award I think a good few nominations there do you want to settle on do you want to settle on one of them all right should we go with v then great okay good well that's that's settled then so look we're enjoying handing out these end of year Awards we've had some great suggestions from Ryan so far so thanks to Ryan for that but also there's some amazing shouts coming in from listeners so we want you to keep doing this we love that you guys get involved in this podcast keep suggesting yours on social and we're going to send video messages to some of our favorites as a thank you that's right starky we've had already had some uh nominations come through uh via Instagram Lawrence nominated his mate Rick for being chancer of the Year Cher or chanter chanter Chan yeah every other week down at the Brighton he's lead up the chance he even writes his own and drops them in our supporters WhatsApp group if someone listening to this has genuinely managed to start a chant I don't mean chanting someone else's chant and and the crowd joins in that's an amazing feeling like it's wicked if you stand up and do that but what I'm talking about is you've written a chant right and and it's now been properly taken on I want to how you do it like are you are you grouping in a group of people early doors and going I've made the song let's practice it now then do it with confidence or are you publishing it on a forum or something like how how do you how do you get a new chance the forums are the ones you get you get a load of traction behind it go this is amazing let's do this tomorrow yeah and you get a bit of traction go where you sitting you got to talk about on the forums I think you don't just stand up and if I start I've made up my own song no no one likes a new song anyway even Madonna's doing it you know what I mean it's like play just play vocal yeah for [ __ ] sake I mean it'd be a hell of a chant Vogue wouldn't it know I don't know why it could be for VES maybe VES yeah come on B your body Mo oh oh come on B how's that not been done wow folks well Rick you're chanter of the year so we'll leave that one with you and perhaps you can just get that worked up and send it into us cuz we'd love to hear that awesome right one week to go on this so keep the nominations coming in on social and while you're at it if you want to enjoy a sip of black heart we're doing it right now head over to where new customers can get 15% using the code Crouch 15 at checkout [Music] enjoy last time we did the co to WMS about getting subscrib up and you uh fulfilled that wish John neis big shout out to you got us over 100,000 subscribers on YouTube but you I'm talking to you are you a Carl have you not hit subscribed yet don't be a Carl push the button where did you stand on on like the pyramid the football pyramid moment people all the time like oh pyramid's broken this and that and obviously when I was at D you know there was a few issues like you know if they go up a league you know you then can't serve alcohol and that's obviously a huge a huge uh source of income for a club like d so if they do go up you know and then also you lose the experience you know of of people liting on Le because they like going there and having a beer and watching a game of football yeah um you end up with periscopes in the periscopes exact exactly right his idea of getting around this is we build a periscope over the over the thing he can sit have a beer and just watch the game around the bar you know but only temporary ones so we tried sort of drilling through but we couldn't get away with it so chipped away you know like the Great Escape and just think it's the don't end up in the ice Street [ __ ] [ __ ] right Smiths but then we thought we thought Periscope we still promised ourselves we're going to go to a maid game aren't we and test this out see what they say but obviously not just beers but like you know even the improvements of the ground you know if you go up a league it feels like it's harder and you've got to spend more you have to if you go up you have to take your pitch up wouldn't you yeah pitch a you have to add in things all the time EXA so so what rather than get rewarded is what I'm saying is for getting promoted it's like you get punished almost yeah it's a lot of work involved a lot of work constantly having to improve things all the time the drinking wine is some weird there are some really weird old school things you think I wonder why that's St like you know you're not allowed to drink in sight of the pit so drinking around a pitch like Rugby's one thing like you got this argument about a football fan is different to a rugby fan right understand that to a degree right even though it can be controlled but but they're not allowed to drink inside a pit so they go anywhere didn't it Spurs wherever and they like old shuts come [ __ ] bang shut well well that's it then that's that's that saved a lot of crowd trouble today like we we have to do it so means you got to strict 15 minutes at half time rather than potentially it's spilling over 5 minutes before a couple of minutes under cuz you can still see the pitch I think it forces people to drink in a very weird way and you're only protecting two 45 minute bits so I don't understand how much you can drinking that time because if you didn't have those if you weren't told to stop maybe you wouldn't drink it's so like pint in 15 minutes you know what I mean or less by the time you get Ben at and he was like you know like if we got promoted go we'd lose half our Revenue yeah you know that's the problem yeah that really was it was a genuine issue that was like like people wouldn't come because they enjoy the experience of so does that is that still a stress that exists for you the idea of getting promoted well no that's now where we are now we can't drink pitch side but but we're now in a position where any bars that Overlook the pitch have to have the sh go down which find weird like that's weird I can understand around a picture we got kids and families and whatnot it's a great bar as well talking upstairs over because the windows over at the pitch it's nice here isn't it it's a nice little spot so so when the game kicks off then ones have the screens have to come down straight down straight away take your fingers off Bosch down well obviously you've got like with with regards if you go up again how much planning goes into that are you are you thinking ah head now like if you do go up you know whenever it happens you got to rip your pitch up and and but that must be another source of income for you you have got that pitch well yeah we're committed to community football on there for S and that but fortunately you can do the hybrid pitches now the the borderline can have pretty much as much use as the one gets anyway but it's still 8 900 Grand later like sat United um harut there all the teams that have gone up that to do the same thing which is a bit strange could be come back down again yeah you know what I mean but um there's a lot of work is I mean in particular that jump between National leag to the efl yeah the amount of work you need to do bigger change of rooms everything's different there's a lot of clubs in the National League that are set up for that like of Chester Field some big animals in there old athletic that got new owners and that and they're ready do you know what I mean they're ready to go what about um players and and playing stuff have you found that because of who you are and and the profile of yourself now is it are you finding it easier to get hold of players or players contacted you because they like your philosophy or is it still as challenging as think a lot of lads say I [ __ ] I'd love to play for a club that call it as it is and and got that winning mentality and stuff like that you know we got it's weird we got boys that have been there five six seven eight years right come through promotion and we got other Lads like you know Barry full and Tony cray gets mil Captain come down there and everyone's treated the same and that's the thing do you know what I mean and uh so yeah I think it does help recruitment that it's running the right way definitely so you said you said you a group of mates who said it all up right the same lad still involved now and are you having as good a time now as when you first started yeah we we are you know we are having as good a time yeah and all the boys were there they all up in the bar now we started with 11 Lads right um yeah like I said just you know just on the piss basically Friday and Saturday nights we we'd be I was just thinking on the way here actually about um I remember like one of our players about picked him up from the police station in cwy once CU he''s been out Friday night we all went out Friday night and he's playing harvi remember Hari the Old Dart SC a [ __ ] p and he got T to some bird and he [ __ ] he just randomly put his darts in his pocket right yeah we was going to get in that club in cwy back in the day [ __ ] JJ Whispers back in cwy and the door staff called the old Bill he had a set of Dos on him I was just thinking on my way here James Duffy's name was better pick him up from in Harvest outs our police station anyway salfords anyway but yeah um sorry what was I saying yeah what yeah I was think way about that what was you saying to me can't [ __ ] remember now um these roles you've all got um is incredible so I'm just looking ahead right so let's say dorin continue on you up are you going to stay manager or is it even possible for you to let that go yeah well that honestly got to be based on my success that's the way I see it do you know what I mean CU I nothing's bigger than the club well you deserve to to be managed at the moment because as you say 12 promotions in 24 years is it's it's very very good but if it starts to turn are you are you going to be the one that will go I'm going to step aside we have someone else have to call you out and go know B well like we had it last year obviously we got lot some new fans and last year we was our first [ __ ] it's our first first year in the division right I sent them forward that his ACL then had open art surgery the right winger was out for the whole season we had a nightmare we're flowing about mid-table and you get a few people G M might ATT as far as he can go right yeah but I've what I've always done in interview just say to fans look if don't like it [ __ ] off right but no it's true wow what a motto love no because no no because the thing is I know in my heart I'll be the first person to go I think what's missing a lot of football is like expectation isn't it like you know my expectation would be as young if I know that our resources if the performance underways the the uh resources then I know that in any Walk of Life you're not doing the best job you can you'd go and I'd 100% do that to your in terms of the management of the team do you know what I mean but I I've defin i b I've never I'll tell you one thing now on on record I'd never I've never um we got relegated we've never been relegated I would 100% see that failure no matter what even if we didn't have a [ __ ] penny and I had every excuse Under the Sun we got relegated I would 100% say I failed and and I and 100% called it time you know what I mean but do you think you can do this let's say let's say let's say it keeps going this way and let's say [ __ ] it let's let's go right to the let's say premier league right and you've got them there do you think you can do it at that level do you 100% yeah I love that absolutely love that 100% yeah but you're missing something on you think you're coaching badges yeah that's the thing of it we just Co is that is that is that a matter of principle that you're not doing your badges cuz you obviously could you're coaching every day I just think it's brilliant for people that want to better themselves 100% yeah um and um and that's great but I don't see why it should ever be mandatory unless it's if it's kids and safeguarding obviously do you know what I mean but a part managing a set of [ __ ] grown adults to better at football you shouldn't need anything to be anything do you know what I mean is that what it is excuse my ignorance these badges why do you need them well they're set out to improve people yeah individual they're set out to to say right you know more about the game and you know educate to then help them get jobs and help them become managers right but if you're a manager it feels weird to me you need those badges if you've got the job yeah I mean also as well ain't a course when know when the [ __ ] left backs misses walked out on them on a Saturday night and you got a game on a Tuesday they don't [ __ ] tell you how to deal with that in the I've done my was it in there no it wasn't in there that was in there that's the thing so there's a big element of leadership like managers all the best managers over the years like you know that that little X Factor of how to get more from people and stuff like that and just the environment you create I have no idea what's in them I'm not anti them at all but anyone that does them is trying to bet themselves I really respect that I don't like it's for me it's an fa thing you need a batch but is is there a point where you can like kind of leave your principles to and think about actually I've got a chance here if I do take these boxes of going up and facing in all these top managers you know what I mean you wouldn't want to kind of get left behind by not having them do you know what I mean it's like if if it came to it and they said there's absolutely no way you can manage this or would you find a way around it yeah I'll just be the [ __ ] assistant manager and then I and then whoever's got the badge just been named as the manager that's it mate have a manager that's that you're you're the real manager yeah 100% yeah like a Barry fry yeah you know so you're stick you're sticking to your yeah stick there but I would ad I'd love the um I love the idea of um and I know I know you boys especially that little sort of decade experience now I know you get this but I like the idea of some of these some of these modern boys getting into some of these modern players do you know what I mean but I'm big on like oldfashioned things undergarments and that like there's certain things I don't allow and you don't allow under like the the no [ __ ] no what about like old school like gloves and things like that like snoods you know into snoods training at training if it's like minus five I might give an allowance for a set of gloves when new players join I see I see other players going just a quick run right and they run through the house keep whatever you do don't wear this don't wear that don't wear that you know earrings you know like [ __ ] don't mind that so much as long as they're good it's a good players um not good boots just good players what's your view on the snood when the snood came in for you not for me no going about imagine that [ __ ] G out of trenches right we got a massive [ __ ] fight ahead but hold on a minute I got to find my [ __ ] gloves right you know they was going get my gloves not for me I see it the other day when some of these looks like not for me but um obviously I'm pretty sure I'm probably being a bit old fashioned there with that but I'm just I don't mind it at all I don't mind I just ask one quick question uh what are your thoughts on shim pads in F side if you were playing a f side game would you wear shim pads no chance no no shads have always shin pads have always been about Mark they [ __ ] like proper shin guards run right up your leg Yeah Yeah restrict your movement just a move from you as well no one said yes give him a lot of stick for that I just wonder what your thoughts were yeah no no yeah what's what's next for for ding where where like what are the aims aspirations well yeah we just we just need we need to get the the ground to like efl standard really whether we get there or not we need to consolidate and and try and get ourselves a team we can get in the playoffs we've had so much bad luck this year for two years I don't know what's going on but um yeah our aim is to is to just try and kick on again and we've been really good at team building we know how a team build and uh I I feel like another season we'll we'll build a team to that can compete easily in the top five or six how do you do that Mark how do you get that team bond in we just got to keep the core of what you've got you know I think like Ferg done it with United you know what I mean like and that's why when he went they're like it's it you know it's hard to recover when you lose the foundation like the old you've only got to look at it top down look at the old Chelsea side you know um and then how many managers they've churned since the players stopped playing since John Terry and all the boys stopped playing when you take away the core of a team to rebuild a team takes a long long time so we keep the core together and then just sort of replace two or three as we go along you're better off of a load of boys that know the gig that were six and a half out of 10 loads of new Lads that were seven and a half out of 10 a got a clue what you doing that's exactly exactly what happened at State like we had we had so many good old school kind of professionals and then yeah we got that new bit of quality and we started playing a different way we were playing more football we got good quality players in and then it just we just got the balance wrong you know we we got rid of the players like you said that you just could count on around Christmas time every year and he just kind of flooded it with more probably you know better technical players with with with a less attitude and it just the balance swung like that and it was amazing just to see you know then you know culminated in relegation which is you know from a from a top 10 Premier League side three years on the spin to to eventually relegation that was just losing the nucleus of the good people in dress room yeah I mean you can see it I totally agree you see it all the time like you see guardiola's got now he's got a foundation and he so all he's ever doing is just topping it up he's got that perfect Sweet Spot Liverpool had it in the 80s United had it with Fergie and the point is like if you're one of these fans of Chelsea and stuff like that you're sitting there thinking mate we got a few years to go to get anywhere near this to build a core team do you know what I mean so we just try to keep it together just looking at you and knowing you from afar as well that you just read room really quickly so you can tell when morel's down You' go in and go right there's no balls today we're going to go out and we're going to do this or we're going to go offsite or we're going to go to the pub or we're going to take the mind off it we never stop having a crack yeah never and I mean never like no matter what happens we never stop having a crack with it having a laugh having the right environment do you know what I mean obviously that's the that's the key driver because to a degree you got to take people out of their zone They aring and put them in your Zone and you but in your place where you are together and I look at it like you know I know the England camps and stuff like that and you know like we obviously just played mortar and it's like a three day camp and I'm thinking we're playing Mor right two and a half days of that camp would have been in the Royal Oak right you know but like but the thing is it's quite a pitch for the national team though isn't it sure there a few of them in there be quite happy with that yeah but the point is just right it's like there's there's you know as you get old it's a bit oldfashioned there's a lot of things that managers used to do um I speaking there he won't mind me saying Stevie Copple yeah um and he said that every England game they had they had a when they plan up W on a Tuesday or Wednesday they always went and had a few drinks on the Sunday night and he said they'd all have a few drinks and he said half a dozen players would have a lot more than a few drinks and they' done it under with with Ron Greenwood every single time right but there's an element of team building team bonding that obviously goes on to the pitch you know but you're right because that team bonding that morale that gets you whatever half a dozen to to 10 half a dozen to a dozen points a season doesn't it on it by itself when the chips are down you need to get together you could look for left and right go I I'll go to war with these we're good mate honestly we had uh playoffs the other year we got the play The League below the South when D with it and uh literally before the playoffs I said right listen I said he he a played a game this lad more L more X WI a played a game um he missed about six six weeks and I said before we even got the playoff I said said listen Morrow is going to play both these playoff games he's 34 year old right okay um and and I know he a dinosaur for the club right he's a leader he's a character so even though the boy was planning his place he's now actually doing really well in the football league he's uh cracking play I left him out compet put morrow in and it's just an irony it was an irony that in the final there was five seconds to go 5 seconds ago and we're we're losing right in a player final and Barry for slung a massive great balling [ __ ] they're frying flares on the pitch they're booing the opposition the whistles are going we're done right even I think we're done and that is rare right and the center forward wins wins ah header and he's [ __ ] run from from from literally Center Circle and slid in like the hero in the net with the ball and just run off with five seconds to go and that my like metaphor for nothing against the other player but that's what them boys are do for you do you know what I'm saying Never Say Die been at the club a while it's experienced do you know what I mean I've got a question for you as a manager yeah what would you say your main strength is as a manager don't say weakness what would you say you would an area where you think you could improve on well strength definitely leadership 100% that's my thing um getting the best out of people um in in different ways um improving really it's just it's just going as quick as the game I think the game's improving a lot technically and you have to you have to improve with it or you become one of those also R managers so how are you doing that are you do you watch a lot of football would you have you got good people around you that give you good advice or yeah got good people around me but ultimately you know um I have to do I want to make sure I know it myself so I watch games nonstop the whole time read articles blogs whatever it might be to make sure I'm up to speed with what's happening why is it's happening look at all this data available work out what's bollocks and what it's a certain date you think a these things matter another date you think this don't matter a [ __ ] a [ __ ] classic the other day they bought out some date in the National League the other day I said uh they said second highest uh Jewel winners in the National League ding wonders I thought [ __ ] off but second I ask if we spend the whole [ __ ] time defending right you know what I mean stuff can get spun though yeah mate but so yeah I look I I'll try to look at there's certain modern things that are invaluable you can look at now and you need to follow and there you know and but yeah it's a fast moving game lot of young out there Luke Williams who was at um yeah very good coach is at kns now [ __ ] up mate Mike Williamson who was at Gates like he's going to MK Don these are young managers that that can go away CU they are they're off a different tune all together they're in the Guardiola camps and so I'm I'm really mindful that I don't want to get left behind like some manager over the years that's amazing that's really insightful because people from the outset will just get an image by going you are or you are you're off the cuff but really you do a lot of digging around and you do a lot of stuff yourself and and fair play no yeah relentlessly really to be fair the whole time but we don't feel the need to maybe tell people all of that and we obviously sometimes it just comes across like with [ __ ] I'm a [ __ ] whatever but ultimately we're only sort of showing you what's really going on in your mom's bedroom type thing do you know what I mean like it's only what's going on elsewhere do you know what I mean so but no one no one can take away from your chat record like no one can detract from what you've achieved on paper you know the amount of promotions is not I mean that must be some sort of record I don't know if it is but it's it's an unbelievable achievement what you've been able to do and I say you I'm talking about ding wers as a whole the club it's a it's an amazing story yeah no it's like a British record type thing you know but um it's so hard you made the point before peach I mean it is so hard to sustain success because of the way just the way it is in the UK with facilities and money and stuff like that so we are we barely ever get to sit back and go ain't we doing well cuz we I mean literally right now we we're we're like [ __ ] we got a short four 750 Grand to find before May we're buying our ground outright you know which is five off million quid and you know we're just constantly battling like we want to go we need to go from we're doing two mornings a week and and I'm a winner and it's [ __ ] infuriating two mornings a week that's all we're doing could you could you do more like like you you're able to go professional like you you know have you got time enough time to be able to say there was only two teams that are doing Ma Ed with yeah yeah that's it only two in fact three now Oxford City just got promoted but so could you yeah could you have the time yeah I can do it and we're looking to migrate to that but even having a third day like a man right on Monday we get recovery we could plan the Tuesday game we had a few games went AR Paul beat him and had a great [ __ ] day like got back late and that and then then you know before we knew a plan on the Tuesday night we don't see the players again she didn't see the players so you play Saturday night Saturday and then you don't see the players till the game Tuesday oh that's yeah second favorites to a degree so I don't like I try not to go on about it otherwise it looks like you're excusing yourself but we know we've got things that go against us and obviously players of well they need to be in with the physios or doing the right thing and stuff like that cuz some of them sh on themselves in don't they are you all right you took a not I'm right can play Tuesday but with you boys did the manager get involved in the Christmas party or no no no will he you'd have to ask him where to go Mark I get the impression you get involved in the Christmas part I'm literally [ __ ] in the cake right um yeah that's that's it but basically we have we have always all we've ever done basically is go out um and we try to keep it real I'm being honest with you I'm going to call it as it [ __ ] is you know we've uh this year we said we might have to [ __ ] might have to be careful right this is the management team on a Friday night on the away days do you know what I mean and um we um every Halifax away oh we kept [ __ ] winning but away from home we beat alax got great result old them like Rob got great result heart Paul beat him two about having a few beers on the Friday before the game on sat with the management team yeah but really good yeah but I'm quite superstitious but to the point where we kept going on kebab house and cheating our own right three in the morning right Kings kab right you know pretty much yeah literally so um yeah so um but no we've always that's what we've always done favorite party well we used to go mar mar what Christ we take a team out there all the time uh we've had honestly mate we've [ __ ] had a lot of parties over the years but that's how it feel that was how it's built but that was how it's built because obviously it's that those connections is it it's the connections with the players that's what it's all about and um so obviously it's not as you go higher it's you can't do it anywhere near as often and a lot of the boys now obviously they're they only got a smell of beer and they fall over like they don't really drink a lot and stuff like that obviously we try to change that and you know but that's true that isn't it well drilled yeah no because that is you're right the modern player now like they they'll go to a club and they like the top players whatever they'll get they'll level them the sparklers and the Boo and they won't touch it they let all their little angles on their mates do it but they they they're pretty professional now is it are you seeing that fi down even to oh yeah big time we're doing all full-time Pros really all the time now so even our boys they're from the pro game now so yeah 100% they uh there's not really a lot of old school boys out there I love hearing the old stories like kry Dixon at Chelsea back in the day jumping garden fences and falling as sleep of the fence and then scoring atrick and all that you know I love all that [ __ ] you know you know what what what you know that's because that's cuz football is character building is it I'm a big thing like you know like football for me I've seen it all and and I know you would have done as well but actually football sometimes gets a bit of [ __ ] about this lack of inclusion but it's probably most inclusive thing in the world I've ever seen I've seen you know what I mean over the years it's been it's amazing for people so we try to keep that Spirit going yeah and when you feel like for you personally as well you seem like such a positive influence even when maybe you're a bit angry but yourself do you have moments where it is hard to manage I mean when you're the guy in charge does it ever get a bit too much for yourself and yeah yeah who looks after you no well I I do I'm I'm really good now like resetting I'm really good at waking up in the morning and going right BOS here we go again and I'm really that's my you know that's the sort of number one thing that I thank God for you know I'm wake up and I go again but like you have it like we uh we got beat in the FA Cup the first stage we went in at this year and I knew our business model had a [ __ ] hole in it and in any in any football club business model you never put in anything any money for the FA Cup because you can't guarantee a bonus right it's a bonus but you're looking at it every year thinking it's it's it should be good for half a million pound if a coup games we got taken out by team Le below I was [ __ ] that was the interview wasn't it was the interview I fuming that was me getting easy as well man changing rooms mate Jesus Christ but yeah so and that's when it's crossing over CU I'm I'm thinking to myself you have murdered this club today do you know what I mean but yeah so that's like being an owner is it there yeah and and and not the manager I suppose it's hard to differentiate there yeah yeah 100% [Music] oh I've got Mage here from Neil it's his high P massive fan of Championship manager the old school versions which I still play I've started building a team of podcast regulars and Pete's mates on Championship manager 02 0102 for Portsmouth uh who do you want me to sign next in the Premier League um so he's he's built this 012 Championship manager he's managed to draft in um Lee hendry's in there Steven Sidwell lley King he's got sha Derry involved Jay Stark J he got quazi there as well I don't know do you play Championship manager have you ever done no oh mate I us absolutely love it I used to love it when I was a kid I absolutely loved it I never done it did you not oh M when I was a kid honestly I think it was the first one was around this kind of time like probably 98 was the space bath for the button all that it was it was brilant never done it's the best I would be fascinated to see you on it Mark actually in a weird kind of way it would be amazing to see how you navigate but I think you've got enough on in the actual real life version haven't you yeah you literally done it as a as a as a job you've gone you know what wimbledon's gone you know let's create our own team and and you've achieved it cuz I think we're on there I don't know whether it's I have no idea chat manager but every now and then I see comments where people feel bad getting rid of mean they're like I don't really want but I thought I had that I had that it was the year's 2050 or something and it's like um I'm like uh assistant manager or something and I said apparently I've turned down a new contract cuz I wanted more done like [ __ ] off CR joke you he stands about right to me yeah um who should he sign though just on a quick I mean they're all good aren't they so David James next Sig David James and brid we got any other messages s yes we got one uh we got one from Allan I was listening to the recent pod particular interest when you were talking about how interesting it was how interesting it is whenever a referee has to be whenever he has to be substituted I remember this the ref uh it made me recall an incident in the first division game that I was at during the late 1980s at southampton's Old ground the Dale the referee got injured in the first half after a lengthy delay he was was stretched off the pitch and it was announced over the tono that the referee would be replaced by one of the linesmen sounds a sensible approach then they asked if there was anybody in the crowd who' be willing to run the line for the rest of the game a bloke who was a few rows in front of me took the rooll up um I was fascinated that this happened as a young football fan but looking back now I find it amazing that this actually happened for a Top Flight game could you imagine that happened in our Premier League era yeah unbelievable yeah and also how they decided who from the crowd could be the linesman because it wouldn't have been there wouldn't have been no one in there probably had badges or something and imagine there was a few volunteers and theyve probably looked at someone that they think is probably the fittest and gone we'll go you're basically taking their word for it taking their word for it yeah what are there's credentials now they can't call you can't call the line if you've never if you just been in the crowd you you there was no option is there no option there what was it let the game go on or someone does it that's like being on a plane and someone's having a heart attack it's like is anyone a doctor how do you know that they're a doctor like really yeah but isn't it like being on a plane but one of the engines is out surely the other L should have been able to just you know see them through the 90 minutes on both the Lun another [ __ ] half yeah actual line no but I must admit I'm one of those that find it funny like when a referee's amring go get a whack with a ball um no but I've seen it happen I think you do I think they probably have to have some level like must be a credential on their phone or they must say yeah I've worked for the sarf I've got a badge some sort of secret handshake but what great ban if you do just say yeah mate I've got all that yeah that's me and you think I ain't [ __ ] all right but I fancy this you know I love it go run up and down we talked a bit about this because we talked about the fact that referees are a little more powerful than linesmen because they have a whistle and we didn't discuss this bit of it but just to throw this into the conversation someone um dropped me a DM with this idea and it's true and I'm sorry I can't remember your name but they were like what if we started arming linesmen with whistles so it isn't just the referee with a whistle the Lono can whistle as well danger a whistle and a flag I'm not sure about that though no I think there's only one whistle I think there's too many whistles in that game do you think because in American football they can all throw the flags down can't they there all the markers on there so all you're doing is basically saying well look the Lions men are still referees as well Mark love to know your thoughts on this but can you imagine all three of them had a whistle well it's the thing I mean other you look at other sports like American football like rugby in this country you think you tip your hat and go [ __ ] they're bring it and they're really good at it it's only football that seems to have this inherent problem but now at the moment the fourth officials anyway are running the games anyway that's that's one of my big beats true yeah oh mate yeah I've had it bar honestly they always talking to them aren't they oh M constantly he's like [ __ ] like sort like right where we going after a John uh we got red line again you got a special on yeah right that it's like that right the whole game yeah we had a barn it away last year there was a foul it's [ __ ] it was pissing down the rain I could barely see young players opposite side of the field opposite side a little foul in the corner I could barely s there was a linesman right by it and the fourth official went yellow card yellow card I said say that again I said [ __ ] I said like Cyclops what's he s there but that now they very much like they make a lot of decisions a lot of throw ones red yellow whatever I didn't know that yeah a lot of decisions and I I would say to the referee when I'm doing my advisory service I always say to them like just ref your game I think like anything their natural decision making is would normally be the best decision on the day but now they do get cuz they're all wired up the line owes the fourth so now you'll get the linesmen that's not as good as the one in the middle and the fth official are always much lower level and they will make calls all the time well I'm not sure the fourth official should be allowed uh the electronics get with the ref and the lines very much like then that's why you know managers are constantly in the ear of the full official because they know he has influence over the referee assumed it was just because it was the nearest person to have a bit of a kind of I just feel like this kind of like this role could work if it was the other side of the pitch away from managers there was somebody like just without the stress in the middle of it all that could see the whole if a fourth official has comms surely then put them on the Gantry or something put somewhere that's my point it could be brilliant then but now they're just sitting there like separating bun fights separating fights you think about the fourth official is probably the worst one of the lot because they must they must leave their house in the morning and just go going to again get abused I remember sitting on the bench and thinking oh my God how do these do yeah every decision every single decision like I'm sitting on Venture and like the assist it's like one of the assistants main job is to abuse the assistant ref free yeah that's how it works and we have to I have to get someone to talk to him because I know if he don't your opposition will be so you have to all weigh it up I just don't understand that if the purpose and I know a lot of people at the fa by the way in senior areas also don't agree with it this whole being wired up and having to separate managers and listen to that crap if the role is worthy just stick them the other to your point stick them the other side or in a g cuz then they'll have a really good view on the game yeah well then subjective they're not being swayed so much cuz if you can't speak to the line you can't speak I mean at this point you might as well give microphones to people in the crowd then as well like why are everyone in or or just to the players like if the refs can have it why can't the team have it but the the uh the human nature of like if a referee thinks right he's last man and then straight away here go Bill what you think billly go he weren't last man and the other lineer I don't think he was either but he'll make a decision based on these two people in worse positions than him and he goes it won't be a lot of the time his decision not saying all of them but I I know a lot of them get a lot of information it's a lot to take on Amazing to hack that wouldn't it imagine you could get hold of the frequency on walkie talk but I think even these V decisions now you know like like when you look at them and and when you you hear it back now there Mike T show and all that Micha Len and Howard web like you see it and you're like the way they talk to each other it doesn't feel like don't they to right decision weird don't you think they try and act like Pilots they sort of try and talk as if everything will totally ignore everything really calm about the situation it's reallying yeah I get I get it I get that's what you got to do but now you start hearing these recordings does feel strange it's strange I think that I think that have been wiser with v just to bring it out for a couple of years with a couple of macro changes that no one would dispute so maybe the offside and and goine Technology maybe one other thing go right let that work brilliant and but they bed it out changed the law 1,400 times in 5 years so hard to keep up and you can't apply it in the leagues I thought your point earlier was really interesting in that if you're talking about the definitions and where that line is and and to that detail how the hell do you play that on you can't you can't best one now is they allow contact they allow contact now so now if you were playing now P like [ __ ] murders Center ass Center forward now got no chance because they've given the refs and out now so back in the day a Defender like LED with either one hand or two hands quite meaningfully he'd go n you know what I mean that's a foul it you know that was it now you can make contact and it's not a foul so now like Center forwards in particular get battered at our level like they that's like literally shoved over two and one and ref have to make a decision but again it's just they they bought this law out as well they bought the famous one out this year about the old time added on remember that we got beat Chesterfield first game we had 10 men he added on onethird of the whole second half again I was in the hotel room cuz I suspended right standard stuff right yeah but like he um yeah they bought out this new sort of light we're going to add on time if you know just [ __ ] why what what what's changed like well we don't want time wasting okay well [ __ ] tell him once and then tell the captain then book the next blow you all these loads of things over the years that have never been broken you don't need to fix them I think that's the issue with it all do you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah all right well listen you know we've really enjoyed having you on today and obviously you know it's we we mainly concentrate kind of like Premier League we get Premier League people on we've spoke to it's a real nice gear change like just to speak to someone who's involved you know at that at your level and and and also to chat to you about what you've achieved really because it is it is mindblowing and uh you know good luck and and keep it going because it's like I suppose a lot of fans dream to kind of do what you've done really uh and then become the manager and to take it to where you've taken it is deser no I really app I really appreciate coming on and all I say is that I always say to people like if it ever went wrong then at least it [ __ ] went right for a long time do you know what I mean love it because there's an element of like I always worry about the future and you know what you can do but and I appreciate that the acknowledgement that everyone gives us for what we've done is it does mean an awful lot you know and we have to keep um being quite outspoken because like we're the underdog we have to be the underdog we didn't have a club we didn't have a fan we didn't have any money so we have to keep trying to you know we should definitely get down for a game as we'll get down bring the Periscope we do the M next game thank you appreciate it cheers
Channel: That Peter Crouch Podcast
Views: 158,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Football, pub, podcast, Peter Crouch, That Peter Crouch Podcast, BackStronger, PassThePod, TPCP, football podcast, funny football podcast, peter crouch podcast
Id: wZDZLv28XGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 27sec (3927 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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